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Posts About Giving Money To Thai Girlfriends


Giving money to Thai girlfriends  

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I met a woman cleaning tables at a roadside foodstall in BKK when I first came to Thailand. She remarked that she could earn more money working in Pattaya as a bar-girl and keep her family in luxury. I asked her why she didn't take up that oppertunity. Her reply was 'no matter how poor one is there are somethings one shouldn't lower themselves to do', or words to that affect. I have to agree with her. I think being a bar-girl is cop out for lazy women who want the easy option.

Edited by coventry
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............ girls maintaining many relationships to get monthly money? so they may ask just for a bit, but you know... a bit here, a bit there.. there is a documentary that I saw in an art exposition where they show exactly how it works. They even have the money to pay some random to reply emails from the boyfriends etc...

I had almost finished my 20 baht worth on the internet when a young girl sat down next to me. Being a nosey sod I noticed she logged in to her hotmail and had at least one full page of messages - maybe more. I guess it was her regular PC because she opened up several wordpad docs full of the usual catch phrases. She then started to go through her messages at an incredible rate, cutting and pasting furiously. It was impressive indeed. As she beavered away, about 3 windows opened up with webcams on. Now this was funny. I'm not sure if her webcam was on, but if so then obviously she was the right one for those guys, but I can't believe she'd reeled in all the others by herself i.e. presumably others less adept with the computer were paying her.

It was hectic indeed, but eventually I could see she had reached the end of her messages and she then closed down the live chats, though I noticed she'd left the wordpad docs open. I breathed a sigh of relief and closed all the windows I'd opened, but as I stood up to go and pay I looked again in disbelief. She had logged out of hotmail and then logged in again with a different name and there was at least another full page of messages.

It cost me 160 baht that day instead of 20 baht, but it was very educational.

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It's all very easy for westerners coming from countries that have a welfare system to look down on others....


Take that welfare system away, what would happen to all the unemployed, single mothers, low paid, needy people, pensioners, mentally ill, etc etc etc........

I know guys in UK who live on the state handouts, work cash in hand, sell goods on e-bay and have 3 holidays a year in Thailand.

That ain't bad for an unemployed guy is it !

Westerners talking about morals makes me laugh actually, jeez, look at all the <deleted> going on in the world and you're concerned about how much money is being sent to some poor Thai woman ?

How many innocent civilians, women, children have been killed this week in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan ?

Western Morals...... :o

Save it for your own countrymen.

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Or put it another way. How many farangs would find it sickening to have to get into bed every night with an old dear who looked like their nanny? :D

As I often say; if I wanted to wake up in the morning looking at a pig ugly, wrinkley old face next to me I'd sleep with a mirror :o

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I agree as it isn't so clear cut for all cases

and as said before everybody is different and everybody has different circumstances along with different views and cultures.

For me I wouldn't know much about the Thai culture or family structure as my girlfriend is Khmer, not Thai, but we both stay in Thailand and i still give her money. If you had asked me this question about giving money to girlfriends a few years ago i would have said it is sickening and it's crazy. Now after seeing the bigger picture and understanding, i am happy to give my girlfriend what she needs to live. As if you could see the poverty she an her family comes from, and when i can earn more in one day what she can earn in one month I'd rather she not work and rather she go to school and study for a better future....................

In my very limited experience, the Kmer culture is somewhat different, but the poverty in Cambodia is generally worse and the obvious solution is therefore the same.

I've been seeing a young girl I met in Phnom Penh (not a bar girl exactly but in the Martini so....) for about five months now, spending 7-10 days there each month. Yes of course I've been giving her money and gifts and I've taken her to places she hadn't seen. There were never any set "fees" but I was quite generous. Yes of course she is very beautiful and her temperament and disposition are unlike that of the ladies I've been involved with in Thailand. I met her sister twice and saw her mother in hospital waiting for an 'op - not the best place to while away an hour or two.

