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Land Ownership When Married

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I'm enquiring about the pros and cons of buying land when married. I'm not familiar with thai laws.

Where would I stand if I want to buy land??what's the risk with the worst case scenario??

Any feedback is highly appreciated.

Simple, really. Married or not you can never own the land and have to be prepared to walk away from it if the marriage should fail.

There are topics that show you can own the house on the land, but not the land. If you are willing to 'gift' the land to your wife, then so be it.

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Agree. Assuming you are not a Thai national - then you cannot own land in Thailand. There are various 'cunning' ways to be the proud owner of some 'mud' over here via the 'company route', a Usufruct or 30 year-lease.

They are all bad in their own way. If you do a search on Thai Visa you will find lots of discussions on these topics.

I 'own' land via the company route by the way. IMHO probably the best of a bad bunch of options. Given the chance again, I would not have acquired land in Thailand. Buy a condo in your own name - much simpler!

good luck, I have no doubt you will meet lots of real estate 'professional' who will tell you otherwise :o

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Your wife can own the land. You have to sign away all rights to it when you buy it. If you ever break up, she gets all of it and you get nothing. You can get a usufruct which will allow you use of the land as long as you are alive. That usufruct is registered with the land office, and can't be removed until your death, even if she sells the land. Honestly though, if you break up would you really want to stay there? The purpose for a usufruct is to protect yourself from her relatives in case you outlive her.

If you believe this is going to be 'til death do us part, then go ahead and do it. Just don't pay more for the land than you are willing to lose if the marriage goes south. It's simple really. People on this forum are overly concerned with this.

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