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Run Away Wife


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Hi All. I am living in Wales with my wife but am worried she is going to do a runner with my son. Does anyone know where I stand if she decides to go back to Thailand with my boy without my say so? can I stop her doing this, and can I get my boy back if she decides to do a runner. I am being a bit pessamistic about this now as I've had a few beers, and we had an arguement where she left the house but later came back, but it has started me thinking

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Hi All. I am living in Wales with my wife but am worried she is going to do a runner with my son. Does anyone know where I stand if she decides to go back to Thailand with my boy without my say so? can I stop her doing this, and can I get my boy back if she decides to do a runner. I am being a bit pessamistic about this now as I've had a few beers, and we had an arguement where she left the house but later came back, but it has started me thinking
Run off to Thailand ? For what ? All she would come back to is work and a decline in her living standards. Plus bad education and a poor outlook for your son. Where as, as long as she remains in the UK she is on a roller coaster being a married to you, and seperated with a child. She will get the benefit of the social system. You gain by her coming back by her lack of contact with the legal system of the UK etc. I think she's bluffing.
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Hi All. I am living in Wales with my wife but am worried she is going to do a runner with my son. Does anyone know where I stand if she decides to go back to Thailand with my boy without my say so? can I stop her doing this, and can I get my boy back if she decides to do a runner. I am being a bit pessamistic about this now as I've had a few beers, and we had an arguement where she left the house but later came back, but it has started me thinking

Let her do the runner she will come back to you :o

no way she do that in this economic slow down

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Hi All. I am living in Wales with my wife but am worried she is going to do a runner with my son. Does anyone know where I stand if she decides to go back to Thailand with my boy without my say so? can I stop her doing this, and can I get my boy back if she decides to do a runner. I am being a bit pessamistic about this now as I've had a few beers, and we had an arguement where she left the house but later came back, but it has started me thinking

Let her do the runner she will come back to you :o

no way she do that in this economic slow down

She will if she's poorly educated. :D

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If you're that worried, take your son's passport as suggested and then tell her to go ahead and go, this way you achieve the objective of taking care of your son and at the same time relieving yourself of the worry. This of course is assuming you don't care if she stays or goes, which is probably more the reason for her to leave.

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Hide your son's passport and seek the advice of a good lawyer.

Agreed, hold passports in a secure place, end of story. Be a good dad and UK should look after your end.

Don"t know about UK, but could she not secretly claim lost passports and get new ones at the Thai embassy?

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Hide your son's passport and seek the advice of a good lawyer.

Agreed, hold passports in a secure place, end of story. Be a good dad and UK should look after your end.

Don"t know about UK, but could she not secretly claim lost passports and get new ones at the Thai embassy?

A Thai passport for a child has to be approved by both parents, unless one of the parents has sole custody.

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I agree with others, give your sons passports to a trusted family member or freind with the strict instructions to not hand them to your wife & speak with a family law solicitor about putting a restriction on your son being removed from UK without your permission.

I would then personally have that translate into thai (there are a couple of official translators of thai in the UK, pm me if you need a contact as I only know through another website) That way your wife has all the information & is in full knowledge of the legal restrictions in place & can then seek her own legal council.

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To the OP,

Are you aware that Parental Kidnapping is not a crime in Thailand!

So be very careful if she (you) ever bring your child to Thailand...

GENERAL INFORMATION: Parental Kidnapping is not a crime in Thailand and Thai authorities will not issue a warrant or become involved should one parent

take a child without the other parent's authorization. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction cannot be invoked if a

child is taken from the United States to Thailand, or vice versa, by one parent against the wishes of the other parent or in violation of a U.S. custody order.



Ps I know the OP is in Wales but I would imagine this also applies to the UK and the rest of the world. Once the child is inside Thiland's borders it's game over...

Edited by thaiprivateeye
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Actually its not even kidnapping is it? - no offence or crime is committed if one parent goes off with junior to another country. We often seem to get the impression that if one party says I am concerned about the other party going off with junior, that they (i.e. the first party) are the berieved party, or have been done some injustice if that happens.

Not so - in the absence of any custody order my understanding is that both parents are in the exact same position (legally) - and once back in Thailand, as thaiprivateye notes - your chances of recovery through a custody order are indeed slim.

