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Best Bars & Worst Bars In Patts


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Currently the worst must be FashionClub, for the following reasons:

1) I paid 380 Bath for a beer... Auch! - My friend paid 500 Bath for a bucket of ice... more Auch! :o


3) You have to pay each time you get a drink, no building up a bill

4) You are now forced to order food if you sit at a table. (fruit or popcorn at 250 Bath)

5) It smells like wet dog because of the drinks-soaked carpets :D

That said.. the girls are still pretty hot :D

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It is almost an impossible question because the word 'best' means so many things to different people. The 'best' bars for me are quieter bars, without too much hassle where I can either converse with friends, read a newspaper and not get ripped off.

Then sometimes, if friends are over here on holiday, I will go to all the tourist-type bars on Soi 6/7/8 and Walking Street and enjoy the madness.

In the hot months I like the air-con bars with sport, that is a real must. But in months like these I enjoy to sit outside in the fresh air.

I like 'The Smugglers Bar' on soi bukhaew: The comfortable chairs, the cold beers and sitting outside watching the world go by...........


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It is almost an impossible question because the word 'best' means so many things to different people. The 'best' bars for me are quieter bars, without too much hassle where I can either converse with friends, read a newspaper and not get ripped off.

Then sometimes, if friends are over here on holiday, I will go to all the tourist-type bars on Soi 6/7/8 and Walking Street and enjoy the madness.

In the hot months I like the air-con bars with sport, that is a real must. But in months like these I enjoy to sit outside in the fresh air.

I like 'The Smugglers Bar' on soi bukhaew: The comfortable chairs, the cold beers and sitting outside watching the world go by...........


Posting on your birthday :o

Shouldn't you be out drinking ? :D

many happy returns.

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Currently the worst must be FashionClub, for the following reasons:

1) I paid 380 Bath for a beer... Auch! - My friend paid 500 Bath for a bucket of ice... more Auch! :o


3) You have to pay each time you get a drink, no building up a bill

4) You are now forced to order food if you sit at a table. (fruit or popcorn at 250 Bath)

5) It smells like wet dog because of the drinks-soaked carpets :D

That said.. the girls are still pretty hot :D

1) i paid 150 for a heineken,what beer did u order?

2) it is too loud

3) i dont mind paying as you go along,no dodgey bins and can go as soon as you finished your drinks

4) ive never been forced to order any food at all and dont eat there but sit at a table most times

5) sorry didnt notice smell

the girls are hot and now have ruskies working in the other side but i didnt go in there so cant comment on them,when was the last time you was there?

its not a favoutrite haunt of mine but always has ok ladies compared to wankin st. :D

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Currently the worst must be FashionClub, for the following reasons:

1) I paid 380 Bath for a beer... Auch! - My friend paid 500 Bath for a bucket of ice... more Auch! :D


3) You have to pay each time you get a drink, no building up a bill

4) You are now forced to order food if you sit at a table. (fruit or popcorn at 250 Bath)

5) It smells like wet dog because of the drinks-soaked carpets :D

That said.. the girls are still pretty hot :D

1) i paid 150 for a heineken,what beer did u order?

2) it is too loud

3) i dont mind paying as you go along,no dodgey bins and can go as soon as you finished your drinks

4) ive never been forced to order any food at all and dont eat there but sit at a table most times

5) sorry didnt notice smell

the girls are hot and now have ruskies working in the other side but i didnt go in there so cant comment on them,when was the last time you was there?

its not a favoutrite haunt of mine but always has ok ladies compared to wankin st. :D

I like Fashion Club, once in a while.

1) I buy a bottle of Jack (or have one already there)

2) I snack on the fruit plate and usually order more food any ways.

3) I sign my chits whenever I ordered anything, and at the end they are totalled and presented for me to verify (no sneaking extra chits onto the bill that way)

4) It is loud, even in the VIP rooms upstairs

5) Few, if any, "lager louts", and no annoying vendors prodding you to buy stuff continuously.

6) I haven't noticed any odd smell that I can recall.

7) Gorgeous girls (and I noticed the last time I was there, they are having the Russian girls dancing and doing some of the shows as well).

8) It is far more expensive than beer bars and most (if not all) go-gos, but then, that's not the kind of crowd they are aiming at drawing in either.

9) It's not for everyone obviously, and for those that prefer that kind of place, it's pretty good. I wouldn't go there as often as I do except for one particular reason. :o

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Whilst I too subscribe to the 'its people that make the bar' philosphy, one bar that will always remain completely crap in my opinion is the Dogs Boll*cks. Atmosphere is positively the worst on the planet. They should re-name the place 'Utter Boll*cks'.

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Easy Corner which is behind the Central Center shopping mall and Gullivers on Beach Road.

Are these the best and the worst or....?

C'mon gal, have to bear in mind, mostly guys replying to this one!!!!!!!!! Gullivers way down from big C and beyond anyways. Happy new year, hope u had a good one.


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9) .... I wouldn't go there as often as I do except for one particular reason. :o

And her name is?

