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2 Thai Girlfriends....


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Well, I only know a limited number of Thai. But the percentage is quite high when it comes to infidelity. One openly keeps a mia noi (update: he is with her now officially with no divorce due to financial motives like government perks). the other one took me to a brothel in his home town. We just sat and drank while about 20 girls were on some stage. Kinda bizarre. But he knew all about the deal so he has been there and done that.

Both are married with children and their wives are educated and good looking. The wives also work.

As a biker, I always fancy a different bike than the one I have. Possibly, some men always want someone else as partner?

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never bring a girlfriend to your home, better go to her condo or apartment or go hotel.

Don't tell your real name,

Never go to places like restaurants, clubs, coffee shops and hotels where they know you

not even give your address. Put your mobile on discreet or silent or even better switch it off.

are you sure thats a girl friend you are talking about? :o

no name, no address, no number, no restuarants, clubs coffee shop.


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never bring a girlfriend to your home, better go to her condo or apartment or go hotel.

Don't tell your real name,

Never go to places like restaurants, clubs, coffee shops and hotels where they know you

not even give your address. Put your mobile on discreet or silent or even better switch it off.

are you sure thats a girl friend you are talking about? :o

no name, no address, no number, no restuarants, clubs coffee shop.


maybe you misunderstood, it was not meaning don't take her out to restaurants and so on. I was meaning don't take her to places where they know you.

About mobile on discreet or switch off, was meaning that you do that when you are together with her.

And YES I was talking about having Hi-So girlfriends.

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I would never even think about it. Thai girls are very observant, all my ex-girlfriends used to check my apartment for any hairs and then closely scrutinize the hair to ensure it was their own. My wife never did that though as she trusted me and that's why I ended up marrying her.

And checking your mobile phone for calls recieved and calls made. Checking the phone for any photos that seem out of place to her. Computer checks for any dating sites. Perfume on your clothes that are not hers.

Another favourite I have noticed is the 'glass check'. Offer your g/f a glass of iced tea or water. She will often hold it up to the light to look for marks on the rim of the glass.

Cheat? Take care if you do :o

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I have about 30+ years with the opposite Sex and from that time frame I was only about 4-5 years alone or with only one girlfriend.

In my hydays it was once 4 mias I kept relationships running the same time for about 2 years.

One or two I saw more freqent the others every 4-5 days or on a weekly basis.

Its in your genes, not everybody is born to be monogam.

So, I understand the poster. This (above) occured in Europe-Austria.

Anyway, on the end, always, everything came to light. Nervs, tears and money got lost.

In Thailand where its easy to find new relationsships, espacialy when money is not to tight, it was the familiar story again with me.

I even kept 2 gilfriends for years running the same time and later, they knew from each other,

made children with both of them, even for a year or so took a third lady inside the circle.

But, also here, once there is a point, when somebody throws the towel and problems erupt.

However, when you have the same kind of blood running in your body than I have,

it will always start over again, when the opportunity comes.

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yes probably quite common,bit expensive though i would have thought!
Closed? :o

Yeesh you guys just dont get it do ya? IT COSTS NOTHING to date women, it will cost something if you take them to dinner and movies. One of you doesnt even know this is possible so thinks any thread about dating women is automatically about prostitution and should be closed? Wow clueless.

Yes lots of regular thai guys date more than one regular thai woman. Its waaaaay more common in this culture than anything I saw backhome.

The only clueless person is you :D . If you can explain to me where I have mentioned prostitution than I will accept that I am wrong.

One of the reasons that this thread has potential to be closed as it is likely to bring out a lof of trolling and will undoubtably end up slagging off Thais.

In the en who cares if they have two girlfriends, it's up to them, and it isn't exactly uncommon back home either from my recollection.

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I have about 30+ years with the opposite Sex and from that time frame I was only about 4-5 years alone or with only one girlfriend.

In my hydays it was once 4 mias I kept relationships running the same time for about 2 years.

One or two I saw more freqent the others every 4-5 days or on a weekly basis.

Its in your genes, not everybody is born to be monogam.

So, I understand the poster. This (above) occured in Europe-Austria.

Anyway, on the end, always, everything came to light. Nervs, tears and money got lost.

In Thailand where its easy to find new relationsships, espacialy when money is not to tight, it was the familiar story again with me.

I even kept 2 gilfriends for years running the same time and later, they knew from each other,

made children with both of them, even for a year or so took a third lady inside the circle.

But, also here, once there is a point, when somebody throws the towel and problems erupt.

However, when you have the same kind of blood running in your body than I have,

it will always start over again, when the opportunity comes.

Are you a cult leader?

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are you still living in the dark ages to ask such idiotic question.

In some Asian cultures its even so that a woman has 3 or 4 husbands under the same roof.

in some American religions sects a man has still 4 or 5 wives.

Ok! :o I just finished packing ,

Quickly ,Now ,speak at it and tell me where is this Asian country with such an amazing fulfilling culture? :D:D

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are you still living in the dark ages to ask such idiotic question.

