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Thai Airways Makes Huge Loss


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I booked friday to fly in 3 weeks to BKK from Sydney and they were a couple of dollars more expensive than BA ... when I say a couple I mean $25 .... I was absolutly wrapped ... I would prefer Thai to BA at any cost ...

BA are a lousy service and cramped seats, stodgy food, ...... :o


Sorry forgot to add ..... and the Hosties are all TOOT YAI !


Thank you so much for understanding about Thai airline. I love it very much but, I have to fly to LA in order for me to go to Thailand. I use United Air Line that I board from Sanfrancisco and I would prefer Thai. However, I will write the President and suggest him to do as such

fixing the price and miles then the customers will be back at no time. Meanwhile, I urge you all to write and make our difference.We can help the Thais. They all in political crisis and the situation seems going no where in my personal opinion. My take....thank so much for reading my comment, Have a wonderful day???

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I'm surprised that they claim a 4.5 billion loss because of the weakening Baht. Yes, Baht has weakened against US$ , but the Baht has strengthened dramatically against so many other currencies in 2008.

The magic word is leverage. In the Forex Spot market you can buy / sell USD / Bath with leverage up to 100 %. This means, investing $1000 as margin

can get you $100,000 in a Forex position. When you do the math and you wrongly speculate your loss can explode like a rocket. That's the same reason

what brought many banks into trouble these days. Too much playing with leveraged money :o

In general,Gold is a decent hedge..perhaps 30 or 40 % of a portfolio with about 5 to 10 well researched stocks is okay.Most of these will do well at some point.I'm down about 12 to 15% in this economy with this ratio,but its better than the 35% down that I was 4 months ago.Its all relative,my bpen rai khrap.Most good blue chips should rebound 80% from their present lows in a year or two.My Dad is a good investor,always a little better than me,and I try to learn from him.When everyone and a monkey could get 12 to 15% per,he got about 20%.He's only down about 7% now.Anyway,you only need so much money.You can't take anything with you into the box.Our health and quality of relationships with our wives,families etc.are the most important things eh?
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Everytime i look to book a return flight from BKK to London i always check Thai airways against Eva, BA and Qantus,

and everytime Thai are the most expensive, but if you book from London to BKK return, they're a lot cheaper, why?

I did however fly with them once and thought the plane was old, with no personel tv screens per passenger and had to put up with watching a communal tv with the rest, for me this plays an important part in a 12 hr flight.

I always put Thai at the bottom of the list of choice, unless they get some new planes or upgrade their exsisting ones together with reducing their fares to the level of their competitors.

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:o I have flown Thai Airways in the past and after the last time, based on the indifference of the flight attendants, I wondered if I had been somehow placed on an imposter's airline. It wasn't just one person, it was most of the entire crew with which I came into contact. Their conduct and indifferent demeanor was so uncharacteristic of the Thai culture I have come to know that I decided to never fly that airline again no matter how inconvenient other routes and schedules might be. Perhaps they too were feeling stressed by the financial performance of their employer but to me, that's no excuse.
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I am somewhat amazed by some of the comments made by many on which airline is good or bad. I am sure many of us have had good and bad experiences on individual airlines. My friend who flys United (BKK-LAX) raves about them. I have been with Northwest for years sucked in by their frequent flyer program. I have been flying only BC the last 6/7 years but flew coach prior to that regularly and have found little to complain about, and this from the airline dubbed NorthWorst. Sure, I have been on flights where the flight attendants did not greet me at every point with a smile. Sure, even in BC, I find that the meals (except the dry cereal for breakfast) suck. But then I have yet to find food on any airline that I find suitable. Usually it is just passes a taste test. I would be better off in most cases with a bucket of KFC. I think too many seem to feel that they deserve 5 star service in a tube flying at 35,000 feet. Certainly there is little reason for rudeness by any flight attendant, then on the other hand I have friends who are flight attendants and you would not believe what they also have to put up with from rude and demanding customers. Let's face the fact that many travelers are so put out by the hassle of security, that by the time they get on the plane flight attendants and the airline can do no right anyway. It seems like flying which used to be easier and a more pleasant experience is now more like something that has to be endured. We all know that, in general, the airlines have not been making profits over the last 5 years. They don't have money to put in new seats, fancy seat back video entertainment or purchase new planes. I, for one, find that I am lucky to fly LAX-BKK for the price they offer it. I fly to LAX to Hawaii regularly and I am still amazed that most of the year, if I book in advance, I can get a coach ticket for under $400 or $500 r/t. I do believe that times are going to get more difficult for the airlines. Routes will be cut, planes will get older, and prices will go up. Most of you will look back and think times were good these last few years.

