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How Much Does Thai People Earn.....


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I thought this thread was about how much the OP could earn working in Thailand not how much you should tip a waitress :D

hahaha yes i thought the same now :o

The subject of the op is already finished!!

He does not want to work here!!!

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The 16 year old girl that served me dinner on a riverboat restaurant in Nakhon Sawan was pulling 100 baht per night-That's 100 baht for 6 hours work!! She had to work to pay for her schooling... :o My tip alone put her 5 days ahead. :D

You left a 500 baht tip?

The minimum age to work in Australia is 14yrs & 8 months and the minimum wage is about $7 an hour.

And also the question is:

How do they survive on a 8k baht a month??

Some people working full-time in Australia can't even survive on a $1200aud.

I don't know anyone in Australia that only gets $1200 a month for full time work.....Did you mean $1200 per week?Last i checked the unemployment benefits were not much less then $1200 a month...oh wait,that could be apprentices(First year).

My friend's cousin earns about $1400 a month... he has 2 kids and his wife only started working 2 months ago since they need more money to make a living.

As in for 1 person earning $1400 a month is very low since you need at least $2500 a month to survive for the whole month.

As for myself, I earn about $5500 a month working in I.T. and I don't think its enough for me since I live on my own and pays $450 on rent.

That's not even including utilities or transport for work. Let's say after I paid all my bills, I am left with $2500.

OK back to the original subject.I have obviously misunderstood your post,were you born in Australia,or migrate there?I ask this because the structure of your sentences are unusual.More likely you did not have English as your first language.I am not picking on you,by all accounts you are no fool.

I migrated here from Philippines and came here when I was 10 yrs. Been living in Australia for 20 yrs.

Sorry about my grammar... I think I missed some words. :D

Don't apologize,if i could speak Fillipino as good as you spoke English,i'd be a happy chappy!!Besides,the best welders i ever employed came from the Philippines,period! :D

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I thought this thread was about how much the OP could earn working in Thailand not how much you should tip a waitress :D

hahaha yes i thought the same now :o

The subject of the op is already finished!!

He does not want to work here!!!

Yeah... I've decided not to work in Thailand.:D

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yeah,i couldn't live on $1400 a month in Aus.I really think it is going to be hard to get the kind of money you are currently making,in Thailand.But i am pretty sure that a full time job does not pay only $1400 a month in Aus.A cleaner earns more then $2200 a month,a truck driver earns more and so on and so forth.

He gets paid cash in hand in a takeaway shop.

It sounds like he is being exploited.I gather he is Fillipino also?You know he is entitled to the same laws as everyone else that works in Australia,unless he is an illegal immigrant.I hate people that exploit others for their own personal gain.If you want, i have websites and phone numbers of government officials in Australia that can help him.However,if he is illegal,or has a tourist visa only i wouldn't suggest telling anyone.

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The 16 year old girl that served me dinner on a riverboat restaurant in Nakhon Sawan was pulling 100 baht per night-That's 100 baht for 6 hours work!! She had to work to pay for her schooling... :o My tip alone put her 5 days ahead. :D

You left a 500 baht tip?

The minimum age to work in Australia is 14yrs & 8 months and the minimum wage is about $7 an hour.

And also the question is:

How do they survive on a 8k baht a month??

Some people working full-time in Australia can't even survive on a $1200aud.

I don't know anyone in Australia that only gets $1200 a month for full time work.....Did you mean $1200 per week?Last i checked the unemployment benefits were not much less then $1200 a month...oh wait,that could be apprentices(First year).

My friend's cousin earns about $1400 a month... he has 2 kids and his wife only started working 2 months ago since they need more money to make a living.

As in for 1 person earning $1400 a month is very low since you need at least $2500 a month to survive for the whole month.

As for myself, I earn about $5500 a month working in I.T. and I don't think its enough for me since I live on my own and pays $450 on rent.

That's not even including utilities or transport for work. Let's say after I paid all my bills, I am left with $2500.

OK back to the original subject.I have obviously misunderstood your post,were you born in Australia,or migrate there?I ask this because the structure of your sentences are unusual.More likely you did not have English as your first language.I am not picking on you,by all accounts you are no fool.

I migrated here from Philippines and came here when I was 10 yrs. Been living in Australia for 20 yrs.

Sorry about my grammar... I think I missed some words. :D

Don't apologize,if i could speak Fillipino as good as you spoke English,i'd be a happy chappy!!Besides,the best welders i ever employed came from the Philippines,period! :D

Are you thai or English?

I don't even speak Filipino anymore but I can still understand it.

