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Jehovahs Witnesses In Thailand


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I have had these JW imbeciles knock on my door.

I found it offensive to be disturbed by someone telling me that I will burn in hel_l if I don't subscribe to their particular version of some fairy tales so I warned them that if they ever came back to threaten me with burning again then I would set the dogs on them and then sent them away by asking them if the contradictions in the bibble are deliberate or typos. Naturally they had no answers to my questions.

If *they* want to grovel on their knees before some imaginary sky pixie that is fine with me, but when they come and try to convince me to join them then I have a problem.

/But the mormons sacred panties thing is hilarious

//and the pope's hat makes him look like a tool

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Very easy to take the "piss" out of people coming to your door to see if your interested in learning about the bible.I would imagine it would take courage to do this work.If not interested,no reason not to be rspesctful and just say "no thank you".


Best laugh I have had all week. Seems you have never been on the receiving end of their visits?

Slam the door in their faces and tell 'em - as said earlier - P*ss off!!

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Well as the "believers" believe in a creator. I onced asked the mor(m)ons who created the creator. There response was we don't know is it important? So I said well you may be worshipping the wrong diety. So they looked at one another, and then thinking they had got me said. Can we come back if we find out? I said well if you do I'll have another question. What's that they asked. I'll want to know who created the creators creator. Exit stage left.

However if "God" created us in his image, i.e. male and female. Why isn't there a Mrs God? Should there be a pig god, a dog god etc.. etc..?

Edited by Mosha
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never , or only when a JW rang... and why be so rude to people and to something you probably know nothing about

As highlighted.

would you say that to a monk?

If he was trying to convert me with vile, religious crap a la Jehovahs Witness style then yes.

respect please- did your mother teach you that?

I've no respect for the Jehovahs witnesses.

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I found it offensive to be disturbed by someone telling me that I will burn in hel_l if I don't subscribe to their particular version of some fairy tales so I warned them that if they ever came back to threaten me with burning again then I would set the dogs on them and then sent them away by asking them if the contradictions in the bibble are deliberate or typos. Naturally they had no answers to my questions.

If they ever said that to me - I'd physically remove them from my property! :o Another good reason for an electric perimeter security fence - keep religious fanatics out!

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Well as the "believers" believe in a creator. I onced asked the mor(m)ons who created the creator. There response was we don't know is it important? So I said well you may be worshipping the wrong diety. So they looked at one another, and then thinking they had got me said. Can we come back if we find out? I said well if you do I'll have another question. What's that they asked. I'll want to know who created the creators creator. Exit stage left.

However if "God" created us in his image, i.e. male and female. Why isn't there a Mrs God? Should there be a pig god, a dog god etc.. etc..?

judging by some postings i think there must have been a moron God too :o

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WHAT AN ARROGANCE. Try to enter another persons home and in this case another country to tell people

that they're doomed if they do not think the same as our doorknockers. This will wind a few up, with all the

suffering and injustice we all witness I believe I have more compassion in my little finger than this god

they are trying to force upon the world. If I were their all powerful god I'd just have to fix the wrongs and

ills,my conscience would dictate my actions,I could not sit by and watch my children suffer. Must be a few

mums and dads out there,I don't know any that would let their children suffer if they had any way of stopping it.

Funny what some people give thanks for.

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I found it offensive to be disturbed by someone telling me that I will burn in hel_l if I don't subscribe to their particular version of some fairy tales so I warned them that if they ever came back to threaten me with burning again then I would set the dogs on them and then sent them away by asking them if the contradictions in the bibble are deliberate or typos. Naturally they had no answers to my questions.

If they ever said that to me - I'd physically remove them from my property! :o Another good reason for an electric perimeter security fence - keep religious fanatics out!

I hate to break this to you, but JW's don't believe in hel_l! Perhaps you'd care to give a more honest account of your encounter?

I'm not a JW by the way, but I was brought up by one and therefore know their beliefs.

