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We adopted a female puppy from THE DOG RESCUE in Baan Taling Naam. she is cute..she is quiet and little greedy. now

how do i get her to learn her name?

Its been 6 days but feels like i am tal;king to myself... :D


my little tail... follows me around allllllll the time :o


You call her name, say 'good girl' in a cheerful voice and give her a delicious treat. Repeat a few times.

She is doing something or lying around somewhere, call her name. When she looks up cheerfully say 'good girl' and toss her a delicious treat. If she ignores, ignore her in return. Just try another time.

It's feeding time. Call her name. If she comes, praise her into heaven and give her the food. If she doesn't react, no food and ignore her. Just try 5 minutes later.

Always have her associate her name with something nice, such as lots of praise, a cuddle, playtime or a delicious treat.

If after a while this doesn't work, check her ears and check her attitude. :o

Good luck.


Thanks a lot.

Its been a 8 days and i am still 'talking to my self :D

I think her previous owner was thai cus i noticed she responds to our staff ( thai staff).

I may have to learn thai myself :D

Thanks again and have a nice sunny sizzzling day :o



If she's anything like my little fella she'll do anything for cheese. Processed works just as well as the real stuff.

Every time she comes when you call her name (or anything you are trying to teach her) give her some cheese. After about a year she'll do it automatically - no need for any more cheese.

Also, it's best to just spend ten or so minutes training everyday. That's all it takes. But you have to do it every day.

Good luck - it's well worth the effort over the first year for the benefits over the next 15 years!!

Thanks a lot.

Its been a 8 days and i am still 'talking to my self :D

I think her previous owner was thai cus i noticed she responds to our staff ( thai staff).

I may have to learn thai myself :D

Thanks again and have a nice sunny sizzzling day :o

Don't worry about that. My dog's bilingual - understands thai better than me :D

Dogs recognise sounds, not words. Remember that when you teach her command words. If you tech her 'sit' when you want her to sit down and then sh#t when you want her to do that she'll get very confused.

I think her previous owner was thai cus i noticed she responds to our staff ( thai staff).

I suggest it's down to tone of voice and pattern of the words. Look at what's being said in Thai, the pattern of the phase is what the dog will 'understand' and over time will connect with a particular activity.

"Oh! cute little puppy come here" or " Nalak ma noi monee" (transliterate corrections at will)

As a phase that preempts strokes and puppy attention it will work in either Thai, English or Eskimo - if your puppy hears the phase often enough. Repeat and allow the dog to connect one action with one reward. Below what my larger dogs understand in English:

Wannagoout = walks :-)

whoos'hat = someone is approaching the house - probably with food or will stroke me :-)

whoodid'hat = Human is pointing at something that smelt interesting that I've just been chewing :-(

Good Dog / boy = Human is happy therefore I am happy :-)

pawesandlegsandtails = lay down and submit for foot check/grooming :-|

I think that most dogs will respond to two names - our three certainly do - their primary name is their 'good dog' name, used when getting their attention for food times, coming to heel when out off-lead. Then there is their 'bad dog' name, used when finding paw prints on the kitchen wall or having enjoyed chewing someone's slippers. (There is now a blanket house rule - if any shoe is left within reach of the dogs - they belong to the dogs and no replacements will be paid for. Took a few goes but relatives now understand - you see 'family' can be trained too.)

Our 'house dog' responds very quickly when I call in Thai, 'little dog - come here quickly' - and this always raises a smile if observed by Thai people as they see a dog understanding a farang speaking Thai, but it's just the sing-song pattern of words that the dog connects with. BTW this one walks to heel very well.

I would suggest also thinking about hand-motions and whistles for some commands, where either distance or the wind is against you when out off-lead. The 'good-dog' name should always be used for calling them to you, my wife tried the 'bad-dog' name (same as the 'good-dog' name but shouted in a less than loving way) when one of our larger dogs escaped the house fences - he's not stupid and wouldn't want to run back to be told off! I just banged their feeding bowl on the concrete - and called the 'good-name' of the dog still in the grounds loud enough to be heard outside - of course the stray came back quickly - there's food to be had!

Puppies like to play and chase is a great game, so when he/she does not come when called off-lead ensure you are seen by the dog, turn and make motions that you are running away - they'll chase after you.

Praise them on return, repeat their name and a small treat does not hurt.

One of the first command words that I got mine used to was 'give' (firm voice) always said with my outstreached hand open in front of their mouth. Used during 'fetch' games to get them to drop the rag/stick etc. Or even 1/2 way through a very tasty marrow bone, I felt it was important to have such a word for when they pick something up they shouldn't eat / play with.