The age difference is errrr ....a lot, but we got on very well and had a lot of laughs. She lives in a one roomed apartment with mama and papa (30 USD/month) and they take care of her sister's two children while she goes out to work. She is the baby of five children, her eldest brother being about 40. They are a very close family and I knew she'd never settle in Thailand, where my feet seem to be set in concrete (concrete boots perhaps).

She had a full dress Kmer wedding at 19 but her young husband never worked and took money from her. There were no children and they divorced.

There was some talk of marriage etc., but for that I would have had to go and meet the whole family and discuss the dowry - about 10k USD I'm told.

Anyway, we'd just agreed the terms of the "contract" and I'd agreed to give her 100 USD/month and continue seeing her 7-10 days/month and see where that took us. She is responsible for paying the rent and for feeding mama and papa. The sisters have some money and assist, but the brothers have young children and do not.

At that point her eldest brother came to town to check up on her (I think he'd noticed the trinkets and mobile phone at a family function she attended up country). He found out what was happening and called her in Sihanoukville. I put her on the bus back the next morning. She has to go to work in a sweatshop on a sewing machine under the supervision of her other brother. The hours are long and for that she will get 40 USD/month (about the price for one night long time in Cambodia) and have the same responsibilities for mama and papa. I was told by her brother not to call her again and I haven't - yet.

You may conclude that her brother's action is to be applauded (I doubt that very many Thais would do the same) although I have to question why he thought she could pay the bills for 5 months without working and how she was able to come up with 100 USD towards her mother's 500 USD hospital bill.

Anyway, she's not altogether happy at her prospects now, her golden goose having been snatched away. Do the sums and you surely can't be surprised. She could have seen me off and (if married) still been on about 1000 USD/month for life.

I hope things work out well for her. It probably won't be easy but some will say why should it be?

Sorry - I see I've rambled - again.

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Paid vast sums over the years, and never regretted a baht, btw I suppose gf means girl friend..of all the girls who have either lived with me, travelled with me or merely been one nighters I've never seen them as girl friends. I guess it implies having feelings towards them.

btw again..love a pal's sig

"why get it for free when you can pay for it ?"

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Accurate post imho....although i am not sure that i would have very high moral values if i had to live on 4K baht a month.

What about the honest effort of millions of young Thai women, who choose not to look for male customers, working very hard at paddy fields, constructions sides...daily many hours?

They will remain poor and their children will have little chance of a good education and will be the next generation of rural poor to carry on growing rice and working on construction sites to feed and house richer people.

and still they choose that over the everywhere easily available bar b/s

Yes, we will have rice to eat in our expensive condos for years to come, no worries.

you are twisting the issue here. It's respect for natural morals over laziness and b/s.

No, I'm understanding why people don't wanna be poor and how morals can go outta the window when you are poor.

What would you do ?

A girl from a pizz poor Family with no future, living in squalor, looking at her mother who is only 39 but she looks like shes 60 cos of back breaking work in the fields all her life and yet still has nothing, and will struggle all her life.

The girl can look at her mother, and her mothers mother, and realise that she's looking at her future.

She's a 45 Kg 160cm dark skinned girl, 18 years old and a friend says to her. " Hey Lek, why don't you go and get a Farang, you'll snag one in 2 weeks for sure ".

Who the hel_l am I to judge this girls moral code one way or the other ?

I'd be on the first bus out of the Village and get the richest Farang I could find if I was her, and if I could get 10 guys to send me money every month, then that would be great too.

are you thinking that, when you see young women just coming from a construction site?

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"Paid vast sums over the years, and never regretted a baht, btw I suppose gf means girl friend..of all the girls who have either lived with me, travelled with me or merely been one nighters I've never seen them as girl friends. I guess it implies having feelings towards them.

btw again..love a pal's sig

"why get it for free when you can pay for it ?"

Ya but uh... we're not ALL misogynists... some of us actually WANT to have a woman we have feelings for in our lives. Surprise surprise.

