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Red Shirts Threaten To Blockade Government House On Saturday


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The reds have now passed the 'third' police blockade and walking/riding motorcycles to the next blockade. Pretty piss poor having a blockade if it involves about 30-40 policemen facing a few thousand protesters, especially when the advance group are riding motorcycles.

You would think the government/police would have learned something from the farce at the airport ... oh well. Maybe another blockade of Government House or Parliament coming up.

Same old tactics ... different colour shirts.

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The reds have now passed the 'third' police blockade and walking/riding motorcycles to the next blockade. Pretty piss poor having a blockade if it involves about 30-40 policemen facing a few thousand protesters, especially when the advance group are riding motorcycles.

You would think the government/police would have learned something from the farce at the airport ... oh well. Maybe another blockade of Government House or Parliament coming up.

Same old tactics ... different colour shirts.

The police aren't supposed to stop them at this point, just monitor them. They will be allowed to gather around GH (but will likely be denied access to the grounds!)

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Thousands of protesters set off for Government House

By: AFP 31/01/2009 at 10:44 PM (article lkink)

Thousands of supporters of ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra began marching towards Thailand's main government offices in Bangkok Saturday, vowing to fight on until the new administration leaves office.

The protesters set off just after 10pm, led by ten trucks carrying rally leaders and accompanied by more than 100 motorbikes.

Four steel barricades manned by unarmed police had been set up along the four kilometre route from Sanam Luang. Protest leaders quickly negotiated their way through the first barrier.

Police and military have turned the main government office compound into a fortress, fearing a repeat of last year's events when rival protesters laid siege to Government House for three months.

But protest leaders said they would remain outside the compound where they would read a list of their demands that include the resignation of the government.

"We will not go inside Government House," rally leader Jatuporn Prompan said.

"If the government uses force... this government will not last until tomorrow," he later added.

The protesters are calling for those involved in a siege of Bangkok's airports in November to be fired from government jobs and then prosecuted, and for parliament to be dissolved.

Thousands of anti-Thaksin protesters marched on Government House in August last year and occupied it for three months before moving their protest to the airports as they tried to topple the government elected in December 2007.


TNN live stream of red rally:



Edited by baht&sold
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Civil conflict is inevitable IMO.

How bad it will get and which side will emerge as victors is still far from clear at this moment.

One thing is for sure, the continued political instability is going to signal a very bad year for Thailand, after the first estimates for Q4 GDP have the economy already shrinking by over 3%.

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Looks like the reds have managed to get into the grounds of Government House ... haha.

'We will surround Government House, but we won't break into the grounds.'

Yeah .... ok ... then. Red, yellow and probably orange, pink and blue next. Rainbow politics in Thailand.

Politics, the police, the army and the law in general are a complete farce.

Oh well ... I still enjoy living here :o

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About 11:15pm, the reds have passed the last fence (nail and steel frames) and now are almost around the Government House.

They said they won't go inside like what terrorist PAD did.

Probably the same 'terrorists' you mentioned, but wearing a change of clothing .... :o

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The yellow shirts have made a statement and made it clear that in Thailand you can protest and occupy all the government buildings you want and never get held accountable for it. I hope the red shirts won't seize government house and really hope the red shirts won't take the airports, but I do think it's only fair for the new government to get their share of the PITA (pain in the ...)

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Civil conflict is inevitable IMO.

Wouldn't worry too much (if at all) about a wider civil conflict growing out of this. Beyond the initial budget, selling eggs to launch even at 3 for 20 baht and feet clappers isn't going to fund this. Thus, to go for the long-haul, Jakrapob would have to get back on the big red overseas phone and squarely face the main donor to request he downgrades to a Best Western motel.

Meanwhile, Jackpot saying: "If the government uses force... this government will not last until tomorrow" is rather bold, considering his Govt lasted a few months after Oct 7... (prob a great line for a Jonathan Head balcony report though). Still, perhaps there's a very slim chance a 'third clapping foot' wings a few of their own to create desired PR (certainly hope not). Should be ok though, Sae Daeng's dance card is full for one, having been assigned to teaching aerobics to boys... Regardless, zero chance the police will put on another display of limb-removing chinese melamine quality tear gas. Here's hoping at least the musical entertainment improves this time around...

