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How Many Farangs Have A Masters Degree?


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I am hesitant to post and answer your question simply because number one I am new on this forum and number two because there is no way to verify what I say other than you psychically coming to my place of employment and speaking to the head of my department or sending you a copy of my transcripts which I would be very reluctant to do. But since you asked I have an M.D. as my base degree, my specialty degree in medicine is a Psy.D. which is a Doctor of Psychology or professional doctorate in Clinical Psychology if you prefer and a Ph.D. in Eastern Philosophy. Most people ask me what I am doing in Thailand the simple answer is I worked at a level one trauma center for 8 years and I did my internship and residency in a level one trauma center thus I am burned out on the horror people are capable of doing to each other and I had to get out before I needed a psychiatrist.

One has to admit though, that it is hard to believe that a psychiatrist would l "physically" as "psychically".

We all make mistakes what can I say, Freudian slip perhaps? One thing that does keep me honest is Freudian slips I tend to make them a lot when trying to be deceitful, which is NOT the case here. One reason I got into the field of psychology is because of my own personal problems and short comings such as I am dyslexic but have learned to function with it, I was also ADHD and OCD with symptoms of personality disorder I have over come them with education rather than medication. I spend half of my day correcting papers written by Thai students that must have had the most horrid English teachers on the face of the planet and one gets to the point where all the words just blend together and start to look correct. I also worked in a level 1 trauma center for 8 years on the trauma team as well as doing my internship and residency in level 1 trauma centers so, if I use an incorrect word from time to time I feel I have earned the right to I'm a little traumatized myself.

On a lighter note before you correct my faux pas check your spelling you misspelled "mispel".

Pirsonially, ied jist lovve et whin da spelin copz hare in toune.....tit mast makem fellez reallie impordant two pic onn pepols hoo maekes juszt a feuw spelin miztakes.... :D

Um,sorry to bother you,but i noticed some errors in your grammer....... :D

I don't pass myself off as an English teacher.... your point being what? Are you so traumatized that this is the best you can do to make yourself feel better; to pick at a fast typo written post on the web? Maybe you need to talk to me in private because I can see where your inferiority complex is going. I'm a farm boy from Pennsylvania that was fortunate enough to get an education which has taught me being a farm boy from Pennsylvania is good enough... Do you feel that foreigners in Thailand other than yourself are evil and dirty and should not be here? And by the way " grammer" is spelled grammar in English and Bill Gates "American English" as well. So let's pick.

You're kidding? I have a joke with my friend and you take it as a serious stab at him?I would love to talk to you in person,pity your Pennsylvania education didn't teach about "tongue in cheek"replies..Of course it's spelt "Grammar",why do you think i spelt it G R A M M E R ??????????Jeez,some people...... :o

That "i" should be a capital tritex, shame on you. :D

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I think many people stop using this forum because of the non warranted lambasting. Jungian if your still on line PM me I'll buy you a beer or all you can drink anywhere in the city you choose. Hows my "grammer". (grammar for those of you who can't figure it out).


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I am hesitant to post and answer your question simply because number one I am new on this forum and number two because there is no way to verify what I say other than you psychically coming to my place of employment and speaking to the head of my department or sending you a copy of my transcripts which I would be very reluctant to do. But since you asked I have an M.D. as my base degree, my specialty degree in medicine is a Psy.D. which is a Doctor of Psychology or professional doctorate in Clinical Psychology if you prefer and a Ph.D. in Eastern Philosophy. Most people ask me what I am doing in Thailand the simple answer is I worked at a level one trauma center for 8 years and I did my internship and residency in a level one trauma center thus I am burned out on the horror people are capable of doing to each other and I had to get out before I needed a psychiatrist.

One has to admit though, that it is hard to believe that a psychiatrist would l "physically" as "psychically".

We all make mistakes what can I say, Freudian slip perhaps? One thing that does keep me honest is Freudian slips I tend to make them a lot when trying to be deceitful, which is NOT the case here. One reason I got into the field of psychology is because of my own personal problems and short comings such as I am dyslexic but have learned to function with it, I was also ADHD and OCD with symptoms of personality disorder I have over come them with education rather than medication. I spend half of my day correcting papers written by Thai students that must have had the most horrid English teachers on the face of the planet and one gets to the point where all the words just blend together and start to look correct. I also worked in a level 1 trauma center for 8 years on the trauma team as well as doing my internship and residency in level 1 trauma centers so, if I use an incorrect word from time to time I feel I have earned the right to I'm a little traumatized myself.