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yeah,i couldn't live on $1400 a month in Aus.I really think it is going to be hard to get the kind of money you are currently making,in Thailand.But i am pretty sure that a full time job does not pay only $1400 a month in Aus.A cleaner earns more then $2200 a month,a truck driver earns more and so on and so forth.

He gets paid cash in hand in a takeaway shop.

It sounds like he is being exploited.I gather he is Fillipino also?You know he is entitled to the same laws as everyone else that works in Australia,unless he is an illegal immigrant.I hate people that exploit others for their own personal gain.If you want, i have websites and phone numbers of government officials in Australia that can help him.However,if he is illegal,or has a tourist visa only i wouldn't suggest telling anyone.

I don't know if he's illegal immigrant or not.

All I know is that being paid cash in hand is illegal.

I don't wanna create a mess or dob to the government.

I'm minding my own business.

Just telling you how much he earns per month which is not enough to survive for a month.

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The 16 year old girl that served me dinner on a riverboat restaurant in Nakhon Sawan was pulling 100 baht per night-That's 100 baht for 6 hours work!! She had to work to pay for her schooling... :o My tip alone put her 5 days ahead. :D

You left a 500 baht tip?

The minimum age to work in Australia is 14yrs & 8 months and the minimum wage is about $7 an hour.

And also the question is:

How do they survive on a 8k baht a month??

Some people working full-time in Australia can't even survive on a $1200aud.

I don't know anyone in Australia that only gets $1200 a month for full time work.....Did you mean $1200 per week?Last i checked the unemployment benefits were not much less then $1200 a month...oh wait,that could be apprentices(First year).

My friend's cousin earns about $1400 a month... he has 2 kids and his wife only started working 2 months ago since they need more money to make a living.

As in for 1 person earning $1400 a month is very low since you need at least $2500 a month to survive for the whole month.

As for myself, I earn about $5500 a month working in I.T. and I don't think its enough for me since I live on my own and pays $450 on rent.

That's not even including utilities or transport for work. Let's say after I paid all my bills, I am left with $2500.

OK back to the original subject.I have obviously misunderstood your post,were you born in Australia,or migrate there?I ask this because the structure of your sentences are unusual.More likely you did not have English as your first language.I am not picking on you,by all accounts you are no fool.

I migrated here from Philippines and came here when I was 10 yrs. Been living in Australia for 20 yrs.

Sorry about my grammar... I think I missed some words. :D

Don't apologize,if i could speak Fillipino as good as you spoke English,i'd be a happy chappy!!Besides,the best welders i ever employed came from the Philippines,period! :D

Are you thai or English?

I don't even speak Filipino anymore but I can still understand it.

English.I hope you reconsider your options about travelling to Thailand,it really has a lot to offer.Even just a holiday of 3 months would be good.There is so much to see,but unfortunately finding work here just isn't the same as Australia.

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The 16 year old girl that served me dinner on a riverboat restaurant in Nakhon Sawan was pulling 100 baht per night-That's 100 baht for 6 hours work!! She had to work to pay for her schooling... :o My tip alone put her 5 days ahead. :D

You left a 500 baht tip?

The minimum age to work in Australia is 14yrs & 8 months and the minimum wage is about $7 an hour.

And also the question is:

How do they survive on a 8k baht a month??

Some people working full-time in Australia can't even survive on a $1200aud.

I don't know anyone in Australia that only gets $1200 a month for full time work.....Did you mean $1200 per week?Last i checked the unemployment benefits were not much less then $1200 a month...oh wait,that could be apprentices(First year).

My friend's cousin earns about $1400 a month... he has 2 kids and his wife only started working 2 months ago since they need more money to make a living.

As in for 1 person earning $1400 a month is very low since you need at least $2500 a month to survive for the whole month.

As for myself, I earn about $5500 a month working in I.T. and I don't think its enough for me since I live on my own and pays $450 on rent.

That's not even including utilities or transport for work. Let's say after I paid all my bills, I am left with $2500.

OK back to the original subject.I have obviously misunderstood your post,were you born in Australia,or migrate there?I ask this because the structure of your sentences are unusual.More likely you did not have English as your first language.I am not picking on you,by all accounts you are no fool.

I migrated here from Philippines and came here when I was 10 yrs. Been living in Australia for 20 yrs.

Sorry about my grammar... I think I missed some words. :D

Don't apologize,if i could speak Fillipino as good as you spoke English,i'd be a happy chappy!!Besides,the best welders i ever employed came from the Philippines,period! :D

Are you thai or English?

I don't even speak Filipino anymore but I can still understand it.

