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Maybe zee EU has overlooked bribing these people.

What do suppose would be the reaction to a successful military take over in one of these countries? Greece most likely.

why should the EU bribe "these People"?

Because they, the politicians , are acting like fanatics believing in the superstate -keeping the EU together at all costs. They would rather bankrupt the still half solvent nations and condemn the bankrupt to decades of debt servitude and impoverishment than accept the break up of their project.

I speculate that after the support of the police is lost then the army is the last power maintaining the state.

Right or wrong the perception of a German debt enslavement and suffering is in the minds of the citizenry and memories of fighting for freedom for better or worse are not forgotten.

I wonder if the EU would allow a military take over or we would actually see war in Europe perpetrated by the organisation supposedly built to guard against it.

Technocrat puppet governments have already been installed in many countries so its only 1 step away from troops/ security force to step in to support the authority of those non democratic institutions anyway.

This isn't just a banking or debt crises any more- truly it's now a crises of democracy. Creditors take priority over citizens and the societal and state structure is collapsing.

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British taxpayers who helped bail out two of the country's biggest banks at the height of the financial crisis may never see the money again. A group of influential MPs have warned that the 66 billion pounds the government paid to rescue RBS and Lloyds TSB may be lost for good. RT's Sara Firth breaks down the numbers.

The anticipated loss if the rescue had not been applied was anticipated to be significant enough at the time to be justified.

Maybe zee EU has overlooked bribing these people.

What do suppose would be the reaction to a successful military take over in one of these countries? Greece most likely.

why should the EU bribe "these People"?

Because they, the politicians , are acting like fanatics believing in the superstate -keeping the EU together at all costs. They would rather bankrupt the still half solvent nations and condemn the bankrupt to decades of debt servitude and impoverishment than accept the break up of their project.

I speculate that after the support of the police is lost then the army is the last power maintaining the state.

Right or wrong the perception of a German debt enslavement and suffering is in the minds of the citizenry and memories of fighting for freedom for better or worse are not forgotten.

I wonder if the EU would allow a military take over or we would actually see war in Europe perpetrated by the organisation supposedly built to guard against it.

Technocrat puppet governments have already been installed in many countries so its only 1 step away from troops/ security force to step in to support the authority of those non democratic institutions anyway.

This isn't just a banking or debt crises any more- truly it's now a crises of democracy. Creditors take priority over citizens and the societal and state structure is collapsing.

What a load of old speculative tosh. More of the 'I wonder............' make believe.

'Creditors take priority over citizens'. Is this junk just lifted verbatime from the OWS websites. Certainly reads like it.

Dead end politics going nowhere. Hey, lets close the banks and give everybody £1m. Whooppee!

Don't pay the creditors? A play on the current Peronist junk pontificating in Argentina.

PS I recall after the Wall came down and the GDR still in existence, being in the middle of a police strike and demonstration around Alexanderplatz.

That state was just swallowed up.

Maybe zee EU has overlooked bribing these people.

What do suppose would be the reaction to a successful military take over in one of these countries? Greece most likely.

why should the EU bribe "these People"?

Because they, the politicians , are acting like fanatics believing in the superstate -keeping the EU together at all costs. They would rather bankrupt the still half solvent nations and condemn the bankrupt to decades of debt servitude and impoverishment than accept the break up of their project.

I speculate that after the support of the police is lost then the army is the last power maintaining the state.

Right or wrong the perception of a German debt enslavement and suffering is in the minds of the citizenry and memories of fighting for freedom for better or worse are not forgotten.

I wonder if the EU would allow a military take over or we would actually see war in Europe perpetrated by the organisation supposedly built to guard against it.

Technocrat puppet governments have already been installed in many countries so its only 1 step away from troops/ security force to step in to support the authority of those non democratic institutions anyway.

This isn't just a banking or debt crises any more- truly it's now a crises of democracy. Creditors take priority over citizens and the societal and state structure is collapsing.

What a load of old speculative tosh. More of the 'I wonder............' make believe.

'Creditors take priority over citizens'. Is this junk just lifted verbatime from the OWS websites. Certainly reads like it.

Dead end politics going nowhere. Hey, lets close the banks and give everybody 1m. Whooppee!

Don't pay the creditors? A play on the current Peronist junk pontificating in Argentina.

PS I recall after the Wall came down and the GDR still in existence, being in the middle of a police strike and demonstration around Alexanderplatz.

That state was just swallowed up.

If you're a capitalist you should expect businesses to go bankrupt rather than have the state prop them up at the expense of tax payers and the wider economy.

The issue of a bloated state and unaffordable welfare systems i do think are real problems, but they are totally separate to the banker parasite /financial fraud/ market manipulation/ etc issues surrounding what is basically state subsidised criminal enterprise.

