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Dear Mr. NeverDie


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is it sbk?the mod? :o

so what dose thiland has to do wih this?????????????????

Why are you trying to close this? & what do you mean what has this got to do with Thailand? :D

because this is what mods do with most of the topics

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Why don't you lot RACK OFF.....This is Dear Mr Neverdie...what part of that are you missing, huh :o

sometimes i think ND is a grumpy old man with either too much testosterone or maybe too little and thats why he's grumpy,nothing personal ND you understand :D

The thread is Dear Mr Neverdie......not dear pammy or dead dribbledik, crikey!

Grumpy old man ---- HEY I RESEMBLE THAT COMMENT, WHATS UR <deleted> POINT SBC? :D:D

exactly my point(your reply)felt like turning the thread around,but hey it was meant to be just a rise ok.

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is it sbk?the mod? :o

so what dose thiland has to do wih this?????????????????

Why are you trying to close this? & what do you mean what has this got to do with Thailand? :D

because this is what mods do with most of the topics

This is the Ladies forum yogi, where women can discuss things of importance to them. Do you go into the football forum and post the same suggestions or is it just an attempt to score points in some obscure manner? Might I suggest you look before you post next time :D

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Why don't you lot RACK OFF.....This is Dear Mr Neverdie...what part of that are you missing, huh :o

sometimes i think ND is a grumpy old man with either too much testosterone or maybe too little and thats why he's grumpy,nothing personal ND you understand :D

The thread is Dear Mr Neverdie......not dear pammy or dead dribbledik, crikey!

Grumpy old man ---- HEY I RESEMBLE THAT COMMENT, WHATS UR <deleted> POINT SBC? :D:D

exactly my point(your reply)felt like turning the thread around,but hey it was meant to be just a rise ok.

But he is a grumpy old bastard......Oh wait,he isn't that old... :D

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Why don't you lot RACK OFF.....This is Dear Mr Neverdie...what part of that are you missing, huh :o

sometimes i think ND is a grumpy old man with either too much testosterone or maybe too little and thats why he's grumpy,nothing personal ND you understand :D

The thread is Dear Mr Neverdie......not dear pammy or dead dribbledik, crikey!

Grumpy old man ---- HEY I RESEMBLE THAT COMMENT, WHATS UR <deleted> POINT SBC? :D:D

exactly my point(your reply)felt like turning the thread around,but hey it was meant to be just a rise ok.

But he is a grumpy old bastard......Oh wait,he isn't that old... :D

ND's reply did have a smiley,i know he can take it!
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Why don't you lot RACK OFF.....This is Dear Mr Neverdie...what part of that are you missing, huh :o

sometimes i think ND is a grumpy old man with either too much testosterone or maybe too little and thats why he's grumpy,nothing personal ND you understand :D

The thread is Dear Mr Neverdie......not dear pammy or dead dribbledik, crikey!

Grumpy old man ---- HEY I RESEMBLE THAT COMMENT, WHATS UR <deleted> POINT SBC? :wai::D

exactly my point(your reply)felt like turning the thread around,but hey it was meant to be just a rise ok.

But he is a grumpy old bastard......Oh wait,he isn't that old... :D

ND's reply did have a smiley,i know he can take it!

Yes ND can take it especially when he sees tis SBC speakin :P:D

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Oh my God, neverdie got his own column.... :o

Ok Dear Abby...errr neverdie, here is question for you:

Generally I try to avoid doing business with people who openly cheat on their wifes and boast about it (seriously!). If they can't be honest with them how could I expect them to be straight with me? Do you think I should relax my criteria or stick to this principle? Just curious to hear what is your take on this.

Thanks in advance! :D

neverdie deserves his own column -and when he die's his body should go to science for in depth study!

and when women start to understand men fully they will no longer be women

and visa versa

" if our own mind was capable of understanding itself..

it would no longer be human"

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Don't worry, we'll never fully understand you. :o

While I was well aware of the selective hearing thing, I've always wondered why its so selective. I mean, lets face it, do you really have to ignore everything, even stuff that is not nagging?