On a lighter note before you correct my faux pas check your spelling you misspelled "mispel".

Pirsonially, ied jist lovve et whin da spelin copz hare in toune.....tit mast makem fellez reallie impordant two pic onn pepols hoo maekes juszt a feuw spelin miztakes.... :D

Um,sorry to bother you,but i noticed some errors in your grammer....... :D

I don't pass myself off as an English teacher.... your point being what? Are you so traumatized that this is the best you can do to make yourself feel better; to pick at a fast typo written post on the web? Maybe you need to talk to me in private because I can see where your inferiority complex is going. I'm a farm boy from Pennsylvania that was fortunate enough to get an education which has taught me being a farm boy from Pennsylvania is good enough... Do you feel that foreigners in Thailand other than yourself are evil and dirty and should not be here? And by the way " grammer" is spelled grammar in English and Bill Gates "American English" as well. So let's pick.

You're kidding? I have a joke with my friend and you take it as a serious stab at him?I would love to talk to you in person,pity your Pennsylvania education didn't teach about "tongue in cheek"replies..Of course it's spelt "Grammar",why do you think i spelt it G R A M M E R ??????????Jeez,some people...... :o

That "i" should be a capital tritex, shame on you. :D

Just shoot me,please. :D

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I am hesitant to post and answer your question simply because number one I am new on this forum and number two because there is no way to verify what I say other than you psychically coming to my place of employment and speaking to the head of my department or sending you a copy of my transcripts which I would be very reluctant to do. But since you asked I have an M.D. as my base degree, my specialty degree in medicine is a Psy.D. which is a Doctor of Psychology or professional doctorate in Clinical Psychology if you prefer and a Ph.D. in Eastern Philosophy. Most people ask me what I am doing in Thailand the simple answer is I worked at a level one trauma center for 8 years and I did my internship and residency in a level one trauma center thus I am burned out on the horror people are capable of doing to each other and I had to get out before I needed a psychiatrist.

One has to admit though, that it is hard to believe that a psychiatrist would l "physically" as "psychically".

We all make mistakes what can I say, Freudian slip perhaps? One thing that does keep me honest is Freudian slips I tend to make them a lot when trying to be deceitful, which is NOT the case here. One reason I got into the field of psychology is because of my own personal problems and short comings such as I am dyslexic but have learned to function with it, I was also ADHD and OCD with symptoms of personality disorder I have over come them with education rather than medication. I spend half of my day correcting papers written by Thai students that must have had the most horrid English teachers on the face of the planet and one gets to the point where all the words just blend together and start to look correct. I also worked in a level 1 trauma center for 8 years on the trauma team as well as doing my internship and residency in level 1 trauma centers so, if I use an incorrect word from time to time I feel I have earned the right to I'm a little traumatized myself.

On a lighter note before you correct my faux pas check your spelling you misspelled "mispel".

Pirsonially, ied jist lovve et whin da spelin copz hare in toune.....tit mast makem fellez reallie impordant two pic onn pepols hoo maekes juszt a feuw spelin miztakes.... :D

Um,sorry to bother you,but i noticed some errors in your grammer....... :D

I don't pass myself off as an English teacher.... your point being what? Are you so traumatized that this is the best you can do to make yourself feel better; to pick at a fast typo written post on the web? Maybe you need to talk to me in private because I can see where your inferiority complex is going. I'm a farm boy from Pennsylvania that was fortunate enough to get an education which has taught me being a farm boy from Pennsylvania is good enough... Do you feel that foreigners in Thailand other than yourself are evil and dirty and should not be here? And by the way " grammer" is spelled grammar in English and Bill Gates "American English" as well. So let's pick.