Edited by Sabum
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I met a woman cleaning tables at a roadside foodstall in BKK when I first came to Thailand. She remarked that she could earn more money working in Pattaya as a bar-girl and keep her family in luxury. I asked her why she didn't take up that oppertunity. Her reply was 'no matter how poor one is there are somethings one shouldn't lower themselves to do', or words to that affect. I have to agree with her. I think being a bar-girl is cop out for lazy women who want the easy option.

She had very good English for a local working cleaning tables at a roadside stall. Must have had a Brit boyfriend to be talking of ONE self :o

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I met a woman cleaning tables at a roadside foodstall in BKK when I first came to Thailand. She remarked that she could earn more money working in Pattaya as a bar-girl and keep her family in luxury. I asked her why she didn't take up that oppertunity. Her reply was 'no matter how poor one is there are somethings one shouldn't lower themselves to do', or words to that affect. I have to agree with her. I think being a bar-girl is cop out for lazy women who want the easy option.

She had very good English for a local working cleaning tables at a roadside stall. Must have had a Brit boyfriend to be talking of ONE self :o

Everything could be possible. Maybe she had no boyfriend at all yet. The message counts.

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I met a woman cleaning tables at a roadside foodstall in BKK when I first came to Thailand. She remarked that she could earn more money working in Pattaya as a bar-girl and keep her family in luxury. I asked her why she didn't take up that oppertunity. Her reply was 'no matter how poor one is there are somethings one shouldn't lower themselves to do', or words to that affect. I have to agree with her. I think being a bar-girl is cop out for lazy women who want the easy option.

She had very good English for a local working cleaning tables at a roadside stall. Must have had a Brit boyfriend to be talking of ONE self :o

If you read it as I wrote it Byoung you will see I never used quotation marks and added "or words to that effect". I hope that clears things up a little as one wouldn't want to confuse one.
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I wonder how many Farangs would find it sickening to have someone send them money every month ? :o

Someone does send me money every month.

For working 40 hours a week!


You are lucky.

I work 60h per week. :D

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It's all very easy for westerners coming from countries that have a welfare system to look down on others....


Take that welfare system away, what would happen to all the unemployed, single mothers, low paid, needy people, pensioners, mentally ill, etc etc etc........

I know guys in UK who live on the state handouts, work cash in hand, sell goods on e-bay and have 3 holidays a year in Thailand.

That ain't bad for an unemployed guy is it !

Westerners talking about morals makes me laugh actually, jeez, look at all the <deleted> going on in the world and you're concerned about how much money is being sent to some poor Thai woman ?

How many innocent civilians, women, children have been killed this week in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan ?

Western Morals...... :o

Save it for your own countrymen.

LOL - very true.

Its like lots of people try to make out that most Thai girls are money grabbers..........well, they have to be in some cases.

In the UK for example a girl can simply live with a boy for 6 months, then she goes to lawyer claims to be his "common law wife" and she can get 50% of everything he has.

Thai girls get what they can, how they can, or they can be kicked out with nothing. They have no support from divorce laws or "common law wife" status.

Should we say that all Euro/US girls are money grabbing barstewards as they hide behind very unfair divorce/common law rulings ?

Some people really need a rocket up the backside, and if they do not like the way the country is and how it works - get out and go home.

Don't mock the system when you in fact do not understand it and are judgemental without actually having the slightest clue :D

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It's all very easy for westerners coming from countries that have a welfare system to look down on others....


Take that welfare system away, what would happen to all the unemployed, single mothers, low paid, needy people, pensioners, mentally ill, etc etc etc........

I know guys in UK who live on the state handouts, work cash in hand, sell goods on e-bay and have 3 holidays a year in Thailand.

That ain't bad for an unemployed guy is it !

Westerners talking about morals makes me laugh actually, jeez, look at all the <deleted> going on in the world and you're concerned about how much money is being sent to some poor Thai woman ?