With regard to Thai, I have only flown them domestically but have never encountered anything to complain about. Maybe I am easy or maybe I don't expect a lot but certainly my flying experience with Thai has not been unpleasant. I have repeatedly checked prices on Thai when I fly LAX - BKK and yes they are considerably higher, at least when purchased in the USA as compared to other airlines and that is the primary reason I have not ever bought a transpacific ticket on Thai or Singapore for that matter.

I will leave the speculation as to why Thai has lost money for the first time in history to others but I cannot see that their explanation unreasonable as all causes but the airport closure have occurred with most airlines around the globe. As with many of the state subsidized airlines, the public will finance the loss, but as one poster mentioned they have made money for years. Hopefully this loss will cause a review of the airline from top to bottom and things will change for the better.

One last thought as I just recently made a three week trip to Thailand in January. Travel today is generally not a pleasurable experience. We spend more time getting to the airport, going thru security, and just waiting around than ever before. Connecting flights add more time, lines, and frustration as again there is more security checks to go through. Here in the USA, they are charging extra for checked luggage (yes, even one bag), pillows, blankets, meals and even asile seats. That just indicates how badly things are going for the airlines. Hopefully things like that will not catch on for the international flights. Most American carriers are now charging for drinks in coach on the international flights, something they did not do a few years back so as to compete with the foreign carriers. So it will be interesting to watch as all airlines struggle to break even. I would bet there is more to come even on the so called top ten airlines.


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I do not understand why everyone is griping about Thai airlines. I pretty much use them exclusively from LAX to BKK when I fly, several times a year. I think the service is excellent, and have never had a problem with them. The LAX to BKK route also uses the airbus planes, not the old 747's, so I can't complain about the condition of the planes either as they appear to be new to me. The only downside is the price, which yes, is more than other airlines. But if I am happy, a little more money is not that big of a drawback.

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I booked friday to fly in 3 weeks to BKK from Sydney and they were a couple of dollars more expensive than BA ... when I say a couple I mean $25 .... I was absolutly wrapped ... I would prefer Thai to BA at any cost ...

BA are a lousy service and cramped seats, stodgy food, ...... :o


Sorry forgot to add ..... and the Hosties are all TOOT YAI !

The key to getting good service on BA (if you are male) is being Gay, or at least pretendin to be.....

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Itsaid whats going on with Thai Airways !

They going down with their service, year for year,

prices up to the highest.

Special with the frequent flyer programm,

never ever i ask for an upgrade, no free seat for milage upgrade !

V and W tickets without milage at thai air !

Increased ( 30% ) milage needed for upgrades from 2009;

Promotional fairs !

2008 I asked for such an ticket, just next day after announcement,

in the period of 3 months, on ly on 2 days tickets were available,

on 2 days in 3 months ! you beleave all of them are sold out ?

look in the plain and you see how many seats are occupied;

Birthday upgrade is gone,

just bu luck you can get an upgrade for 50% if you buy a ticket for

one of the highest categories !! you pay 300 to 500,- Euros more

for FFT -BKK ret, and when you have luck,

you will know it only on check in !!

I feel the finger in my A...... !!

In businessclass, last time they didnt have any toilet bag !!!

The slippers are gone !!

50cts socks are replacing them; ( in AF you get them even in tourist class )

In businessclass, the free bar is gone,

last time I had to wake up the stuart to get a coke !!

No one did react on the bell !!

TA 747's are really ready to go in service for Congo Airline

or in transport business;

The only reason still to fly with Thai ??

maybee as my family is Thai !

I dont find another !!

Change the management,

and kick out half the stuff in HQ,

which dancing there around !

