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Island Near Koh Phangan

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Just as you pull into Tong Sala on the ferry you pass two islands on the left, they are Koh Tae Nai and Koh Tae Nok. I noticed from Google earth that Koh Tae Nok has 3 lovely private coves and a resort on it. Does anybody know the name of this resort, contact details, website etc.. as I would love to visit


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one of them might be "ghost island"... apparently someone spent millions of baht to build a resort on it and then mysteriously abandoned it. also loads of old shipwrecked boats there. i haven't been there myself so not exactly sure of location, just heard the stories.

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the one closer to tong sala was a private resort and is owned by a family from bangkok they also own the hotel in tongslala. they havent operated this in many years. there is only a keeper that lives there.

the other island is a bird sanctuary.. and some this have the permit to harvest the birds nests there. it is off limits and the guys who have the permit are known to be very aggressive in preventing visitors..

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Years ago our friend Chai was the caretaker of Koh Ta Noi; now is taking care of Koh Ma, which is leased by the same family who owns Phangan Chai Hotel. Not sure if they still do it now, but before they used to organize bbq & overnight camping regularly.

They brought old rice barges from Central Thailand, planning to refurbish them and open an upscale resort. But?!?

Here are scans of two (old) pictures:



On the north of the island, there is as well a monk's retreat.

As highdiver said, the next island is mainly used for bird nest harvest and it is heavily protected.

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I am a friend of the family that owns the Koh Tae Nai which they have no serious plans to develop soon, Koh Ma, Phangan Chai Hotel and 100's of rai around the island.

It was the one next to Koh Tae Nai that I was interested in, it seems to have a group of bungalows on it. Is this the one that is controlled by the bird sanctuary? Koh Tae Nok does have the word bird in the title, it would make sense.


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Samuinick, you are correct.

There are some old bungalows in two or three places around the island that you are talking about; and even some kind of huts at the top of the cliffs, accesible by bamboo stairs.

In my opinion, there are used as temporary accommodation for the bird nest collectors.

I sailed few times around but never put a foot on it.

Just an idea, you should charter a longtail, to have a closer look.

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the one closer to tong sala was a private resort and is owned by a family from bangkok they also own the hotel in tongslala. they havent operated this in many years. there is only a keeper that lives there.

is this the one nicknamed "ghost island", do you know?

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A few years ago i was sailing my boat and on the request of my customers we headed to koh tae nok and attempted to anchor near the northern bay for some snorkeling. Just as we dropped anchor a black clad chap appeared on the rocks blowing a whistle. Once he had our attention he produced a machine gun and fired about 7-8 shots in rapid succession into the air. Needless to say that got our attention pretty quick, we picked up the anchor and hightailed it out of there. Havent been back since and no plans to return.

I was told soon after that the island is used for collecting birds nests and the "owners" are prepared to go to great lengths to protect their very valuable crop from poachers etc. It was also speculated at the time that they were growing some "special" crops of the smokable variety.... hence no unwanted visitors.

Never had any other issues at any other islands anywhere around samui - phangan- or tao and am usually welcomed on any island i have visited, especially when armed with a bottle of sangsom or mekong..

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Thanks for all the info guys, seems we need to stay away from this one. Its a shame as from the air it looks beautiful with three quite sandy bays on such a small island.

Also, can anyone confirm that the other island Koh Tae Nai is 'Ghost Island' and any history/story behind this

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Thanks for all the info guys, seems we need to stay away from this one. Its a shame as from the air it looks beautiful with three quite sandy bays on such a small island.

Also, can anyone confirm that the other island Koh Tae Nai is 'Ghost Island' and any history/story behind this

please stay away from these islands..

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A few years ago i was sailing my boat and on the request of my customers we headed to koh tae nok and attempted to anchor near the northern bay for some snorkeling. Just as we dropped anchor a black clad chap appeared on the rocks blowing a whistle. Once he had our attention he produced a machine gun and fired about 7-8 shots in rapid succession into the air. Needless to say that got our attention pretty quick, we picked up the anchor and hightailed it out of there. Havent been back since and no plans to return.

I was told soon after that the island is used for collecting birds nests and the "owners" are prepared to go to great lengths to protect their very valuable crop from poachers etc. It was also speculated at the time that they were growing some "special" crops of the smokable variety.... hence no unwanted visitors.

Never had any other issues at any other islands anywhere around samui - phangan- or tao and am usually welcomed on any island i have visited, especially when armed with a bottle of sangsom or mekong..

