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Closing Of Nation Related Threads


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The closing of the threads related to the Nation seem to be sweeping the site. One in particular, concerning the editorial blunders...was closed for no apparent reason.

After assurances nothing would change here after "merging" with the Nation......What is going on?

I believe a definitive answer is deserved, not just to myself in some clandestine private message, but to all members.

Please explain, entirely, here in this thread. And please allow discussion to follow.

Thank you.

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Although the thread was not closed by me, it was something I wanted to do.

My reason of wanting to close it had absolutely nothing to do with Thai Visa joint venture with the Nation. (note also that a topic discussing Bkk Post article was also trashed).

My logic goes like this:

when I see posts within threads that pick out spelling mistakes in posts by other members, I tend to delete it. On that similar logic, it doesnt seem right to have an entire thread running for the purpose of nit picking spelling mistakes.

You may argue that because they are an English language publication they are obliged to deliver better quality. ON that note, if you go through a lot of academic publications or even published books that have had years of professional editing and re-editing, by the very highly professionals in the field, you will still find spelling mistakes in many.


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Why was it closed? Because someone wasn't happy with the content? That warrants closure?

So the thread was closed because it dealt with spelling?

Could we have some definitive answers regarding Thaivisa's policy on posts referring to "The Nation"

Thank you.

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ON that note, if you go through a lot of academic publications or even published books that have had years of professional editing and re-editing, by the very highly professionals in the field, you will still find spelling mistakes in many.


Yes, not quite the same though is it. Couple of typos make it through proofing vs basically unedited copy on every page of a national daily.

How does that not justify mockery?

There are often threads on TV showing misused English - so what's the difference in your eyes? Why so prickly?

eg (sorry it's so big, I don't know how to resize web images)


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I think that it may have something to do with the somewhat trollish, nitpicking anti-Nation threads that are sweeping the site- after all, they had to start sweeping the site first for your comment that closures are sweeping the site to be true. It is a clear part of the rules that sponsors/business partners of Thaivisa are not fair game for pointless and endless criticism, simply on that basis. If the Nation had not become a business partner, I doubt very much we would be seeing them take so much flak here- after all, there are plenty of other English-language publications which we could be very picky about. Why aren't the threads generally about all such publications?

When the sweeping number of threads that are peculiarly Nation-centric subsides, I imagine we will also see their closures subsiding. In the meantime, I wouldn't, if I were a member, become associated with pointless hassle over the Nation's tie-up with Thaivisa.

Current rules regarding discussion of moderation, the rules, etc. will continue to apply. I hope that suffices to answer the OP's question, because I don't see how much further discussion will really remain within the scope of the rules.

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ON that note, if you go through a lot of academic publications or even published books that have had years of professional editing and re-editing, by the very highly professionals in the field, you will still find spelling mistakes in many.


Yes, not quite the same though is it. Couple of typos make it through proofing vs basically unedited copy on every page of a national daily.

How does that not justify mockery?

There are often threads on TV showing misused English - so what's the difference in your eyes? Why so prickly?

eg (sorry it's so big, I don't know how to resize web images)


Thank you,i just had my first really good laugh for the day... :o:D:D:D

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Why was it closed? Because someone wasn't happy with the content? That warrants closure?

So the thread was closed because it dealt with spelling?

Could we have some definitive answers regarding Thaivisa's policy on posts referring to "The Nation"

Thank you.

Perhaps it had something to do with the vigilante like attitude of some posters, most of whom seem to have only recently developed this obsession with The Nation's spelling and grammar. Rather glaringly obvious since they never bothered to open a plethora of subjects regarding it before. Hmmmm.....

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I think that it may have something to do with the somewhat trollish, nitpicking anti-Nation threads that are sweeping the site- after all, they had to start sweeping the site first for your comment that closures are sweeping the site to be true. It is a clear part of the rules that sponsors/business partners of Thaivisa are not fair game for pointless and endless criticism, simply on that basis. If the Nation had not become a business partner, I doubt very much we would be seeing them take so much flak here- after all, there are plenty of other English-language publications which we could be very picky about. Why aren't the threads generally about all such publications?

