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Camping And Hiking In Thailand


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Looking for a good place to go camping somewhere in Thailand.

Real type camping where you can have a camp fire and tent and a real wilderness experience.

Not a group type trip, just you or another couple of people hike in and setup a camp site.

I ask this because it seems most group type activities are too planned and tourist oriented.

Where you are pampered and everything is done for you.

I want to just go hiking in the wilderness and setup a camp site.

See some nice out of the way areas in the rural side of Thailand.


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Looking for a good place to go camping somewhere in Thailand.

Real type camping where you can have a camp fire and tent and a real wilderness experience.

Not a group type trip, just you or another couple of people hike in and setup a camp site.

I ask this because it seems most group type activities are too planned and tourist oriented.

Where you are pampered and everything is done for you.

I want to just go hiking in the wilderness and setup a camp site.

See some nice out of the way areas in the rural side of Thailand.


Do you have much experience in the Jungle?

I am really big into hiking and camping but i have limited experience in the Jungle. Personally i am trying to find some kind of Army based jungle survival camp in Thailand to put in some time at and come back with the proper knowledge needed to be able to properly enjoy our beautiful outdoors.

I suggest from one hiker to another to try to find something similar.

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Go to Khao Yai National Park. They have two camping areas set up and at both you can rent a tent and other camping gear. They also have bathroom facilities as well as a couple of small restrauants if you dont want to bring food to cook. From your post this probably isn't as rustic as you would like but it's a start. The park rangers wont allow you to camp anywhere in the park except the designated camp sites. There are lots of trails for hiking and if your really want to get off the beaten track you can hire off duty rangers for the day as guides. If you go try to go during the weekday as the weekends are unbelievably crowded.

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Go to Khao Yai National Park. They have two camping areas set up and at both you can rent a tent and other camping gear. They also have bathroom facilities as well as a couple of small restrauants if you dont want to bring food to cook. From your post this probably isn't as rustic as you would like but it's a start. The park rangers wont allow you to camp anywhere in the park except the designated camp sites. There are lots of trails for hiking and if your really want to get off the beaten track you can hire off duty rangers for the day as guides. If you go try to go during the weekday as the weekends are unbelievably crowded.

Good call. We live near Khao Yai so can offer three bits of advice.

1) If you have a Thai driving license or work permit then bring it with you and show it at the entrance and you can enter the park for 40 Bt(local price) rather than 400BT (tourist price)

2) If you want to drink - bring your own booze as you can't buy it in the park.

3) Be sure to buy a map at the visitor centre and only hit the well trodden, easy trails if hiking alone.


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Khao Yai is fantastic but if the OP is after wilderness, he should forget Khao Yai as each of the 2 campsites has at least 300 Thais with their cars and all equipment bar the kitchen sink.

He should climb Doi Luang, Chiang Dao in Chiang Mai province. That satisfies all his requirements. Hiking? Tick. Wilderness? Tick. Not too many and maybe no other hikers? Tick. Crapping in a hole in the ground? Tick.

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Khao Yai is fantastic but if the OP is after wilderness, he should forget Khao Yai as each of the 2 campsites has at least 300 Thais with their cars and all equipment bar the kitchen sink.

spot on there... Khao Yai is ok, but it aint the true 'wilderness' experience

i would suggest the northern region Doi Ang Kang, Pha Hom Phok mountain range for a proper 'out on your own' job..

but beware, the 'wilder' you go up there (especially up around the Myanmar border) the greater the risk to your health.. an Australian couple where attacked/murdered whilst 'wild camping' in this region a few years ago

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Khao Yai is fantastic but if the OP is after wilderness, he should forget Khao Yai as each of the 2 campsites has at least 300 Thais with their cars and all equipment bar the kitchen sink.

spot on there... Khao Yai is ok, but it aint the true 'wilderness' experience

i would suggest the northern region Doi Ang Kang, Pha Hom Phok mountain range for a proper 'out on your own' job..

but beware, the 'wilder' you go up there (especially up around the Myanmar border) the greater the risk to your health.. an Australian couple where attacked/murdered whilst 'wild camping' in this region a few years ago

maybe i'm a bit of a chicken but i would n't go trekking/camping in any ares of thailand on my own......too dangerous,too many crazies out there.

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Khao Yai is fantastic but if the OP is after wilderness, he should forget Khao Yai as each of the 2 campsites has at least 300 Thais with their cars and all equipment bar the kitchen sink.

He should climb Doi Luang, Chiang Dao in Chiang Mai province. That satisfies all his requirements. Hiking? Tick. Wilderness? Tick. Not too many and maybe no other hikers? Tick. Crapping in a hole in the ground? Tick.

:D Ticks??


Seriously, what would the Mossies be like on Doi Luang.

Any other "Thai" native, snakes, Spiders etc.. should be aware of (no off topic please :o )

should of read further..

Edited by lodesafun
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Khao Yai is fantastic but if the OP is after wilderness, he should forget Khao Yai as each of the 2 campsites has at least 300 Thais with their cars and all equipment bar the kitchen sink.

He should climb Doi Luang, Chiang Dao in Chiang Mai province. That satisfies all his requirements. Hiking? Tick. Wilderness? Tick. Not too many and maybe no other hikers? Tick. Crapping in a hole in the ground? Tick.

:D Ticks??


Seriously, what would the Mossies be like on Doi Luang.

Any other "Thai" native, snakes, Spiders etc.. should be aware of (no off topic please :o )

should of read further..

In the dry/cool season, the mosquitoes would not be a problem. Again in that season, no leeches. Snakes tend to be a problem for farmers (e.g. cutting grass) and almost never for hikers.

Anywhere up north including Chiang Dao you may encounter something like a sand fly (dam_n can't remember the Thai name) which can leave an itchy bite. Follow the normal rules when hiking and cover your skin (i.e. long sleeves and long trousers) to avoid scratches, thorns, sunburn, insect bites, dust, etc.

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  • 11 months later...
What about the snakes, scorpions and poisonous centipede things. :D

Sounds like a dangerous hobby to me. Good luck, :)


--- ditto --- have experienced all three and none of 'em are nice ' n friendly !!!

Re. the centipedes, are they akin to the infamous MUKADE of Japan?

(Reportedly, it is not uncommon for these critters to fall off ceilings and tree-tops, in addition to their poisonous bite and a nasty habit of getting into very private places such as beds and clothes!)

How bad are the Thai varieties of large centipedes in terms of their bite, sky-diving, and other habits??

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Actually, there already are several fairly informative threads on this forum:







I was not particularly glad to see the last of these in my search results as it belongs in the PATTAYA forum; viz. these monsters are not something that only the denizens of Isarn countryside should worry about, but are even found in the cities like Pattaya!

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How to keep these centipedes away? The above threads offer some solutions, e.g. boric acid, that may work for homeowners, but would not be useful in a camping situation where one would want an instant solution.

I had heard of ultrasonic repellents / repellers for mosquitoes, and used Google to find out whether there may be a similar solution for centipedes. Here's a couple of results:



The Websites do not look very promising, and I have no idea whether their products actually work on giant centipedes.

Has anyone tested an ultrasonic device on centipedes?

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