May the reds have a safe and enjoyable rally whilst Thailand simply moves along (apparently there's a little economic crisis thing to get on with now)

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Wouldn't worry too much (if at all) about a wider civil conflict growing out of this. Beyond the initial budget, selling eggs to launch even at 3 for 20 baht and feet clappers isn't going to fund this. Thus, to go for the long-haul, Jakrapob would have to get back on the big red overseas phone and squarely face the main donor to request he downgrades to a Best Western motel.

I think you underestimate the resolve and the intelligence of the rural Thai people.

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Wouldn't worry too much (if at all) about a wider civil conflict growing out of this. Beyond the initial budget, selling eggs to launch even at 3 for 20 baht and feet clappers isn't going to fund this. Thus, to go for the long-haul, Jakrapob would have to get back on the big red overseas phone and squarely face the main donor to request he downgrades to a Best Western motel.

I think you underestimate the resolve and the intelligence of the rural Thai people.

Actually, I deeply respect both the resolve and the intelligence of the hard working but constantly shafted rural Thai people and sincerely hope they may eventually get more than mere dissolving candy from this Govt (unlike previous Govt's). However, I do not underestimate Mr Thaksin's illustrated history of lust for pure greed and ego above ALL else.

I fully realise instant gratification lacking substance has been the cynically self-serving hallmark conditioned by politicians, thus the current trained woeful expectations must be met. However, all Thai people and especially rural Thais deserve much more substance which may actually benefit, enhance their lives, opportunities and endure. May they yet finally be afforded this critical and essential right.

It's convenient and rather simple to 'colour' (or label) especially in these polarised times. I'm assuming you also want the best for Thailand and for all Thai people, that's a great meeting place. Let's then both hope Thailand ultimately wins over colours or labels and chooses real substance over proven dissolving, decaying but tempting candy.

Edited by baht&sold
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Protesters start dispersing from Government House

The Nation Feb 1, 2009 (article link)

The red-shirted protesters started dispersing from Government House at 12:35 am Sunday after their leaders announced four-point demand for the government to comply. They started dispersing from the Nakhon Pathom Road in front of Government House where they pushed through police's lines to occupy. They headed back to Sanam Luang.

Veera Musigapong read the four demands, calling the government to take legal action against the People's Alliance for Democracy, to purge Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya, to re-enforce the 1997 constitution and to dissolve the House after the readopting the 1997 charter.

Veera said the protesters would return if the government did not meet the demands in 15 days.

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I think you underestimate the resolve and the intelligence of the rural Thai people.

I don't know how the government who look down upon rural Thais and say they are still stupid to vote can gain any support from them.

What do the government who gave rotten canned fish to poor people have to say? I don't know if anyone opened the Chao Doi canned fish last night at Sanam Luang or not.

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Protesters start dispersing from Government House

Veera said the protesters would return if the government did not meet the demands in 15 days.

Return and do what? If they have any substance to them they have to occupy the position, not just come and go.

They haven't got the substance. They're a political souffle, whipped up on demand by mediocre sous-chefs on behalf of their absent and enfeebled master.

How do you inspire people to make sacrifices on behalf of money politics, large-scale corruption and cynical manipulation of people and institutions for personal and family aggrandizement? The people in the provinces may be cheesed off that the stooges they elected were unable to present any kind of credible showing, but that's not the fault of Abhisit. The PPP/PPT lost government because they lost their allies. The party with the biggest popular vote has, at least for the moment, got the support of those allies; hence they now lead a coalition government - same as Samak/Somchai. It's not rocket science. If the PPT can get those allies back they'll be able to form a government - full of incompetents and lawbreakers though it may be.

Your average redshirt might be just a simple person with a grouch, but their leaders are people with an agenda to restore criminality and cynicism to the core of Thai public life. They call it "Thai democracy".

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A good tactical start by the Reds.

All they need is for folk to think they might do the same as the Yellows, and it can have the same effect.

Who will be booking flights to Bangkok for March/April while this is in play?