In some Asian cultures its even so that a woman has 3 or 4 husbands under the same roof.

in some American religions sects a man has still 4 or 5 wives.

Ok! :o I just finished packing ,

Quickly ,Now ,speak at it and tell me where is this Asian country with such an amazing fulfilling culture? :D:D

god zaza, who would want more than one husband? I mean, really, one is plenty Can you imagine if they both had a cold? Manflu times two (or three!) No thanks! :D

Apparently, although it is outlawed (naturally) it has been practiced in South Asia, according to this CNN report:

CNN) -- Polyandry is a form of polygamy where a woman is married to two or more husbands at the same time.

Increasingly rare, polyandry has been predominantly practised in Asia, specifically in the Himalayan region.

It has been or still is practised in India, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, parts of the Arctic, areas of Mongolia and in some African and American indigenous groups. It is also thought to have been practised in some Polynesian communities.

It comes in two forms: fraternal polyandry, where brothers marry the same woman, and non-fraternal in which the husbands are not related.

Polyandry has been outlawed in most countries where it has been practised, though it is still socially acceptable. Video Watch interview with men who share a wife »

It is normally seen as a way to protect small family land holdings and assets from being divided.

Also, in many countries one of the husbands is often away for long periods working.

Typically, the men have sexual relations with the woman but the paternity of any children is not debated -- they are raised by all the parents

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god zaza, who would want more than one husband? I mean, really, one is plenty Can you imagine if they both had a cold? Manflu times two (or three!) No thanks! :D

I have said the same thing about having two wives.

Can you imagine it being that time of the month for both at the same time.

It was bad enough having 3 daughters and a wife.


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are you still living in the dark ages to ask such idiotic question.

In some Asian cultures its even so that a woman has 3 or 4 husbands under the same roof.

in some American religions sects a man has still 4 or 5 wives.

Ok! :o I just finished packing ,

Quickly ,Now ,speak at it and tell me where is this Asian country with such an amazing fulfilling culture? :D:D

The Mosuo people in China are perhaps the most famous of the polyandrous societies. Tourists from around China come to see them.

If you think about it, a polyandrous society does make alot of sense.  Some of the fraternal polyandrous marriages which are arising in Chinese society at large aredue to the disparity of male to female births, and in most of them, one brother stays at home in the village farming while the other brother travels for work or to serve in the military.

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It’s all down to finances.

In these modern times, love relationships are becoming more as business relationships.

Acquiring a girlfriend is similar to buying a car. The higher the price, the better the model.

You can have as many girlfriends as you wish, as long as the funds hold out and you keep spending the dosh.

Watch out for these quotes on datng websites:

Wanted, generous kind, caring guy.

A cynic after my own heart.

This thread is pointing out to me how plain my life is.

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god zaza, who would want more than one husband? I mean, really, one is plenty Can you imagine if they both had a cold? Manflu times two (or three!) No thanks! :D

I have said the same thing about having two wives.

Can you imagine it being that time of the month for both at the same time.

It was bad enough having 3 daughters and a wife.


Its a pretty well documented phenomenon that women living in close proximity (not using cyclical birth control, like the pill) will have their cycles sync, it appears to be in reaction to stress factors that both (or all if more than two) women experience.

So, I guess the solution to this would be to make sure all the women are very unstressed and keep plenty of chocolate on hand :D

Edited by LadyHeather
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You can have as many girlfriends as you wish, as long as the funds hold out and you keep spending the dosh.

you sound like a pr*ck. go ahead, have as many girlfriends as you want, but don't be surprised when they find out about each other and all gang up on you. god bless the advent of facebook, etc. :o girls aren't as stupid as they seem sometimes.

god zaza, who would want more than one husband?

yeah as for polyandry, no thanks. i wouldn't be likely to marry even one guy, let alone more than one. haven't met one worth marrying yet. i could however imagine having a boyfriend for every day of the week, but i wouldn't bother trying to keep that a secret, and in the long run i am sure it would end up being too much... a boyfriend i see occasionally would be a-ok for me. i don't understand all these people who let sex run their lives.

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god zaza, who would want more than one husband?

yeah as for polyandry, no thanks. i wouldn't be likely to marry even one guy, let alone more than one. haven't met one worth marrying yet. i could however imagine having a boyfriend for every day of the week, but i wouldn't bother trying to keep that a secret, and in the long run i am sure it would end up being too much... a boyfriend i see occasionally would be a-ok for me. i don't understand all these people who let sex run their lives.

My wife does. :o

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god zaza, who would want more than one husband?

yeah as for polyandry, no thanks. i wouldn't be likely to marry even one guy, let alone more than one. haven't met one worth marrying yet. i could however imagine having a boyfriend for every day of the week, but i wouldn't bother trying to keep that a secret, and in the long run i am sure it would end up being too much... a boyfriend i see occasionally would be a-ok for me. i don't understand all these people who let sex run their lives.

And that, im my humble opinion, is the key to men or women who want to date more than one person. If you are OK with that, then don't try to hide it. Don't live a lie.