How many innocent civilians, women, children have been killed this week in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan ?

Western Morals...... :o

Save it for your own countrymen.

Here, here old chap! I would like to see how all the 'Vicky Pollard's' in the UK would survive with no housing benefit, no income support, no free schooling, no child benefit (for the 3 kids from different dads) and rent paid by the good old gullible taxpayer would survive? Why do you think so many people want residency status in the UK.....because you can have a reasonable life, take the pXXs and live quite happily on state handouts, all kindly supplied by the UK taxpayer.

Don't get me wrong for the genuine cases, fine!

To be honest, I am very happy being here just so I don't have to pay for these people while I work, it was the biggest gripe I had about the UK, I had to give away 40%+ of what I earned to pay for these people, who to be honest, have not got much to offer society anyway!

I've never had anything off the UK government and was not born with a golden spoon in my mouth!

I believe the UK needs a big reality check! Even the guy who ran RBS gets a nice £600k+ a year pension (that he doe's not want to give back), even though, without the taxpayer bailing out his bank (that he was responsible for) would have gone bankrupt which would have meant he would have a statutory 20k or so pension instead....what a joke! Taxpayer in UK? You are being taken for a muppet!!

So, that's my rant....if someone wants to give money to some poor Thai girl (whether she loves him or not) is their business. If they are happy doing so, that's fine by me!

Luckily, I have been with my girlfriend 24/7 here and in the UK for over a year now and she has never asked for anything excessive, ever! The girlfriends I have had in the UK, one of which I split from to be here (which was my choice), have had a lot more $$$$ from me than my current GF. Before anyone tries to say 'you have bought your Thai GF because you are an old git and she is young and pretty etc'....wrong! I am 40 (and quite good looking) and she is 33 (and ok, exceptional looking!)

It's just a shame that all Thai girls are tarnished with the same brush BUT even if it is an old git with a younger pretty girl, so what? If they are both happy, what's the problem?

Anyone who criticises this practice is either a) jealous or :D just naive and stupid or c) selfish!

If anyone who falls into this category, should get off their arse and check out real life outside of Majoooorca or be quiet and get back to 'is that a large fries with that sir'...........sorry! :D

I love this site! :D

Edited by kjhbigv
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So, that's my rant....if someone wants to give money to some poor Thai girl (whether she loves him or not) is their business. If they are happy doing so, that's fine by me!

It's just a shame that all Thai girls are tarnished with the same brush BUT even if it is an old git with a younger pretty girl, so what? If they are both happy, what's the problem?

Anyone who criticises this practice is either a) jealous or :D just naive and stupid or c) selfish!

If anyone who falls into this category, should get off their arse and check out real life outside of Majoooorca or be quiet and get back to 'is that a large fries with that sir'...........sorry! :o

I love this site! :D

Good post.

My girlfriend costs me a lot less to run than mu UK car - and she has done less miles :D

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I met a woman cleaning tables at a roadside foodstall in BKK when I first came to Thailand. She remarked that she could earn more money working in Pattaya as a bar-girl and keep her family in luxury. I asked her why she didn't take up that oppertunity. Her reply was 'no matter how poor one is there are somethings one shouldn't lower themselves to do', or words to that affect. I have to agree with her. I think being a bar-girl is cop out for lazy women who want the easy option.

She had very good English for a local working cleaning tables at a roadside stall. Must have had a Brit boyfriend to be talking of ONE self :D

If you read it as I wrote it Byoung you will see I never used quotation marks and added "or words to that effect". I hope that clears things up a little as one wouldn't want to confuse one.

Thanks coventry. That does clarify things. I was just pushing your buttons :o

I respect women that are willing to work hard for a living in a menial job when they could get easier money elsewhere (regardless of how good their english is). But I also understand the situation some women find themselves in that leads to 'certain' types of more lucrative work.

