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Windows 7: Model For Microsoft Reinvention

Guest Reimar

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Hi :o

Sorry that won't work - it's already got two HDD's (one Linux, one data) and two DVD burners - no available IDE ports..... and i don't have a spare HDD either......

But don't worry, i'll get that laptop going sooner or later, it'll be my test machine, or maybe i'll slap another PC together (got everything except a case and a HDD). I still got some 5 months for that beta, so nothing to worry.

Kind regards.....


No SATA port available? How old is that MB? You can also partition the Data HDD in 2 P and use one for Win 7! I had done that with my Laptop!


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Hi :o

There are SATA ports but this mainboard type (Asus K8N4-E SE) is known to "not boot" when there are IDE and SATA hard disks present at the same time. And my Linux-knowledge is not yet good enough to mess around with Grub in order to realize a dual-boot with a newer Windows version - i am already happy that i got Ubuntu working, tweaked and customized to my liking and it performs simply flawlessly, i really don't want to screw something up because then i'll be stuck.... i even disabled Ubuntu's updating because those updates can (and often do!) mess up working installations :D

Regarding the data-HDD, it is already partioned - that is still from when i was running Vista, i then had a 120 GB HDD for Vista and programs and this 500 GB HDD, partitioned into 4 equally sized partitions, to store data - music, videos, general downloads, documents etc. This data drive is in NTFS, i just kept it like that because Ubuntu can use that, too. I still have the HDD with Vista and it's programs fully installed (it's a genuine full version of Ultimate, after all, i'd be stupid to throw that away) so IF Linux decides to screw up (or the current "system HDD", an 80 GB, decides to die) i only have to swap that HDD and am back in business (with a year of Vista-updates to be done........) so as i said, all i'd need is one more HDD.

But if i HAVE that HDD, i would still not install it on THIS machine - it's a beta OS after all, so it would be rather temporary - and if i put that HDD in this machine or in the other (which i had to "slap together" as everything is available except HDD and a case) would not make much difference, except the other one i could play and mess and test and tweak to my liking while on the "production machine" i'd run a risk of messing my data and more work - to get back to "production" i'd have to swap HDD's again :D

Regarding that other, yet-to-be-build, machine, i think it's sufficient for Win 7 - Duron 900 (i can put in a cheap second-hand Athlon or even Sempron, up to 3300+, into that socket), 1 GB of DDR-1 (i could put another 1 GB in there), graphics i have two to chose, either 128 MB Nvidia or 128 MB ATI. As i wouldn't be doing video editing or graphics on that machine, it'd be ok i guess.

Kind regards.....


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