You're kidding? I have a joke with my friend and you take it as a serious stab at him?I would love to talk to you in person,pity your Pennsylvania education didn't teach about "tongue in cheek"replies..Of course it's spelt "Grammar",why do you think i spelt it G R A M M E R ??????????Jeez,some people...... :o

That "i" should be a capital tritex, shame on you. :D

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I am hesitant to post and answer your question simply because number one I am new on this forum and number two because there is no way to verify what I say other than you psychically coming to my place of employment and speaking to the head of my department or sending you a copy of my transcripts which I would be very reluctant to do. But since you asked I have an M.D. as my base degree, my specialty degree in medicine is a Psy.D. which is a Doctor of Psychology or professional doctorate in Clinical Psychology if you prefer and a Ph.D. in Eastern Philosophy. Most people ask me what I am doing in Thailand the simple answer is I worked at a level one trauma center for 8 years and I did my internship and residency in a level one trauma center thus I am burned out on the horror people are capable of doing to each other and I had to get out before I needed a psychiatrist.

One has to admit though, that it is hard to believe that a psychiatrist would l "physically" as "psychically".

We all make mistakes what can I say, Freudian slip perhaps? One thing that does keep me honest is Freudian slips I tend to make them a lot when trying to be deceitful, which is NOT the case here. One reason I got into the field of psychology is because of my own personal problems and short comings such as I am dyslexic but have learned to function with it, I was also ADHD and OCD with symptoms of personality disorder I have over come them with education rather than medication. I spend half of my day correcting papers written by Thai students that must have had the most horrid English teachers on the face of the planet and one gets to the point where all the words just blend together and start to look correct. I also worked in a level 1 trauma center for 8 years on the trauma team as well as doing my internship and residency in level 1 trauma centers so, if I use an incorrect word from time to time I feel I have earned the right to I'm a little traumatized myself.

On a lighter note before you correct my faux pas check your spelling you misspelled "mispel".

Pirsonially, ied jist lovve et whin da spelin copz hare in toune.....tit mast makem fellez reallie impordant two pic onn pepols hoo maekes juszt a feuw spelin miztakes.... :D

Um,sorry to bother you,but i noticed some errors in your grammer....... :D

I don't pass myself off as an English teacher.... your point being what? Are you so traumatized that this is the best you can do to make yourself feel better; to pick at a fast typo written post on the web? Maybe you need to talk to me in private because I can see where your inferiority complex is going. I'm a farm boy from Pennsylvania that was fortunate enough to get an education which has taught me being a farm boy from Pennsylvania is good enough... Do you feel that foreigners in Thailand other than yourself are evil and dirty and should not be here? And by the way " grammer" is spelled grammar in English and Bill Gates "American English" as well. So let's pick.

You're kidding? I have a joke with my friend and you take it as a serious stab at him?I would love to talk to you in person,pity your Pennsylvania education didn't teach about "tongue in cheek"replies..Of course it's spelt "Grammar",why do you think i spelt it G R A M M E R ??????????Jeez,some people...... :o

That "i" should be a capital tritex, shame on you. :D

Just shoot me,please. :D

Now u know why i don't have a masters.... :wai:

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multiply choice questions ... the American system is a joke!

I guess that is why so many people from around the world want to get American graduate degrees--and why so many foreign governments sponsor their students who get accepted!

I am not sure what schools you are talking about, but I rarely saw multiple choice anything at my masters level, and never at my doctoral level.

Having gone through the mill multiple times, Geeky you speak from ignorance....Granted my 1st undergraduate degree was probably before you were born, before they had never dreamed up cultural diversity, and grading on a curve yet. Recently I wanted some stimulation, so got another degree, yes it was easier, but a lot of number crunching and digging through lots of data to answer a single question.

The reason so many foreign governments sponsor their students to American Universities is because they are simply the best at equipping the student for a successful career in the future.

Bs Physics University of Souther California 1962

Ms EE University of Souther California 1965 (Summa Cum Laude)

MBA Tulane University 1995.

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You're kidding? I have a joke with my friend and you take it as a serious stab at him?I would love to talk to you in person,pity your Pennsylvania education didn't teach about "tongue in cheek"replies..Of course it's spelt "Grammar",why do you think i spelt it G R A M M E R ??????????Jeez,some people...... :o

That "i" should be a capital tritex, shame on you. :D

I'm from New York (City, Manhattan exact) take a shot at me and see where that lands you. Obviously it wasn't perceived as a joke nor did I (or Jungian me thinks) perceive it that way; if my grammar is amiss enjoy, all I got to say is I'm from NYC and I got me an education too (is that funny or uneducated?). Sometimes people forget that just because someone has a doctorate they are human thus the bowing and scraping most of which foreigners hate in Thailand this is what you are protesting against. It is clear to me Jungian is a decent guy (girl, I didn't look) trying to be kind to people perhaps looking for some friends and you have to worry about semanticists, shame shame, I can't tell you what's on my mind or I'll be blocked on this site.