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OP: Your priority is to not let it happen in the first place, so hide not only the kid's passport but also the birth records or any other documents that could be used to obtain a new one, or anything that could be used to get him past immigration.

Forget about Thai law, as a farang you'd be playing against a stacked deck. How old is the boy?

All these second-guesses about why she wouldn't run off back to Thailand are pretty funny.

You'll hear that in the US there are huge numbers of child disappearance cases every year, and the reports make it seem like the streets of that country are heavily patrolled by predators waiting for you to turn your head for a moment so they can abduct your child. Actually, most of the cases involve one of the parents running off with the kid(s).

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OP: Your priority is to not let it happen in the first place, so hide not only the kid's passport but also the birth records or any other documents that could be used to obtain a new one, or anything that could be used to get him past immigration.

Forget about Thai law, as a farang you'd be playing against a stacked deck. How old is the boy?

All these second-guesses about why she wouldn't run off back to Thailand are pretty funny.

You'll hear that in the US there are huge numbers of child disappearance cases every year, and the reports make it seem like the streets of that country are heavily patrolled by predators waiting for you to turn your head for a moment so they can abduct your child. Actually, most of the cases involve one of the parents running off with the kid(s).

the op was drunk and will be embarrassed for posting. he'll not be back

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OP: Your priority is to not let it happen in the first place, so hide not only the kid's passport but also the birth records or any other documents that could be used to obtain a new one, or anything that could be used to get him past immigration.

Forget about Thai law, as a farang you'd be playing against a stacked deck. How old is the boy?

All these second-guesses about why she wouldn't run off back to Thailand are pretty funny.

You'll hear that in the US there are huge numbers of child disappearance cases every year, and the reports make it seem like the streets of that country are heavily patrolled by predators waiting for you to turn your head for a moment so they can abduct your child. Actually, most of the cases involve one of the parents running off with the kid(s).

the op was drunk and will be embarrassed for posting. he'll not be back

Yes, An argument with the wife + being drunk = a domestic, every time!!


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Thanks for the advice everybody (I'm not drunk now and was not then, but drink reduces inhibitiions and makes it easier to ask questions on forums like this). My boy is 3 1/2, and was born in Wales and has a British passport. My wife attended University in Bangkok and speaks, reads and writes near perfect English (I used to teach English in Thailand). My wife would have no worry about returning to Thailand as she has a farm and her own house there, she could also get a good paying job. I have already taken my sons passport away for security, and obviously I want to make up with my wife, we have been married for nearly years now and I love her and do not want to lose her either. We are on a better footing today, but I am concerned as my wife can be hoty headed and makes snap decisions without thinking about the future. If she did this it would be because she would not back down from an arguement where she felt she was right even though she was not. Unfortunately we are a bit simular in this, which is what lead to this in the first place.

I will hide my sons birth certificate as well now though in the light of day it all seems a little rediculous. By the way what does OP stand for?

Thanks again and any further advice would be accepted graciously

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Thanks for the advice everybody (I'm not drunk now and was not then, but drink reduces inhibitiions and makes it easier to ask questions on forums like this). My boy is 3 1/2, and was born in Wales and has a British passport. My wife attended University in Bangkok and speaks, reads and writes near perfect English (I used to teach English in Thailand). My wife would have no worry about returning to Thailand as she has a farm and her own house there, she could also get a good paying job. I have already taken my sons passport away for security, and obviously I want to make up with my wife, we have been married for nearly years now and I love her and do not want to lose her either. We are on a better footing today, but I am concerned as my wife can be hoty headed and makes snap decisions without thinking about the future. If she did this it would be because she would not back down from an arguement where she felt she was right even though she was not. Unfortunately we are a bit simular in this, which is what lead to this in the first place.

I will hide my sons birth certificate as well now though in the light of day it all seems a little rediculous. By the way what does OP stand for?

Thanks again and any further advice would be accepted graciously

Good for you for wanting to save your marriage. Why not try some marriage counseling, it might help.

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Run off to Thailand ? For what ? All she would come back to is work and a decline in her living standards. Plus bad education and a poor outlook for your son. Where as, as long as she remains in the UK she is on a roller coaster being a married to you, and seperated with a child. She will get the benefit of the social system. You gain by her coming back by her lack of contact with the legal system of the UK etc. I think she's bluffing.

