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I don't really understand all the comments on this thread. Maybe I am being naive? Hannah tells us about this guy, GirlX sort of backs it up but says he's kind of 'harmless' and she has regular 'chit chats' with him. Other women have apparently been drugged by him?

Can someone give a more accurate description than the hat? What nationality? Accent?

And I have to say I abhore people like Britmaveric who say just walk away - just because you are an over confident male and comfortable in your own body doesn't mean that all others have your fortune Brit.

you obviously haven't met Britmav (sorry, BM, kidding kidding :o )

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I'll take that as compliment bkkjames, thing is I don't put up with sh*te. :o I can understand a lady feeling helpless in a non-public place, but this is too strange. I think I need to witness this lad in action.

However that being said - never come across anything as bizarre as what is being described. Usually when a perv over steps their bounds/personal space - bad things happen to them ranging from piss off, drink in their face, or kick in the <deleted>.

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Can someone give a more accurate description than the hat? What nationality? Accent?

He is Thai, about 50-60 years old. Speaks English, with Thai accent. Hair is obviously dyed, and longish in back, kind of like what was cool in the 50's or 60's. fairly well dressed, sitting by a stand on the side of the road with jewelry. GirlX was kind enough to sort of 'introduce' me' when we went to Kao San (we were doing our own 'most beautiful katoey contest').

P.S. it is fairly obvious that he is a dirty old man, at least if one has half a clue. But then again, Falang think basic rules of common sense do not apply in Thailand and they do crazy things.

Edited by submaniac
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From his description he sounds kind of similar to someone I saw there back in the late 1990s who was involved in selling jewellery. I regularly used to see him chatting to young western girls on the street who he met there.

The other character I remember from there was a young cross-eyed Thai guy in his early 20s who used to stride purposefully around in a policeman's uniform. Apparently he wasn't really a policeman but just liked to dress up as one for the power trip.

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ha i know the police-imposter too, he's still around... he is definitely loopy. he constantly finds new uniforms and then goes around acting supercilious to people in them. several times they've dragged him off and taken away the uniform, but he is back a couple of days later with a new one harassing tourists again. also harmless, and i think the real police have given up on him now, they just keep an eye on him so he doesn't get out of hand.

(i lived on khao san road for 3 months once doing research for some travel writing)

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If the guy is actually drugging girls or doing anything against their will, then I'm sure he would have seen repercussions by now.

From Girlx post, his age and description and apparent powers of persuasion, the guy just has mad game. Most guys would wish to have half his success I bet.

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ha i know the police-imposter too, he's still around... he is definitely loopy....

One of the stallholders there told me once that apparently years ago he'd tried to enter the police force but had been rejected on medical grounds due to being cross-eyed. :o

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Rule number one when you are in a big city or are travelling in rough places are how you allow your inner force to be displayed. Walk with a straight back, don´t ever let your eyes betray that you are afraid, take charge of your situation, let your aura/body force tell people that you are in charge and that you know where you are going and never let anyone intimidate you. If people try to stop you just walk on!

Thanks Obi Wan Kenobi :o

JacknDanny - that's so funny! Obi Wan Kenobi :D I am still laughing 10 min later...

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... yeah a bit of a sleazebag. but he tried it on with me a few times in the beginning (watch those roving hands), and when he realized i wasn't going to fall for his b.s. he sort of gave up, and now whenever i see him i stop for a little chit chat. he even took me out for coffee once, totally platonic. he helped me out of a bad situation once as well. and one time he did manage to get me back to his room because he said he had some chinese medicine that would help me with a stomach bug- but he wanted to give me a massage too so i just rolled my eyes and took off. i asked at the pharmacy later about the pills and they were just vitamins.... i have never taken him seriously, i really think he is pretty harmless and a little bit loopy. i really can't see him drugging a girl, to be honest, there are so many stupid girls that fall for him that he doesn't need to. i do try to warn girls that are with him occasionally to be careful, but they never listen to me. he can be aggressive, but it is my experience that if you tell him to back off, he will. sorry to hear some girls get themselves into a bad position with him, but i do sort of feel like it is their fault for being so stupid. you can tell right off the bat that he is a scam artist.

girlx, what if something had actually happened the time you went to his room? What if he had assaulted you? If it was serious enough to report, what do you think the authorities would think if you disclosed that you were already aware of how he is with women and yet you still went to his room? Just seems it was a risky thing to do, especially when you think other girls may be at fault if something happens to them due to what you consider to be their own stupidity.