I doubt they need to grow any special crops unless its for personal use as unprocessed birds nests go for something like 40,000 baht a kilo.

**edit*** 5 years ago it was $2000 US/kilo according to this CS Monitor report

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A few years ago i was sailing my boat and on the request of my customers we headed to koh tae nok and attempted to anchor near the northern bay for some snorkeling. Just as we dropped anchor a black clad chap appeared on the rocks blowing a whistle. Once he had our attention he produced a machine gun and fired about 7-8 shots in rapid succession into the air. Needless to say that got our attention pretty quick, we picked up the anchor and hightailed it out of there. Havent been back since and no plans to return.

I was told soon after that the island is used for collecting birds nests and the "owners" are prepared to go to great lengths to protect their very valuable crop from poachers etc. It was also speculated at the time that they were growing some "special" crops of the smokable variety.... hence no unwanted visitors.

Never had any other issues at any other islands anywhere around samui - phangan- or tao and am usually welcomed on any island i have visited, especially when armed with a bottle of sangsom or mekong..


I was under the impression that all beaches in Thailand belong to the Crown, if so how can someone stop you landing on this island, as long as you stay on the beach???? :o:D

Also, surely, even in Thailand, people are not allowed to keep machine guns. :D

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Yes you are correct, i also believe that all the beaches are belonging to the king and therefore in theory you should have no problems landing there by sea. And yes no doubt that machine guns are probably illegal in thailand but trust me this guy had something that fired 7-8 shots in about 1 or 2 seconds. maybe you should go over there and tell these chaps the error of their ways and point out that they are breaking the law....

Please let us know how you get on and once you have had all of your bullet holes and machete marks treated at the hospital,- if you make it back, - you could organize a T.V. BBQ on the beach with your new black clad friends... Maybe have some birds nest soup....

Have fun....

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Yes you are correct, i also believe that all the beaches are belonging to the king and therefore in theory you should have no problems landing there by sea. And yes no doubt that machine guns are probably illegal in thailand but trust me this guy had something that fired 7-8 shots in about 1 or 2 seconds. maybe you should go over there and tell these chaps the error of their ways and point out that they are breaking the law....

Please let us know how you get on and once you have had all of your bullet holes and machete marks treated at the hospital,- if you make it back, - you could organize a T.V. BBQ on the beach with your new black clad friends... Maybe have some birds nest soup....

Have fun....

Um! Maybe i'll have a word with the Thai navy. :o

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Yes you are correct, i also believe that all the beaches are belonging to the king and therefore in theory you should have no problems landing there by sea. And yes no doubt that machine guns are probably illegal in thailand but trust me this guy had something that fired 7-8 shots in about 1 or 2 seconds. maybe you should go over there and tell these chaps the error of their ways and point out that they are breaking the law....

Please let us know how you get on and once you have had all of your bullet holes and machete marks treated at the hospital,- if you make it back, - you could organize a T.V. BBQ on the beach with your new black clad friends... Maybe have some birds nest soup....

Have fun....

Um! Maybe i'll have a word with the Thai navy. :o

Interesting to see who you would start with. Try also the Marine dept in Nathon. I was similarly warned off visiting there by the local fishermen. OK for snorkelling but not from the beach.

If you do decide to go don't forget to leave a note and details of N.O.K. as the nest guardians do have automatic weapons.

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Your call to the navy worked, however, i think they got the directions wrong and the navy seals landed on the wrong beach! :D


Hope pasting the link worked....



I have a speedboat in KPG and sometimes I tried to go around the Island but when you approaching the beach you listen 100% some gunshot.

Birdnest?? Maria???

(maybe the inspiration of Garland's The Beach come frome here....)

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Yes you are correct, i also believe that all the beaches are belonging to the king and therefore in theory you should have no problems landing there by sea. And yes no doubt that machine guns are probably illegal in thailand but trust me this guy had something that fired 7-8 shots in about 1 or 2 seconds. maybe you should go over there and tell these chaps the error of their ways and point out that they are breaking the law....

Please let us know how you get on and once you have had all of your bullet holes and machete marks treated at the hospital,- if you make it back, - you could organize a T.V. BBQ on the beach with your new black clad friends... Maybe have some birds nest soup....

Have fun....

Lol - You're not calling yourself smartiemarty for the hel_l of it are you..... :o:D

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