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Uuuurrrrrrr, Abrak, I clearly said: "Here a few quotes from very well respected"

I did not say I agreed with the headline of the writer of that log.

I have looked up a bit of the works of Mr. Krugman and must say he is a bit of a character. Just go through his stuff on his NYT blog and stuff from his books. He does talk about politics and sometimes uses parts of other peoples quotes (without mentioning) and gives a bit of a spin sometimes bad sometimes good, and has a bit of a problem (it seems) with people that criticize him or question his views.

Anyway I just often question myself why such highly regarded people say the things they say as I also tried to show with the quotes from Bennie boy and Hank the tank. :)

Krugman may be a respected economist with Ph.D etc but I have noticed other equally well qualifed commentators like Nouriel Roubini and Marc Faber

stick entirely to the job of talking economics whereas Krugman seems to go off on a tangent with a very blatant political agenda.


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The whole thing realy bites!


Hey I predicted this mess but could not do anything about it.

How did I do it?

Every single enterprise, company GW Bush has owned or be in charge of has lost their butts. Where everyone except GW lost all their money and more. So GW head of the free world, well you can see the results. Funny tho I told the CEO of Alcatel this 8 months before GW was elected and had two whitnesses. Now that same CEO is asking how can a math/IT teacher predict world financial melt down. Easy I worked for Harkin Drilling (GW Bush Owned) in the Mid east and was sent back to Singapore when the company went belly up! :D

This melt down has effected all of us in some way some more some less. I personaly am left with needing to sell all my aniques and Thai amulets I have collected for more than 20 years!

Thats my bail out? :D

Sorry to those who have an ounce of warm fuzzies for GW I dont I would not even shake his hand. :D

Anybody want a good Amulet? :)

- Why are (or it seems) so many people treated (with stuff like Prozac and such) for mental disorder.

I wouldnt look into these things too deeply if I was you and stick to the pics of naked girls.

Or else you find out that by 2030, depression is forecast to be the second biggest killer in the world which would start to explain the Prozac. Then you find that most of the other top 15 killers were probably on Prozac too. Afterall, the same report reckons AIDs is going to be the number one killer and if I had AIDs I would be on Prozac. And suicide is there at number 8 which might imply Prozac not working or not be taken but would also imply the depression numbers are understated.

Then you are worried about the cost of health care in the US now? And you consider US Demographics with the number of over 65 year year olds increasing 66% as a percentage of the total population between now and 2050 and the working population declining by 10% as a percentage to actually pay for them. By the end of the weekend you will be on the Prozac.

Exploit the proletariat, I say, because we have no other choice.


Come on J, the con man,

I know you are looking this Fred.


OK, I know, a picture.


Government Propaganda some time ago....,

Come on J, the con man,

I know you are looking this Fred.


My computer may be lookin' but that doesn't mean I am... My computers are on 24/7, well 24/5 actually. TV gets the 'other' computer - another 2 dedicated to music and trading, respectively.


You and Krugman get sent to the 'other' side of the desk (Abrak, with his economic theory lessons, has actually made me dig out my old Krugman canon - yes Plarex, I am formally educated in Economics, not just Wikinomics... and while you share space on my desk, you do not share the same level of respect from me...)

That said, since I'm no currency trader, the 'other' and 'trading' computers get turned off and 'music' comes with me as I'm off to play 'city-slicker' for the weekend :D

As for the thread, we're still knee-deep in the 'Financial Crisis,' so we may go up or we may go down. That's all you really need to know.

If people want no more than to exchange links and mull over financial markets then who am I to stop them, They're very interesting.

Im however interested in taking money out of financial markets.

Just a different MO :)

taking money out of financial markets is in my [not so] humble view a very unsocial and deplorable behaviour.


other equally well qualifed commentators like Nouriel Roubini and Marc Faber

stick entirely to the job of talking economics

Max Keiser On the Edge has a 4 part video up today 6-19

Gerald Celente on parts 3 & 4


A little (in fact very little) more on the 134,000,000,000 USDs worth of bonds that turned up in a suitcase in Italy.


Wonder why this hasn't attracted the attention of the main stream media?

Maybe because they are counterfeit?

Ah SoCal ......you are the same person who sees nothing potentially devious behind The Bildberg Group........... :)

And now we have US bonds turing uo worth 1% of your country's GDP but no one in the media can get any answers .......?:D

No one has confirmed for sure they are counterfeit but even if they were, you can't Xerox these things :D

Read this 12.............

The Curious Case of the $134.5 Billion Dollar Briefcase ( major nation is trying to unload US Bonds)


A little (in fact very little) more on the 134,000,000,000 USDs worth of bonds that turned up in a suitcase in Italy.


Wonder why this hasn't attracted the attention of the main stream media?

Maybe because they are counterfeit?

Ah SoCal ......you are the same person who sees nothing potentially devious behind The Bildberg Group........... :)

And now we have US bonds turing uo worth 1% of your country's GDP but no one in the media can get any answers .......?:D

No one has confirmed for sure they are counterfeit but even if they were, you can't Xerox these things :D

Read this 12.............

