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New World Order

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Now all the cranks are starting to show up .... :D They all seem to have the lowest common denominator of blaming Bush for everything ... Now that he is gone ... what or who are they going to blame now ... :o

obama of course,gotta have somebody to blame.seriously though as much as obama may have all the good intentions,presidents have in reality very little power.Its those behind the scenes that pull the strings,but i'm am not telling you anything you dont already know.

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The one infinite creator the Freemasons believe in is Satan. Fact! Not a conspiracy theory! I dont think there is an educated person in the world that does not realise that the mainstream media is controlled. Look no further than Thailand! No further than Phuket in fact. The world media is controlled by Freemasons... CNN BBC FOX are all owned by Freemasons. They own the US Federal Reserve who created the world 'Depression'. And they dont operate from a trailer park. The USA has just lost one Freemason George Bush and he has been replaced by another Obama... Look how Obama has been exposed as a puppet in less than 10 days. This is nothing to do with conspiracies. Just my observations. Despite his promises for change and compromise Obama has with the support of the Freemasons.

1) Ratified the United Americas ie the Bush's administrations unification of Mexico - Canada & USA No borders one currency!

2) Bombed Pakistan

3) Has instigated an order for compulsory Army service for I think is it all 18-24 year olds in USA

4) On the basis of openness and truth has appointed 3 men guilty of tax evasion / fraud. One of which is a known Nazi another a Zionist.

5) Transfered 20,000 US troops to Afghanistan.

6) Failed to take the oath of allegiance

Not a bad weeks work eh?

And today we learn that now they have Gaddafi working for them to unite Africa... Thats right Gaddafi! Was he not a terrorist a year ago? Its getting scarier by the day. Open your mind and consider and try and reconsile what is happening globally and who orchestrated it. Ask Obama and the freemasons what is the New World Order. Ask them why their buddies the Knights Templar were kicked out of France and ended up in Malta and Scotland. Its these crack pots you have to watch out for cos they are the ones meeting in The Green Man every month. Yes it may be silliness but. Many thought Hitler was just a silly Freemason too....

That all said I'm an Atheist thank God....

Thank you, I needed a good laugh today.. *rofl*

Ofcourse governments never conspire - so we can all take off our tinfoil hats! Geriatrickid has confirmed that every expert and researcher whom should stray from any given official version of events is a nut :D "Conceit is Gods gift to little men"

Ahh, but that is not what I wrote. My comments were in respect to self professed experts and researchers. They are never able to provide evidence or even a modicum of evidence to support their wild allegations. Do you even know who Alex Jones is?

However, I don't need to go further when the OP illustrates my point with tthese gems of wisdom;

The one infinite creator the Freemasons believe in is Satan. (Note- Christians believe in Satan too. )Fact! Not a conspiracy theory!I dont think there is an educated person in the world that does not realise that the mainstream media is controlled. Look no further than Thailand! No further than Phuket in fact. The world media is controlled by Freemasons... CNN (Public company)BBC (owned by the British public) FOX (Murdoch is a devout Catholic) are all owned by Freemasons. They own the US Federal Reserve ( What?)who created the world 'Depression'. And they dont operate from a trailer park. The USA has just lost one Freemason George Bush and he has been replaced by another Obama... Look how Obama has been exposed as a puppet in less than 10 days. This is nothing to do with conspiracies. Just my observations. Despite his promises for change and compromise Obama has with the support of the Freemasons. (And Ron Paul had the support of white supremacists. What's your point?)

1) Ratified the United Americas ie the Bush's administrations unification of Mexico - Canada & USA No borders one currency! (Right. That's why the US just tried to erect a steel trade barrier violating it's trade treaties with Canada. There's a trade war brewing.)

2) Bombed Pakistan (Well if you had Taleban bases in your backyard responsible for planting IEDS that just killed off Canadian soldiers and refused to respond to Canada's requests to intervene, you can bet the Canadians would be pressuring the US to do something.)

3) Has instigated an order for compulsory Army service for I think is it all 18-24 year olds in USA (Citation?, since it's been in effect for several years.)

4) On the basis of openness and truth has appointed 3 men guilty of tax evasion / fraud. One of which is a known Nazi another a Zionist. (Who? Daschle was not convicted. Geithner was not convicted. Both made errors in judgement. Try filling out the IRS returns and navigating the tax laws and report back.)

5) Transfered 20,000 US troops to Afghanistan. (And your point is?)

6) Failed to take the oath of allegiance (Garbage. He has taken the oath of President twice which contains a duty far greater and more encompassing than the oath of allegiance. As a Senator, he also had to swear an oath of office far more extensive than the oath of allegiance. What do you want? The rendering of clothes? Empty promises? )

What is this garbage?All nonsensense twisted and taken from internet sites that twist and pervert reality

And today we learn that now they have Gaddafi working for them to unite Africa... Thats right Gaddafi! Was he not a terrorist a year ago? (How about you go back to the Lockerbie setlement? Normalization of relations, the giving up of WMD, compensation payments paid by Libya and the fact that Col. G has been pushing unity for over a decade? Maybe you need to read a bit more.)

Its getting scarier by the day. (Yes, I am scared now. However, it's you that scares me., not some old guy wearing a Fez.) Open your mind and consider and try and reconsile what is happening globally and who orchestrated it. Ask Obama and the freemasons what is the New World Order. Ask them why their buddies the Knights Templar were kicked out of France and ended up in Malta and Scotland. Its these crack pots you have to watch out for cos they are the ones meeting in The Green Man every month. Yes it may be silliness but. Many thought Hitler was just a silly Freemason too.... (Uhh again you have twisted history. The Nazis had Fremasons killed. Gets back to their views, although the Freemasons in the US South were segragated.))

That all said I'm an Atheist thank God....

What's scarier is knowing that people like Nip are wandering about.

Now all the cranks are starting to show up .... :D They all seem to have the lowest common denominator of blaming Bush for everything ... Now that he is gone ... what or who are they going to blame now ... :o

So Misterman, do you understand my point now? If Nip represents your concept of rational thought, then please let me remain amongst the unwashed unenlightened masses swilling beer and admiring the lovely ladies.

If you think this guy's posts are acceptable, then how would you feel if I started posting false and misleading information about you?

As an aside, I am surprised this thread is still open. It's no longer related to Thailand and is crude hate mongoring . Tossing a few little smilies into the spew of filth doesn't make it anymore palatable.

As an aside, I am surprised this thread is still open. It's no longer related to Thailand and is crude hate mongoring . Tossing a few little smilies into the spew of filth doesn't make it anymore palatable.

I am surprised this thread is still open too.

To the nutbags above claiming that world domination is being plotted in the meeting rooms of the Green Man I would suggest another shrink appointment and an increase in dosage of whatever meds you are on; failing that at least double up on the thickness of the tinfoil hats. Obama and Bush are NOT Masons as can be easily ascertained from a brief investigation and Freemasonry is not a 'secret society' but simply a society with secrets as has been stated above.

I can't/couldn't become a Freemason because I reject the notion of an all powerful creator, but to suggest they are a Satanic organisation is simply ludicrous since anyone can join if they accept the "creator" theory, follow some rituals and stuff.

Freemasons seem to have done much fine charitable work over the years (and haven't been accused or convicted of institutionalised child rape like the Catholic church AFAIK).

As an aside, I am surprised this thread is still open. It's no longer related to Thailand and is crude hate mongoring .



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