It put me off religion for life, but unfounded lying propaganda annoys me just as much!

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I hate to break this to you, but JW's don't believe in hel_l! Perhaps you'd care to give a more honest account of your encounter?

Correct, they actually believe in Armageddon & they will be the only ones to survive. :D

Perhaps the poster misunderstood/misquoted what they said to him. Either way, I personally won't tolerate any religious preaching whatsoever on my doorstep & should the perpetrator(s) fail to immediately comply with my instruction to <removed> off - I'll physically remove them from my property. :o

Incidentally, you say that you were brought up by one, the mum & dad of an old school friend were Jehovahs Witnesses. Out of three siblings, only one (female) followed in the parents footsteps, so I'd be intrigued to know if any attempts are made to convert/force their offspring to become Jehovahs Witnesses.

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I had a friend in Atlanta, when opening the door saw a group of three who asked for permission to pray. He gave them the ok and closed the door. His wife gave him he**.

Good grief, where on earth do all these stories come from??

I said earlier, I was brought up as a JW and therefore know them VERY well. I have NEVER known them to to go out and ask for permission to pray when someone opened the door!!

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Isn't one of there prophecies that only 240,000 will enter heaven or survive Armegheddon? Now according to wiki there are 7.2 milion of them world wide. Shouldn't they be more concerned with how many of them are going to be disappointed at the end, instead of recruiting more?

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If not interested,no reason not to be rspesctful and just say "no thank you".

You are quite correct of course, but the problem with the Jehovahs and the Morons is that they wont take no for an answer, hence it generally ends up you having to tell them to p*ss off....

The one I always found works with them is telling them I am Roman Catholic (I am actually Agnostic), seems to scare them off for some reason... :o

Well at home in Austria they target only Roman Catholic, to scare them off you must tell you are Atheist (which I am).

It seems they get their education up to the countries main religion.

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It is quite hard to be respectful when 2 to 4 times a month I had to stop what I was doing, get dressed, run down a couple flights of stairs and opened the door to JWs but my "no thanks" was still reluctantly respectful. This was back in NY.

Cancelling the "get dressed" part before you opened the door would also be usefull for keeping them away. :D


Its funny you mention that vagabond, Years ago a friend of mine got a warning phonecall from a neighbour down the street that the Jehovahs were heading up the street doing their thing. My mate instantly stripped off & when the knock on the door came, he opened it, standing there in all his glory.."He announced, "Thank god you've finally arrived, come in take your gear off the orgies already started". Whilst he did that he gave himself a little bit of a rub.

Anyway, needless to say they left in a hurry and it was a long time before I saw them in the street again & when they did finally return they hurried past his place as if the antichrist himself resided there.

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It is quite hard to be respectful when 2 to 4 times a month I had to stop what I was doing, get dressed, run down a couple flights of stairs and opened the door to JWs but my "no thanks" was still reluctantly respectful. This was back in NY.

Cancelling the "get dressed" part before you opened the door would also be usefull for keeping them away. :D


Its funny you mention that vagabond, Years ago a friend of mine got a warning phonecall from a neighbour down the street that the Jehovahs were heading up the street doing their thing. My mate instantly stripped off & when the knock on the door came, he opened it, standing there in all his glory.."He announced, "Thank god you've finally arrived, come in take your gear off the orgies already started". Whilst he did that he gave himself a little bit of a rub.

Anyway, needless to say they left in a hurry and it was a long time before I saw them in the street again & when they did finally return they hurried past his place as if the antichrist himself resided there.

replies like this just show me how dumb people can be,but like every one on this forum you are entitled to your opinion,but in my opinion it just shows ignorance.

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I'm not sure I would describe my friend as dumb, SMC, he is actually rather successful etc. You are entitled to your opinion, doesnt bother me any, I just don't answer the door personally....but I can understand my friends frustration with the group because they would come knocking too often & despite being told on many occassions "No thanks" or whatever....they kept coming.