Last night the missus and I went to Khao San Road for dinner and drink. The place was packed with tourists, wall to wall. If the tourists are staying away, it certainly doesn't show.

We left at 10, running immediately into the Red shirt parade on Ratchadamnoen Road. While I can be considered to have pro-government sympathies, I have to say that the red shirts were well behaved, and quite polite. They had people directing traffic to less congested routes, and the majority looked to be older men, women and student types. No crazy behavior (except coming from the loudspeakers), and as I sat in my truck while the waves of red shirts walked by, I never felt the least bit afraid or uncomfortable (despite the fast that I think they are all wrong, lol).

Since Koo was providing blow by blow accounts of last nights activities, I can safely assume that she wasn't there. (And I was - oh the Irony!!!!)

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I think you underestimate the resolve and the intelligence of the rural Thai people.

I don't know how the government who look down upon rural Thais and say they are still stupid to vote can gain any support from them.

Can you show me a link or a statement from Govt or ANYTHING, that proved this latest crap that you are spouting. You were proved wrong on the enlistment accusation, of which you have not been humble enough to withdraw your silly comments and apologise :o

Now you start with more nonsense.

Can you not start up knitting or sewing and give us all a break? :D

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Well done the "red shirts". Nice legal and peaceful protest.

Get these PAD idiots in court and charged. No let up until all those involved with the PAD illegal activities are arrested and charged.

The country cannot be healed until the cause of the problem is cut out, and the root cause is now in power, the power behind the puppets of the present Democrat government so its said..

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About 11:15pm, the reds have passed the last fence (nail and steel frames) and now are almost around the Government House.

They said they won't go inside like what terrorist PAD did.

Probably the same 'terrorists' you mentioned, but wearing a change of clothing .... :o

That's a very good point. In our district in Buri Ram the reds were offering 500 baht a day for banner waving front liners and 200 a day for general rabble in the back. I know for a fact that a group of those recently returned from supporting the PAD protests have taken up this offer. They don't care about the ideaology, they just want to make a bit of money.

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The country cannot be healed until the cause of the problem is cut out, and the root cause is now in power, the power behind the puppets of the present Democrat government so its said..

Viva La Revolucion?

Is it in any way connectde to reported demands for lifitng LM laws?

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About 11:15pm, the reds have passed the last fence (nail and steel frames) and now are almost around the Government House.

They said they won't go inside like what terrorist PAD did.

Probably the same 'terrorists' you mentioned, but wearing a change of clothing .... :D

That's a very good point. In our district in Buri Ram the reds were offering 500 baht a day for banner waving front liners and 200 a day for general rabble in the back. I know for a fact that a group of those recently returned from supporting the PAD protests have taken up this offer. They don't care about the ideaology, they just want to make a bit of money.


Same Same why have shame

We get paid, we win the game.

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A few general comments on this.

Good to see the demo passed off peacefully. Kudos to organisers, authorities and government for this.

Numbers according to international media seem to be about 30K. Less than organisers expected but a bit higher than police expected.

Interesting that others have confirmed that those previously attending PAD rallies have now taken the money for red rallies. Anyone wanting to hold a rally with tens of thousands of protestors is going to find ways to boost numbers. There is an ideological and politcised core but this is a lot smaller than the sum of the demo. Same was true of PAD.

Dont confuse the rural poor with the red side. A lot of people ion Thailand are giving this government a chance. The demand for elections is coming from the red shirts leadership, funders and PTP MPs feeling threatened or wanting their last election expenses back. It is not a call from the people.

This call for elections is actually the main demand (as confirmed to me by a politcian). Reasons:

1. It is getting very expensive to keep PTP together (it could split further) and to fund a resistance to government.

2. Most PTP MPs are still out of pocket from the last election as their budgets never got through.

3. Isaan non-Newin MPs are worried that if the government stay around for a while their influence will decrease vis-a-vis Newin (This is a big reason). Not long ago the military said maybe we have to accept the PTP will have a stronghold in the North. Clearly they expect this to change in the Isaan and if it does game over for PTP.

