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Tot Problem


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Seriously TOT suck the big one!

I have had them for the last 8 months & had ENOUGH of them, they are absolutely hopeless & wouldnt know what service meant if it jumped up and bit them on the backside.

Have you considered changing provider, yet? Are you on a contract for 12 months like me?

I am glad I only have a few months to go, good luck to you

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Seriously TOT suck the big one!

I have had them for the last 8 months & had ENOUGH of them, they are absolutely hopeless & wouldnt know what service meant if it jumped up and bit them on the backside.

Have you considered changing provider, yet? Are you on a contract for 12 months like me?

I am glad I only have a few months to go, good luck to you

it is always the same TOT/thing.

if u can get ttnt, i recommend that, but

u need tot/phoneline, so 2 mg speed costs

1160 baht and tot 110baht aproxx..per month.


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Move and live with the civilized people in Bangkok .... and stop complaining. :o

TOT rocks! In the last 6 months not a single problem. always fast downloads and good browser speeds ....

Wow, now that is an informative post... Thank you for the enlightenment.

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Move and live with the civilized people in Bangkok .... and stop complaining. :o

TOT rocks! In the last 6 months not a single problem. always fast downloads and good browser speeds ....

Wow, now that is an informative post... Thank you for the enlightenment.

You're welcome. Do you live in the boondocks by any chance? Something negative to report?

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  • 1 month later...
Move and live with the civilized people in Bangkok .... and stop complaining. :D

TOT rocks! In the last 6 months not a single problem. always fast downloads and good browser speeds ....

You're welcome. Do you live in the boondocks by any chance? Something negative to report?

Nice response. Are we to presume that those who live outside of so called civilization have no right to complain about the services they pay for? From your less than informed reply, "civilised" is the last word I would attribute to the likes of you. :o

To the original poster - many people in the north are having interminable problems with TOT, which have been ongoing for years. Thankfully, more options are opening up, such as CAT, who now offer their own lines in addition to CDMA. I know a lot of people who have moved to CAT and are very happy with the reliability and service.

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Move and live with the civilized people in Bangkok .... and stop complaining. :o

TOT rocks! In the last 6 months not a single problem. always fast downloads and good browser speeds ....

So you didn't have a problem 2 weeks ago when TOT was down nationwide for the weekend? :D

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A few months ago I would have disagreed with the negative problems about TOT. I have had them at this house (in Ladprao area) for 4 years and always been pleased (considering this is Thailand) with their service. 2Mb internet package was never perfect but was reasonably consistent and allowed me to indulge myself with torrent downloads and online gaming via PS3 on top of the day to day emails and skype etc.

I recently returned from 2 months in the UK and have had that opinion turned around. I have had local speed tests showing 500 - 4,400 kbps (on a 2 meg line) and international speeds are always around 100 - 200 kbps, which is way lower than normal. The technician has spent over an hour checking my connections and gives me 2 numbers to call regarding international speed. i call them and they both say call 1100. I call them and they tell me they will send a technician!

I have called 1100 5 times in as many days and each time I am told something different about the problem and new upgrade packages. I always have to ask them to speak to a supervisor to find out about it. They then come back educated about said upgrades. Why don't they train everyone at the same time about what is going on? My wife now has to physically go to the local office to change things. I truly don't understand, with the technology available, why we aren't allowed to change things with a phone call or an email. It's like going back 20-30 years in time.

Anyone else getting problems with PS3 connection in the past couple of weeks?

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A few months ago I would have disagreed with the negative problems about TOT. I have had them at this house (in Ladprao area) for 4 years and always been pleased (considering this is Thailand) with their service. 2Mb internet package was never perfect but was reasonably consistent and allowed me to indulge myself with torrent downloads and online gaming via PS3 on top of the day to day emails and skype etc.

I recently returned from 2 months in the UK and have had that opinion turned around. I have had local speed tests showing 500 - 4,400 kbps (on a 2 meg line) and international speeds are always around 100 - 200 kbps, which is way lower than normal. The technician has spent over an hour checking my connections and gives me 2 numbers to call regarding international speed. i call them and they both say call 1100. I call them and they tell me they will send a technician!

