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The 13 'harzardous' Herbs

femi fan

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I couldn't find a thread on this topic, but it seems rather grave to anybody who wishes to take care of their health by ensuring they eat good nutritional foods.

I feel sure posters will have read about the listing of herbs such as the chilli, ginger, lemon grass, and turmeric as hazardous in the last week or so by the government. It seems that the government will not revoke this alarming and disgraceful capitulation to the chemical and pesticide companies in big business. This move is purely aimed at wiping out the use of herbal pesticides in organic farming.

Western nations are having their food riddled with chemicals, hormones, and anti-biotics, and it seems the burgeoning organic industry here in thailand is going to get hit badly. Our choices as consumers are being threatened badly.

Do posters think this, or am i getting unduly alarmed? I have to add for anybody interested in researching the role of big business in all of this to look into Codex Alimentarius. Their fingerprints are all over this listing of these herbs as 'hazourdous'. Oh, and sulphur has been taken off the list.

So, anyone, tom yam goong with sulphur instead of lemon grass...?!

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neem, citronella grass, tumeric, ginger, Chinese ginger, African marigold, Siam weed or bitter bush, tea seed cake, chilli, Chinese celery, ringworn bush, glory lily and stemona.

no lemongrass on that list. but turmeric, ginger etc. are used quite often in Thai cooking and spa treatments etc. seems like another braindead move from the government in order to protect big businesses. too bad because it is such a step backwards!

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