There are many possible avenues to improve the situation today or better still should have been instituted in 08. The fact none are even debated is proof that western democracy is dead. This still unfolding crises of 5+ years has no end in sight, no solutions on the table, only worse of the same. I speculate in "could be"s because thinking through all the possible scenarios is part of risk assessment which is what constitutes the based for the decision making process. Of course I'm not going to say for sure 100% there will be a coup in Spain, no one except the instigating general could know that; but if I read the report that police are striking and imagine next step to be army coup so 3years down the line when unemployment hits 50% and lawlessness prevails - maybe I give this just a 1-5% chance as things unfold, but its still useful to think through because then perhaps increasing risks mean I will not consider to buy a holiday home or something like this. Thinking further if a war situation were to arise then do I want to be living in Europe at all? (I already decided this from the weight of other scenarios but the exercise of thinking it all through is still a useful one)

Naam comment that the generals may think they have nothing to gain is constructive as it leads to more ideas. But what I was really hoping for was more like a local media knowledge or link that showed maybe generals starting to speak out or are there any already involved at a provincial or mayoral level and that sort of thing. Example the Catalan independence movement , where do the military leadership mostly hail from, deep belief in united Spain or is the army structured in to regional units?

However as is to be expected your contribution is just the same as usual

Maybe zee EU has overlooked bribing these people.

What do suppose would be the reaction to a successful military take over in one of these countries? Greece most likely.

why should the EU bribe "these People"?

Because they, the politicians , are acting like fanatics believing in the superstate -keeping the EU together at all costs. They would rather bankrupt the still half solvent nations and condemn the bankrupt to decades of debt servitude and impoverishment than accept the break up of their project.

I speculate that after the support of the police is lost then the army is the last power maintaining the state.

Right or wrong the perception of a German debt enslavement and suffering is in the minds of the citizenry and memories of fighting for freedom for better or worse are not forgotten.

I wonder if the EU would allow a military take over or we would actually see war in Europe perpetrated by the organisation supposedly built to guard against it.

Technocrat puppet governments have already been installed in many countries so its only 1 step away from troops/ security force to step in to support the authority of those non democratic institutions anyway.

This isn't just a banking or debt crises any more- truly it's now a crises of democracy. Creditors take priority over citizens and the societal and state structure is collapsing.

Right or wrong the perception of a German debt enslavement and suffering is in the minds of the citizenry and memories of fighting for freedom for better or worse are not forgotten.

the yoke of "german debt enslavement" is indeed something terrible for those upright and honest nations which never ran up any debt but are forced now by Germany to do exactly that.

there is also tremendous pressure on these countries' education system. informed circles got hold of a secret German plan to change arithmetics in Greece, Portugal and Spain. the German plans are

-for Greece "two plus two equals five point three"

-for Portugal "five minus two equals six point one"

-for Spain "three plus five is nine"

summary: nazi-terror again all over Europe! crazy.gif


"""""Right or wrong the perception of a German debt enslavement and suffering is in the minds of the citizenry and memories of fighting for freedom for better or worse are not forgotten."

the yoke of "german debt enslavement" is indeed something terrible for those upright and honest nations which never ran up any debt but are forced now by Germany to do exactly that.

there is also tremendous pressure on these countries' education system. informed circles got hold of a secret German plan to change arithmetics in Greece, Portugal and Spain. the German plans are

-for Greece "two plus two equals five point three"

-for Portugal "five minus two equals six point one"

-for Spain "three plus five is nine"

summary: nazi-terror again all over Europe! """"

If I were a German I wouldn't be too pleased about my taxes pouring down such an unfillable hole either. What a bunch of ungrateful sod they're all being about it as well!

Total mess.


They should stop wasting time and money- a new EU structure is only fair thing for every country involved. It seems none are happy yet some how this super structure gets every national politician bending and cowering.

They are still inviting Croatia in as well; when they can't even afford the countries they've got currently. Madness.

It's almost as if there were some kind of shadowy power behind it all with the intention to bleed dry the citizens, destroy asset prices and lead to privatisation's so everything can be brought up at rock bottom prices

They should stop wasting time and money- a new EU structure is only fair thing for every country involved.

in my [not so] humble opinion a new EU structure without the U.K. would be a successful first step.

They are still inviting Croatia in as well; when they can't even afford the countries they've got currently. Madness.

Croatia was not invited but applied for EU membership in 2003. it still has nearly a year to go after a decade of waiting; the acceptance however is still pending and a derailing could happen although unlikely.

If I were a German I wouldn't be too pleased about my taxes pouring down such an unfillable hole either.

let's not forget that taxes are not levied in gold Dirhams or Krüger Rands. payment in worthless fiat €UR money is accepted.

If I were a German I wouldn't be too pleased about my taxes pouring down such an unfillable hole either.

let's not forget that taxes are not levied in gold Dirhams or Krüger Rands. payment in worthless fiat €UR money is accepted.

There is no capital gains tax on UK issued coin bullion, ie sovereigns, Britannias etc

They are still inviting Croatia in as well; when they can't even afford the countries they've got currently. Madness.

Croatia was not invited but applied for EU membership in 2003. it still has nearly a year to go after a decade of waiting; the acceptance however is still pending and a derailing could happen although unlikely.

