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Influx Of Africans On Khao San


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Here's a sample of the photos I took at HKG.




There was actually much more luggage than displayed in the photos - they'd left it with their mates (out of shot). They appeared to be really trying it on with the officials who were having none of it. Virtually every parcel they put on the scales had to be unwrapped & excess items removed.

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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Clayton, why the hel_l have you taken pictures of Nigerians loading luggage. Rather strange. :o

I was sat their drinking my Heineken Extra Cold & I felt I just had to take photos of the 'free entertainment'. :D I'd actually forgotten about it until I saw this thread. Previously, the Wife had threatened to delete them however, on checking the card, they were still there!

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I have it on good authority that like their white brothers here in Pattaya, they are here for the temples. More seriously, don't you think the Thais are xenophobic and dark-skinned phobic enough without encouragement from farangs? Its up to the Thais how to deal with immigration, legal or otherwise. The only line I would draw where the world should speak out is when they deal with illegals in a criminal way, as happened to boat people in the south.

Also, as many of us reading this board are members of a small racial minority within Thailand, you might think there would be some sensitivity to the racism other minority races experience in Thailand. I guess not.

Edited by Jingthing
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the impact on the thai girl front

Once they go black - they wont go back :D

That the impact you worried about, mojo? :o

No thats not what i meant. And for the rocord regarding sensitivity......currently the world is going crazy with all this PC stuff, people cant even express the views with out being labelled racist!

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"Does anyone else find it strange that there are a increasing group of mainly african men in bangkok..."

I find it disconcerting that you think that it's strange for Africans to be in Bangkok. Did you cross the street to get away from them?

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the impact on the thai girl front

Once they go black - they wont go back :D

That the impact you worried about, mojo? :o

No thats not what i meant. And for the rocord regarding sensitivity......currently the world is going crazy with all this PC stuff, people cant even express the views with out being labelled racist!

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck - <deleted> :D

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the impact on the thai girl front

Once they go black - they wont go back :D

That the impact you worried about, mojo? :o

No thats not what i meant. And for the rocord regarding sensitivity......currently the world is going crazy with all this PC stuff, people cant even express the views with out being labelled racist!

If the shoe fits ...

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Does anyone else find it strange that there are a increasing group of mainly african men in bangkok and more paticularly gullivers on khao san and soi 5!

Also when there engaged in connversation with myself arent quite able to say why they are actually here, and the reasons i have got are shady to say the least!

Also the impact on the thai girl front is scary to say the least....if you understand my meaning!

And the fact im have been offered a certain "party enhancer" from some of these young chaps, not that im tarring everyone with the same brush as some of my good friends here of african decent have the same veiw

Nice bit of racist stereotyping for your first post. The impudence of those Africans, hanging around Khao San and Soi 5 and not telling you why they are there :o

I can't believe no one's picked up on the " impact on the thai girl front is scary to say the least.....if you understand my meaning "

That is of course if he/she's implying what i think he/she is..

he is implying that many come from countries with an inordinately high rate of HIV infection.

something i too would be concerned about had i any intention of sharing women from the same talent pool.

i will also state that many deal drugs, though the market does not make it conceivable that the majority share the same profession.

many are also involved in passport and identification forgery. again this is obvously only a subset of the whole

many are just simple importer/exporters with a penchant for noxious cologne, though i have met far less of these fellows than i have the other types.

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At the risk of sounding Racist..........Nigeria exports crime

No Nigerian can generate the funds to travel (In Nigeria) without being connected to criminal activities

Most other countries have special visa requirements for Nigeria because of their deserved reputation for crime. At the same time these same countries welcome visitors from other west african nations without special visa arrangements

Unfortunately you can not identify a Nigerian by looking at them so most other decent African people are perceived as criminals

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Does anyone else find it strange that there are a increasing group of mainly african men in bangkok and more paticularly gullivers on khao san and soi 5!

Also when there engaged in connversation with myself arent quite able to say why they are actually here, and the reasons i have got are shady to say the least!

Also the impact on the thai girl front is scary to say the least....if you understand my meaning!

And the fact im have been offered a certain "party enhancer" from some of these young chaps, not that im tarring everyone with the same brush as some of my good friends here of african decent have the same veiw

Nice bit of racist stereotyping for your first post. The impudence of those Africans, hanging around Khao San and Soi 5 and not telling you why they are there :o

I can't believe no one's picked up on the " impact on the thai girl front is scary to say the least.....if you understand my meaning "

That is of course if he/she's implying what i think he/she is..

he is implying that many come from countries with an inordinately high rate of HIV infection.

something i too would be concerned about had i any intention of sharing women from the same talent pool.

i will also state that many deal drugs, though the market does not make it conceivable that the majority share the same profession.

many are also involved in passport and identification forgery. again this is obvously only a subset of the whole

many are just simple importer/exporters with a penchant for noxious cologne, though i have met far less of these fellows than i have the other types.

hard to argue with the above.

