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Hi All,

I hear rumors of straight gas being phased out in favor of gasohol and I wonder if anyone has solid information about it.

Also, having a '94 Toyota sedan and thinking about a motorcycle, what options/limitations are there to retrofitting older vehicles for gasohol?

As I understand it post-2000 cars are designed to accommodate gasohol. Is that the case for bikes?

just off the bottom of the learning curve,



I understand a '96 Toyota should be fine. (OK for E10) When I went through the learning curve I found that pre '86 European models had the greatest problems. (E20 newer cars only)

The issue is generally pastic parts within the fuel pump / fuel system, piping etc.

Also the alcohol acts as a 'gunk' cleaner for older fuel tank, bringing small bits out of the tank into the fuel system - a general comment I read was that after running a few (?) tanks of gasohol through your car after it has been only fed pure gas before, a change of fuel filter is wise.

I have not seen any definative information from any Thai source or the car makers - no one prepared to say 'yes it's ok' most say 'it should' many say 'your risk'.

I remember seeing an Australian (government?) web site with a list of OK/Not-OK cars.


I've read many threads on this forum where board members have said that Gas is being phased out in favour of Gasohol. In my personal experience I have found regular 95 very rare and I always use Gasohol 95 in one of my cars. I have no experience with bikes, nor any solid evidence about the Thai government's intentions regarding ethanol-mixed fuels. Probably that's something the government and I have in common.

The only antedotal evidence I could offer would be from the Bangkokpost online news service:

1) Thailand manufactures ethanol domestically

2) The government subsidizes Gasohol.


In regards to motor-cycles , many smaller machines use engine types from the late seventies which should present no problems with gasahol as they have lower compression ratios . With the later style engines , an extra base gasket to lower compression and retard the ignition 2 degrees should do the trick .Should you be able to correctly 'Read 'a sparkplug , its coloration will give you any indications of a need to change carburation .


Ive read that gasohol may have negative effects on certain parts of your carby (floats etc), that is the plastic parts & something to do with seals.

Probably should get advice from the dealer who sold you the bike, most of the new stuff is gasohol safe.

Theres been a few other threds on this topic, do a thai visa search, see what info you turn up.


I would tend to be a little hesitant talking to a dealer about succesability of componant parts in regards to gasahol , or many other factors that may or may not detract from a sale . You would be further ahead to google on this subject concerning the effects on plastics , after all , there are a multitude of differing components of plastics these days . In regard to seals , the only ones to come into contact on a 4 stroke engine if you stretch the imagination , are the valve stem seals . In the carburator , most , if not all , seals are rubber , some 'O' rings could be semi plastised .

I am not actively involved at this time or I would have done some intensive study and research into the ups and downs of this later , so called , fuel , primarily because it is not readily sustainable and is definitely not cost effective in any way shape or form , calls for a different thread to involve MY head (LOL) .

This whole problem is somewhat similar to when oxygenated gas was introduced on the ususpecting public some years back , and many years before that , multi-grade oils , motor-cycles had never come into the equation . Well , my dear sir , I happen to have been as controversial then as I am now on TV (Which few could ever understand even if they wanted to ) , I was taught at an early age to always ask the question "Why" and have never ceased to do so . I have secured commendation from manufacturers and extra discounts for my employer of the day for my voracity in controversial equations , cured several manufacturing recuring problems only because of my primary teachings of what amounts to 'Seach and ye shall find' . Enough of my boring blather , the 'Oro' medication is rearing its head of largess , may those looking down upon you at this time , bless your understanding nature . Colin

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