The Curious Case of the $134.5 Billion Dollar Briefcase ( major nation is trying to unload US Bonds)


This is another interesting article but also the comments following are interesting .........in particular

from yesterday ...............

" I've read two different sources that are now reporting that Italian authorities are about to announce that the $134.5 billion in US bonds that they seized on June 3 are "REAL" and the bonds are owned by the government of Japan.

According to SlyRyder.com, "one of the smugglers is very likely to be identified as Tuneo Yamauchi, brother-in-law of Mr. Toshirou Mutoo, former deputy Governor of Bank of Japan. " http://slyryder.com/bondgate.html

The Turner Radio Network is reporting that the smugglers are employees of the Finance Ministry of Japan. http://www.turnerradionetwork.com/ "



because the Obama admin have continually lied about so many things..........its not so easy

for people now to instantly dismiss what these non - mainstream media outlets are telling us.......... :D

I mean who would you believe- Geithner and his cronies or other sources ?:)

12 and Alex Lah ...........just take a look at these 2 pages ........... :D


The implications of this situation are monstrous: An ally of the United States has been caught trying to secretly unload U.S. government debt. This is unmistakable proof that the United States government is headed into economic collapse because nations around the world have now officially lost faith in its ability to repay.

The fact that $134 Billion in Bonds was intercepted by Italian Police was confirmed two days ago by Bloomberg Business news (here). Today's revelation by TRN that the men arrested were employees of the Japan Finance Ministry is a huge development which will cause sudden and dramatic reaction worldwide. "



Today's revelation by TRN that the men arrested were employees of the Japan Finance Ministry is...


“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists”

J. Edgar Hoover

“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists”

J. Edgar Hoover

...which is also why the mainstream media hasnt been reporting the silly story...

Afterall, as this report points out even if they were genuine what the hel_l were they planning to do with them?

Supposedly there is no such thing as a Kennedy Bond and the total supply of paper US Gov bearer bonds is less than US$150m (yes that's an m.)


I bet the Japanese turn out to be Nigerians...

I like the dog though...



For those that are not believe in conspiracy please take some time to listen to what this guy is saying.

Then let me ask you if you remember what the US army did in December 1989 and if you are ready to learn the real reason behind their act and not the reasons coming from the MSM propaganda machine.

(This is a docu by award winning investigative journalist Pfilger,)

See any similarities in tactics with the recent elections in Iran?

And yes it is all closely related to the economy.

The question if the bonds are real or not has not been told by reliable sources but there is another strange thing. If the bonds were fake why did the Italian police let those Japanese go and not lock them up? :)

I was looking at the hearings of Geithner about this new handing over of power to the Fed and just look at the guy when he talks and reacts on questions. His body language is giving it away, I think this guy has clearly not the best interest in mind for the US taxpayers but others might have a different view.

There is a lot of smoke and mirrors, let's wait untill the smoke clears up and then kick the mirrors.


“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists”

J. Edgar Hoover

...which is also why the mainstream media hasnt been reporting the silly story...

Afterall, as this report points out even if they were genuine what the hel_l were they planning to do with them?

Supposedly there is no such thing as a Kennedy Bond and the total supply of paper US Gov bearer bonds is less than US$150m (yes that's an m.)


I bet the Japanese turn out to be Nigerians...

I like the dog though...


Abrak with all due respect, you have a quite unique talent for interpreting charts and providing economic commentary.

But you have no greater insight into this than anyone else on this board and therefore I disagree with your view

that it is a " silly story ". :D

There are so many possibilites here and the ramifications are so great , it is at least an opportunity for

those of us who are interested in following new developments in this story to keep posting here. And after all it was

12 who originally asked the question and I was responding to him actually :D If you

are not interested you are of course free to go and study more of your charts :D

Are you willing to assume that all the "issue" of Treasury bonds has been done "above board" as required by law.

If Treasury has been surreptitiously issuing bonds to, say, Japan, as a means of financing deficits that

someone didn't want reported over the last, oh, say 10 or 20 years, then wouldn't that lead to an interesting outcome :)

The question if the bonds are real or not has not been told by reliable sources but there is another strange thing. If the bonds were fake why did the Italian police let those Japanese go and not lock them up? :)

There is a lot of smoke and mirrors, let's wait untill the smoke clears up and then kick the mirrors.


Luckily there are many people who keep asking this question.


oooops, sorry I forgot to mention that in the docu there are some very graphic scenes

They start around minute 40 or something so please be warned. Already by just looking at the first half hour I think you know enough.

Another great docu to watch is this one: Christopher Hitchens Trials of Kissinger

If you still have doubts about how things are manipulated to serve certain "Interest"

Abrak with all due respect, you have a quite unique talent for interpreting charts and providing economic commentary.

But you have no greater insight into this than anyone else on this board and therefore I disagree with your view

that it is a " silly story ". :)

I cant really argue with you Midas. If it is really such a 'silly' story, then it would seem equally 'silly' that the police havent already declared them either forgeries or outdated genuine bearers, and shreaded them. So I guess until they do, then speculation is fully justified.