I would suggest the ignorance of some of these people is at question here, not my friends, afterall a mans home is his castle & continually trying to force ones belief down others throats is SO VERY VERY IGNORANT!

Anyway, cheers to you & cheers to your friends that walk so many pointless miles every day. Please NO MORE knocking at my door!

ps: you originally commented on the fact that I was entitled to my opinion, but I NEVER offered an opinion, I just passed comment on what happened to a friend.

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Two instances of JW "door knockers" back in the UK...

1) Young man knocks the door whilst I was in the middle of a few beers. He was holding a book, which I assume to be a Bible. He asked me what I thought about all the trouble and war in the world. As I was a bit merry, and a bit bored I decided to not say "No thank-you" and have a chat with the guy. I told him that I thought the majority of wars, both current and past were caused by that Book or other books like that. He didnt have much to say and left quite soon after that.

2) After a night out clubbing two older ladies knocked my door at around 10:30am. I answered the door in nothing but a pair of shorts (enough to scare anyone) They started their pitch, so I opened the door a little wider so they could see my two female friends (just friends I might add) snuggled close in bed behind me. I could see the look of horror on these poor old gals faces, and they quickly scuttled away. I am pretty sure they gathered that I am past saving. (If they could only see me now !)

They never returned to my house in the UK. A number of times I've seen them on Cowboy and I just have to think that they really are wasting their time and effort. Maybe I'm wrong.

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There are no Jehova's Witness nor Muslim in Thailand.

Thailand is a Buddhist country.

thats just not true is it.there are many muslim thai nationals and for all i know there maybe thais who are JW.

Either they all have been in hiding or more likely I must be blind.

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There are no Jehova's Witness nor Muslim in Thailand.

Thailand is a Buddhist country.

thats just not true is it.there are many muslim thai nationals and for all i know there maybe thais who are JW.

Either they all have been in hiding or more likely I must be blind.

JWs and Muslims are quite superstitious. they always hide from the sight of ugly people. their superstition is that they might become ugly too.

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If any of the real old ex-pats are around or maybe someone has heard of the incident, would they help my memory?

About thirty to thirty-five years ago, two men took an undeveloped rollof film to a local developer. When the Thai owner of the shop saw these two taking pix of one and another sitting on the head of a Buddha statue in the ruins of a local temple, he naturally blew the whistle. These two were let out of prison six months later and fled Thailand. My question is, were they Mormons or?? I think so, but not sure. Anybody???

Yes, that sounds right. They were Mormons. The story I heard from a longtime expat was that this caused Mormon missionaries to be banned from Thailand for a very long time, but now of course you can find them all around. Their Bangkok center seems to be on Asok near the khlong. I went there with friends when they had their annual Christmas thing. No Mormonism was shoved down my throat at all. Best thing about it was good, cheap food.

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These people believe they are doing what their God asked them to do,and are decent people in society.

I admire them and they used to be very thankful for a hot cup of tea on a cold January morning. We used to have some good debates.

you admire them ???

you have to be joking.... they come to this beautiful country and try to spread their ill-informed nonsense to people who are perfectly fine without it.......send them back to america !! where they can feel at home with all the other mad christians....

next time i see them outside Nana.... i shall be the one throwing beer at them !!!

it is fine to have your own opinions, and to take up a religion if you require it in your life....but to force it upon others is unacceptable....

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I hate to break this to you, but JW's don't believe in hel_l! Perhaps you'd care to give a more honest account of your encounter?

Correct, they actually believe in Armageddon & they will be the only ones to survive. :D

Perhaps the poster misunderstood/misquoted what they said to him. Either way, I personally won't tolerate any religious preaching whatsoever on my doorstep & should the perpetrator(s) fail to immediately comply with my instruction to <removed> off - I'll physically remove them from my property. :o

Incidentally, you say that you were brought up by one, the mum & dad of an old school friend were Jehovahs Witnesses. Out of three siblings, only one (female) followed in the parents footsteps, so I'd be intrigued to know if any attempts are made to convert/force their offspring to become Jehovahs Witnesses.