Final thought as I've wittered on a bit, dogs learn through play - but puppies can tire and get bored with learning games after a while - take a break or play something else for a while. I ended some training sessions with "escape and attack" - sounds more dramatic than it is, get out of an old part torn duvet cover while the other dog play-fights. (note - nothing done to encourage aggression)



I'm not going to try and outdo our experts here (especially Nienke :o ). My two young dogs both got to know their names quite naturally over a period of time. If you just call them by their name all the time they will pick it up. I used their names with any and all commands or just when talking to them, playing etc.

How old is she? As you rescued her do you know if she had a name before? That will slow down the process of learning a new name for her.

She's so cute. I think if she's following you around like a shadow you don't need to worry she'll know her name before you know it.

However, if you're really worried then you can't beat the advice from guys like Nienke and Cuban which will work. The one thing I do think is don't give 2 or more names too quickly as they will get confused.

Lol Cuban, now I know why my dog thinks his name is 'Heystopthatyoulittlebasturd'.

whoodid'hat = Human is pointing at something that smelt interesting that I've just been chewing :-(

hhmmmmm .... more likely"

whoodid'hat =

* human is pointing at something

* oh-oh, human looks crossed. What the heck he's crossed about? Better show sub-mission, so he stops grumbling.


The one thing I do think is don't give 2 or more names too quickly as they will get confused.

Actually I think Cuban's advice is very good.

I don't use two names for my dogs, because it makes ME confused. :o

I don't use two names for my dogs, because it makes ME confused.

I don't think I explained myself clearly enough, my mistake entirely as I was rushing to type while I should have been doing something else.

I have three dogs, each dog has only one name.

The point I was trying to make was that if your dog is called 'Spot' and you call out the dog's name in a happy sing-song style "Spot, come here Spot, good Spot" the dog will understand that 'Spot' is repeated in connection with dog-human interactions that are good.

When Spot has chewed the curtains, used he carpet to disposit a gallon of double toxic diarrhea and eaten the meal you have just prepared for guests arriving within five minutes - you will probably use Spot's bad-dog name: "S P O T !!" Different tone of voice.

It's tone of voice that (IMHO) dogs trigger on more than the words themselves, I have no idea if the dogs consider 'SPOT!' a different word from 'Spot' - but the fact that they react correctly in the situation is for me the important point.

Indeed in this situation:

whoodid'hat = oh-oh, human looks crossed. What the heck he's crossed about? Better show sub-mission, so he stops grumbling.

That's fine, I know the dog can't repair whatever it is that has been chewed, and it is a human's fault for leaving something 'interesting' in the wrong place but the dog going into submissive mode is the best I'm going to get as an apology and re-enforce in their head that I'm top-dog in the pack.

[ One point of information - they have never even attempted to chew any of my shoes. ]

Correcting a dogs bad actions must be done while the dog is doing it, as Nienke has said before if you use your own lounge carpet as a toilet - then later return while your dog is quietly sitting watching the TV and point at the offending smelly pile and say "whoodid'hat", the dog will react exactly as Nienke says, 'Human is ticked off about that crap on the carpet - I'll better be submissive - that makes the human less agressive.'

For Kungfupanda in particular, repeating gently over time will work. Maybe take some time to sit down and note down the command words you want your dog to learn. Sit, Give, Down, ComeOn / ComeHere.

You might need to consider using words that your Thai partner/family can pronounce easily as well?


Lol Cuban, now I know why my dog thinks his name is 'Heystopthatyoulittlebasturd'.
Indeed, one of mine could have learnt his name as 'bad dog', he hasn't.
That's fine, I know the dog can't repair whatever it is that has been chewed, and it is a human's fault for leaving something 'interesting' in the wrong place but the dog going into submissive mode is the best I'm going to get as an apology and re-enforce in their head that I'm top-dog in the pack.

Dogs don't apologize and dogs don't feel guilty. Those are human traits and it is antropomorphism when puttting these things in a dog's mind.

dogs show sub-mission in an attempt to stop the 'aggressive/crossed' behavior of the other.

Correcting a dogs bad actions must be done while the dog is doing it, as Nienke has said before if you use your own lounge carpet as a toilet - then later return while your dog is quietly sitting watching the TV and point at the offending smelly pile and say "whoodid'hat", the dog will react exactly as Nienke says, 'Human is ticked off about that crap on the carpet - I'll better be submissive - that makes the human less agressive.'

But the dog doesn't necessarily make the link between HIM or HER putting the crap there in the first place. That's wjhat makes the difference.