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I generally fly Star Alliance as it works out well for most destinations. And, quite frankly, United is certainly OK. Much better than Thai, and better than ANA. I like United better than Lufthansa, Egypt, Austria, and Swiss, other Star flights I have taken during the last year or two. The only one better which I have recently flown is Singapore.

Well, if i could get the chaeper adeqat ticket i'll prefer this because as i wanted to book with miles, it was not easy to get a ticket by internet as they (LH) always told me there are no seats available. Had to call the saless department and after all it worked. But the taxes & insurance for the award ticket are almost 50 percent of another cheap ticket. Before i went with SR/LX and never such problems.

Thats why i don't mind to much about the miles. We tried Brunei (very good but they dont serve my destination any more), Quatar, Austrian, Swiss, Turkish, (some flights were Thai-op.) My experience with KLM was o.k but the ground staff in BKK wasn't very polite. Never any problems only with the luggage when travelling with KLM (charging every kilo), THY (damaged bags) or LX(Luggage wassent on holday and returned 1-2 days later). The best service i've got was with SR in the MD-80, where arrranged a kind of cafeteria in the back to pick up some softdrink or snack on request.

I sometimes use(d) TG in Thailand (domestic) too, and never had any complaints. But as i wrote at another topic, Thai doesn't cope with third-party bookings by internet Now my family will fly Air Asia.

Edited by Sturbuc
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Would you fly 'em?

Yes I would. So do millions of others.

If one checks the online airlines rating sites, Thai Air consistently rates in the top ten of international carriers.

Maybe some services are different than others. I took them 3 times from New York to BKK and I have to say it is the finest carrier I had ever used. Remember, I'm from the USA and US carriers are the scum of the earth.

BUT THai's food was superb, all you can drink for free, extra meals for free, anything you'd like...30 movies to choose from. I was completely stunned at the service I received and at that point I vowed never to fly with a US carrier again even if I have to pay more. but they no longer fly direct from NY to BKK so I have to try Korean this time and see how they compare.

Edited by HYENA
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Whats the thai saying........ "som num na" ???? serves them right.

Old planes. Stuck up steward's/ess who think the Kee dont stink.

1 tv for 100 passengers. sky high prices.

Thank god for Eva Air. The only way to fly. everyone has their own tv. new interiors on a 747. pleasant staff bangkok and london, and those crew are fabulous.

Just make sure you ask for a comment card when you get on the plane. when they ask why?? is there a problem tell them no!! but you like to fill it in at the end of the flight and if the service is good you always make a good report. works everytime..........

B/A Quantas .............. HAhahahahahha

say no more. gotta go laughing so much i will piss myself.

happy flying.

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I and many others, stopped using Thai airways when they ruined their frequent flyer program. I will never fly with them again unless they are the cheapest on the market.

I only can concur with this statement above. Additionally I had 2 very bad experiences with the crew on 2 long hauls. The incidents was so bad I asked for a formal complaint form while on the plane and then the chief steward came to me to excuse for the incident and his crew and asked me if it would be possible to drop the complaint...

as they are not the cheapest(op to 30% difference with other regular airlines such as Singapure and emirates) and not the most friendly in the sky and their interpretation of " frequent flyer" customer retention plan stinks ....the result is predictable

som mon na Thai Airlines

don't blame everything on the occupation, neither on the strong baht but first look at how you treat your customers and how your organisation is structured ....

getting a new customer cost 8 times more than retaining a customer but that is logic that is beyond the logical boundaries I guess ... and every customer that makes a decision to walk away and select another airline will be difficult to win back ....

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I like their service to the States, but I have noticed a decline somewhat in the last two years... Now I often find them to be pretty expensive compared to other airlines. I can't stand AirAsia, but I haven't seen Thai close to them in price for some time on the domestic end.

Their frequent flyer program isn't good either.

Depends what you are comparing BA to when flying to the States. I once flew United from LA to San Francisco, and my one United experience, never to be repeated, was so much more than enough I could write a book about it :o

BA staff are indifferent, but United staff are deliberately rude. This pretty much sums them up - http://www.untied.com/ - thought it was a joke at first, until I flew with them. Even the budget Aeroflot flight that I once made as an impoverished backpacker - London to Bangkok (via Moscow, Karachi, Tashkent, Delhi and finally Bangkok) in 1988 was a more pleasant experience.