Finally, the game the government are playing is very clever. Appear reasonable and avoid direct confrontation. This creates conditions for a running out of steam or for a cranking up of street action. Both play into government hands especially as ordinary people have had enough of street demos. The government also reap the reward that the international coverage of the red demos is getting smaller and smaller. International media love drama and violence or huge peaceful Hezbollah sized demos with hundreds of thousands of people but peaceful protests by relatively small crowds - not interesting. The governments biggest worry is the economy which as it weakens could hurt them. Lets hope by then people can actually demonstrate outside of a context of red and yellow power struggle about things that actually matter to people.

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Abhisit in the international speech tonight got it right when he said the public no linger supported this kind of thing.

Isn't this the political equivalent of picking up the football and declaring the game over the moment after you score the winning goal?

No it is the result of a very clever if outrageous strategy by the PAD leadership. By the time they had finished they had ensured that a majority would have had enough of street action. It doesnt matter red or yellow people have had it with that stuff for a while at least. To use your analogy it is making sure the goal didnt go in until the moment the ref was putting the whistle in his mouth and the crowd were all hungry and tired and happy for the game to be over.

TBH looking back on all that has happened seems to reveal a very clever strategy and plan that has outmanouvered the Thaksin side. It even played on Thaksin preferring sycophants with little strategic talent over talented but possibly hard to control politcal power brokers. The worries for the government and those pulling strings are the economy, a split in the current alliance and more pressing they probably also need to make sure the police bosses sympathetic to the other side are not involved in any security according to what is currently doing the rounds.

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Nirmal Gosh's Straights Times Blog entry on this demonstration:


"...At no point was there the threat that things would go out of control, partly because none of the reds was armed in the manner that the PAD ''guards'' were last year. So there was little provocation. And the reds retained the moral high ground by not invading Government House as the PAD had done – a factor crucial to their public image."

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Protesters start dispersing from Government House

The Nation Feb 1, 2009 (article link)

The red-shirted protesters started dispersing from Government House at 12:35 am Sunday after their leaders announced four-point demand for the government to comply. They started dispersing from the Nakhon Pathom Road in front of Government House where they pushed through police's lines to occupy. They headed back to Sanam Luang.

Veera Musigapong read the four demands, calling the government to take legal action against the People's Alliance for Democracy, to purge Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya, to re-enforce the 1997 constitution and to dissolve the House after the readopting the 1997 charter.

Veera said the protesters would return if the government did not meet the demands in 15 days.

Actually they started to dispersing BEFORE their leaders announced their demands, as the paid time was over. At midnight everyone beside some hardcore wanted to go home.

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Nirmal Gosh's Straights Times Blog entry on this demonstration:


"...At no point was there the threat that things would go out of control, partly because none of the reds was armed in the manner that the PAD ''guards'' were last year. So there was little provocation. And the reds retained the moral high ground by not invading Government House as the PAD had done – a factor crucial to their public image."

Exactly, the "people" are fed up of PAD/Yellow street protests, that mess up the roads on WEEKDAYS, and SHUT DOWN AIRPORTS and other things that inconvenience them.

We all know the PAD did this to deliberatly upset the masses, force them to want change and accept the defact coup and appointing of a Democrat government.

Now, the UDD must be clever, and not upset the "people", and show people demonstrations on WEEKENDS, and show people they have a voice, and can demonstrate against the "elite" who are now behind the present government, and do so in a legal way, with non-violence and not breaking laws.

The international media will keep on reporting, as many of their reporters/mags have been threatened or charged or had publications suspended, by the "elite" controlling the Democrats coalition.

Therefore they will be more than happy to report on "Thai politcal turmoil" so the reds know they can always get "good press" coverage.

Keep up the good tactics red shirts........people will soon realise how bad the PAD were, and that they did things to make life hard for normal Thai people, in a deliberate fashion without any worrys or concerns......KNOWING that the Democrats who appear to sponsor them will not charge them or arrest them.

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Well done the "red shirts". Nice legal and peaceful protest.

Get these PAD idiots in court and charged. No let up until all those involved with the PAD illegal activities are arrested and charged.

The country cannot be healed until the cause of the problem is cut out, and the root cause is now in power, the power behind the puppets of the present Democrat government so its said..

I've never heard it put so simply and eloquently! Bravo!

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