And the shoe thing, well I must say it did surprise me at the time. Almost checked for a fever to see if he was delirious at the time. :D

As for dear mr neverdie, well, here's hoping I haven't hit on all the pertinent and important questions that women would like answered and that a few of the women will come up with their own :D

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Don't worry, we'll never fully understand you. :o

While I was well aware of the selective hearing thing, I've always wondered why its so selective. I mean, lets face it, do you really have to ignore everything, even stuff that is not nagging?

And the shoe thing, well I must say it did surprise me at the time. Almost checked for a fever to see if he was delirious at the time. :D

As for dear mr neverdie, well, here's hoping I haven't hit on all the pertinent and important questions that women would like answered and that a few of the women will come up with their own :D


I am sure you have heard before that men are NOT good multi-taskers. Its possible that sometimes you are prattling away about something and he is thinking about other things. Happens to me all the time & every now and then I will stop and ask "What did you say?". Anyway, I obviously don't speak for all but I know sometimes I may not look like Im doing anything but inside my head there are serious calculations going on & this may be one of the reasons I select NOT to hear you....ESPECIALLY if Im married to you....heavens forbid.

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Dear Mr Neverdie,

Why do so many men like to have their cake and eat it?

now there's a good question...................reply please :D

SBC is loving this...perhaps you could be my assistant, especially when I can't dream up any craaap to answer with.

Eeeeeeek, maaaate, are you talking about me, I like my cake and I like to eat it too, why else would you buy a cake?

Perhpas you might like to rephrase ur question....please dont mention things like cake, dear mr neverdie is a fattie & you get him all hot and bothered :o

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Actually, I am quite an ideal wife, neverdie. I am not a nag and do not care if my husband spends money on his hobbies. And since the things he enjoys are in the main, fishing (he has a dinghy with outboard, and enough fishing tackle to open a store--much of it brought over in my luggage from the US) and his truck, then there is no problem.

I am perfectly capable of doing some of the handiwork around the house and the only thing required of my husband is that he deals with the rats, the snakes and the dead stuff :D

Oh, and fixing the car. But since he likes to do that, its not an issue. :D

(oh and btw, I am an excellent cook and make a mean chocolate cake)

But, sadly, I am taken :o

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Whilst this doesn't answer all your questions SBK it does at least address one of them.

Why women cannot read maps and men lose their keys

Scientists believe the reason the sexes differ is due to their different roles in evolution.

Men had to hunt and stalk their prey, so became skilled at navigation, while women foraged for food and so became good at spotting fruits and nuts close by.

The theory emerged from a study which looked at the different ways in which men and women appreciate art.

Researchers discovered that a brain region called the parietal lobe, which governs spatial awareness, is active in both men and women when they admire a "beautiful" picture or photograph.

But while neurons on both sides of the brain were stimulated in women, only those in the right hemisphere were activated in men.

The left side deals with closer range objects while the right is better at co-ordinates.

The scientists, led by Dr Francisco Ayala from the University of California, and reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, believe differences in the way men and women appreciate beauty probably arose early in the evolution of early modern humans, say the researchers.

Hunting, traditionally done by men, required a "co-ordinating" ability to track animals accurately while on the move. Closer spatial awareness was better suited to foraging for fruit, roots or berries, a job mainly carried out by women.

"Women tend to be more aware than men of objects around them, including those that seem irrelevant to the current task, whereas men out-perform women in navigation tasks," the scientists wrote.

"Men tend to solve navigation tasks by using orientation-based strategies involving distance concepts and cardinal directions, whereas women tend to base their activities on remembering the location of landmarks and relative directions, such as "left from", or "to the right of"."

The source for that is today's Telegraph UK so you can assign what credence you like to it.

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Actually, I am quite an ideal wife, neverdie. I am not a nag and do not care if my husband spends money on his hobbies. And since the things he enjoys are in the main, fishing (he has a dinghy with outboard, and enough fishing tackle to open a store--much of it brought over in my luggage from the US) and his truck, then there is no problem.