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I'm from New York (City, Manhattan exact) take a shot at me and see where that lands you. Obviously it wasn't perceived as a joke nor did I (or Jungian me thinks) perceive it that way; if my grammar is amiss enjoy, all I got to say is I'm from NYC and I got me an education too (is that funny or uneducated?). Sometimes people forget that just because someone has a doctorate they are human thus the bowing and scraping most of which foreigners hate in Thailand this is what you are protesting against. It is clear to me Jungian is a decent guy (girl, I didn't look) trying to be kind to people perhaps looking for some friends and you have to worry about semanticists, shame shame, I can't tell you what's on my mind or I'll be blocked on this site.

You threaten me again,and see where it GETS YOU! :o

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1) What does coming from New York have to do with it?

1) His comment was not directed towards Jungian but the quoted post immediately above it.

2) I saw the humour in the post, indeed I think that it was quite obvious. Oh, and I don't need a degree to see the humour (I don't have one)

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This thread is an excellent illustration of the observation that people with multiple diplomas can still be ignorant. Reminds me of the 3rd tier college instructor with a Ph.D. in biochem that was testifying on behalf of "Intelligent Design" at the infamous Dover school board case in the USA . He demonstrated a profound lack of knowledge about the theory of evolution and basic comparative cell physiology, He probably was book smart when it came to discussing the Kreb cycle and what not, but on other subjects, he had as much knowledge as the fellow flipping burgers at the Burger King.

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This thread is an excellent illustration of the observation that people with multiple diplomas can still be ignorant. Reminds me of the 3rd tier college instructor with a Ph.D. in biochem that was testifying on behalf of "Intelligent Design" at the infamous Dover school board case in the USA . He demonstrated a profound lack of knowledge about the theory of evolution and basic comparative cell physiology, He probably was book smart when it came to discussing the Kreb cycle and what not, but on other subjects, he had as much knowledge as the fellow flipping burgers at the Burger King.

I would suggest that anyone that wasted their time on "intelligent design" or any other religious unscientific alter reality doesn't deserve a degree in anything. I sirs and madams am an expert on Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica as well as Doctor Who however there is no degree in fiction other than literary (not literally for those of you waiting to pounce, you have taught me oh so well).

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This thread is an excellent illustration of the observation that people with multiple diplomas can still be ignorant. Reminds me of the 3rd tier college instructor with a Ph.D. in biochem that was testifying on behalf of "Intelligent Design" at the infamous Dover school board case in the USA . He demonstrated a profound lack of knowledge about the theory of evolution and basic comparative cell physiology, He probably was book smart when it came to discussing the Kreb cycle and what not, but on other subjects, he had as much knowledge as the fellow flipping burgers at the Burger King.

I would suggest that anyone that wasted their time on "intelligent design" or any other religious unscientific alter reality doesn't deserve a degree in anything. I sirs and madams am an expert on Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica as well as Doctor Who however there is no degree in fiction other than literary (not literally for those of you waiting to pounce, you have taught me oh so well).

I really enjoyed Battlestar Galactica(Old version) but the new version was a tad dissapointing.What the hel_l happened to the cylons??They used to look so cool. :o

Edited by tritexengineering
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1) What does coming from New York have to do with it?

1) His comment was not directed towards Jungian but the quoted post immediately above it.

2) I saw the humour in the post, indeed I think that it was quite obvious. Oh, and I don't need a degree to see the humour (I don't have one)

I think the point of coming from NYC had to do with the reference to "friend from Pennsylvania" to spite the fact the license plates in Pennsylvania say :"You have a friend in Pennsylvania" we take things personally and to heart as do New York and New Jersey thus we call ourselves the "Tri-state" the rest of the of the country be damned. The humor (US spelling) hardly stood up to any kind of worthwhile British humor if indeed that was in fact an attempt it was a poor attempt indeed.

I did sir or madam feel that the post was directed toward me and I am sure it was read as such by most people however the deed is done and we know who the ladies and gentlemen are.

As far as degrees go the question that was asked was who had a degree not who did not. And while I appreciate the support from idrankwhat I am quite capable of defending myself and I thank you sir for the offer of drinks however I must decline as the hour is late.

