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2 Thai Girlfriends....


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Thai men........ common for them to have two girlfriends going at the same time? - we are talking regular 9 to 5 ers, not bargals. Any farangs out there ever had two "regular" Thai girlfriends at the same time? Unbeknowns to them..... Please try and limit any moralistic viewpoints - I'm quite aware of these. Sometimes things just happen which are almost beyond our control.

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yes probably quite common,bit expensive though i would have thought!
Closed? :o

Yeesh you guys just dont get it do ya? IT COSTS NOTHING to date women, it will cost something if you take them to dinner and movies. One of you doesnt even know this is possible so thinks any thread about dating women is automatically about prostitution and should be closed? Wow clueless.

Yes lots of regular thai guys date more than one regular thai woman. Its waaaaay more common in this culture than anything I saw backhome.

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i would have thought this goes on in the west too,guy has two ladies.lady has two guys,maybe i'm missing something here but i dont see anything unusual,except a bit time consuming having two.

true, probably very common but any specific experiences, ie, getting caught and the subsequent ramifications?

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yes probably quite common,bit expensive though i would have thought!
Closed? :o

Yeesh you guys just dont get it do ya? IT COSTS NOTHING to date women, it will cost something if you take them to dinner and movies. One of you doesnt even know this is possible so thinks any thread about dating women is automatically about prostitution and should be closed? Wow clueless.

Yes lots of regular thai guys date more than one regular thai woman. Its waaaaay more common in this culture than anything I saw backhome.


In the good ol US of A, am i right ??

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yes probably quite common,bit expensive though i would have thought!
Closed? :o

Yeesh you guys just dont get it do ya? IT COSTS NOTHING to date women, it will cost something if you take them to dinner and movies. One of you doesnt even know this is possible so thinks any thread about dating women is automatically about prostitution and should be closed? Wow clueless.

Yes lots of regular thai guys date more than one regular thai woman. Its waaaaay more common in this culture than anything I saw backhome.

Thanks - u know what i mean. Actually both these women earn a lot more than me, Im not gloating - just unsure what to do.

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well you date any thai woman,number one rule make sure she's single,otherwise you might see abullet come your way,if you've got 2 on the go then i guess 2 bullets.quite honestly i think this is a stupid question.

My dada always said theres no such thing as a stupid question - thanks for your input anyway - Ill look out for the bullets.

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yes probably quite common,bit expensive though i would have thought!
Closed? :o

Yeesh you guys just dont get it do ya? IT COSTS NOTHING to date women, it will cost something if you take them to dinner and movies. One of you doesnt even know this is possible so thinks any thread about dating women is automatically about prostitution and should be closed? Wow clueless.

Yes lots of regular thai guys date more than one regular thai woman. Its waaaaay more common in this culture than anything I saw backhome.

Thanks - u know what i mean. Actually both these women earn a lot more than me, Im not gloating - just unsure what to do.

So lil johnny, why do you work at such a meager amount? :D :D

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Of course it happens, in Thailand, in the USA, in Gabon--wherever.  (And there are women who have two boyfriends at the same time, too.) It can be a deliberate decision to do so, or it can be sort of an accident (meeting two people about the same time, and both turning into a relationship)

It can be confusing and a hassle (like learning to do a CSI sweep of your home between bringing them there each time and remembering which one you took to which movie.) Unless you are just playing the field, at some point, you need to make up your mind which one is really the right one for you.

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yes probably quite common,bit expensive though i would have thought!
Closed? :o

Yeesh you guys just dont get it do ya? IT COSTS NOTHING to date women, it will cost something if you take them to dinner and movies. One of you doesnt even know this is possible so thinks any thread about dating women is automatically about prostitution and should be closed? Wow clueless.

Yes lots of regular thai guys date more than one regular thai woman. Its waaaaay more common in this culture than anything I saw backhome.


In the good ol US of A, am i right ??


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Thai men........ common for them to have two girlfriends going at the same time? - we are talking regular 9 to 5 ers, not bargals. Any farangs out there ever had two "regular" Thai girlfriends at the same time? Unbeknowns to them..... Please try and limit any moralistic viewpoints - I'm quite aware of these. Sometimes things just happen which are almost beyond our control.

:o You must love hospital food!