When the sweeping number of threads that are peculiarly Nation-centric subsides, I imagine we will also see their closures subsiding. In the meantime, I wouldn't, if I were a member, become associated with pointless hassle over the Nation's tie-up with Thaivisa.

Current rules regarding discussion of moderation, the rules, etc. will continue to apply. I hope that suffices to answer the OP's question, because I don't see how much further discussion will really remain within the scope of the rules.

It is a clear part of the rules that sponsors/business partners of Thaivisa are not fair game for pointless and endless criticism

I can't find this is the forum rules anywhere...perhaps I missed it. I found this....

Our contracts with our advertisers prohibit comments with regard to advertisements which appear on our forums. Such comments should not be posted and will be removed.

......but it doesn't apply, as there was no discussion of advertisements in the blunder thread.

Perhaps this?

You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene,

No....that doesn't apply either. The thread in question was factual.

I also found this,

From moderator Boo....

Where has it been said that The Nation will have editorial control of the forum?George & SBK have both posted quite clearly that the paper will have no control over the running of the forum or it's content & that there is no restriction on criticism of The Nation (as long as it is within the general forum rules which has always been the policy of this forum)

Please. Read what has been posted before going off on such fantastical flights of fiction.

So Which is it? Could we have some clarification please?

And if threads are being closed to quell vigilantes, please say so and explain what forum rules were violated.

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well, it might possibly go under this one:

7) Spam, flooding, commercial or for-profit advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and similar solicitations are also inappropriate and not allowed on thaivisa.com. Any member who might violate this prohibition will be banned from these forums and this site. Membership is at the will of thaivisa.com. Our contracts with our advertisers prohibit comments with regard to advertisements which appear on our forums. Such comments should not be posted and will be removed. Please don't drop promotional urls, signature files, or specifics that would lead people to your site.

but for me personally, I rather prefer this one:

Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or any attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants. The word, or its derivative, "trolling", is used to describe such messages or the act of posting them.

and of course, by bringing this up in forum support instead of pming a mod or admin or emailing support you have most likely broken this one too:

5) Discussion of moderation issues, actions or moderation policies concerning individual cases are not allowed in the forums. Such comments should be directed to a moderator or administrator, and not discussed on the forum.
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for pete's sake?

Shouldn't that be, 'for Pete's sake? :o

I for one cannot abide the constant picking up of spelling and grammatical errors, I just wonder how many and I know there are considerable on here, who can speak and write Thai.

Perhaps they are the same people who would complain regarding the lack of media in English and would take anything, no matter how poorly the text, if there was nothing previously to fill the void.

I will gladly take the hit for my misspelling and grammatical inaccuracies,

Bayonets are fixed, up Irish Guards and at 'em

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Although the thread was not closed by me, it was something I wanted to do.

My reason of wanting to close it had absolutely nothing to do with Thai Visa joint venture with the Nation. (note also that a topic discussing Bkk Post article was also trashed).

My logic goes like this:

when I see posts within threads that pick out spelling mistakes in posts by other members, I tend to delete it. On that similar logic, it doesnt seem right to have an entire thread running for the purpose of nit picking spelling mistakes.

You may argue that because they are an English language publication they are obliged to deliver better quality. ON that note, if you go through a lot of academic publications or even published books that have had years of professional editing and re-editing, by the very highly professionals in the field, you will still find spelling mistakes in many.


With respect, it is a question of degree. Yes all media are guilty of howlers sometimes. The point your members were making was how often it happens in The Nation.

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OK, I guess it is convenient to ignore my posts.

Let me make this clear. There is not an issue to point out errors in The Nation or in any other paper. What made it an issue was the continued and trollish insistence on certain posters to push this issue to the brink with their attitude and their continued need to start thread after thread about this issue.

And lets be frank here, it is pretty clear to me that the ONLY reason some posters feel the need to push this issue is to feed their own agendas and (most likely) conspiracy theories regarding Thai Visa's recent marketing strategy to link this forum with the Nation.

I am now closing this thread because I think my answer is pretty darn clear. If you choose to not understand what I am saying then feel free to PM me and I can make it much clearer in PM :o

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