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Pink Eye Days Again


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I have the pink eye (conjunctivitis) again. I remember last time it took almost 2 weeks to clear up. All the drops the pharmacies gave me didn't work, until i finally went to the hospital and he gave me some anti-biotic drops that immediately cleared things up. I can't remember the name of the drops, but I think i remember they had a steroid in them as well. I also think I remember them having a yellow cap. Does anyone know the name of these eye drops?

Yes I realize I will probably have to go to the doctor again, just trying to shortcut the hassle.


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I have the pink eye (conjunctivitis) again. I remember last time it took almost 2 weeks to clear up. All the drops the pharmacies gave me didn't work, until i finally went to the hospital and he gave me some anti-biotic drops that immediately cleared things up. I can't remember the name of the drops, but I think i remember they had a steroid in them as well. I also think I remember them having a yellow cap. Does anyone know the name of these eye drops?

Yes I realize I will probably have to go to the doctor again, just trying to shortcut the hassle.


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i get pinkeye really badly at least once a year in thailand (never had it in my life before coming here). ko samet is where i get it most often for some reason! it usually starts in one eye and then moves to the other. but there are different forms of it- some are bacterial and some are viral (and if you have a mildly pink eye it could just be allergies). if you don't use the correct treatment for the version you have, you are at risk of blinding yourself, just so you know. the drops with steroids are supposed to be used only as a last resort (said my doctor at one point).... that said i usually just tell the pharmacist my symptoms and ask which drops to get. be aware that some of the drops go bad very quickly and you have to throw them out. a thai friend of mine used expired drops when he was a kid and it had gone acidic- burnt his eye up so that now he is blind on his right side.

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