I can't stand United, I flew a United operated ANA flight from NRT to LAX and the cabin service was the most horrible I have ever experienced on an International flight, felt like an American domestic flight. Rude employees, uncomfortable seats, horrible entertainment... YUCK! Bunch of old, unattractive, rude American ladies... I love my wife but the scenery is much better on the Asian airliners.

Korean Air used to be great for me, but they have raised prices and cut back on service... Never-mind the time they put me, having the highest available sky team frequent flyer designation and having flown business to Korea, behind schedule 24 hours without offering me a hotel, and rerouting me to Chicago on Economy (partly my choice.) I never flew Korean Again after that..

I recently flew EVA airlines and was really pleased..

United Airlines, American Airlines .....any US airline are dreadful and totally rude and horrible...I am going back 10 years when I flew United from India to New York, and only because it was an organized trip and I couldn't chose another airline ....Absolutely horrible and yes, so rude and crass....and unfortunately , I had to fly with them quite a few more times thereafter and the same .///......rude, make you fell like they are doing YOU a favor for flying with them ....and then experienced American Airlines who were just as bad ....I think all us airlines are the same ....just out right rude and full of frustrated staff who take it out on the customers....I avoid them like the plague ////

I like Thai Airways but do not understand their loss claim ....I have had enough flights with them over the past years to get a gold card having lived in India and having traveled to and fro at least 10 times a year .....and their flights were always full and their rates were, if I bought the ticket here in Thailand, always 50% more of what I paid when buying the ticket in India .....even today , wherin all airlines have reduced their prices , Thai is still quoting as much as 100% more than the rate for the same routing as other airlines ....so no, I am not flying with Thai for the past year because of that and sadly I have lost my gold card status but have saved a lot of money ....It's too bad cause i do like them even thought heir flights to India are on their oldest and very uncomfortable planes they have and the meals are boring and always the same ....my guess is they figure India is not worth using good planes and / or good meals as it 's a shit country ....I do feel there is a big prejudice there ....BUT anyway the staff are always quite pleasant and the journey hassle free......Traveling used to be fun and something I really always looked forward to....not anymore ...

I echo your sentiments. American carriers are rude, crass, inconsiderate, dishonest and don't deserve anyone's business. I think the airlines for domestic trips in the US should be opened up to foreign companies but only international flights this is allowed. US carriers will leave you on the tarmack for 3-4 hours so the company can say the plane has left but they cold be doing repairs, etc. US airlines are the worst in the world. I despise all of them...every single one has been a cheap nickel and dime carrier that deserves to close. Pay $5 for a cheese and crackers meal...then compare that to Thai with good food and free flowing booze....hmm....choices choices. I will never again in my life fly a US carrier and I don't care what it costs or how long it takes. When I have a choice, I'll vote with my money.

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Strange, there's no mention in the article of the obscene bonuses, several times in excess of last year's amount, that the board of directors recently gave themselves that had to be subsequently blocked by an injunction from the courts brought by legal action by shareholders.

While TG feeds the greedy pigs of privileged, influencial and powerful Thais before making paying customers a priority they will remain a substandard loss making business.

The Thai Government will continue to bail them out to the tune of taxpayer billions for the prestige of having a 'National Carrier'.

As I pay taxes in Thailand I find their conduct rather offensive TBH.

But if you'll have a look to all that banks still paying high benefits but getting bails from the states... I totally agree this is no way. And the fire some employees to "reduce" the costs. Or lower the standards. (See Air Asia: inflight-snack, insurance, lugagge... are subject to be charged separately)

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I and many others, stopped using Thai airways when they ruined their frequent flyer program. I will never fly with them again unless they are the cheapest on the market.

For a long time Singapore Air was my choice when I flew from Australia to visit the Phil's, but since marrying a Thai, we fly Thai Air. The service on board is good and friendly (similar to that of Singapore Air) Using the orchid frequent flyer points one could get extra benefits and, once you reach silver frequent flyer status with Thai, then seat upgrades and some times class upgrade was possible. silver class also gave you automatic 30kg baggage allowance each person, express boarding; those types of things you generally have to pay extra for with other airlines. One thing that did irk me off was when Thai Air return flights from BK to Brisbane were redirected to Sydney then onto Brisbane instead of direct to Brisbane; that added more time to the flight and a forced evacuation into transit lounge whilst they cleaned the craft to start their return run back to BK. extra security checks and lost of stuffing around. was not very happy with that.

