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Getting Worried!


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Hi all

Flying out on Saturday and spending a few nights in Bangkok with hubby and 10yr old daughter. I have just been reading on a travel forum about a scam in BKK.

A couple went out for a meal and the bill came it was around £40 which they expected then on top of that was charges of £150 and they were too scared to question this, the area they ate in was is Patpong in BKK. Does this happen all around Bangkok or just this area. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as don't want to be put in this position whilst on holiday.

Many thanks

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Hi all

A couple went out for a meal and the bill came it was around £40 which they expected then on top of that was charges of £150 and they were too scared to question this, the area they ate in was is Patpong in BKK. Does this happen all around Bangkok or just this area. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as don't want to be put in this position whilst on holiday.

It happened to me once years ago in Pat Pong...in a pretty shady place when my Thai friends thought I should see "the other side of Bangkok". I have never had it happen any reputable place.

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Hi all

Flying out on Saturday and spending a few nights in Bangkok with hubby and 10yr old daughter. I have just been reading on a travel forum about a scam in BKK.

A couple went out for a meal and the bill came it was around £40 which they expected then on top of that was charges of £150 and they were too scared to question this, the area they ate in was is Patpong in BKK. Does this happen all around Bangkok or just this area. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as don't want to be put in this position whilst on holiday.

Many thanks

I have heard of this happening with drinks, especially at upstairs 'show bars', but, not with food.

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Hi all

Flying out on Saturday and spending a few nights in Bangkok with hubby and 10yr old daughter. I have just been reading on a travel forum about a scam in BKK.

A couple went out for a meal and the bill came it was around £40 which they expected then on top of that was charges of £150 and they were too scared to question this, the area they ate in was is Patpong in BKK. Does this happen all around Bangkok or just this area. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as don't want to be put in this position whilst on holiday.

Many thanks

First of all, Pat Pong is the last place in the world that you would have a meal :o Especially with a family.

Secondly, if they were expecting a bill of 40 pounds and were charged an extra 150, and they didnt question it, they deserve to get ripped off.

Probably just one more of these ridiculous over exaggerated internet stories.

I have lived over here for more than 10 years, and have never been ripped off in a restaurant.

Just remember to check the bill, as you would at home, as mistakes can be made, but should be rectified

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