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More Problems At The Night Safari ?


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I was tempted into buying the latest 'Chiang Mai Mail', by the headline "Nightmare at the Night Safari, which reports a recent protest following allegations in an un-named Bangkok newspaper that over 300 animals have died there during 2008.

This was alleged to be due to incorrect feeding, lack of wild-life expertise amongst the vets, and the inexperience of zookeepers.

Has anyone visited recently, who could report how things are going, at the Safari ?

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went there about a couple months ago. nothing but deers, elks, moose, cows, mostly herbivores. a couple of elephants and rhinoceros. two wolves, saw a panther. too far away to notice the wild animals or maybe they were not there at all to start off with. most of the wildlife has probably vanished.

i'd say spend the money on the new aquarium instead.

a total failure me thinks. the laser show was alright though.

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Maybe all the exotic animals have been served up in the restaurant. Or, the rhinos elephants and tigers etc have been hacked up and ground to sell to Chinese men to give them a hard-on. I'm curious to know what the Chinese are going to use to give them an errection after all the sharks tigers rhinos etc are all extinct. Will it also lead to the extinction of the Chienes race because their "men" can't get it up? (I know this went a little off topic but ...).

Edited by barky
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Sadly it was us 'white' men that put most of these species on the endangered lists.

Quite possibly mainly the British in India/Africa. Sad fact is my education was funded from a company in London that ran this trade from 1327. One of the guilds of london, of which i am a member, they rank number 6 in the order of the guilds of london, (actually number 6 or number 7 alternating annually - hence the expression 'at sixes and sevens')

Now of course the Chinese are trying to gain control of Africa, in return for oil, and concessions, the Chinese are doing what the British did - building infrastructure, farming etc (the odd bit of hegemony see Sudan).

Wheras we (the west) only send missionaries, terror and .. nearly forgot... AFRICOM. American pan african base. Probably situauted next to the offshore Nigerian/Sao Tome oilfields.

anyway. off topic.

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I visited in the day time with my two sons to walk around the lake and see the animals. As allways we loved it, it's only 100 bht for adults and the kids are free. We saw exactly the same animals that we have done for the last two years, they all look healthy and happy enough. I couldn't comment on the animals you see on the actual "night" safari.

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I went there and the actual Night Safari wasn't very good and to tell you the truth we were very dissapointed. It just seemed to be loads of deers. The walk around the lake and the animals there was good and I would say save your money and just do this. I'm not too sure how many animals where there before but it didn't seem empty.

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also, they used to have great emcees on the shuttle bus tours (the "actual" night safari). really funny and informative. i went two days ago and the women on each of the two tours (predator prowl and savanna something or other) sucked big time. they spoke such poor english, with such absurd pronunciations that everyone on the bus was cracking up - including the english-speaking thais! the humor didn't last long, though. for 500 baht entry they could find some better announcers.

in short, don't bother. the walk around the lake seems much more dimly lit than last time as well - it was very difficult to see most of the animals.

the musical fountain was okay though.

i think the place is in its death throes. there were hardly any people there compared with last year. lots of stuff seemed closed too.

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Unlike the zoo, which is not the best, Chiang Mai's Night Safari does not deserve a second visit. Maybe not even a first visit, although it was not that bad. The concept -shining bright lights on animals at night - is flawed. And the tram sped by too fast sometimes, to get a good look. Where you sit in the tram may block your view.

The light and fountain show should not be a highlight of a visit to a zoo, but it was almost as good as the light/water/sound show at the 2007 Ratsapruek, which was a flower show.

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