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But by this point he's got you backed into a corner so when he says you've got blocked energy and he needs to put his finger in your mouth to clear it, the only answer

i would have is telling him "i will kick the living shit out of you if you're not out of my sight within three seconds!"

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But by this point he's got you backed into a corner so when he says you've got blocked energy and he needs to put his finger in your mouth to clear it, the only answer

i would have is telling him "i will kick the living shit out of you if you're not out of my sight within three seconds!"

He would put a spell on you ,and have you licking his asre .

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girlx, what if something had actually happened the time you went to his room? What if he had assaulted you? If it was serious enough to report, what do you think the authorities would think if you disclosed that you were already aware of how he is with women and yet you still went to his room? Just seems it was a risky thing to do, especially when you think other girls may be at fault if something happens to them due to what you consider to be their own stupidity.

i've known the guy for years, and like i said, he backs off when i tell him too. i was not in the least bit worried. and i didn't even go into his room, just stood at the door waiting for him to grab the medicine. i do not think he is a dangerous guy.

QUOTE (girlx @ 2009-01-21 13:27:01) *

yeah- someone else tried to screw me over and mr. kool tipped me off to them.

maybe that person was in on the scam.

no he definitely wasn't, i am not going to post details here but he really did help me out.

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Neuro linguistic programming aka NLP is a tool used by the very top salesmen and the best perverts, their chat only leaves one answer “YES” telling you that you had blocked energy and that he wanted to put his finger in your mouth, :D

please who would fall for that load of sh1t. he wasn’t in the top 20 of NLP users. :o

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Neuro linguistic programming aka NLP is a tool used by the very top salesmen and the best perverts, their chat only leaves one answer “YES” telling you that you had blocked energy and that he wanted to put his finger in your mouth, :D

please who would fall for that load of sh1t. he wasn’t in the top 20 of NLP users. :o

do you have a point?

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-- The YES YES psycological bind ,

this is a sale tactic , used in power sale , and it work well with people who is relax or drunk or intoxicated ,

that why some major big sale will set up a comfort zone , with friendly chat , and so on , and then go on a chain of YES answer --

after building between 20-30 set of yes answer , a supposing NO answer question would be POP ,

and due to the mind being tame to answer a CHIAN of YES . - the effect of beer kick in to RETART you . to answer YES .


so all i can say is ..



good luck .


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hmmm interesting deep thinking stuff this.

so in summary if I ask the following questions and your reply yes it means you are likely to buy something

"Hello my friend, I can tell you are a lucky person" Yes / no

"Take a look sir take a look" yes / no

"Happy hour drinks 60 baht, no cover charge" yes / no

"Massage...massage, handsome man" yes / no

"Do you think this is all bs?" yes / no

I see your point, I answered yes to 4/5 questions and right now I feel like having a beer in my local tailor shop before getting my palm read at the massage place.

Powerful thing - the mind is. Use it carefully.

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  • 1 month later...
I answered yes to 4/5 questions and right now I feel like having a beer in my local tailor shop before getting my palm read at the massage place.

What if the tailor is wearing a trilby??

What if you can't say no??

What if you end up buying a cheap suit!!??

What if he accidentaly sticks his finger in your mouth while measuring you up??

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really hope that girls and guys alike will stay away from him. He is very convincing. He should be put out of business but because of the ever changing people on Koh San rd its hard to get the word out. I am sure there are people all over the world that have been abused by this guy and I'm sure that if something dosen't happen it will continue. He moves places i think, but he is always sitting in a plastic chair with that hat on.

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