Dont say that.

A lot of the ladies do this.

If she has no social network, especially if there are no fellow countrymen in the same area, and is getting bored. It does not matter if she has a very elevated lifestyle, compare to back home.

A lot of the ladies rather return home than sit around.

Furthermore, quite a few also accept the fact that they might leave the kid behind. After all, the kid will have a decent life, and it is common here in Thailand that the father sometimes keep the child after a divorce/break up.

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Thanks for the advice everybody (I'm not drunk now and was not then, but drink reduces inhibitiions and makes it easier to ask questions on forums like this). My boy is 3 1/2, and was born in Wales and has a British passport. My wife attended University in Bangkok and speaks, reads and writes near perfect English (I used to teach English in Thailand). My wife would have no worry about returning to Thailand as she has a farm and her own house there, she could also get a good paying job. I have already taken my sons passport away for security, and obviously I want to make up with my wife, we have been married for nearly years now and I love her and do not want to lose her either. We are on a better footing today, but I am concerned as my wife can be hoty headed and makes snap decisions without thinking about the future. If she did this it would be because she would not back down from an arguement where she felt she was right even though she was not. Unfortunately we are a bit simular in this, which is what lead to this in the first place.

I will hide my sons birth certificate as well now though in the light of day it all seems a little rediculous. By the way what does OP stand for?

Thanks again and any further advice would be accepted graciously

Emotional jerks really make me sick.

I`ve had friends in the past who were constantly saying; my wife`s nasty, she was having an affair, she`s only interested in my money, has an evil temper etc, etc, etc.

Than when I said, OK, than leave. Oh know couldn`t do that, because I love her.

Weak, sad and seem to enjoy being the hapless victim.

What is it, do they expect pity for their hopeless predicaments? and everyone to say; ahhh, shame.

2 options, either stick with it, or walk away, what sort of other advice do they expect?

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Thanks for the advice everybody (I'm not drunk now and was not then, but drink reduces inhibitiions and makes it easier to ask questions on forums like this). My boy is 3 1/2, and was born in Wales and has a British passport. My wife attended University in Bangkok and speaks, reads and writes near perfect English (I used to teach English in Thailand). My wife would have no worry about returning to Thailand as she has a farm and her own house there, she could also get a good paying job. I have already taken my sons passport away for security, and obviously I want to make up with my wife, we have been married for nearly years now and I love her and do not want to lose her either. We are on a better footing today, but I am concerned as my wife can be hoty headed and makes snap decisions without thinking about the future. If she did this it would be because she would not back down from an arguement where she felt she was right even though she was not. Unfortunately we are a bit simular in this, which is what lead to this in the first place.

I will hide my sons birth certificate as well now though in the light of day it all seems a little rediculous. By the way what does OP stand for?

Thanks again and any further advice would be accepted graciously

Emotional jerks really make me sick.

I`ve had friends in the past who were constantly saying; my wife`s nasty, she was having an affair, she`s only interested in my money, has an evil temper etc, etc, etc.

Than when I said, OK, than leave. Oh know couldn`t do that, because I love her.

Weak, sad and seem to enjoy being the hapless victim.

What is it, do they expect pity for their hopeless predicaments? and everyone to say; ahhh, shame.

2 options, either stick with it, or walk away, what sort of other advice do they expect?

I do apologise, you are obviously a man's man. When you have stopped dragging your nuckles across the road perhaps you should look up and see the bright new world we live in since all the other dinosaurs died. I am not looking for pity, but I do love my wife and want to live with her till I die. This is not weak, being weak is being unable to see another point of view, being strong is recognising when something is wrong and doing something about it. Real men are made of a lot of things and some of those are emotions. You need to look at yourself and feel ashamed. I, however, look at myself and see a successful, intelligent man who has traveled the world, I have a wife, family, and home. I have given advice to my friends countless times on many things including their families. I am respected for this, not ridiculed. Perhaps if more Neanderthals who are stuck in the past realise it is generally accepted to ask for advice, rather than let their relationships and families be ripped apart this world would not have so many kids with broken homes. ...Rant over, but believe me mate I ain't no jerk and the advice I was after, it's quite simple......better than your inane drivel. if you have nothing to say SHUT UP

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