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addendum: and i suggest you google to find out the difference between "topography" and "geography"

Why would I have to do that it's you that needs to get back the money :D I just gave you a chance to counter react ha ha ha :D

I am surprised you are not at the October beer drinking festival.

stupid me! sad.gif i forgot that any mentioning of aliens from the gamma quadrant is politically incorrect.

Just say: Juice......... :)

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So the joke going around China now is that even a dog in the USA

can get a credit card......................... :)

bear that in mind when you read about Najibullah Zazi at the center of an Al Qaeda terror cell probe.

Zazi opened credit card accounts with Bank of America, Chase, Capital One, Discover and Citibank and ran up a debt of more than $50,000.

and when he filed for bankruptcy, Zazi said he hadn't worked in two months. :D


Yeah good joke Midas but the point is....

The joke going around the remains of the World is that the biggest lender to the USA 'that even gives a dog a credit card' is China!!

Seems to me that is infinitely funnier....


^^^ haha, yep even Chinese dogs are stuffed up the arse with US Treasuries. Can't even crap them out, either :)

I have another un-related question but I didn't know in which thread to pose it (figured may as well post it here because all the great minds seem to be in this thread...): Regarding currencies (and I think I've brought this currency cross up before) I'm just looking at the USD/BRL and USD/ARS (or basically the BRL/ARS). Anybody else following the action here? I can't help but think a fortune (or a blow-out) can be made somewhere sometime in the near future with these 2 currencies... anyone?


Have some patience Jcon, things are unfolding as we speak. Soon some "strange" events will be witnessed by those that are looking.


Have some patience Jcon, things are unfolding as we speak. Soon some "strange" events will be witnessed by those that are looking.


Plarex are you specifically referring to the BRL/ARS cross I mentioned, or is this the regular "nothing to see here, move on"-Plarex-style-stuff here?


Jcon, as this is not the correct place to discuss currency trading hints and tips sharing I say you should look at things differently and ask yourself have you spotted the change happening around Q2 till Q3 if I remember well. More importantly is to ask why and on what side of the bet you choose to be, based on your why analysis.

Again I say I am not into this investing and trading stuff, I just look at trends and behavior kinda things and some other stuff that would most likely classify me as a loony (by most people) when I told you. On the other hand I have been pretty accurate with some of my predictions (again not trying to brag).

Some people are telling that future tax Dollars are being spend to save the too big to fail, do you think that tax Dollars will be able to pay off the debt accumulated, or even pay for the bail-outs?

What will happen with the value of the USD next time Wall street crashes/severe downward movement? Sentiments have changed a bit.

There is a lot of action going on and it is mostly behind curtains, some of it is in the MSM but as you know the MSM is controlled so you should look at different sources.

As I have a full time job again, I have less time to research and discover patterns.

My October prediction still stands...


Edit: Sorry if it all does make no sense, I wish you could have a look what I have here.

^^^ haha, yep even Chinese dogs are stuffed up the arse with US Treasuries. Can't even crap them out, either :)

I have another un-related question but I didn't know in which thread to pose it (figured may as well post it here because all the great minds seem to be in this thread...): Regarding currencies (and I think I've brought this currency cross up before) I'm just looking at the USD/BRL and USD/ARS (or basically the BRL/ARS). Anybody else following the action here? I can't help but think a fortune (or a blow-out) can be made somewhere sometime in the near future with these 2 currencies... anyone?

we briefly touched that subject Jcon. my view: "BRL as well as ARS too difficult to handle except via NDFs"

Have some patience Jcon, things are unfolding as we speak. Soon some "strange" events will be witnessed by those that are looking.


Plarex are you specifically referring to the BRL/ARS cross I mentioned, or is this the regular "nothing to see here, move on"-Plarex-style-stuff here?

Alex is of course referring to ARSe not BRL but in context of going long ARSe by shorting ZWD vs. a BJ administered by Cristina Fernández de Kirchner who will be "unfolding" in october.