I leave for Thailand on the 3rd March using this time Air Asia leaving from the Gold coast coolangatta airport. Why! The flight ends in KL so we will have 4 days there. The round trip for 2 people from Australia to KL with 4 day stop over (not including accom) then from KL to Chiang Mai return on the 25th April to KL and then on the 26th April back to Coolangatta Australia includes 25kg baggage weight each person Total air costs $1600AUS$ round trip. Right now, in Australia with Thai Air. BK return to Brisbane it cost close to $1200+ each person; plus flight from BK to Chiang Mai; return Chiang Mai to BK for 2 approx Aus$400 Overall cost $2800 and no trip to KL, So It is the first time we have gone via Air Asia but as one member said Air Asia on this occasion has a very good price advantage over Thai Air. I did all the bookings on the Internet via Air Asia and booking hotels in KL via Aisiarooms.com in KL.


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I do not understand why everyone is griping about Thai airlines. I pretty much use them exclusively from LAX to BKK when I fly, several times a year. I think the service is excellent, and have never had a problem with them. The LAX to BKK route also uses the airbus planes, not the old 747's, so I can't complain about the condition of the planes either as they appear to be new to me. The only downside is the price, which yes, is more than other airlines. But if I am happy, a little more money is not that big of a drawback.

I agree, Thai airlines always has been good to me. I also fly EVA is less expensive but good. US airlines just suck and as an American I avoid them like the plaque. Find Asian based Airlines much better.

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I'm surprised that they claim a 4.5 billion loss because of the weakening Baht. Yes, Baht has weakened against US$ , but the Baht has strengthened dramatically against so many other currencies in 2008.

I agree it seem strange, the baht has indeed been getting stronger against many big currencies. I wonder does Thai air only use US dollars when trading in foreign currencies?

I couldnt understand that comment, surely a weaker baht (which it isnt) is good for the bottom line if you get paid in foreign currencies. Maybe just a bad bit of journalism.

If Thai only used US$, flights from UK would be 40 or 50% more expensive....Thai are losing from F/ex rates in Uk, Australia and other countries where the currency has weakened against the Baht.

When they talk about the weakening Baht they are comparing it to the $US, and the Baht has definitely weakened in this case. So revenues in US$ equal more Baht so yes, is good for the bottom line.

I'm surprised that they claim a 4.5 billion loss because of the weakening Baht. Yes, Baht has weakened against US$ , but the Baht has strengthened dramatically against so many other currencies in 2008.

The magic word is leverage. In the Forex Spot market you can buy / sell USD / Bath with leverage up to 100 %. This means, investing $1000 as margin

can get you $100,000 in a Forex position. When you do the math and you wrongly speculate your loss can explode like a rocket. That's the same reason

what brought many banks into trouble these days. Too much playing with leveraged money :o

I don't think that an airline is an active trader on the F/ex markets. They may hedge to an extent, same as they do with the oil price.

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Cognos In general,Gold is a decent hedge..perhaps 30 or 40 % of a portfolio with about 5 to 10 well researched stocks is okay.Most of these will do well at some point.I'm down about 12 to 15% in this economy with this ratio,but its better than the 35% down that I was 4 months ago.Its all relative,my bpen rai khrap.Most good blue chips should rebound 80% from their present lows in a year or two.My Dad is a good investor,always a little better than me,and I try to learn from him.When everyone and a monkey could get 12 to 15% per,he got about 20%.He's only down about 7% now.Anyway,you only need so much money.You can't take anything with you into the box.Our health and quality of relationships with our wives,families etc.are the most important things eh?


What does your post have to do with this topic?

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Thai Airways Makes Huge Loss

BANGKOK: -- Flag carrier Thai Airways posted a huge loss of 21.3 billion baht (592 million dollars) in 2008 because of high fuel prices and protests that briefly shuttered Bangkok's airports, the company said.