Whilst I do not condone it or participate in contributing to their income I have a problem with people who sit on their high pedestal and pass judgement when they don't know what the circumstances are that lead that woman to feel she had to, or is better off, working in such a line of work. Maybe she was abused as a child? Maybe she was led to believe she was good for nothing and this is the only line of work she is good enough for? Or as you say, maybe she is just plain lazy. But I don't think it's fair to tarnish every woman in such a 'profession' with the same brush.

Not a personal dig at you though :D

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I met a woman cleaning tables at a roadside foodstall in BKK when I first came to Thailand. She remarked that she could earn more money working in Pattaya as a bar-girl and keep her family in luxury. I asked her why she didn't take up that oppertunity. Her reply was 'no matter how poor one is there are somethings one shouldn't lower themselves to do', or words to that affect. I have to agree with her. I think being a bar-girl is cop out for lazy women who want the easy option.

She had very good English for a local working cleaning tables at a roadside stall. Must have had a Brit boyfriend to be talking of ONE self :D

If you read it as I wrote it Byoung you will see I never used quotation marks and added "or words to that effect". I hope that clears things up a little as one wouldn't want to confuse one.

Thanks coventry. That does clarify things. I was just pushing your buttons :o

I respect women that are willing to work hard for a living in a menial job when they could get easier money elsewhere (regardless of how good their english is). But I also understand the situation some women find themselves in that leads to 'certain' types of more lucrative work.

Whilst I do not condone it or participate in contributing to their income I have a problem with people who sit on their high pedestal and pass judgement when they don't know what the circumstances are that lead that woman to feel she had to, or is better off, working in such a line of work. Maybe she was abused as a child? Maybe she was led to believe she was good for nothing and this is the only line of work she is good enough for? Or as you say, maybe she is just plain lazy. But I don't think it's fair to tarnish every woman in such a 'profession' with the same brush.

Not a personal dig at you though :D

I thought this topic was about giving money to girlfriends, not moral judgements on how girls earn a living.

I for one have no moral standpoint on a girl selling her body, if she is doing no harm, then I feel it is stupid that there be laws against it.

I do have an opinion on idiots who send these girls money though. For some reason, they forget that she is a prostitute and somehow have the idea that she is their girlfriend. They are one of her customers.

Now if a man meets a prostitute and decides to support her so that she is able to give up her line of work. Fair enough - if that's what happens. More often than not though, she carries on selling her body and dupes other idiots into thinking that they are saving her from the life she chooses.

A girl who lies and cheats in order to get more than 1 man to send her money is no better than a thief.

Those of you who say good for her... What about the man who comes from a poor background who rips the gold from your neck, steals your motorbike or burgles your home? Do you also say "Good for him"?

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I met a woman cleaning tables at a roadside foodstall in BKK when I first came to Thailand. She remarked that she could earn more money working in Pattaya as a bar-girl and keep her family in luxury. I asked her why she didn't take up that oppertunity. Her reply was 'no matter how poor one is there are somethings one shouldn't lower themselves to do', or words to that affect. I have to agree with her. I think being a bar-girl is cop out for lazy women who want the easy option.

She had very good English for a local working cleaning tables at a roadside stall. Must have had a Brit boyfriend to be talking of ONE self :D

If you read it as I wrote it Byoung you will see I never used quotation marks and added "or words to that effect". I hope that clears things up a little as one wouldn't want to confuse one.

Thanks coventry. That does clarify things. I was just pushing your buttons :o

I respect women that are willing to work hard for a living in a menial job when they could get easier money elsewhere (regardless of how good their english is). But I also understand the situation some women find themselves in that leads to 'certain' types of more lucrative work.

Whilst I do not condone it or participate in contributing to their income I have a problem with people who sit on their high pedestal and pass judgement when they don't know what the circumstances are that lead that woman to feel she had to, or is better off, working in such a line of work. Maybe she was abused as a child? Maybe she was led to believe she was good for nothing and this is the only line of work she is good enough for? Or as you say, maybe she is just plain lazy. But I don't think it's fair to tarnish every woman in such a 'profession' with the same brush.

