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German/thai Divorce Law

Guest siamjourney

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Guest siamjourney

Is anyone familiar with the laws in Thailand vs. Germany for Thai women divorcing German husbands? Does the German husband usually win in court because of his superior financial resources? What happens if there is a child involved? What recourse does the Thai wife have in the law systems in each country?

Any previous experiences from either a German man or Thai woman on this issue? Thanks.

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Is anyone familiar with the laws in Thailand vs. Germany for Thai women divorcing German husbands? Does the German husband usually win in court because of his superior financial resources? What happens if there is a child involved? What recourse does the Thai wife have in the law systems in each country?

Any previous experiences from either a German man or Thai woman on this issue? Thanks.

Thai law provides for the equal division of assets acquired after marriage, excluding any Thai land that cannot go to a foreigner. Any assets acquired before marriage are not subject to division. The Thai courts can award custody of a child to one or other parent and can make awards of child support. I don't know if being a wealthier foreigner would help you in Thai court. It may count in your favor that you are wealthier in terms of getting custody, if you want it, but it will count against you that you are a foreigner and your wife may convince the court that you beat her and generally treated her cruelly.

I don't know what happens in German courts but imagine it's the same as other Western courts which are all biased against the man.

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My guess is a LOT would depend on where the court process took place... Germany or Thailand. From what I understand, land owned in Thailand would automatically go to the woman. But, I'm not a lawyer so I can't be sure. Custody usually goes to the woman, but it can really vary. I don't have a clue how it goes in Thailand, but in most North American and European courts there is a balance where both spouses have visiting rights, but with one doing the home care.

But, this is all just speculation. Only a lawyer could tell you for sure. Any advice you might get over the internet is mostly worthless. I've known a few falongs whose Thai wives left them and the man usually gets screwed over whether he has money or not. Falongs are EXPECTED to pay all costs, whether the Thai side of the family has money or not.

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Germany has a bad reputation among Thai women for marriage. Any idea why?

I know of cases where a German national has returned to Germany with a child and it has been virtually impossible to be able to pry the child away and out of the country. The government does not cooperate. This may be the reason. Maybe not.

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