English.I hope you reconsider your options about travelling to Thailand,it really has a lot to offer.Even just a holiday of 3 months would be good.There is so much to see,but unfortunately finding work here just isn't the same as Australia.

Holiday for 3 weeks should be enough.

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Average income probably above 12,000 baht/month for all of Thailand. For Bangkok, around at least 20,000 baht/month. This is for Thais.

I wouldnt say its that high. fresh graduate starting out could earn as little as 7-8000 baht a month. someone with a master's degree working in a bank earns around 18 to 20,000 baht a month. Of course there are people that earn far more, but my estimate for average would be much lower, especially once you include country towns outside of Bangkok.

Yes it is about 12,000 baht, we're talking averages here, not what people make right when they get out of college. That average is for all of Thailand. It's an average, not a figure of what the lowest salaries equal. I checked the stats and they were even for two years ago. Anyway, it doesn't really matter.

Bangkok is even more than that, by the way. For the average.

I'm seriously interested to know the source of those figures you're quoting. Here in Chiang Mai (Thailand's 2nd city but way different from BKK - yet still more "metropolitan" than any other Thai cities), 8,000 per month is considered a good salary for - let's call it - a Thai's collar-and-tie job (probably with degree)........ and not just out of college. There would have to be a lot of very high salaries in some sectors (as well as overall in BKK) to skew the averages as high as 12,000 nationally.

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What I am trying to explain is that people from certain countires earn a certain wage in accordance to the job they do and in accrordance to the country in which they work.

I don't have a pension, thanks for the assumption. I am well under pension age, early thirties, and have lived in and worked in Thailand most of my adult life. I do not sit on my arse and do nothing. I work, employ several thai nationals and have a family with two children here in Thailand.

I was simply pointing out that it is not a good idea to over-tip.

And what is this truth that I can't see. The truth of being a naive tourist?

But. yes back on topic. If the OP wants to work in Thailand for a short period, then a English teacher would be the way to go. 40kish and quite easy to pick up work.

Yeah,i apologize.Making assumptions is always a bad idea.

Edited by tritexengineering
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What I am trying to explain is that people from certain countires earn a certain wage in accordance to the job they do and in accrordance to the country in which they work.

I don't have a pension, thanks for the assumption. I am well under pension age, early thirties, and have lived in and worked in Thailand most of my adult life. I do not sit on my arse and do nothing. I work, employ several thai nationals and have a family with two children here in Thailand.

I was simply pointing out that it is not a good idea to over-tip.

And what is this truth that I can't see. The truth of being a naive tourist?

But. yes back on topic. If the OP wants to work in Thailand for a short period, then a English teacher would be the way to go. 40kish and quite easy to pick up work.

Yeah,i apologize.Making assumptions is always a bad idea.


Thanks. You must agree that the subject of tipping in Thailand is quite interesting though. So much so that I decided to open a new topic on the subject!



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What I am trying to explain is that people from certain countires earn a certain wage in accordance to the job they do and in accrordance to the country in which they work.

I don't have a pension, thanks for the assumption. I am well under pension age, early thirties, and have lived in and worked in Thailand most of my adult life. I do not sit on my arse and do nothing. I work, employ several thai nationals and have a family with two children here in Thailand.

I was simply pointing out that it is not a good idea to over-tip.

And what is this truth that I can't see. The truth of being a naive tourist?

But. yes back on topic. If the OP wants to work in Thailand for a short period, then a English teacher would be the way to go. 40kish and quite easy to pick up work.

I apologize,it's never good to make assumptions.

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What I am trying to explain is that people from certain countires earn a certain wage in accordance to the job they do and in accrordance to the country in which they work.

I don't have a pension, thanks for the assumption. I am well under pension age, early thirties, and have lived in and worked in Thailand most of my adult life. I do not sit on my arse and do nothing. I work, employ several thai nationals and have a family with two children here in Thailand.

I was simply pointing out that it is not a good idea to over-tip.

And what is this truth that I can't see. The truth of being a naive tourist?

But. yes back on topic. If the OP wants to work in Thailand for a short period, then a English teacher would be the way to go. 40kish and quite easy to pick up work.

Yeah,i apologize.Making assumptions is always a bad idea.


Thanks. You must agree that the subject of tipping in Thailand is quite interesting though. So much so that I decided to open a new topic on the subject!



Silly Thaivisa,it didn't want to upload a post,then it did 2...Yeah,tipping here would be a big subject,it is always good to know all sides of Thailand.There are many things i never see here,because of how i live.And so many farangs "Claim"to be wealthy, i just wonder how the natives really see us?Do they see us as normal people,or do they see us and think"rich farang,can't even give a good tip"..