Not a personal dig at you though :D

I thought this topic was about giving money to girlfriends, not moral judgements on how girls earn a living.

I for one have no moral standpoint on a girl selling her body, if she is doing no harm, then I feel it is stupid that there be laws against it.

I do have an opinion on idiots who send these girls money though. For some reason, they forget that she is a prostitute and somehow have the idea that she is their girlfriend. They are one of her customers.

Now if a man meets a prostitute and decides to support her so that she is able to give up her line of work. Fair enough - if that's what happens. More often than not though, she carries on selling her body and dupes other idiots into thinking that they are saving her from the life she chooses.

A girl who lies and cheats in order to get more than 1 man to send her money is no better than a thief.

Those of you who say good for her... What about the man who comes from a poor background who rips the gold from your neck, steals your motorbike or burgles your home? Do you also say "Good for him"?

well said fair play to u...........honesty.......alot of guys come out here and fall for them blind,,i dont blame them i did myself at first until i wised up to their way.....i rem this one i was with first time i came here ..when i got back to my home country i got email straight away from her ,,it didnt say how are you etc ,,she dived straight in saying can you send me money here is my bank acc number etc...that really turned me,,but it was a good lesson for me 8 years ago ....

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Those of you who say good for her... What about the man who comes from a poor background who rips the gold from your neck, steals your motorbike or burgles your home? Do you also say "Good for him"?

Loong, you disappoint me.

Nobody forces these guys to send money, they don't have a gun up against their heads do they, how on earth can you associate that with being attacked and robbed ?

I know guys that are smoking 40 cigarettes a day in UK, 300 + Pounds per month going up in smoke, I know guys that spend most of their wages losing it in a bookies office, I know guys that spend nearly all their spare money saving up for a luxury Item like a Gold Rolex, I know guys that pizz all their money against the wall, I could go on and on..........

Yet one thing they all have in common is this, It's their money, and who am I or you to tell them how to spend it, and would I feel anything about how another man spends his money, is my life so uneventful that I could give a rats azz how another man chooses to spend his money ?

Why would it bother anybody else ?

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Those of you who say good for her... What about the man who comes from a poor background who rips the gold from your neck, steals your motorbike or burgles your home? Do you also say "Good for him"?

Loong, you disappoint me.

Sorry to disappoint you Maigo...

Nobody forces these guys to send money, they don't have a gun up against their heads do they, how on earth can you associate that with being attacked and robbed ?

OK., I'll give you another analogy...

In the UK, a fairly regular scam that appears in the news. These people prey on pensioners, maybe a little gullible and not a good judge of character (sound familiar?). They go to the pensioners home and tell them that there is something wrong with their roof. Of course there is nothing wrong, but these men go up on the roof, bang about for a while and then charge the victim a ridiculous amount, often 5,000 pounds (US$7,000) and as much as 15 or 20,000 pounds.

Obviously they don't pull it off everytime, but knock on enough doors and you'll find the gullible victims.

They don't hold a gun to the pensioners head and they don't force the victim to hand over the cash, it's just that the victim does not realise he/she is being ripped off.

So do you say good for them? Or does just coming from a poor background make it ok to deceive, lie and cheat?

I know guys that are smoking 40 cigarettes a day in UK, 300 + Pounds per month going up in smoke, I know guys that spend most of their wages losing it in a bookies office, I know guys that spend nearly all their spare money saving up for a luxury Item like a Gold Rolex, I know guys that pizz all their money against the wall, I could go on and on..........

Yet one thing they all have in common is this, It's their money, and who am I or you to tell them how to spend it, and would I feel anything about how another man spends his money,........

Yes it's their money, they have made the choice to spend their hard-earned this way. It's up to them, but there is nobody lying and cheating to deceive them into spending their money this way. They make their decisions knowing that smoking may kill them and that they are likely to lose in the bookies (admittedly, some manage to deceive themselves into thinking otherwise).