I've been slightly puzzled by that article by Paul Krugman warning the Government not to tighten monetary and fiscal policy in the light of what people see as 'signs of recovery'. Why would he write such a thing? Noone here thinks there is even going to be a sustainable recovery and its hard to believe that anyone thinks its going to be wildly exciting.

More to the point he knows Ben Bernanke and his policies extremely well - Bernanke recruited him to Princeton and they worked together (even though they are at economic polar opposites.) So he will know that Bernanke will see the small rise in inflationary expectations as the success of his apparently suicidal monetary policies pulling back the economy from a deflationary abyss rather than real growth.

Now I see it is this that has been worrying him...


65% YES

28 NO


So two thirds of Americans want a balanced budget do they? Well there is a recipe for depression.


If inflation is the answer, how exactly are they going to increase the money supply and velocity inside the US?

Or is the very cunning plan to lower the value of the dollar a bit more? But hey that is not what Geithner said as he spoke of a strong dollar.

What will it be?


Abrak with all due respect, you have a quite unique talent for interpreting charts and providing economic commentary.

But you have no greater insight into this than anyone else on this board and therefore I disagree with your view

that it is a " silly story ". :D

I cant really argue with you Midas. If it is really such a 'silly' story, then it would seem equally 'silly' that the police havent already declared them either forgeries or outdated genuine bearers, and shreaded them. So I guess until they do, then speculation is fully justified.

There are just too many unanwered questions.................

You said " Supposedly there is no such thing as a Kennedy Bond and the total supply of paper US Gov bearer bonds is less than US$150m (yes that's an m.)"

If Kennedy bonds don't exist why would these two men make a forgery of something that doesnt exist? :)

I was looking at the hearings of Geithner about this new handing over of power to the Fed and just look at the guy when he talks and reacts on questions. His body language is giving it away, I think this guy has clearly not the best interest in mind for the US taxpayers but others might have a different view.

That is an understatment :) I wouldn't buy a used car from this guy !

He is too " shifty ".........


Yeah and watch him smirking after his second answer, the guy seems as slippery as an eel.

I wonder where 12 is with his AK 47..... :)


Is this thread running out of steam?

A somewhat disingenuouse posting from Abrak. A few articles I've read over the past few days have called on Bernanke not to take his foot off the gas. I've not read the krugman one, though I'm sure the reasons are similar. (shoots or weeds)

The poll......is there a timeline? Do the people polled understand the implications of the answers? Was it a poll of economists,

middle class, people on welfare?

'And Alex.....saw nothing in Geitner's "body language". kissinger has decided to be truthful in his old age.....about something that is painfully obvious to everyone.

One was blanked out. A conspiricy :) . The Dildoberger thread has been closed. Deal with it or start another one.

Financial crisis......remember? :D



Teletiger (why you call yourself teletiger, lah?) :)

The reason I posted these clips and stuff is to show you that the MSM is not telling the real truth so why believe them now?

It is very clear that the last 3 illegal invasions by the US were for economic reasons (Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan).

Kissinger has never been truthful he just chose to go along with whatever party (Look the docu I mentioned).

These facts are very well documented and it might give some insight in what the US may be planning for the future to save their economy.

As I said some people would not see any kind of body language when Geithner was questioned, that is fine. I know because I have been trained and learned what to look at.

The links I have posted are not conspiracy theories, they are fact's. And they did influence economy's.

I mentioned before here to read the non fiction book: Confessions of an economic hitman, it is written by a chief economist that worked for the TPTB at the time. After you finished reading you will have a much better understanding what goes on behind the screen.

My question remains.

How is the US going to increase the money supply and velocity inside the US?

Is there a plan to lower the value of the USD?

Teletiger (why you call yourself teletiger, lah?) :D

The reason I posted these clips and stuff is to show you that the MSM is not telling the real truth so why believe them now?

It is very clear that the last 3 illegal invasions by the US were for economic reasons (Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan).

Kissinger has never been truthful he just chose to go along with whatever party (Look the docu I mentioned).

These facts are very well documented and it might give some insight in what the US may be planning for the future to save their economy.

As I said some people would not see any kind of body language when Geithner was questioned, that is fine. I know because I have been trained and learned what to look at.

The links I have posted are not conspiracy theories, they are fact's. And they did influence economy's.

I mentioned before here to read the non fiction book: Confessions of an economic hitman, it is written by a chief economist that worked for the TPTB at the time. After you finished reading you will have a much better understanding what goes on behind the screen.

My question remains.

How is the US going to increase the money supply and velocity inside the US?

Is there a plan to lower the value of the USD?

Alex....Lah? Who believes the MSM's?

Illegal invasions? All sanctioned by Congress. Therefore not illegal. (by US law)

The Kissinger and Geithner videos' influenced who's economy?

The blank one is a work in progress I guess.

You've been trained to interpret the body language of a Treasury secretary in a Congressional Hearing? Hahaha. Right.

Grow up boy.

I'll read the book. (If it's available on a torrent)(allegedly :) )

"Is there a plan to lower the value of the $"?

Have you read the last 10 pages of this thread??


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