I have called 1100 5 times in as many days and each time I am told something different about the problem and new upgrade packages. I always have to ask them to speak to a supervisor to find out about it. They then come back educated about said upgrades. Why don't they train everyone at the same time about what is going on? My wife now has to physically go to the local office to change things. I truly don't understand, with the technology available, why we aren't allowed to change things with a phone call or an email. It's like going back 20-30 years in time.

Anyone else getting problems with PS3 connection in the past couple of weeks?

That's the story with TOT. My connection was also pretty good for 2 years, then suddenly I got lots of noise on the line - I can check this on my modem. So much noise that the line would have to be classified as unusable at most times. TOT, however, is unable to or unwilling to fix it. I called them a million times, the "technicians" came a few times. To no avail. So for 2 years my TOT has been crap. Gonna switch to CAT as soon as that becomes available.

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Yes, I have also been having problems with my ps3 and TOT. I thought it may have been my router so I changed to my other one last night. I keep getting disconnected (which is annoying when I'm playing online with someone).

I hope they sort it out soon...

A few months ago I would have disagreed with the negative problems about TOT. I have had them at this house (in Ladprao area) for 4 years and always been pleased (considering this is Thailand) with their service. 2Mb internet package was never perfect but was reasonably consistent and allowed me to indulge myself with torrent downloads and online gaming via PS3 on top of the day to day emails and skype etc.

I recently returned from 2 months in the UK and have had that opinion turned around. I have had local speed tests showing 500 - 4,400 kbps (on a 2 meg line) and international speeds are always around 100 - 200 kbps, which is way lower than normal. The technician has spent over an hour checking my connections and gives me 2 numbers to call regarding international speed. i call them and they both say call 1100. I call them and they tell me they will send a technician!

I have called 1100 5 times in as many days and each time I am told something different about the problem and new upgrade packages. I always have to ask them to speak to a supervisor to find out about it. They then come back educated about said upgrades. Why don't they train everyone at the same time about what is going on? My wife now has to physically go to the local office to change things. I truly don't understand, with the technology available, why we aren't allowed to change things with a phone call or an email. It's like going back 20-30 years in time.

Anyone else getting problems with PS3 connection in the past couple of weeks?

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Yup....having problems the same,for the past 2 weeks ToT have been crap..!

Phoning the service (huh dont make me laugh) 1100 number is a waste of time an effort.

I pay for 1.5mb download and 500mb upload...speeds recently have been 300kbps dw and 100kbps ul..

Its like paying for a sandwich an getting less than 1 slice of bread.

I'm so temped to just stop paying for the service (joke) an finding another provider..

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Have you considered changing provider, yet? Are you on a contract for 12 months like me?

neverdie, I am three months into a 12 month contract with TOT, but they let me out of the contract today for 1070B and giving the modem back. Might be worth asking at the TOT office, although I guess 1000B might not be much less than the rest of your contract. I just couldn't take any more. Switched to TT&T.

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Have you considered changing provider, yet? Are you on a contract for 12 months like me?

neverdie, I am three months into a 12 month contract with TOT, but they let me out of the contract today for 1070B and giving the modem back. Might be worth asking at the TOT office, although I guess 1000B might not be much less than the rest of your contract. I just couldn't take any more. Switched to TT&T.

Not a problem for me and my lowly Edge/GPRS modem in the boonies down south, however my mate in north end Phuket has been having access problems..can only get to Google and what seem to be BKK based servers. One wonders if TOT is bottle necked out of Thailand ..maybe not paying their intl carrier(s) for sufficient bandwidth. Low local access to ADSL terminal units would not stop access.

TOT probably grossly oversell the bandwidth available on any one ADSL unit.... they used to only handle 2mb so if you have too many simultaneous customers asking for bandwidth on it........

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I'm with TOT in Hat Yai and have no complaints, Bht590 for 2Mb, I usually get around 1.7Mb which, for Thailand, is near enough.