.......is my life so uneventful that I could give a rats azz how another man chooses to spend his money ?

Why would it bother anybody else ?

The question is how many men would CHOOSE to send money to the Thai girls if they knew that other men were already supporting them?

For chooses to spend substitute is conned out of....

It always bothers me when I see injustice, I don't like to see anyone cheated.

It bothers me that so many Thai people think that ALL farang are just gullible cash dispensing fools.

It bothers me that this is a very poor example to set for the youngsters. Get rich by lying and cheating.

It bothers me when I listen to these Thai girls complain because customer "a" only sends 20,000 Baht per month when customer "b" sends 30,000 and customer "c" is really keeneow because he sends a paltry 10,000.

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It doesn't "sicken" me, but I find it amusing and a bit sad. They're conforming to the stereotype of the sugar daddy looking after the poor country girl, which Thais assume when they see most foreigners with a Thai girl unfortunately.

If you want a pet, get a pet.

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Those of you who say good for her... What about the man who comes from a poor background who rips the gold from your neck, steals your motorbike or burgles your home? Do you also say "Good for him"?

Loong, you disappoint me.

Sorry to disappoint you Maigo...

Nobody forces these guys to send money, they don't have a gun up against their heads do they, how on earth can you associate that with being attacked and robbed ?

OK., I'll give you another analogy...

In the UK, a fairly regular scam that appears in the news. These people prey on pensioners, maybe a little gullible and not a good judge of character (sound familiar?). They go to the pensioners home and tell them that there is something wrong with their roof. Of course there is nothing wrong, but these men go up on the roof, bang about for a while and then charge the victim a ridiculous amount, often 5,000 pounds (US$7,000) and as much as 15 or 20,000 pounds.

Obviously they don't pull it off everytime, but knock on enough doors and you'll find the gullible victims.

They don't hold a gun to the pensioners head and they don't force the victim to hand over the cash, it's just that the victim does not realise he/she is being ripped off.

So do you say good for them? Or does just coming from a poor background make it ok to deceive, lie and cheat?

I know guys that are smoking 40 cigarettes a day in UK, 300 + Pounds per month going up in smoke, I know guys that spend most of their wages losing it in a bookies office, I know guys that spend nearly all their spare money saving up for a luxury Item like a Gold Rolex, I know guys that pizz all their money against the wall, I could go on and on..........

Yet one thing they all have in common is this, It's their money, and who am I or you to tell them how to spend it, and would I feel anything about how another man spends his money,........

Yes it's their money, they have made the choice to spend their hard-earned this way. It's up to them, but there is nobody lying and cheating to deceive them into spending their money this way. They make their decisions knowing that smoking may kill them and that they are likely to lose in the bookies (admittedly, some manage to deceive themselves into thinking otherwise).

.......is my life so uneventful that I could give a rats azz how another man chooses to spend his money ?

Why would it bother anybody else ?

The question is how many men would CHOOSE to send money to the Thai girls if they knew that other men were already supporting them?

For chooses to spend substitute is conned out of....

It always bothers me when I see injustice, I don't like to see anyone cheated.

It bothers me that so many Thai people think that ALL farang are just gullible cash dispensing fools.

It bothers me that this is a very poor example to set for the youngsters. Get rich by lying and cheating.

It bothers me when I listen to these Thai girls complain because customer "a" only sends 20,000 Baht per month when customer "b" sends 30,000 and customer "c" is really keeneow because he sends a paltry 10,000.

The trouble with your post is that is it is full of PREJUDICE and this shows clearly through.

You state that how many men would CHOOSE to send money if they knew the girl was already being looked after by someone else.

By this simple line you therefore in your utter contempt of Thai girls and what appears "raging prejudice" imply that all Thai girls receiving money are getting money from other sources.

How can you make such a claim ?

