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Looking For A Large Cock!


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I have a small flock of rhode island red hens that I would like to give the pleasure [and protection] of a large breed rooster, preferably a falang breed. The only rooster they had for a short time was a small bantam rooster that they bullied and I had to remove him for his own safety.

Any other backyard chicken farmers out there that know of any rosters that would like to service my 19 hens?? No Thai half wild roosters need apply.

In the Chiang Mai area, please.....

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Got your attention??

I have a small flock of rhode island red hens that I would like to give the pleasure [and protection] of a large breed rooster, preferably a falang breed.

Do you have neighbours?

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It wasn't an easy chore getting the hens. I had been looking for a couple of years, placed enquires on this forum and asked many locals, knocked on chicken farm doors etc and mostly during the bird flu scare, when 'layer' stock was hard to find.

But one tip finally paid off when I was told that a local feed supplier could supply. It took some begging to get a small amount, as they mostly dealt in 100's or more, but I did manage to secure a box of 20 and it's now 19...thanks to a stray dog. They are now not as free range as they used to be, but I suppliment their layer mash with lots of fresh greens.

I paid 200/ea @ 18 weeks old and have been getting beautiful fresh eggs for a couple of months now and don't ever want to return to stale tasteless 'factory eggs'.

It was such a chore to get my 20 hens that I now want to get them fertilized and let them breed more for the next generation.

Where did I get them?? A feed shop on the Maejo road between the superhiway and Rimping intersection, left side going to Maejo. Owner's son and daughter speak excellent English and are very helpful. I did hear that availibility during the wnter months is quite limited.

let me know how you do.........

Meanwhile, my hens still need a large cock!!

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