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Thailand Toilet Regulations


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From 1994 up to 2000, I owned a backpackers guesthouse in Hua Hin. The guesthouse only had a shared bathroom with a squat toilet. For quite a few of the arriving backpackers, it was the first squat toilet they had ever seen. Being in Asia for the first time, Hua Hin was only their second stop after Bangkok, where the guesthouse obviously had western style toilets.

Many times whilst showing them the bathroom, they pointed at the toilet, asking: "How do I use it?" Once, talking to a somewhat slow witted pair of backpackers, I even demonstrated it, but without pulling down my knickers and doing the real thing.

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Maxi pads are a real concern to septic tanks and the plumbing. Toilet paper isn't much of a problem because they disintegrate with enough water. But those pads last forver.

What do you guys do at the gas station when there is no gun or paper, just a bucket of water?

Do you guys scoop up the water to wash the number 2 away?

Actually most toilets in Thailanda are ok even the squat ones. Have any of you been to some toilets in China or rural Korea? Its like from the Greek-Roman eras. Just a hole in the ground or some trough.

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Western toilets - Thai style toilets. You adapt in time ... I needed to do Number 2 a couple of months ago at a Bangkok toilet in a shopping mall - only to discover no toilet paper (or bum gun) inside the cubicle.

Fortunately, my (male) friend pointed out to me that toilet paper (really about a dozen Kleenex facial tissues) was available for sale for 5 baht.


Expensive! It's normally 2 baht!

I hate going to places with no 'bum gun' now, and I always have a small pack of tissue with me!

The 'bum gun' is certainly an aspect of the Thai toilet system that is superior to the US toilet system... at least in the restrooms where one is available.

The problem with the bum gun is two fold. Firstly, in public washrooms where available, be sure to test the pressure first before applying :o . Secondly, I wonder how it is more hygenic that tissue with several hundred different hands holding it on any given day?

Can't believe I used my 3999 post on such a shi_ty topic. :D

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The 'bum gun' is certainly an aspect of the Thai toilet system that is superior to the US toilet system... at least in the restrooms where one is available.

The tap water in Denver is cold enough to make shirt buttons brittle and break in the winter. I would hate the idea of spraying that water on my tail-end the first thing in the morning!

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Western toilets - Thai style toilets. You adapt in time ... I needed to do Number 2 a couple of months ago at a Bangkok toilet in a shopping mall - only to discover no toilet paper (or bum gun) inside the cubicle.

Fortunately, my (male) friend pointed out to me that toilet paper (really about a dozen Kleenex facial tissues) was available for sale for 5 baht.


Expensive! It's normally 2 baht!

I hate going to places with no 'bum gun' now, and I always have a small pack of tissue with me!

The 'bum gun' is certainly an aspect of the Thai toilet system that is superior to the US toilet system... at least in the restrooms where one is available.

The problem with the bum gun is two fold. Firstly, in public washrooms where available, be sure to test the pressure first before applying :o . Secondly, I wonder how it is more hygenic that tissue with several hundred different hands holding it on any given day?

Can't believe I used my 3999 post on such a shi_ty topic. :D

well, that would distinguish old Thai hands from newbies. Because they would intuitively balance the right pressure and the hand on the bum gun never touches the body.

congrats to your 3999 post

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Western toilets - Thai style toilets. You adapt in time ... I needed to do Number 2 a couple of months ago at a Bangkok toilet in a shopping mall - only to discover no toilet paper (or bum gun) inside the cubicle.

Fortunately, my (male) friend pointed out to me that toilet paper (really about a dozen Kleenex facial tissues) was available for sale for 5 baht.



Here I sit, broken hearted.

Paid 5 Baht and only farted.


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and more bigoted anti-Thai remarks from Dumball (but I guess he really does think he knows best and that every major building needs to be retrofitted!)

Many countries throughout the world have made upgrades over the years , not just drainage sysyems , fire prevention and customer safety , bill boards that fall willy-nilly , honorable warranty procedures , health and welfare standards , unemployment benefits , retirement pensions and a whole host of other things like child wefare , decent education for all , get your heads out of the sand , there is a real world out there .