Just try it out once, and put soem crap of another individual there and then say "whoodid'hat" while looking crossed at the dog. chacnes are very high the dog will again show sub-mission, while s/he has nothing to do with that pile of crap.

And THAT's why it is so important to catch the animal in the act, for it to make the link between him/her putting the crap there.


all the dogs i've had have been 'trilingual' and understood simple signs for far away commands (come, sit, down, stay)...

they also understand the thai clicking tongue, 'get out of here, go away, move away'

lili has learned two names: lili (my name for her) and 'kin kee' (my husband's name for her as she eats dove shit , from the doves living over our door, yucky yucky)

lili is slower in responses, not sure if she is just , really, a little slower then the others i've had, or if she just cant place where we are (she is small with lots of fur over her eyes) as often we will call her, and she will head off in the wrong direction, look confused, see foofoo and come at a run... she did fall on her head once a month or so ago...

but dogs learn a good range of word/commands and yes, its doesnt matter if its eskimo, thai, hebrew, or gibberish, as long as the same sound, range and syllables are used for getting the same affects (like a child learning a language)...

and they also learn to spell (try spelling to your spouse , who might not catch what u said, btw, lets go our for a walk w-a-l-k) ... and see dogs sitting by door looking hopefull (they also saw u putting on your sports shoes, and otehr clues) but seriously, i have a book that lists up to 250 words and their combinations for working with dogs, including service dogs . the dog model is a samoyed btw. the trainer starts with simple commands and then builds links: get. get ball. get keys. get phone. etc.

and its enough to use small clues once they know and obey... foofoo just needs me to lift one finger at him and he knows not to come in to a building or room on the kibbutz, or to not cross the street or approach something.



  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks a lot for the replies.

i have a question again.. are there any good vets in koh samui? i have taken our puppy suki to the chaweng one and ummmm i dont think they know whats wrong with her. 8 days ago they said it was ringworm and gave me a ringworm shampoo to wash her with and yesterday she( the white coat girl@ vet) told me that our puppy has a mange.. i did tell her the first time that it could be an early symptoms of mange but she said '' noooooo.... this is ringworm..we know what mange is .... blah blah blah ''

the other thing i am worried about is a blood in her stool. she always goes out in the jungle to dump but she dumped near the pool area on thrusday night and yesterday morning and i noticed there was some blood so i scooped a little bit of yesterdays poop and put it in zipbag and took it to the chaweng vet for diagnosis but the girl told me they dont do that sort of stuff there???? <deleted>!!!!!!!! they want me to take her back on monday.

Help me find a new vet please...i dont think i want to take my puppy back there.

and where do you buy a premium pet food in koh samui?

thaanks all ...

a v worried mom of 4legged animal.


> where do you buy a premium pet food in koh samui?

Sorry to hear about the problems, I can't help with the vet, I stayed in Samui for a short holiday to look at business locations and decided it was too violent.

For food I am a firm believer in BARF (Bones And Raw Food), a dog's natural diet.

When mine were puppies, I would cut a chicken carcass into a very rough mince bones and all and then feed a little at a time untill they could be trusted not to swallow en mass. Some raw liver provides many things a healthy dog needs.

This document I found on the Lucky Dogs web site is very useful. If in doubt just read the contents list on main brand (or the cheap stuff) dog food. The best is 26% animal protein with a good +50% cheap wheat and rice filler.

Mine benifit from fresh fish when I can, just remove the sharp parts from the gills and fin tips, normally mackrel, in Thai 'Pla Saba' The fish oil is great for a good coat and joints.

Raw chicken bones are great to excerise those teeth, and gets them use to larger pig leg bones later, if you dog grows to a suitable size.

Apart from being better for your dog - in my comparisions it's cheaper too, look at the price you are paying for water when you buy it as part of a tin of dog food. Don't forget the dog eats food based on it's smell so all the pet food company's processing it to apease your eye. That's why there isn't 'mouse flavoured' cat food.

As for blood in the dog's stool, is it possible that the dog has eaten a cooked bone of some type? Cooked bones are extremely bad for dogs (cats) and can puncure the stomach or intestines.

Try cutting a cooked bone and compare it with a raw one of the same size.

Bumping this thread might also draw more responses.

Hope all works out well.


blood in stool:

puppy = parvo would be my first thought,

more info would help: fever? vomiting? lethargic? also, maybe go back to where u got her for some help vet wise...

dont feed her for a day, and then put her back on cooked rice, then if that goes ok, add cooked chicken w/o the bones ... if improved, then do for other day or so then slowly get her back on whatever she is eating.

if u notice decrease in health, dont wait: parvo and some others are 100% puppy killers if not treated, and sometimes if they are treated.

is she drinking water? peeing?