-- AFP 2009-02-28

Is that all? Another source doubled the loss:

Thai Airways posts $918m loss

Posted 1 hour 13 minutes ago

The national airline of Thailand, Thai Airways, has posted a loss of more than $900 million - its first annual loss in 43 years.

The carrier says the plunge was due to rising jet fuel prices, the depreciation of the Thai baht and the political protests that briefly shut down Bangkok's airports last year.

The airline is currently in talks with the Thai Government over a rescue package.

Re 918m$ loss, I have found this reference


which is an Australian news network, so maybe they have stated the loss as 918m Australian $...That would seem about right.

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I'm surprised that they claim a 4.5 billion loss because of the weakening Baht. Yes, Baht has weakened against US$ , but the Baht has strengthened dramatically against so many other currencies in 2008.

In 2001 the baht to dollar was at 45 baht. Does that mean they took it in the shorts then too? There was a period the baht was at 50 to the dollar. Now it is at 36, still 20% better than 2001. I think Thai Air should be looking for some new management.

Oh please. Is this thread really "buying" these WORDS from them? Truth???? Humn. Some would say is very challenging to hear or see in LOS. Rememeber the the mentality of avoiding responsibility admitting wrong doing or mistakes or not knowing how... It's called saving face eh? IMHO.

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Thai has done nothing to help itself.

I am a freq flyer (B Class) to Madrid. The 747s are old buckets without flatbed seats--on that route. The price is 140,000b round.

last year i discovered Qatar. A 2 hour stop in Doha isn't so bad.

The food, wine and staff are great and the plane was 3 mths old. Flat seats, and even the Econ class looked nice. 79,000b round.

2 concluding points---

Thai has been a lazy gravy train for its senior staff and managers for years. Wouldn't surprise me if the "loss" was a bit creative. Someone has creamed smthg.

Thai "Silk" crap etc is part of the general delusion among Thais that Thailand, its people and its food and all are wonderful and that we shd all be 1000% more gratefu lfor Thailand even existing and allowing us in. We all know that much of this is a huge confidence trick in a presentation based society in which nothing is really as it seems. I welcome the recession if it will help this place to wake up, improve its procedures and get competitive.



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Well for me Thai air is the only way to fly.

1. the price is the cheapest.

2. the service has been great.

3. the planes are new.

4. have my own TV.

so nothing to complain about here. and sure beats swimming.

never had a bad experience with them. and when there has been a problem they have gone out of their way to help.

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yes the price of fuel skyrocketed in 2008, but it also went down considerably by the end of the year.

Plus, Thai Air had a 'fuel surcharge' which, not surprisingly, has not come down (as far as I know) since fuel prices came down. It's a 'ratchet affect.'

The elephant in the pantry that is not mentioned in their press release is tourist numbers are lagging.

I don't fly Thai internationally because their rates are higher than other carriers.

I've flown Thai within Thailand, and the service was ok. Only complaints were the public announcements were too loud, and the drinks were sugar laden as if made from some cheap powder mix.

It doesn't help the bottom line for Thai Air officials to so liberally give free flights to their friends, and themselves, and to hundreds of VIPs.

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I'm surprised that they claim a 4.5 billion loss because of the weakening Baht. Yes, Baht has weakened against US$ , but the Baht has strengthened dramatically against so many other currencies in 2008.

In 2008 fuel prices skyrocketed and fuel is USD based. Hence, this part of their loss. By no means do I think this is a well run airline, just that their claim of the exchange loss is valid.

let's just check out the family monopoly that prevail in Thai Airlaines... it passes from generation to generation, huge salaries, unjustified publicity etc. etc.... now blame the baht. As for their fares are far more expensive than other airlines with a very poor service.. The good old days are gone for Thai airlines when the staff were dedicated and professionals. Today, it can be considered as the JETFOIL of the airlines along with BA (considered the worst airline for 20 years) not to mention the miserable behavior of the immigration staff in every british airport!

Edited by CHINWA
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company's first annual loss in 43 years.
Thai Airways is currently in talks with the government over a rescue package
because of high fuel prices and protests that briefly shuttered Bangkok's airports

LOL. Sounds like a well run company :o .

What ever happened to the money earned during the first 43 years?

What ever happened to risk planning?

Those who made the plan are gone!!!eheheh

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