Says the guy in Cambodia .... where you take your life in your own hands should you wander off a path! Let's hear it for a guy living in a much more backward country than Thailand taking shots at the Thai people all the time! hip Hip Hooray!

See what i mean , if you have no coherant response flame or denigrate , you have little to no knowledge of what you speak , Cambodia is emerging at a far faster rate than Thailand , in fact Thailand has become retrograde , live with that fact and the retrograded level of your once intelligent thinking , I did not take shots at Thai people , just your miserable misinterpretation of the written word , you are slowely turning into an ignoramous of your own making , you have lots of good(?) company , may I wish you the best , you are not as bad as you come across as these days , I used to enjoy your posts , not the slime you deliver on a steady basis these days discussion(?) with you abhorted due to incoherance .

:oIncoherence? Dumball, I just read (or tried to read) your last post. :D

The saying "That's the pot calling the kettle black" comes to mind.

At least Thailand has grammar, correct punctuation and spelling, still, I expect they will be taught in Cambodia, but not by you I think. :D

I expect living in Cambodia gives you a feeling of superiority over the indigenous population there, maybe because in your native country, you were the inferior one and was your reason for moving abroad?

Shit is still shit in whatever form it comes, excreted, or in your case, written.


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Western toilets - Thai style toilets. You adapt in time ... I needed to do Number 2 a couple of months ago at a Bangkok toilet in a shopping mall - only to discover no toilet paper (or bum gun) inside the cubicle.

Fortunately, my (male) friend pointed out to me that toilet paper (really about a dozen Kleenex facial tissues) was available for sale for 5 baht.


Expensive! It's normally 2 baht!

I hate going to places with no 'bum gun' now, and I always have a small pack of tissue with me!

The 'bum gun' is certainly an aspect of the Thai toilet system that is superior to the US toilet system... at least in the restrooms where one is available.

The problem with the bum gun is two fold. Firstly, in public washrooms where available, be sure to test the pressure first before applying :o . Secondly, I wonder how it is more hygenic that tissue with several hundred different hands holding it on any given day?

Can't believe I used my 3999 post on such a shi_ty topic. :D

I was referring mostly to the primary purpose of cleaning the bum... I think the bum gun is more effective than tp. Also, I recently had to do a "dry cleaning" after becoming accustom to the "bum gun" and the tp might as well have been sand paper...

sorry for the gritty details :D

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and more bigoted anti-Thai remarks from Dumball (but I guess he really does think he knows best and that every major building needs to be retrofitted!)

Many countries throughout the world have made upgrades over the years , not just drainage sysyems , fire prevention and customer safety , bill boards that fall willy-nilly , honorable warranty procedures , health and welfare standards , unemployment benefits , retirement pensions and a whole host of other things like child wefare , decent education for all , get your heads out of the sand , there is a real world out there .

Says the guy in Cambodia .... where you take your life in your own hands should you wander off a path! Let's hear it for a guy living in a much more backward country than Thailand taking shots at the Thai people all the time! hip Hip Hooray!

See what i mean , if you have no coherant response flame or denigrate , you have little to no knowledge of what you speak , Cambodia is emerging at a far faster rate than Thailand , in fact Thailand has become retrograde , live with that fact and the retrograded level of your once intelligent thinking , I did not take shots at Thai people , just your miserable misinterpretation of the written word , you are slowely turning into an ignoramous of your own making , you have lots of good(?) company , may I wish you the best , you are not as bad as you come across as these days , I used to enjoy your posts , not the slime you deliver on a steady basis these days discussion(?) with you abhorted due to incoherance .

:oIncoherence? Dumball, I just read (or tried to read) your last post. :D

The saying "That's the pot calling the kettle black" comes to mind.

At least Thailand has grammar, correct punctuation and spelling, still, I expect they will be taught in Cambodia, but not by you I think. :D

I expect living in Cambodia gives you a feeling of superiority over the indigenous population there, maybe because in your native country, you were the inferior one and was your reason for moving abroad?