Alternatively, Teerak, snuggle-bunny, "she who must be obeyed" or "Put Down That Sharp Knife And Can Of Lighter Fluid Dear". :D

Determining the "Best or Worst" bars isn't easy, as everyone has their own preferences, and different people often get different impressions of the same places.

Where one person finds a place that is entertaining, with good service/selection/prices, it seems someone else going to the same place somehow finds the opposite.

With over 3,000 (registered) bars (give or take a couple hundred), there's sure to be dozens of places that some will think are great and others will think of as crap.

Some people like loud, boisterous places jam packed full of people, where half your drink ends up on the floor each time as a result of constantly being bumped and jostled. Others like a quieter place, where you can have a conversation without needing a bull-horn.

Some prefer places where there are numerous others of the same nationality on a regular basis (or at least other people with common interests like footie, darts, English weather, etc).

Despite all that, there have got to be some places that most can agree are absolute <deleted>. Crappy service, high prices, poor service, unsanitary facility, no parking, lousy music at deafening volume (no, I'm not talking about my living room on an average night !!). :D

Hmmmm, having a hard time trying to determine which, if any, I prefer more than others, or detest more than others. Lucifers is one I prefer not to go into (not just because it is another headline waiting to happen). I like the Lucky Bar complex now and then (across from the Marine Bar, just down from the Blues Factory). Polo and Fashion Club once in a while. Wet n Wild and Shark Riders once in a while. EasyRiders once in a while (well, not any more I guess, for a while I guess). :D

Too many choices, and not enough time (or liver capacity) to check them all. Life sure does suck in Pattaya !! :D

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Worst Pattaya Bar

Without a doubt Mona Lisa on 2nd road at Pattaya Klang intersection. Warm Beer, inattentive and unattractive staff, Thai band in complex playing too loud, and old seat cushions and stools that are very uncomfortable. Why are they still there?

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The hel_l Club !

Soi LK Metro.

Go in there and come out 2 hours later changed for life. :o

But it's not a bar - it's a brothel.

It has a very nice bar too. :D

And you will not be treated anywhere near as good by the management as you will in HC, totally professional from the time you walk in till the time you leave.

Don't talk about Brothels to me, Soi 6 is full of them and after a visit to HC, they all pale into insignifigance...

And I'm a Soi 6 fan too. :D

Edited by Maigo6
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Currently the worst must be FashionClub, for the following reasons:

1) I paid 380 Bath for a beer... Auch! - My friend paid 500 Bath for a bucket of ice... more Auch! :o


3) You have to pay each time you get a drink, no building up a bill

4) You are now forced to order food if you sit at a table. (fruit or popcorn at 250 Bath)

5) It smells like wet dog because of the drinks-soaked carpets :D

That said.. the girls are still pretty hot :D

Yes, I totally agree that fashion club is over priced, for the entertainment that you get. Meaning those coyotes arent all real girls. 555555 you really have to watch out for those trans, they sure make em look like girls now :D:D

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Currently the worst must be FashionClub, for the following reasons:

1) I paid 380 Bath for a beer... Auch! - My friend paid 500 Bath for a bucket of ice... more Auch! :D


3) You have to pay each time you get a drink, no building up a bill

4) You are now forced to order food if you sit at a table. (fruit or popcorn at 250 Bath)

5) It smells like wet dog because of the drinks-soaked carpets :D

That said.. the girls are still pretty hot :wai:

Yes, I totally agree that fashion club is over priced, for the entertainment that you get. Meaning those coyotes arent all real girls. 555555 you really have to watch out for those trans, they sure make em look like girls now :D:D

What? :o
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Yes, I totally agree that fashion club is over priced, for the entertainment that you get. Meaning those coyotes arent all real girls. 555555 you really have to watch out for those trans, they sure make em look like girls now :D:D


I know a couple girls there (one I've known for almost 5 years now, another for close to 3), and we talked about that with another (Thai) friend of mine in November.

All the female dancers are girls. There are a couple of male dancers for some of the show routines, but they aren't "wannabe" girls (though they kind look like they may prefer a bat & balls to the "19th" Hole). There are a couple of "sexy" dancers (on the smaller stage by the bar) that looked a little too "manly" and "enhanced", but it seems they too are girls, just not (anywhere near) as cute as most of the rest of them.

The service staff are another thing altogether though. I saw a couple that seemed quite confused about whether they wanted to be girls, boys or something totally different.

I don't think too many TV members are going to be getting "surprised" by anyone from Fashion Club ! :D

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good bars...

roo bar walking street..good meeting place some good girls to...no hassle for lady drinks..no rip offs

wonderful 2 bar...soi 13 second road...always open..can get beer 24 hrs a day....EVEN ON DRY DAYS...had beer on funeral day recently..

bad bars???

flb....stuck up management had some poor barfines outa there...crappy bar....service/waitstaff girls always very nice i bring them chocolate all the time...

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Always thought you were an Eden type of lad - Maigo? :o

Yeah Brit, I never did go to the Eden in Bkk, even though Marc the Frenchman was a very old friend of mine.

Ended up costing me nearly 5000 baht in the HC, drinks before and drinks after, 500 tip etc....... but <deleted>, you only live once, and you certainly get what you pay for.


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