I just watched Frida again on dvd last night, the story of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera.  While they had their ups and downs, they had full knowledge of each other's penchant for straying and accepted that as part of the whole person. 

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Come on :D ; I was just kidding :D .

But , I might consider it if I were living in such culture ((and ONLY if ))I would find three men that match this joke:

It's important to find a man who has money, a man who adores you,a man who is great in the sack. It's also important that these 3 men should never meet!

but then ;it's alright to let them meet in this case of approved practice of polyandry.

But;imagine the three or the four of them were in the mood for........ :o .it sounds freaky :D

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After finishing a long term relationship I wanted to casually date a few women. However, I decided that I would also be totally honest with any woman whom I would date. Some of the women I met were fine with the situation and also dated other guys, some of them were OK with it but didn't date others (to my knowledge, but maybe they did) and some of them were only interested in a monogamous relationship with me, so we didn't see each other further. After about 6 months, I found that I was happier in the company of one particular woman, and I stopped seeing all the others. Not rocket science...

I found Thai women to be very rational and even headed - just be honest with them and respect their decisions. Of course, where emotions are involved, there will always be potential for some psychotic behavior, but this is not exclusive to Thai women!

To the OP, I would suggest that "honesty is the best policy"... it is stressful having to do a CSI sweep after each visit and risk upsetting someone you care about. You might just find that, when faced with an honest man, your Thai GF(s) might pleasantly surprise you...

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I don't see anything wrong with multiple girlfriends and I think the easiest way to live with that is for the three of you to live together. Of course, you have to work out whether living together means all sharing the same bed.

What consenting adults get up to is their own business and I think there is less chance of someone getting hurt if people are open about things. However, in the early stages of a relationship, I suspect it is quite common for one or both parties to still date other people before they make a commitment.

Finances don't come into it. In fact, 3 people could easily share a one bed condo and thus save money on rent, utilities and cooking etc. We are not talking about paid for relationships though I guess the guy often pays in one way or another, even if he is just covering the rent and household bills.

Is it normal ? Not to most people I agree but I don't think it is abnormal and can work for some people, though most likely only for a period of their lives.

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I just watched Frida again on dvd last night, the story of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. While they had their ups and downs, they had full knowledge of each other's penchant for straying and accepted that as part of the whole person.

I have always thought Frida and Diego had sort of a model relationship. They truly loved each other but they were able to maintain their independent identities... and had love affairs on the side about which they were open with each other. If I remember right they even built two houses with an adjoining bridge, so that they could live next to each other but not be in each other's face all the time. I am not sure they would agree this was ideal, but sounds good to me!

I don't see anything wrong with multiple girlfriends and I think the easiest way to live with that is for the three of you to live together. Of course, you have to work out whether living together means all sharing the same bed.

now that might be too idealistic! :o

Edited by girlx
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Come on :D ; I was just kidding :D .

But , I might consider it if I were living in such culture ((and ONLY if ))I would find three men that match this joke:

It's important to find a man who has money, a man who adores you,a man who is great in the sack. It's also important that these 3 men should never meet!

but then ;it's alright to let them meet in this case of approved practice of polyandry.

But;imagine the three or the four of them were in the mood for........ :o .it sounds freaky :D

Theres actually a name for that type of event, you know? :D

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After finishing a long term relationship I wanted to casually date a few women. However, I decided that I would also be totally honest with any woman whom I would date. Some of the women I met were fine with the situation and also dated other guys, some of them were OK with it but didn't date others (to my knowledge, but maybe they did) and some of them were only interested in a monogamous relationship with me, so we didn't see each other further. After about 6 months, I found that I was happier in the company of one particular woman, and I stopped seeing all the others. Not rocket science...

I found Thai women to be very rational and even headed - just be honest with them and respect their decisions. Of course, where emotions are involved, there will always be potential for some psychotic behavior, but this is not exclusive to Thai women!

To the OP, I would suggest that "honesty is the best policy"... it is stressful having to do a CSI sweep after each visit and risk upsetting someone you care about. You might just find that, when faced with an honest man, your Thai GF(s) might pleasantly surprise you...

Wow, a rational post in TV!  (No sarcasm here, I truly think this is one of the most level-headed posts I have read for awhile.)

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I just watched Frida again on dvd last night, the story of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. While they had their ups and downs, they had full knowledge of each other's penchant for straying and accepted that as part of the whole person.

I have always thought Frida and Diego had sort of a model relationship. They truly loved each other but they were able to maintain their independent identities... and had love affairs on the side about which they were open with each other. If I remember right they even built two houses with an adjoining bridge, so that they could live next to each other but not be in each other's face all the time. I am not sure they would agree this was ideal, but sounds good to me!

Yes, you are right about the houses, and yes, I think this was a very successful relationship. And one reason for that is because they didn't lie to each other. They were upfront and honest, where most others do the same exact thing but lie and keep it from their partners.

They did divorce once, but that lasted only a year before they felt they needed to marry again.

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