In the last eight months at our current address availability has been 100%.

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I had TOT for a couple of years it was crap the whole time, but I had no other choice. They have a book of excuses that the people at 1100 call center read from to give out excuses to subscribers, total incompetence. I would never use them again under any circumstances period. I have CAT now and I am as happy as can be with them. Everything CAT said they would do they did and they did it even better than they said. Up time is almost 100 percent and speed is more than they described when I signed up... I pay more but I get good service. If you have any choice at all stay away from TOT at any cost !

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From my experience and that of friends, the service supplied by TOT is extremely variable. My experience of TOT, like several other posters in this thread, has been positive, with good and reliable connections, helpful and responsive customer support and engineers that will turn out within a couple of hours. But as with the poster above I'm aware that TOT elsewhere in Thailand is worse than useless. Just shows it's important to ask locally before you select your ISP.

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I was thoroughly p**sed off with TOT so voted with my feet last week. I was paying B1100 a month for 2MB and was lucky to get 150KB down speed. Complained at least 3 times a month but no improvement. I had a 12 month contract too but given how often I'd complained, I only had to pay a B1000 penalty as long as I returned the modem.

Now I'm absolutely FLYING with KSC's Broadband Lite. 2MB costs B1490 so a little more but, my word, you DO get what you pay for. What's more, TOT switched off their crappy ADSL on a Wednesday and KSC's was on and working by Friday.

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I was thoroughly p**sed off with TOT so voted with my feet last week. I was paying B1100 a month for 2MB and was lucky to get 150KB down speed. Complained at least 3 times a month but no improvement. I had a 12 month contract too but given how often I'd complained, I only had to pay a B1000 penalty as long as I returned the modem.

Now I'm absolutely FLYING with KSC's Broadband Lite. 2MB costs B1490 so a little more but, my word, you DO get what you pay for. What's more, TOT switched off their crappy ADSL on a Wednesday and KSC's was on and working by Friday.

don't fly too high - it can end in a sudden crash landing. I know a lot of folks (myself included) who paid a lot more than you and have other experiences... :o

Edited by webfact
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I'm with TOT in Hat Yai and have no complaints, Bht590 for 2Mb, I usually get around 1.7Mb which, for Thailand, is near enough.

In the last eight months at our current address availability has been 100%.

In Chiang Mai with TOT the same as above, and service excellent had some 'noise' on the line, but they cam instantly reset my computer IMAC which usually scares the hel_l out of the locals. Part of the problem was my fault not using the splitter provided for the land line phone

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After 2 years of adsl TOT service, and twice having experienced the internet service going down the toilet (for at least a week) after the first big rains in the year, I switched to TT&T.

TT&T came 3 weeks ago in our mooban for the first time, and offered 3mbps for 590 thb while i payed the same for 1mbps to TOT. Called immediately to TOT to cancel the service... The next day, TOT handed out flyers in our mooban which offered the same speed (3mbps) for the same price... Too little to late for me. byebye TOT, until the time you value your customer, if ever...

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I have similair problem.

Do a trace route and see how many hubs to Thaivisa.come.

Found out that TOT uses the old backbone or something.

Reimar looked at it and came to that conclusion.

And I am in BKK.

Mornings and after 24:00 it is OK.

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I was thoroughly p**sed off with TOT so voted with my feet last week. I was paying B1100 a month for 2MB and was lucky to get 150KB down speed. Complained at least 3 times a month but no improvement. I had a 12 month contract too but given how often I'd complained, I only had to pay a B1000 penalty as long as I returned the modem.

Now I'm absolutely FLYING with KSC's Broadband Lite. 2MB costs B1490 so a little more but, my word, you DO get what you pay for. What's more, TOT switched off their crappy ADSL on a Wednesday and KSC's was on and working by Friday.

don't fly too high - it can end in a sudden crash landing. I know a lot of folks (myself included) who paid a lot more than you and have other experiences... :o

What has your experience with them been like ? I did as much research on Thaivisa as I could and found that most KSC users had positive comments. Be interesting to hear about the negatives

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