I knew this G20 would be heated but jeez will it rival the Pataya Asian Summit? :)

This is classic......Pittsburgh in getting ready for the G20 will release criminals from jail to make room for........

Yes Protesters. We all know they are far more dangerous than the criminals in Jail. At least to the Guberment...Jeez


PITTSBURGH -- Hundreds of inmates are apparently qualified for what some people are calling a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card courtesy of the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh.

On Thursday, a judge revealed that up to 1,000 inmates could be released from the Allegheny County Jail before the summit next week.

As of Friday, dozens of non-violent, low level, low bail inmates had already been released.

The move is to make room in the jail, since police expect to arrest hundreds during the summit.

A Channel 11 investigation shows the Allegheny County Jail has been releasing low-level nonviolent offenders, a practice Judge Jeffrey Manning said happens a few times a year.

"I haven't been informed if there's anything unusual happening than the normal course of operation at the jail," Allegheny County chief executive Dan Onorato told Channel 11 News.

However, the latest releases were put into motion a few weeks back in anticipation of G-20 arrests to make sure there was enough space to house those arrested.

"This is timely, of course, in the G-20, anticipating additional arrests, certainly it is probably prudent and good public policy to do this action now," said court administrator Ray Billote.

Billote said the offenders that are being released are still under supervision, and they're still required to report to their probation officer.

"We're being very cautious here. No one will be improvidently released. All of these people will be properly supervised," said Administrative Judge Jeffrey Manning.

Still, that has not lessened the shock for people who talked to Channel 11 News.

Channel 11 News was at the jail when inmate Timothy Spanbauer was released. Spanbauer said corrections officers mentioned the release several times over the last few days.

"It was while I was up on the pod," Spanbauer said. "They were talking about how they need room. They were saying for up to 1,500. Everybody was like, 'I hope it's me.'"

"Wow. That is the first I've heard of it, but so that is shocking," said Pittsburgh resident Shamekia Guyton. "Guessing they must be ready and did their research."

"Can't they set up a tent city for all the people arrested for stupidity?" said Russell Buchman, of Squirrel Hill.

Onorato told Channel 11 News that the number of inmates released will likely be closer to 100.

The county court's wisdom in freeing up jail cells is also to prevent federal fines and lawsuits for exceeding the jail's population ceiling.

"Lawsuits occurred in Seattle over that very issue," Billote said.

Pittsburgh will host the G-20 Summit Sept. 24-25.

They do look like a dastardly bunch




Politics are impeding some of the G20's other top priorities. Officials say the U.S. decision to impose tarrifs on Chinese tire imports won't balloon into a trade war or create tension in Pittsburgh. But it has raised questions about the G20's willingness to live up to its promises on trade. The group has routinely vowed to resist protectionist measures and wrap up the long-stalled Doha trade talks.

But since they met in Washington, G20 countries have broken the anti-protectionism promise every three days, according to a report released Friday by Global Trade Alert, a project coordinated by the London-based Centre for Economic Policy Research. The report says G20 governments have implemented 121 "beggar-thy-neighbor" measures since last November.


No problem selling USTs


China, the biggest foreign owner of Treasuries, added $24.1 billion in July after net sales of $25.1 billion in June, raising its stake in U.S. government debt 3.1 percent to $800.5 billion, Treasury data showed on Sept. 16. The country’s holdings have risen 10 percent this year, after a 52 percent gain in 2008 amid the surge in demand for the safety of U.S. government debt as global credit markets froze.

The usual reason is given

Little Choice

Foreign governments have little choice than to buy Treasuries because they hold so many dollars. The U.S. dollar accounts for 65 percent for world currency reserves, up from 62.8 percent in mid-2008, according to the International Monetary Fund in Washington.

So there is obviously still some life left in the Greenback.

But How it will pan out on the other side of the Atlantic, who will be buying up Darling's bits of paper except Merv next door?