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At the risk of sounding Racist..........Nigeria exports crime

ingNo Nigerian can generate the funds to travel (In Nigeria) without be connected to criminal activities

Most other countries have special visa requirements for Nigeria because of their deserved reputation for crime. At the same time these same countries welcome visitors from other west african nations without special visa arrangements

Unfortunately you can not identify a Nigerian by looking at them so most other decent African people are perceived as criminals

don't worry my friend. you don't sound racist. you sound ridiculously stupid :o

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he is implying that many come from countries with an inordinately high rate of HIV infection.

something i too would be concerned about had i any intention of sharing women from the same talent pool.

i will also state that many deal drugs, though the market does not make it conceivable that the majority share the same profession.

many are also involved in passport and identification forgery. again this is obvously only a subset of the whole

many are just simple importer/exporters with a penchant for noxious cologne, though i have met far less of these fellows than i have the other types.

I have to agree with the post, along with peterc's furter explanation of why Nigerians have such an appaling reputation, and often have different visa requirements. It is not hard to understand, when you consider the amount of scams that come from that country.

There was a story of some guy who got duped on the dating scam, on the BBC last week, cost him 130,000 grand. :o

The sad thing is, that by poiting out some undeniable facts, there are plenty of people who will play the racist card.

I personally have nothing against any ethnic group or nationality (apart from maybe the French :D ), as long as they abide the laws of the country that they are in, and are not involved in criminal activities.

There was an article in the BKK Post about a year ago, on a number of raids that the BIB undertook in that area, and rounded up a large number of Africans for various crimes. Interestingly enough, proportionally they are the largest group of overseas prisoners- if you exclude neighbouring countries in the prison system here-even though they are rather small in numbers throughout the country. Let's not get into the arguments about the American prison systems demography.

As a foot note I wonder how many work permits have actually been issued to Nigerians?

P.S. The French bit was a joke, for those that don't get humour.

Edited by mrtoad
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Clayton, why the hel_l have you taken pictures of Nigerians loading luggage. Rather strange. :o

I was sat their drinking my Heineken Extra Cold & I felt I just had to take photos of the 'free entertainment'. :D I'd actually forgotten about it until I saw this thread. Previously, the Wife had threatened to delete them however, on checking the card, they were still there!

:D Good job you didn't listen to the wife as those pics have certainly come in handy.

BTW, have you got any of people smoking in bars in Thailand? :D

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I apologise: I was wrong. There is no racist sentiment on this thread. I was playing the race card because it's much easier for me to do that than look at the facts. Some of my best friends are black. As long as they obey the laws of their land and don't interfere with other people I have no objections.


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At the risk of sounding Racist..........Nigeria exports crime

No Nigerian can generate the funds to travel (In Nigeria) without be connected to criminal activities

Most other countries have special visa requirements for Nigeria because of their deserved reputation for crime. At the same time these same countries welcome visitors from other west african nations without special visa arrangements

Unfortunately you can not identify a Nigerian by looking at them so most other decent African people are perceived as criminals

don't worry my friend. you don't sound racist. you sound ridiculously stupid :o

having worked in sub sahara for the last 14 years (5 of those in lagos ) i think you are the one that sounds stupid look up 419/ armed robbery statistics / rapes / murder s/ kidnaps/ tourture / child molestations/ ritual killings/ etc etc i could go on forever

no nam ithink you are the stupid one

when is the world going to wake up

whats it going to be like when one of the brothers is sitting in the oval office

rant over

Thanks Dave..........The difference is that we have both worked in Nigeria and experienced their way of life and standards.

For those in doubt I would suggest you take your family, savings and business plan to Nigeria and see how long you survive. It's a basket case and the general work ethic has nothing to do improving the counrty or individual standards, all that matters is a short term gain through intimidation and corruption.


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To say i am disgusted at some of the comments on this thread is an understatement. i wonder if they all sit at the back of the plane on the way over?

Jesus Christ. where do you people get off crucifying someone because of their nationality or the colour of their skin? For those of you ranting about HIV and AIDS spread and violence, take a look at some stats from Thailand. One of you said that you wanted to have a little 'fun' with some of their 'service providers'. Well, if you stick a condom on, you should lessen the risk. Or were you perhaps considering going bareback and taking back whatever you pick up back home to your next conquest?

I befriended a nigerian bloke in bangkok and he has been there for years now working in the rag trade. he is legal, and rarely drinks, hates drugs, and is quite religious (christian - not that THATS got anything to do with anything). Hes not a criminal.

If there are africans down khao san road, so bloody what? You don't like them because they are african?

Get back on the plane to wherever you came from, and hand your passport in to immigration on the way in. you clearly shouldn't be traveling anywhere.

Rant Over!

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Some of my best friends are black. As long as they obey the laws of their land and don't interfere with other people I have no objections.

Nothing wrong with that. Problem is that a good number of Africans, to be more precise, Nigerians, are heavily involved in criminal activities - they've got a terrible reputation for it & not without good reason.

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Indeed, many are in the rag trade providing jobs for Thais, certainly less parasitical than most of the white people I know here (myself included). Black IS beautiful. Racism is EVIL wherever it comes from.

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