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i just wonder how the natives really see us?Do they see us as normal people,or do they see us and think"rich farang,can't even give a good tip"..

No, not normal people. Farangs are more or less accepted freaks

Edited by Birdman
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i just wonder how the natives really see us?Do they see us as normal people,or do they see us and think"rich farang,can't even give a good tip"..

No, not normal people. Farangs are more or less accepted freaks

LOL :o

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i just wonder how the natives really see us?Do they see us as normal people,or do they see us and think"rich farang,can't even give a good tip"..

No, not normal people. Farangs are more or less accepted freaks

Good question. It depends a lot on the farangs knowledge of the Thai language and the way the Farang carry themselves, what they wear - I am not talking about different coloured T-shirts! The Thai social system is a complex animal and having a knowledge of who fits in where is a good step in the right direction.

As a Farang we should understand (as birdman points out) that we are a curiosity outside of the rigid Thai social system. But by learning the language, asking questions, and observing from outside we can begin to understand how the society works here.

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some figures from central Thailand 2008

shoe salesman 8000 baht a month 12h/6 day's a week

waitress in restaurant 3000 Baht

bargirl 2500 +% on the drinks

housemaid 2500 Baht include food

Bangkok 2008

Director in semi government company

about 70 000 Baht but have extra bonus once a year can be 1 or 2 months salary

civil servants

the latest statistics are from 2001, but its give you an idea

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I got a good telling off for tipping 100 Baht. Was way too much. Suppose it is for a lady earning 3- 6,000 a month at the Pimarn Hotel. Now I tip 20 Baht and never hear a complaint.

A waitress at Pimarn who work in the outside waterfront restaurant earn 2500 Baht a month, when she is always keeping on time and not been sick, she get an bonus of 500 Baht. Comming late is punished by 20 Baht.

One waitress who work there have 1 child, and her husband work in Uthai Thani as an musician in an hotel, he comes home once a week. My Thai wife (senior citizen also)always tip 100 Bath. Needless to say that my wife is a great tipper. For myself I always ask my Thai relatives how much I should tip. By my experience Thai men tip less than Thai women. A bell boy between 20 and 40 Baht depends on the hotel.

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quoted from 'tritexengineering'......."I accidently tipped 1000 baht to a foot masseuse,meaning to tip 100,didn't have the heart ask for it back..."



So YOU were the guy that tipped 1000bahts to the foot masseuse in Pattaya ? :o

A way back ago I related my experience in this forum: Me and 4 other ladies went to have a foot masseuse ( part of our tour packaged from the West Coast, USA to Pattaya,). During masseusing, one of the masseuses talking in Thai to her colleagues that her last customer - a farang gave her tip 1000 baht. :D When I heard her saying that ( She knows that I speak Thai), I told myself I'm not going to fall into her scheme to keep up with the FOOL :D who tipped her 1000 baht.

Must be some kind of service ??? :D

At the end when we 5 ladies threw in the tip around 400+ , they were not happy :D because they didn't pick up the tip. Since we would still be in Pattaya for the next 2 days, and didn't want to have any unexpected confrontation from the locals, so decided to add 200 baht to the tip pot. Then walked out.

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I find the discussions on what the “average” Thai salary pretty much worthless. The range is so wide the average doesn’t really mean anything. I sit here in my office in Bangkok and look at the 6 Thai that report directly to me and their salaries range from 45k a month all the way up to 125k. These are university educated, mid to late 30’s people with 5-15 years experience working in the Engineering and Construction business. These ranges seem to be pretty normal for this business. So much for the 12k a month average


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I find the discussions on what the "average" Thai salary pretty much worthless. The range is so wide the average doesn't really mean anything. I sit here in my office in Bangkok and look at the 6 Thai that report directly to me and their salaries range from 45k a month all the way up to 125k. These are university educated, mid to late 30's people with 5-15 years experience working in the Engineering and Construction business. These ranges seem to be pretty normal for this business. So much for the 12k a month average


125k baht a month is what i call average amount earn in Australia and would be happy to get paid that much.

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I find the discussions on what the "average" Thai salary pretty much worthless. The range is so wide the average doesn't really mean anything. I sit here in my office in Bangkok and look at the 6 Thai that report directly to me and their salaries range from 45k a month all the way up to 125k. These are university educated, mid to late 30's people with 5-15 years experience working in the Engineering and Construction business. These ranges seem to be pretty normal for this business. So much for the 12k a month average


So if we take a figure between the 45k and 125k. Say 80K. This is what you consider to be the average monthly salery in Thailand? 80K?