And who will be buying up the 403,000 Kgs of gold the IMF are about to bring on the market? That's about USD 12 billion in bullion. At least they are selling into a boom, unlike Golden Brown, who flogged the UK gold off at the bottom.


And who will be buying up the 403,000 Kgs of gold the IMF are about to bring on the market? That's about USD 12 billion in bullion. At least they are selling into a boom, unlike Golden Brown, who flogged the UK gold off at the bottom.


better not talk about this story 12 :D it raises Naam's blood pressure and makes his dog bark :)

Have some patience Jcon, things are unfolding as we speak. Soon some "strange" events will be witnessed by those that are looking.


Plarex are you specifically referring to the BRL/ARS cross I mentioned, or is this the regular "nothing to see here, move on"-Plarex-style-stuff here?

Alex is of course referring to ARSe not BRL but in context of going long ARSe by shorting ZWD vs. a BJ administered by Cristina Fernández de Kirchner who will be "unfolding" in october.

Haha I've always considered Mrs. Kirchner pretty hot for her age.... as for "goign long ARSe".... I'm going to have to incorporate that into any further discussion of the ARS. Thank you Naam for another great piece of imagery... Ah and yes, I do recall that you mentioned NDFs in relation to the BRL and ARS... I guess I can't get that cross out of my head for some reason.


Good article there Chunkton.

"Call it a BEIJING Put. The manipulators have never had to deal with someone holding over 2 TRILLION dollars on the bid and would be more than happy to TAKE DELIVERY." :D:)


Good article there Chunkton.

"Call it a BEIJING Put. The manipulators have never had to deal with someone holding over 2 TRILLION dollars on the bid and would be more than happy to TAKE DELIVERY." :D :D


As warnings of a further serious downward leg to this recession seem to be appearing more frequently

it is quite bizzare that we still only seem to be getting this information almost surreptitiously

through these various websites. Meanwhile a Congress and Senate who even have the power to subpoena

anyone they want and who are meant to be acting in the interests of the US citizens who elected them and

are paying their salaries by now should be hauling the ass of Timothy Geithner and Ben

Bernanke back in front of them to be properly cross-examined

with some very tough questions. When will this pussy footing around stop :)


At least one Congressman is acting tough on the Bank of America issue :D

The question is will Ken lewis go down quietly or will he take with him

former Treasury Secretary and Ben Bernanke, both of whom have been

indirectly implicated in a massive conspiracy to defraud BofA shareholders in exchange for the "greater good" ?

This is getting interesting :)

Congress Aims to Force Bank of America to Give Details on Merrill


Have some patience Jcon, things are unfolding as we speak. Soon some "strange" events will be witnessed by those that are looking.


Plarex are you specifically referring to the BRL/ARS cross I mentioned, or is this the regular "nothing to see here, move on"-Plarex-style-stuff here?

Alex is of course referring to ARSe not BRL but in context of going long ARSe by shorting ZWD vs. a BJ administered by Cristina Fernández de Kirchner who will be "unfolding" in october.

Haha I've always considered Mrs. Kirchner pretty hot for her age.... as for "goign long ARSe".... I'm going to have to incorporate that into any further discussion of the ARS. Thank you Naam for another great piece of imagery... Ah and yes, I do recall that you mentioned NDFs in relation to the BRL and ARS... I guess I can't get that cross out of my head for some reason.

Jcon, there are ways to trade USD/BRL and USD/ARS (via bonds) but i can't think of any direct BRL/ARS possibility as both are restricted currencies which cannot be traded offshore.

