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Why have I posted " doom and gloom " on this thread ............

or " scaremongering ' as some people have called it........?

Maybe to stimulate thought in people who are' open-minded ' enough

to realise we should at least consider the need to ' rewire ' our way of thinking .........

Open-minded people will find this interesting.............I recommend

seeing all 3 scenarios but at least # 1.....................


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I read somewhere that Europe is facing a total write off of worth 25 Trillion USD.

I have a very strong feeling something very bad is about to happen this year, 2009, the summer of hel_l is coming, the seventh seal has been broken.

i read somewhere that it is possible to have a mia noi in Thailand.

i have a strong feeling that my wife opposes that idea without breaking any seal.




I thought by posting that webcam clip I gave you a signal.

I have a strong feeling I have to take further action.......



ha ha, sorry it seems that this "News" has dissapeared from the headlines, but others have also noticed.



I have a strong feeling...

me too Alex. i have a strong feeling that one or perhaps all your seven seals are broken :o this might help to keep your sheets and mattress clean.



Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you evil Klingon!!!!!!!


Luckily sometimes I make screendump......




Hope always comes tommorow 12, have faith. :D

I read somewhere that Europe is facing a total write off of worth 25 Trillion USD.

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, That is something I believe will kill any region.

I have a very strong feeling something very bad is about to happen this year, 2009, the summer of hel_l is coming, the seventh seal has been broken.

Something positive, uuuurrrr, well be glad that we are not living in EU or US in the city's. Food water shelter as long as we have the basic stuff we need to survive we should be fine if the world financial system finally dies. Hopefully the world has learnt an important lesson. I know that I have.


am more worried about empty bars(all the bar girls gone back to the farmhouse)now thats a crisis :o

Interview with Soros.

Listen carefully what he is saying, the weirdo things start around 3.20-3.30.

What is this guy smoking?




I couldnt picture him smoking anything somehow..........

- I think he just had a very good lunch washed down with lots of vino

Just listen to the way he says " disastrous development " at 0.29 !! :D


Well one thing for sure, I saw plenty of tourist at in and around Nana last nite when walking back to my car. A beauty asked me if she could join me home and said it would only be 500 THB. So I was a bit surprised as she was a real looker so I asked her why she lowered the price as there were plenty tourist around.

And she agreed there are a bit less then usual she said but it seems the prospects just don't take the girls out for a ride that often. So now she has to try to shag twice the number of customers and making more hours than before. She also told me that before this crisis it happened very often that customers paid twice the amount asked or at least gave some good taxi money. The girls are now often forced to share one room with 3-5 of their co workers and often cause some tension between them. In the end I wished good luck and went home, yes alone you perv's! :D

I am looking again at this Soros and around 3.40 he has this demonic smile on his face when he mentions the house bubble burst in Dubai.

Then after that another strange thing he says: The major oilproducers have been the enemy's of the prevailing world order. :o

Chaves his day's are numbered as it is not easy to finance a bolivarian revolution on 40 dollar oil.

And in Iran I think he is not going to last a year.

Is he meaning regime change by economic strangulation?



what's soros's next move.... i didn't watch the video plalex - i've imposed a self-ban of youtube on my computers, partly because of you!!!

p.s. don't break the seals. i like seals. seal-clubbing is cruel.

what's soros's next move.... i didn't watch the video plalex - i've imposed a self-ban of youtube on my computers, partly because of you!!!

p.s. don't break the seals. i like seals. seal-clubbing is cruel.

and that goes for the seventh seal too! :o


Well I am watching a few other interviews with him and he has some very interesting things to say. Don't worry Jcon that I am spending all my time looking YT.

Tonight I go out with a friend and make him completely pissed and hook him up with a nice service girl, ha ha ha!

There seem to be some good bargains out there.

Well one thing for sure, I saw plenty of tourist at in and around Nana last nite when walking back to my car. A beauty asked me if she could join me home and said it would only be 500 THB. So I was a bit surprised as she was a real looker so I asked her why she lowered the price as there were plenty tourist around.

And she agreed there are a bit less then usual she said but it seems the prospects just don't take the girls out for a ride that often. So now she has to try to shag twice the number of customers and making more hours than before. She also told me that before this crisis it happened very often that customers paid twice the amount asked or at least gave some good taxi money. The girls are now often forced to share one room with 3-5 of their co workers and often cause some tension between them. In the end I wished good luck and went home, yes alone you perv's! :D

I am looking again at this Soros and around 3.40 he has this demonic smile on his face when he mentions the house bubble burst in Dubai.

Then after that another strange thing he says: The major oilproducers have been the enemy's of the prevailing world order. :o

Chaves his day's are numbered as it is not easy to finance a bolivarian revolution on 40 dollar oil.

And in Iran I think he is not going to last a year.

Is he meaning regime change by economic strangulation?


i guess a guy in his position knows whats going on,but i would have thought eventually the oil price will go up.and who's manipulating who?i always thought it was the americans doing the manipulating.happy to hear nana is alive and well even if overtime is involved.these girls/boys have gotta realise ther's a crisis out there,prices should come down along with the panties :D

what's soros's next move..

Mr Soros, whose words and actions have moved entire markets in the past, told attendees at a conference dinner at Columbia University: “We witnessed the collapse of the financial system. It was placed on life support, and it’s still on life support.”

