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Thaksin And The Aid Donors

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Aid Donors: "We can give you enough to rebuild every village that has been devastated."

Thaksin: " No, its alright thanks."

Aid Donors: "Enough left over for every HIV+ child to have the best anti-retrovirals."

Thaksin; "Its a nice offer, but no."

Aid Donors: "Pay for new schools for all the orphans."

Thaksin: "My kids had the best education money could buy."

Aid Donors: "Offshore concrete breakwaters fringing the Andaman coast."

Thaksin: "We were never colonized you know."

Aid donors: "How about Lear jets for every Indonesian minister, and houses in Gstaad for every one of that country's top military officers."

Thaksin: "Now we're talking..."

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