I am perfectly capable of doing some of the handiwork around the house and the only thing required of my husband is that he deals with the rats, the snakes and the dead stuff :D

Oh, and fixing the car. But since he likes to do that, its not an issue. :D

(oh and btw, I am an excellent cook and make a mean chocolate cake)

But, sadly, I am taken :o


You are underestimating us blokes again.....have you ever thought we sometimes like to share our women & cake as well. Anyway THATS ENOUGH ABOUT YOU, BEFORE I ENTER INTO THIS THREESOME I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE FISHING BOAT? Can you please post details about size, engine hp etc....did i mention I have an excellent collection of fishing rods and tackle....does he like motorsports? :D

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Oh my God, neverdie got his own column.... :D

Ok Dear Abby...errr neverdie, here is question for you:

Generally I try to avoid doing business with people who openly cheat on their wifes and boast about it (seriously!). If they can't be honest with them how could I expect them to be straight with me? Do you think I should relax my criteria or stick to this principle? Just curious to hear what is your take on this.

Thanks in advance! :D

neverdie deserves his own column -and when he die's his body should go to science for in depth study!

and when women start to understand men fully they will no longer be women

and visa versa

" if our own mind was capable of understanding itself..

it would no longer be human"

why thankyou valentinob29....may I ask what the b stands for mr valentino, is that for bangers (bangkok)? :o

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Actually, I am quite an ideal wife, neverdie. I am not a nag and do not care if my husband spends money on his hobbies. And since the things he enjoys are in the main, fishing (he has a dinghy with outboard, and enough fishing tackle to open a store--much of it brought over in my luggage from the US) and his truck, then there is no problem.

I am perfectly capable of doing some of the handiwork around the house and the only thing required of my husband is that he deals with the rats, the snakes and the dead stuff :D

Oh, and fixing the car. But since he likes to do that, its not an issue. :D

(oh and btw, I am an excellent cook and make a mean chocolate cake)

But, sadly, I am taken :o


You are underestimating us blokes again.....have you ever thought we sometimes like to share our women & cake as well. Anyway THATS ENOUGH ABOUT YOU, BEFORE I ENTER INTO THIS THREESOME I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE FISHING BOAT? Can you please post details about size, engine hp etc....did i mention I have an excellent collection of fishing rods and tackle....does he like motorsports? :D

Hey, wait a minute..you are saying sometimes you dont mind sharing women, but you seem more interested in Mr.Sbk that Mrs.Sbk. Dearest Mr.Neverdie, is it warm inside the closet? :D

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^ ahhh your trying to add a new tangent to being a mans man......I knew someone would try that on me. :o ....i just didnt suspect the old cake hog eek to be the one :D

Let me tell you one thing young eek....I was only interested in the fishing boat. :D

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^ ahhh your trying to add a new tangent to being a mans man......I knew someone would try that on me. :o ....i just didnt suspect the old cake hog eek to be the one :D

Let me tell you one thing young eek....I was only interested in the fishing boat. :D

Never you mind Mr sbk's fishing tackle :D

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The scientists, led by Dr Francisco Ayala from the University of California, and reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, believe differences in the way men and women appreciate beauty probably arose early in the evolution of early modern humans, say the researchers.

Hunting, traditionally done by men, required a "co-ordinating" ability to track animals accurately while on the move. Closer spatial awareness was better suited to foraging for fruit, roots or berries, a job mainly carried out by women.

AHHHHH...At LAST..this expalins everything...Now i know

why the typical male





(PS. I talk of the basic animal instincts of SOME males, with the excepion of myself and the good Mr Neverdie of course!)


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Guest Bellini

Is it the bald-headed man blowing into his trumpet at 22 seconds into the video that gives you the rush, or is it the singer doing broad-swinging masturbatory motions starting at about 2 minutes and 53 seconds?

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