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sounds like they have a masters degree in bullshite to me.

Ditto, Thailand is a magnet for bullshit artists, they've no ties or checks and balances like back home.

They believe they're the wide-boys and go along with it.

Best to pay no attention and don't let it worry you :o

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I am hesitant to post and answer your question simply because number one I am new on this forum and number two because there is no way to verify what I say other than you psychically coming to my place of employment and speaking to the head of my department or sending you a copy of my transcripts which I would be very reluctant to do. But since you asked I have an M.D. as my base degree, my specialty degree in medicine is a Psy.D. which is a Doctor of Psychology or professional doctorate in Clinical Psychology if you prefer and a Ph.D. in Eastern Philosophy. Most people ask me what I am doing in Thailand the simple answer is I worked at a level one trauma center for 8 years and I did my internship and residency in a level one trauma center thus I am burned out on the horror people are capable of doing to each other and I had to get out before I needed a psychiatrist.

One has to admit though, that it is hard to believe that a psychiatrist would mispell "physically" as "psychically".

Probably a nurse with an inferiority complex.

Something called ROI that is why.

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... snip ... My question is-Did something change in the education world over the last ten years,that i don't know about?Are masters degrees now an easily obtainable document?

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Tritexengineering,

I would suggest re-framing the question to ask : are there a large number of expats in Thailand who have fake degrees they've bought through "diploma mills," or who simply pretend they have degrees they actually don't have without even bothering to have a fake one ?

Second, among those who have "real" degrees, how many actually have real degrees that actually required real education, effort, testing, proof of accomplishment vs. degrees easily obtained through extension programs, or on-line education, that awarded significant credit for "life experience" ?

The "value" of degrees offered by Thai institutions of higher learning is another issue : one I wouldn't go near.

~o:37 (M.S.W., UC Berkeley, 1976)

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I did sir or madam feel that the post was directed toward me and I am sure it was read as such by most people however the deed is done and we know who the ladies and gentlemen are.

"The deed is done and we know who the ladies and gentlemen are" ???

My goodness me, you make it sound like a major crime has been commited.

Jungian, my advice if you are open to taking any, lighten up and harden up just a little. Your long term survival on a forum like this rather depends on it.

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... snip ... My question is-Did something change in the education world over the last ten years,that i don't know about?Are masters degrees now an easily obtainable document?

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Tritexengineering,

I would suggest re-framing the question to ask : are there a large number of expats in Thailand who have fake degrees they've bought through "diploma mills," or who simply pretend they have degrees they actually don't have without even bothering to have a fake one ?

Second, among those who have "real" degrees, how many actually have real degrees that actually required real education, effort, testing, proof of accomplishment vs. degrees easily obtained through extension programs, or on-line education, that awarded significant credit for "life experience" ?

The "value" of degrees offered by Thai institutions of higher learning is another issue : one I wouldn't go near.

~o:37 (M.S.W., UC Berkeley, 1976)

The reason that I am in Thailand today is because of the friendships I formed with some Thai classmates I had while pursuing my own graduate degrees. Most the these Thais had undergraduate degrees from Thailand (a few had British or American undergrad degrees), and most of these were from the more presitgious institutions here.  From what I gather, it is possible to skate through and get a degree by means other than dint of study. But to do well, a student had to buckle down and learn.

There are schools in the US where simply paying your tuition and showing up for classes will probably result in a degree.  However, even at those schools, it is possible to get an adequate education.  In the US, for example, there is a for-profit school named National University.  This huge insitution is in a number of locations, none with actual dorms and such, to the best of my knowledge.  In San Diego, for example, they have various office-type buildings for classrooms.  Now, National has a reputation for being a place where you can show up, put out a modicum of effort on tests, and squeak by with a "C" average.  However, even there, if a student applies his or herself, he or she can get a decent education.  The text books are the same. The courses are patterened the same.  Learning can be accomplished.

But sometimes, it is not just the lower tier shools where people can sqeak by. You received a degree from Berkley--no mean feat and not too many people would assume there was anything untoward in that degree. But  I have a good friend of mine whom I met while getting my masters.  He is a Saudi (his half-brother is Osama).  He is a great guy, smart and hard-working.  He decided he wanted to get his doctorate from Harvard. His grades did not support that desire.  So he offered to make a very, very sizable donation to the school, and yes, suddenly he was accepted and on his way for his doctorate.  