True if you like to be pedantic; however the criteria for member ship and application process was laid out by the block and by doing so invites applicants by its nature; but anyhow they are seemingly brushing aside various criteria as they did with many other more recent members so as to bring them in. To inspire the markets or boost moral that some country is still keen to join them? Same mistakes again and again. The can kicking and austerity has turned debt to GDP and unemployment higher and higher; so where is a solution? They really think more of the same will bring it? Something about a definition of madness in there.....

They are still inviting Croatia in as well; when they can't even afford the countries they've got currently. Madness.

Croatia was not invited but applied for EU membership in 2003. it still has nearly a year to go after a decade of waiting; the acceptance however is still pending and a derailing could happen although unlikely.

True if you like to be pedantic; however the criteria for member ship and application process was laid out by the block and by doing so invites applicants by its nature; but anyhow they are seemingly brushing aside various criteria as they did with many other more recent members so as to bring them in. To inspire the markets or boost moral that some country is still keen to join them? Same mistakes again and again. The can kicking and austerity has turned debt to GDP and unemployment higher and higher; so where is a solution? They really think more of the same will bring it? Something about a definition of madness in there.....

why don't you apply for the job "advisor to EU"? they need people like you... i think.

as expected... BYE BYE BASEL III ermm.gif


Delayed implementation in America means every other members also does it?

i mentioned in a posting a few weeks ago that some EU bigshots are demanding a delay as (according to them) the economic environment does not justify implementation as early as planned.

if the U.S. does not implement why should the others implement and make U.S. banks more competitive? especially the banks and their political protectors south of the Alps would cry out loud.

but i kann verry vell envisatch zat ze stoopid Tchermanns vill go ahead to set a scheining ekzampel for ze internashonal bunking kommunity ermm.gif

as expected... BYE BYE BASEL III ermm.gif


Delayed implementation in America means every other members also does it?

i mentioned in a posting a few weeks ago that some EU bigshots are demanding a delay as (according to them) the economic environment does not justify implementation as early as planned.

if the U.S. does not implement why should the others implement and make U.S. banks more competitive? especially the banks and their political protectors south of the Alps would cry out loud.

but i kann verry vell envisatch zat ze stoopid Tchermanns vill go ahead to set a scheining ekzampel for ze internashonal bunking kommunity ermm.gif

Because europe is not about economics but politics


Incredible comment by former HP CEO.


It was the auditor's fault that HP paid $11 billion for a company that gave away its useless software to people who didn't want it and then projected future sales from that customer base. Common sense apparently wasn't very common at HP then or its financial advisers.


More on other fraudsters-

"Britain's banking lobby group is under pressure to consider a merger with another trade body as it seeks to fill a funding deficit triggered by the loss of its role setting the interbank borrowing rate Libor.

I have learned the British Bankers' Association (BBA) has been urged by a number of banks to examine a combination with the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) or another trade association." - sky news app


lovely Silvia Wadhwa looks always p*ssed emot-kiss.gif


Not surprised if she has to stay up reporting on that lot ........again and again ......blink.png

IMF Lagarde gives me the creeps ... anyone trust one word she says through gritted teeth smiles ..sick.gif


Anti EU persons taking matters in to own hands in extreme fashion:

"A plot by a right-wing extremist to assassinate the Polish president, prime minister and MPs in a car bomb attack on the country's parliament has been foiled.

The main suspect, identified as a 45-year-old chemistry professor at Krakow's University of Agriculture in southern Poland, was arrested November 9, prosecutors said.

The suspect was allegedly plotting to detonate a car bomb with "four tons of explosives" during a parliamentary debate on the 2013 budget - likely in December - to be attended by President Bronislaw Komorowski and Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

His wife had tipped off security officials, Polish media reported.

Prosecutors released photographs of pistols and bags of ammunition which they said the suspect had bought in Poland and Belgium.

They also showed several vehicle licence plates, both Polish and German, which had been found among his belongings.

Mr Tusk described him as being "fascinated by Breivik", referring to mass killer Anders Behring Breivik, a far-right fanatic who massacred 77 people in a bombing and shooting frenzy in Norway in July last year.

"In Norway nobody had imagined they had a Breivik in their midst," he added.

In a statement, prosecutors said the suspect was "motivated by his negative view of the current socio-economic situation and felt radical measures were needed to change it".

Mariusz Krason, the lead prosecutor, told journalists the suspect believed that "foreign powers exercised power in Poland rather than real Poles".

The man has no links to political or terror groups but is believed to have been motivated by nationalist, xenophobic anti-Semitic beliefs and was found to be in possession of TNT, gunpowder and other explosives

The case is the first of its kind in ex-communist Poland, which joined Nato in 1999 and the European Union in 2004.

Three other suspects were detained along with the alleged mastermind, identified only as Brunon K in line with Poland's privacy laws.

He faces up to five years in prison if found guilty of organising an assassination attempt." - sky news app

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