Shit is still shit in whatever form it comes, excreted, or in your case, written.


You have absolutely no idea of why I changed countries , nor claim to fame in my particular field of expertise . :P

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Please read my later post , it is in no way difficult or expensive to upgrage the drainage ststem , just had it done in my Cambodian apartment , the people are not averse here to things that will IMPROVE life style , stay in Thailand , they need your retrograde methology . Oh , by the way , keep a douche bag on hand , you may need it when some uneducated , non listening , unable to read retard sticks a sanitary pad in the toilet , think , prevention is light years ahead of a shity outcome , you could of course just wear rubber boots , beats thinking I imagine .

The Times Square building in Bangkok is a 27 story high-rise office and retail building. It might be just a little bit more of a job replacing the piping system there than in your apartment in Cambodia.

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When we visited last year, I had my Thai friend try and explain to me how exactly I was to use the Thai toilet. Something must have been lost in her explanation because I had no idea the order of the steps. I supposes it does seem a bit self-explanatory, but I admit I stayed intimidated by these throughout our whole trip. I never once saw instructions like the ones the OP posted. That would have been so helpful! I feel I am more educated for my next visit!!!

Oh, One thing that I found really strange was that I had to pay to use the toilet in the Surat Thani train station. I have no problem with that fact, but when I walked in there was about an inch of water (I'm choosing to believe that's what it was) all over the entire floor. It was really bad. I guess I just expected that because I was paying, it would have been a bit more tidy. Oh well. Not complaining, but I did find it a tad perplexing. Still can't wait to return and use the toilet correctly!!


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Please read my later post , it is in no way difficult or expensive to upgrage the drainage ststem , just had it done in my Cambodian apartment , the people are not averse here to things that will IMPROVE life style , stay in Thailand , they need your retrograde methology . Oh , by the way , keep a douche bag on hand , you may need it when some uneducated , non listening , unable to read retard sticks a sanitary pad in the toilet , think , prevention is light years ahead of a shity outcome , you could of course just wear rubber boots , beats thinking I imagine .

The Times Square building in Bangkok is a 27 story high-rise office and retail building. It might be just a little bit more of a job replacing the piping system there than in your apartment in Cambodia.

So why did the architects/engineers etc not use a little foresight on the project before construction started , surely some-one on the team should have realised the amount of excrement that would need to be carried away , when people are incompetent at thier job , they need to face the music . Excuses fix nothing , and yes , another 23 stories would be a tad more intensive .

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I particularly liked the reference to 'Smell' , by putting used toilet paper and sani-pads in the bin 'smell' is eliminated !! Have you ever taken note of Thai aim for a simple thing like an ATM reciept ? 2 in the bin provided and 22 on the floor !!!!!! The total epitome of hygene in the toilet , at least in the jungle they dig a hole and when they are finished , cover the whole disaster over with dirt .Now do not get excited and fire off at me with all barrels available , just slowly peruse the 'Rules ' again and give the matter some real thought . :o

They do state that the tissue paper is provided for the purpose of drying your ' already squirt-cleaned' private parts--why should slightly damp tissue in a bin be a problem--and I'm not firing off, just asking your opinion.

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I particularly liked the reference to 'Smell' , by putting used toilet paper and sani-pads in the bin 'smell' is eliminated !! Have you ever taken note of Thai aim for a simple thing like an ATM reciept ? 2 in the bin provided and 22 on the floor !!!!!! The total epitome of hygene in the toilet , at least in the jungle they dig a hole and when they are finished , cover the whole disaster over with dirt .Now do not get excited and fire off at me with all barrels available , just slowly peruse the 'Rules ' again and give the matter some real thought . :o

They do state that the tissue paper is provided for the purpose of drying your ' already squirt-cleaned' private parts--why should slightly damp tissue in a bin be a problem--and I'm not firing off, just asking your opinion.

Ah , you are presuming every-one follows the hygenic route , and what about used sanitary napkins ? I only used them in emergency (The toilets), but the accompanying odor taught me to change my strategy , they are primitive at best . :D

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