No matter what school we attend, I am a firm believer that we get out of education what we put in.  It is up to the student to mold his or her educational efforts.

Edited by bonobo
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After 20 yrs I decided to go back to school and get a Masters.

I thought it would be difficult to get back into the swing of things but my opinion is that education has gone backward in that time and a Masters is surprisingly easy.

For what it's worth, I am an engineer with a B.Eng and am now studying for a Masters in Construction Law & Arbitration.

I have a choice next year whether to get an MSc (construction based dissertation) or an LLM (law based).

I agree with previous posters that universities are reluctant to fail anyone who pays his money. The pass standard is still 40% but in my opinion it is much easier to achieve now than in the 80's. Most people do not fail they just drop out due to the conflicting pressures/time constraints of work and study. If I was to go back to school full-time then I think it would be even easier.

Will I use my Masters? Not sure. I am doing it because I only work part time and have time available. My results to date have been sufficiently good to exempt me from the Fellowship Exams for the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators so I may look at options available down that route. At the moment though I am happy to continue in my current job

When I first started work in the UK I was told that a Masters was not important. It gave employers no benefit & they would prefer to take you straight from college and educate you themselves. However, they were prepared to look at PhD's as a worthwhile qualification. To be honest, most employers are more impressed with CEng status than an MSc but even this in the UK does not hold too much sway. Ultimately, in the UK it boils down to whether you are competent in your job - qualifications are a means to an end and are not valued as highly in the UK as they are in the US for instance. Not having a Masters in the UK was no bar to promotion and you certainly did not get any salary benefits - you were treated the same as anyone with a B.Eng whereas in the US my perception is that a Masters can in many cases entitle you to a higher starting salary. The dumbing down of UK education in the last 20 yrs and the influence of the US has now made Masters degrees popular within the UK student population although I doubt that employers are similarly enthused.

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M.A. Philosophy, St. Andrews University 1982

M.A. Psychology, Pittsburgh University 1984

Ph.D. Philosophy, Cambridge University 1990

Specializations: (Old: epistemology, philosophy of scientific method, philosophy of biology, philosophy of psychology/psychoanalysis.) (New: Buddhist philosophy, esp. Chinese Buddhism, and Confucianism/Neo-Confucianism)

In my opinion, there are a lot of people walking round with PhDs who should never have been granted them. In the UK, once you get outside the elite group of universities, such as Oxbridge, LSE, and Imperial College London, standards for PhDs drop alarmingly, even though there is always one internal and one external examiner. This situation has no doubt been exacerbated by the government's decision to grant polytechnics university status, on the ludicrous grounds that 50% of the population has the intellectual capacity to benefit from higher education.

Edited by chrisartist
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Just a Bachelors Degree. However, currently studying a Masters of International and Community Development. Part time by correspondence it will take about 3 years.

By the way, my wife who is Thai, has a Masters of Education.

I think Masters degrees are much more common now than they were in the past.

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At the end of the day though, when the pipes have burst or the car has broken down, having a masters diploma doesn't really help does it?

It also won't help if the end of the economic world is nigh and armed gangs of thugs are roaming the streets looking to take food and water from others by force.

But on the other hand it does help when finding a job.

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I really enjoyed Battlestar Galactica(Old version) but the new version was a tad dissapointing.What the hel_l happened to the cylons??They used to look so cool. :D

Just the opposite for me. The new version is better by far. You can't tell me that Number Six doesn't look cool. She acts pretty cool, too, even got in bed with Balthar AND Number One. As Adama says, I'd like to sell tickets to that dance.

And you'd rather look at the old cylons than her? Are you sure you're on the right forum? :o

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I really enjoyed Battlestar Galactica(Old version) but the new version was a tad dissapointing.What the hel_l happened to the cylons??They used to look so cool. :D

Just the opposite for me. The new version is better by far. You can't tell me that Number Six doesn't look cool. She acts pretty cool, too, even got in bed with Balthar AND Number One. As Adama says, I'd like to sell tickets to that dance.

And you'd rather look at the old cylons than her? Are you sure you're on the right forum? :D

Well,you have to remember i was 8 years old at the time,so it stuck in my mind.Now of course it is just poor quality crap,compared to modern efforts.But it just won't go away,and i can't get used to the new series!! :o

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