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Looking For This Plant Called Riccia Fluitans


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Its an aquatic plant and I know its been grown here in thailand by international sellers. Problem is they refuse to sell to people inside thailand(for whatever weird reason).

I really would like to buy it and feel its stupid to buy it online from a web shop that bought it from thailand in the first place.

there must be someone selling this to private people.

can anyone help me out? phonenumbers, emails etc. to a seller here in thailand.

here is a picture of it: http://www.israquarium.co.il/PlantsPhoto/R...itans-decor.jpg



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i just got back from chatuchak market and saw a whole bunch of aquatic plants being sold there...that would be the first place i'd look if i were looking for a specific species...i saw a whole bunch of carpeting plants...one of the stalls there specialized in aquascaping so you might want to go ask them for further information...

good luck! =)

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