Do you have full evidence that all are doing the same ?

Or what kind of percentage are doing it ? and where is your proof ?

On the same basis that some UK women marry a man for his money and wealth are there ALL UK women greedy underhand money grabbers ? or is it just some ? or a few ? or ?

Really this is outrageous to make such stupid claims about Thai girls.

I know plenty, and some (very very few) do play the game and get money from a few people, but I would estimate it is very very very few.

In some of those few cases they will tell the guys they are getting money from others, and the guys still send money as they want to help the girl - NOT OWN HER.

Make a clear distinction between HELP and OWN.

So much anti Thai girl PREJUDICE on here, you all seem to love stroking each others ego's and Thai girl bashing...........that stinks of jealousy more than anything else.

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Level head, referring to a previous post of mine

Now if a man meets a prostitute and decides to support her so that she is able to give up her line of work. Fair enough - if that's what happens. More often than not though, she carries on selling her body and dupes other idiots into thinking that they are saving her from the life she chooses.

I have no problem with the girls that do give up the game when they find someone to take care of them and this does happen some of the time.

The trouble with your post is that is it is full of PREJUDICE and this shows clearly through.

You state that how many men would CHOOSE to send money if they knew the girl was already being looked after by someone else.

By this simple line you therefore in your utter contempt of Thai girls and what appears "raging prejudice" imply that all Thai girls receiving money are getting money from other sources.

I cannot see how you draw this conclusion. I have no prejudice against Thai girls and certainly do not feel utter contempt.

I may address your other issues if/when I have time.

But meantime, please enlighten me....Would you send money to help a girl when she has told you that she already has 1 or more men supporting her?

In fact anybody who reads this post, please state if you would send money to help support a girl that admits that she already has 1 or more men taking care of her. Maybe I'm wrong.

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"Yes it's their money, they have made the choice to spend their hard-earned this way. It's up to them, but there is nobody lying and cheating to deceive them into spending their money this way."

Come on....this poor western bloke who meets a girl in a girly bar and then gets ripped off. If he is honestly that stupid or naive then he flippin deserves to be ripped off! In my view, if the girl manages to get some idiot to send money, then well done! Are you saying that a westerner is not aware of what some parts of Thai 'culture' are about? Is it such an unknown secret about some Thai girls ie. bar girls.

So, this poor defenseless western guy accidentally chooses Thailand as a holiday destination (travelling on his own!), he accidentally ends up in a girly bar, he accidentally pays a bar fine, he accidentallly takes he girl home etc etc and we are supposed to feel sorry for him!?

Everyone must be responsible for their own actions to some degree, surely!

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It's completley different paying for sex, and sending money to a girl.

Paying for sex, you are doing just that, the contract is you fuc_k, you pay, end of transaction.

When you are sending money to a girl the contract, or what you think the contract is, is that you are doing so because the girl is your girlfriend, you are helping her out until you can sort things out. So when she turns out to be sleeping with every man and his dog, it is deceitful for her to do so.

So on the contrary to Maigo6 saying it is different from being robbed, I believe it is not. You let someone into your home, a friend for example, only to return and all of your posessions have gone. You were under the impression they were your friend, but they robbed you. It is exactly the same as the ladies who take money from men or vice versa, posing as a girlfriend, and have no intentions of being their girlfriend, they just want to bleed you dry.

I find it quite sickening hearing some of the many tales on this subject, but like many opinions are, I believe it is partly the fault of the person who sends the money, as they shouldn't be so fuc_king stupid.

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What a bizarre thread.

I generally don't waste time anymore trying to explain to folks that relationships here don't have to be based on money and support, unless it's a friend that I feel sorry for- but for old times' sake I'll do it in just this small post here. No, stop, don't! Try to meet people about +/- 10 years from your age who have jobs or savings. Speak their language unless they speak yours. Be socially functional and have enough to provide for yourself. The rest should eventually take care of itself.

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