His words are stronger than his previous statements: at Davos a month ago, he said the financial system was merely “dysfunctional”. He now compares the current situation to the demise of the Soviet Union and added: “There’s no sign that we are anywhere near a bottom.” Another speaker, Paul Volcker, former chairman of the Fed and now adviser to President Obama, said that, while he felt capitalism would survive, “I’m not so sure about financial capitalism”.



Now there is an analogy that rings true: financial capitalism is dying like the old USSR did. As in "Shit, where did that last 99 trillion dollars go to?" Russia survived. Marxism did not. The USA-UK-Europe-etc. will survive. The markets and financial institutions may never be the same.


I keep an eye on this ball also :-

1. In about four weeks, Benjamin Netanyahu will become prime minister of Israel

He has absolutely no tolerance for Iran

Netanyahu: Neutralizing Iran would reduce danger of Hamas, Hezbollah

By The Associated Press

"I think we are going to have to deal with neutralizing the power of the mother

regime," Netanyahu told the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. "The

Hamas stronghold would be about as important, if Iranian power was neutralized

By The Associated Press


2. Meanwhile the Pentagon is worried about the continuing fall of oil prices

because this could have a very destabilizing affect on the entire Middle East region.

Judging by the large drops in the region's key stock markets---they have fallen from

30 to 50 percent this year---the recent economic boom is already over. If the price of

oil slides to below $50 per barrel, it will cause a broader economic crisis with rising

unemployment, threatening the fragile political balance in the region today.


If there is any kind of convergence between these two trends - the results could be

of " great concern "..........


well bring it on i say.those fate lazy sheiks have had it too good for too long,so have the oil companies.If netanyahu can get his way there'll be some fireworks for sure,everything going according to plan?

well bring it on i say.those fate lazy sheiks have had it too good for too long,so have the oil companies.If netanyahu can get his way there'll be some fireworks for sure,everything going according to plan?


i think something is going on..and it said on the news Iran has already gone onto a war footing

and then you also have to read " the little signs " like this :-

" The Obama administration said it was mystified by the visa refusal, especially because the president and

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have expressed a willingness to engage with Tehran."


well bring it on i say.those fate lazy sheiks have had it too good for too long,so have the oil companies.If netanyahu can get his way there'll be some fireworks for sure,everything going according to plan?


i think something is going on..and it said on the news Iran has already gone onto a war footing

and then you also have to read " the little signs " like this :-

" The Obama administration said it was mystified by the visa refusal, especially because the president and

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have expressed a willingness to engage with Tehran."


read the article,dont know what to make of it.feel sorry for the average iranian,maybe they'll vote govt.out,i think an election is due soon.there are many moderates in iran.who knows.

read the article,dont know what to make of it.feel sorry for the average iranian,maybe they'll vote govt.out,i think an election is due soon.there are many moderates in iran.who knows.

To you and me this visa denial may seem quite inconsequential, but in diplomatic circles I think the messages it sends out is much more important

read the article,dont know what to make of it.feel sorry for the average iranian,maybe they'll vote govt.out,i think an election is due soon.there are many moderates in iran.who knows.

To you and me this visa denial may seem quite inconsequential, but in diplomatic circles I think the messages it sends out is much more important

perhaps armedinijad is just being petulant,does he think his days are numbered?will he quell a people revolt,it might baffle obama,but the CIA will know whats going on for sure.


Just for the record, March 13-15.

I had another clue but was not sure what to make of it before, 7 ate 9, funny stuff once you see it.


Just for the record, March 13-15.

I had another clue but was not sure what to make of it before, 7 ate 9, funny stuff once you see it.


what are you talking about AL? what about march 13-15?

what a question! everybody knows that on march 14 the umpteenth seal will break and these gentlemen will pay us a visit:



No worries the world will not end at suggested dates, just some other funny stuff will most likely happen.

OK let me show you the 7 ate 9.

post-21826-1235295911_thumb.jpg Stimulus package first, 789 Billion

post-21826-1235296061_thumb.jpg Final stimulus package 787 Billion

You see the 7 ate the 9, funny right?

Here was the clue.

post-21826-1235297065_thumb.jpg 10 Feb that announcment was made about the simulate bill.

But that is not all, remember I said weeks before 09 February that the market would crash well the DOW index has been going down since then, yes overall there has been downward trend but in the weeks before it was up. it has lost now something like 800 points and will continu down.

The announcment was originally planned on Feb 9 but they postponed a day and guess what, look at historical 10 year price of gold on Feb 9.

post-21826-1235297540_thumb.png 1002.80 and 252.80 so you get 8+2=10 5+2+1=8 on Feb 9 and 10 year gold

Ha ha ha, very very very funny. :o:D:D


Up to 120,000 people march in national protest

Up to 120,000 people have marched in Dublin in protest at how the Government is handling the economic crisis. The march, which was organised by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (Ictu), took nearly one and a half hours to make its way from Parnell Square to Merrion Square.


Midas - did you notice that it was a peaceful protest. There were no water canons, the streets were not lined with police or military and no one was killed. This was 120,000 people exercising their democratic right to express their frustration and discontent with their government. Even the word 'angry' was used - but this was anger contained by reasonable people who wanted to make their point in a reasonable, democratic and educated manner.

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