Think you find 12k closer to the mark.

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I find the discussions on what the "average" Thai salary pretty much worthless. The range is so wide the average doesn't really mean anything. I sit here in my office in Bangkok and look at the 6 Thai that report directly to me and their salaries range from 45k a month all the way up to 125k. These are university educated, mid to late 30's people with 5-15 years experience working in the Engineering and Construction business. These ranges seem to be pretty normal for this business. So much for the 12k a month average


So if we take a figure between the 45k and 125k. Say 80K. This is what you consider to be the average monthly salery in Thailand? 80K?

Think you find 12k closer to the mark.

Can you comprehend what you read? What I said was the "The range is so wide the average doesn't really mean anything" and gave an example of why I said that. 80k is probably the average in my industry. Comparing these people to bank clerks is meaningless.


Edited by thaihome
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I find the discussions on what the "average" Thai salary pretty much worthless. The range is so wide the average doesn't really mean anything. I sit here in my office in Bangkok and look at the 6 Thai that report directly to me and their salaries range from 45k a month all the way up to 125k. These are university educated, mid to late 30's people with 5-15 years experience working in the Engineering and Construction business. These ranges seem to be pretty normal for this business. So much for the 12k a month average


So if we take a figure between the 45k and 125k. Say 80K. This is what you consider to be the average monthly salery in Thailand? 80K?

Think you find 12k closer to the mark.

Can you comprehend what you read? What I said was the "The range is so wide the average doesn't really mean anything" and gave an example of why I said that. 80k is probably the average in my industry. Comparing these people to bank clerks is meaningless.


So if a construction worker earns 125 baht a day (3000 baht a month) and TH staff earns 125,000 baht a month, and you add them together for an avg of 64k and divide that by 5 because it works, you find an it works out to 12k or so. I like this thai maths stuff. :o

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quoted from 'tritexengineering'......."I accidently tipped 1000 baht to a foot masseuse,meaning to tip 100,didn't have the heart ask for it back..."



So YOU were the guy that tipped 1000bahts to the foot masseuse in Pattaya ? :o

A way back ago I related my experience in this forum: Me and 4 other ladies went to have a foot masseuse ( part of our tour packaged from the West Coast, USA to Pattaya,). During masseusing, one of the masseuses talking in Thai to her colleagues that her last customer - a farang gave her tip 1000 baht. :D When I heard her saying that ( She knows that I speak Thai), I told myself I'm not going to fall into her scheme to keep up with the FOOL :D who tipped her 1000 baht.

Must be some kind of service ??? :wai:

At the end when we 5 ladies threw in the tip around 400+ , they were not happy :D because they didn't pick up the tip. Since we would still be in Pattaya for the next 2 days, and didn't want to have any unexpected confrontation from the locals, so decided to add 200 baht to the tip pot. Then walked out.

Yeah,i was a noobie to Thailand,didn't speak the language,didn't realise until after what i had done..No wonder she looked surprised!Wasn't Pattaya though...Mini bus station at the roundabout in BKK...So u can cross me off your list of people to hunt down and kill......Please?? LOL :D:P

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I find the discussions on what the “average” Thai salary pretty much worthless. The range is so wide the average doesn’t really mean anything. I sit here in my office in Bangkok and look at the 6 Thai that report directly to me and their salaries range from 45k a month all the way up to 125k. These are university educated, mid to late 30’s people with 5-15 years experience working in the Engineering and Construction business. These ranges seem to be pretty normal for this business. So much for the 12k a month average


Duh, that's what it's an average. Get it? You can talk about the gap between the rich and poor with other figures or go ahead and talk about the average of a certain industry. Of course there will be a wide range.

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I find the discussions on what the “average” Thai salary pretty much worthless. The range is so wide the average doesn’t really mean anything. I sit here in my office in Bangkok and look at the 6 Thai that report directly to me and their salaries range from 45k a month all the way up to 125k. These are university educated, mid to late 30’s people with 5-15 years experience working in the Engineering and Construction business. These ranges seem to be pretty normal for this business. So much for the 12k a month average


Duh, that's what it's an average. Get it? You can talk about the gap between the rich and poor with other figures or go ahead and talk about the average of a certain industry. Of course there will be a wide range.

I believe in the context of the OP's question, your theory is also flawed. If one person earned a billion baht a year and 999 earned 10000, of course the average is much higher but in real world terms, not reflective of the actual state.

The OP could have made this much easier by qualifying his question - such as what is the average wage for Thai workers in the banking field for example. But then again, someone coming onto a predominently farang site to ask specific questions about thai salaries should speak for itself.

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