Please give me a list of any pills you may be on, so that I can get some. :D

Good Luck, just don't say the wrong name at the wrong moment. :D

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1 woman is already too many.

Nah two is company three is a crowd.

On a more serious note,I had a rather unusual experience last year when I let the G/F out of the door to go to work and an ex(finished some months prior) had arrived unanounced and had left her bags at the front door.

It took a week to resolve,after having a meeting with all concerned...and with no bloodshed,just a few tears from one of the players !!

Amazing thailand !

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It’s all down to finances.

In these modern times, love relationships are becoming more as business relationships.

Acquiring a girlfriend is similar to buying a car. The higher the price, the better the model.

You can have as many girlfriends as you wish, as long as the funds hold out and you keep spending the dosh.

Watch out for these quotes on datng websites:

Wanted, generous kind, caring guy.

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Thai men........ common for them to have two girlfriends going at the same time? - we are talking regular 9 to 5 ers, not bargals. Any farangs out there ever had two "regular" Thai girlfriends at the same time? Unbeknowns to them..... Please try and limit any moralistic viewpoints - I'm quite aware of these. Sometimes things just happen which are almost beyond our control.


Good Luck, just don't say the wrong name at the wrong moment. :D

Easy just call then all darling

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Thanks - u know what i mean. Actually both these women earn a lot more than me, Im not gloating - just unsure what to do.

Firstly, make sure your wife doesn't find out.

I don't think you are gloating, you're an English Teacher in Bangkok, many motorcycle taxi drivers earn more than you, let alone a couple of Hi So girls with good jobs.

And pray that their husbands or Thai boyfriends don't find out and come looking for you.

Good luck. :o

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alright, can we stop with the holier than thou attitude as to who earns more or less?

OP, I dont think you are about to get answers from a web forum as to whether or not you should and can date 2 women simultaneously. its a decision only you can make.

Ill let this run for a bit, but if I see it continues in its current trend, you'll know why it is closed.

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I would never even think about it. Thai girls are very observant, all my ex-girlfriends used to check my apartment for any hairs and then closely scrutinize the hair to ensure it was their own. My wife never did that though as she trusted me and that's why I ended up marrying her.

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Thai men........ common for them to have two girlfriends going at the same time? - we are talking regular 9 to 5 ers, not bargals. Any farangs out there ever had two "regular" Thai girlfriends at the same time? Unbeknowns to them..... Please try and limit any moralistic viewpoints - I'm quite aware of these. Sometimes things just happen which are almost beyond our control.

are you still living in the dark ages to ask such idiotic question.

In some Asian cultures its even so that a woman has 3 or 4 husbands under the same roof.

in some American religions sects a man has still 4 or 5 wives.

monogamy by women or men is imposed by the Christian religion, in fact monogamy is an unnatural behaviour.

The ex king of Morocco had 800 concubines in his palace.

You should know the old quote

different dishes stimulate the appetite.

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yes probably quite common,bit expensive though i would have thought!
Closed? :o

Yeesh you guys just dont get it do ya? IT COSTS NOTHING to date women, it will cost something if you take them to dinner and movies. One of you doesnt even know this is possible so thinks any thread about dating women is automatically about prostitution and should be closed? Wow clueless.

Yes lots of regular thai guys date more than one regular thai woman. Its waaaaay more common in this culture than anything I saw backhome.

Thanks - u know what i mean. Actually both these women earn a lot more than me, Im not gloating - just unsure what to do.

You still have a lot to learn about life mate.

Take the advise from an old geezer for what its worth, be happy and enjoy as long as you can and don't make false promises to any of them.

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I would never even think about it. Thai girls are very observant, all my ex-girlfriends used to check my apartment for any hairs and then closely scrutinize the hair to ensure it was their own. My wife never did that though as she trusted me and that's why I ended up marrying her.

Big mistake, never bring a girlfriend to your home, better go to her condo or apartment or go hotel.

Don't tell your real name, Thai people also never use their own name always a nickname.

Never go to places like restaurants, clubs, coffee shops and hotels where they know you

And if you are really very clever, not even give your address. Put your mobile on discreet or silent or even better switch it off.

If you have a Mia Luang keep respecting her, and keep her happy.

From an old geezer whit 40 years of experience. :o

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