Thank you, thank you, thank youuu!!

took her back to the same vet yesterday ( for her vaccine) and they told me she looks and is alright now. she is little bit fat tho :o lol her nick name is pompui (spell ??) she seems to put on 1 kg a week so i am thinking of changing her diet. i been feeding her the stuff from vet place - pedegree dry food and canned meat (?) and home c ooked food ( beef/lamb/chickenbreast with bit of broccoli, carrots,lentils, green peas and rice) but i think she likes the canned stuff (canine junk food).

i meant to be on a loooooong vacation but i been cooking (dog food) every morning and night... :D

blood in stool:

puppy = parvo would be my first thought,

more info would help: fever? vomiting? lethargic? also, maybe go back to where u got her for some help vet wise...

dont feed her for a day, and then put her back on cooked rice, then if that goes ok, add cooked chicken w/o the bones ... if improved, then do for other day or so then slowly get her back on whatever she is eating.

if u notice decrease in health, dont wait: parvo and some others are 100% puppy killers if not treated, and sometimes if they are treated.

is she drinking water? peeing?



no fever, no vomitting..may be bit lethargic and 24 hrs scratching.. now has a tiny bald patch on her body. they gave her an injection last week for her mange and a stuff to put on her baldy patch once a day.

she drinks and eats all the time : her food, bugs, moths, bees, grass... etc.


i would stop with the broccoli, lentils and green peas... hard for dogs to digest, stick with rice and the meats raw or cooked, go back to the vet or change vets... and maybe take her off the dry foods for a while, perhaps she is allergic? , and keep her from eating all the outdoor stuff, puppies, like babies, dont always know what to put in their mouths and may eat the wrong things.



i would stop with the broccoli, lentils and green peas... hard for dogs to digest, stick with rice and the meats raw or cooked, go back to the vet or change vets... and maybe take her off the dry foods for a while, perhaps she is allergic? , and keep her from eating all the outdoor stuff, puppies, like babies, dont always know what to put in their mouths and may eat the wrong things.



thanks again.

its quite hard to keep an eye on her 24 hrs..i am trying my best to keep her indoor...our house is in the jungle hill. she goes out in the jungle to do her rituals. our thai maids are useless and i think they have no love or anything for animals of any kind. all they do all day is watch telly... it was my idea to get them SAT TV :D oh yeah they throw their kitchen rubbish out of their kitchen windows...<deleted>?? i told them 100 times to put the rubbish in the bin outside their kitchen. we could get cockroaches, rats :o when are they going to learn <deleted>?? is it quite common in thailand?

now back to the main topic : ( sorry about the rant )

her baldy patch on her body looks nasty and full of pus. i am having a 2nd thought about going back to the chaweng vet. been there three times already but she is still not ok.

so come on people of koh samui.. help me out please.

thanks in advance.


first: yes is usual to throw the garbage out of the house, the chickens and dogs eat all the garbage usually before other creatures get to it, BUT, a puppy can poison herself from eating putrid garbage, not to mention that she could also eat the plastic bags and stuff that thais throw out with the garbage; my husband here in israel still throws the garbage often out the door, so food goes thrown out in to the two chickens we have, and dogs cant get in to there.

its not up to the maids to keep eye on dog. its your resposibility. either build a fenced area for her until u come home, or close her off in one area of the house until u can take her out; or let her turn in to a village dog, so if she survives, then chances are she is a strong specimen.

pus on the bald spot means she is scratching it and opening the wound over and over again,first, try washing with some polidine and water, two times daily;

u have to keep her from scratching at it so either put a sweatshirt over her, put socks on her feet (so cant scratch) or get elizabethan collar from vet, or make one from a bucket: cut hole in bucket, put a hole on either side of the edge of the bucket, put her head thru the hole so the open part of the bucket is facing out, check and make sure she can drink /eat (her nose can reach water and food , u might have to change her feeding bowl and water bowl or help her, or take the bucket off her to eat adn drink several times a day). u tie the bucket on her by putting strings thru the two holes and securing it around back of her neck and tieing under chin. its a good improvised version, we've used it on goats, horses and dogs. its also cheap.

she may need a shot of antibiotic, or get antibiotics in pill form, or possibly steroids against itching. it depends on the vet. what cream are u putting on it?

also,the 'shot' u got for mange for her was probably ivomac, and she could probably get an other one, the dosage can even be every two weeks.



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