Haha I've always considered Mrs. Kirchner pretty hot for her age...

neva mind her age. ah sez she's some fine piece of ARS :)

And who will be buying up the 403,000 Kgs of gold the IMF are about to bring on the market? That's about USD 12 billion in bullion. At least they are selling into a boom, unlike Golden Brown, who flogged the UK gold off at the bottom.


better not talk about this story 12 :D it raises Naam's blood pressure and makes his dog bark :)

it doesn't affect my blood pressure at all. that the IMF will sell >400 tons is an age old story which rocks only the boats of ignorants or parties with a certain agenda. and those who think this gold will be sold in the open market and not to the central banks of various IMF member states can demand from me to send them one of my famous virtual rubber bedsheets or alternatively request that i issue a certificate "...proved beyond reasonable doubt that he possesses a wealth of "no idea".


Haha I've always considered Mrs. Kirchner pretty hot for her age...

neva mind her age. ah sez she's some fine piece of ARS :D

:D I doubt if you know....only Nestor, her husband, will know.

Now, if you're talking ARS....Carla has a fine piece of A(S)RT :)



Haha I've always considered Mrs. Kirchner pretty hot for her age...

neva mind her age. ah sez she's some fine piece of ARS :D

:D I doubt if you know....only Nestor, her husband, will know.

Now, if you're talking ARS....Carla has a fine piece of A(S)RT :)



Carla does not have Cristinas experience :D


Hmm if we're on first ladies, what about Nancy Reagan check her out the saucy minx :):D


And LaoPo, how do you know Dr. Naam never had a shot at Mizz Kirchner? After all, he did live in BR for some time, and he could easily have made the border crossing to deliver some German sausage to the young lady.... :D

Hmm if we're on first ladies, what about Nancy Reagan check her out the saucy minx :):D


And LaoPo, how do you know Dr. Naam never had a shot at Mizz Kirchner? After all, he did live in BR for some time, and he could easily have made the border crossing to deliver some German sausage to the young lady.... :D

That is probably the most offensive picture I have seen all year. The classiest thing in the pic is the RR cushion. Personally I think you should be banned or suspended or whatever they do to me.

That is probably the most offensive picture I have seen all year. The classiest thing in the pic is the RR cushion. Personally I think you should be banned or suspended or whatever they do to me.

Oh you think that is bad?

another nancy.... speaker of the house :):D


That is probably the most offensive picture I have seen all year. The classiest thing in the pic is the RR cushion. Personally I think you should be banned or suspended or whatever they do to me.

haha oh come Abrak she's got a nice set of legs underneath that dress, can't you see? :) And that pose.... like she was born to be sex-ayy.... and she knows it!

That is probably the most offensive picture I have seen all year. The classiest thing in the pic is the RR cushion. Personally I think you should be banned or suspended or whatever they do to me.

haha oh come Abrak she's got a nice set of legs underneath that dress, can't you see? :) And that pose.... like she was born to be sex-ayy.... and she knows it!

To be honest she reminds me of Victoria Beckham on a bad day. Unless anyone has a pic of Hilary Clinton nud_e sporting a dildo, it is hard to beat. And if you do, please dont post it.

And LaoPo, how do you know Dr. Naam never had a shot at Mizz Kirchner? After all, he did live in BR for some time, and he could easily have made the border crossing to deliver some German sausage to the young lady.... :)

yep, used to cross the border during a boring lunch break. Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires are only separated by the Rio de Oro (or was it de la Plata?). whatever... fact = in these times german sausage was rather fresh and less shrivelled than nowadays.


yep, used to cross the border during a boring lunch break. Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires are only separated by the Rio de Oro (or was it de la Plata?). whatever... fact = in these times german sausage was rather fresh and less shrivelled than nowadays.


Guys, guys, 5:21am?? No wonder this thread is on page 165 with more than 4,100 posts. Glad you're all having fun. :)

(Assuming you are in LOS)

yep, used to cross the border during a boring lunch break. Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires are only separated by the Rio de Oro (or was it de la Plata?). whatever... fact = in these times german sausage was rather fresh and less shrivelled than nowadays.


Guys, guys, 5:21am?? No wonder this thread is on page 165 with more than 4,100 posts. Glad you're all having fun. :)

(Assuming you are in LOS)

can speak for others but i am in Thailand.

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