The attempts to force/coerce offspring is done when they're kids, the same as with any other religion. Once the kids have grown up, obviously the parent keeps trying to convince them, they absolutely believe that we will die in Armageddon otherwise!

Whilst I hate ALL religion, I've some sympathy for them and their annoying habit of knocking on our doors. The JWs irritate the hel_l out of the rest of us 'cos they're convinced we're going to perish when Armageddon arrives and genuinely want to save us!

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I see a few of them occasionally driving bicycles around my area. Not sure where their 'nest' is, though. I've never had them knocking on my door in Thailand, though, and generally don't mind them if they mind their own business. The only 'incident' I've ever had was a few years back in my home country when they came knocking on my door. I told them I wasn't interested and when I tried to close the door one of them put his foot in the door to prevent me from closing and just kept talking. I actually had to slam the door really hard to get the foot out of there. They never came back.

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Nope, can't be bothered to listen to their nonsense.

That was always the case when we were kids - my mum would never answer the door. Nowadays, I usually tell them to p_ss off.

never , or only when a JW rang... and why be so rude to people and to something you probably know nothing about

just because they choose their unique way, it an excuse to act like an ingrate?

would you say that to a monk?

respect please- did your mother teach you that?

Monks respect other's privacy. They don't go around force-feeding their nonsense to others. I've lived in the USA and been woken up on Saturday morning by JWs. I already can't stand people who proselytize on public space, so when they wake me up to sell me invisible friends, they deserve a good verbal beating.

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There are many groups of fundamentalist Christians active in Thailand, spreading the word.

After the 2004 tsunami stroke, a lot of these groups came to Khao Lak, saying they came to help, but their real purpose was to convert the tsunami survivors to their brand of Christianity. They operated under names like "The mercy foundation" and "Operation blessing". A lot of churches were built. On the website of USA based "Step Ahead", which offered low cost courses to learn English, I read: "Teaching offers an open door to evangelisation".

A lot of fake conversions took place: many people pretended to convert to X brand of Christianity just to receive cash donations or things like water tanks.

The people staffing these churches, foundations and so on were mainly Americans, with a sprinkling of Japanese and Koreans.

A friend of mine belong to one of these 'cults', she behaves in such an intolerant manner that is so abnormally non-Thai. This new religion makes her extremely anti-social. I suppose it is true of what they say about the zealousness of a recent convert and the temperment of a insecure, jealous god.

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Nope, can't be bothered to listen to their nonsense.

That was always the case when we were kids - my mum would never answer the door. Nowadays, I usually tell them to p_ss off.

never , or only when a JW rang... and why be so rude to people and to something you probably know nothing about

just because they choose their unique way, it an excuse to act like an ingrate?

would you say that to a monk?

respect please- did your mother teach you that?

Monks respect other's privacy. They don't go around force-feeding their nonsense to others. I've lived in the USA and been woken up on Saturday morning by JWs. I already can't stand people who proselytize on public space, so when they wake me up to sell me invisible friends, they deserve a good verbal beating.

The problem is that they genuinely believe that Jesus told them they must spread the word, and they also genuinely believe that if they don't, they won't survive Armageddon. I agree with you though, there's nothing wrong with giving them a good VERBAL beating!

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There are no Jehova's Witness nor Muslim in Thailand.

Thailand is a Buddhist country.

I met a JW the other day

and a muslim today-the funny things about what you say is that whilst it is true that Thailand is officially a Buddhist country( so what- and not exactly a shining example of good buhhdist policy- the corruption, the lack of human rights, etc, etc most locals have not a clue what they worship, or for why

for example- most consider that Buddhism is a religion and that Gautama was a Buddhist

in other words its blind following

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