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Plug For Saigon Cafe, Central Pattaya Beach Mall


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OK, I hate to see good places do poor business and then ultimately in these times go under.

If you like Vietnamese bun bowl dishes, you must try the SAIGON CAFE at the new mall.

They have three varieties, Chicken or pork grilled in Viet spices, or a stir fried beef topping. All the buns also come with some small Viet egg roll pieces.

I have lived near major Viet neighborhoods in the US and I am telling you their style of bun bowl would even be considered decent there.

It is hard to find good basic Viet food in Thailand. I have yet to have a Pho I liked at all in Thailand. Another poster didn't like the pho at Saigon Cafe and I am not at all surprised about that. However, they have good bun bowls so it goes to reason some of their other dishes (not the pho) may be decent as well.

If you are American, you will be used to the bun bowls being served with the two side plastic tube sauces, red chili (sriracha) and the sweet brown sauce. You can get the red chili sauce at the cafe by request. I have yet to see the brown sauce anywhere in Thailand. Of course, without asking you will get the bowl of fish sauce with shredded Viet vegetables.

I found the topping of the bun excellent, the portion of meat super generous. The only thing that wasn't really great were the noodles themselves, which weren't noticeably bad but not noticeably good either. At 88 baht, the BUN BOWL at the Saigon Cafe is in my view one of the best deals in town outside street food. Don't you dare let this place go out of business! Eat there. It is located immediately to the right of the now famous sushi boat buffet joint.

If you don't know, here is a typical bun bowl. This pic is not from the Saigon Cafe but its gives you an idea:


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Thanks for the tip. I just passed it last night and didn't try it because it was so empty. I'll give it a shot now.

I hope you enjoy it. Be clear I am not endorsing the Pho though. Another posters said it tasted just like Thai noodle soup. I don't know why it is so hard to get authentic pho in Thailand (except for the beef situation), but it is.

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The 'pho' at the Vietnamese/French restuarant in Pratumnak/Jomptien is okay.. It's located on the top floor of a Condo down there.. Been there a few times but can't remember the name as having a 'senior' moment right now.. I know that the Viets and Thais haven't been good 'mates' historically but I too have always wondered why it's so hard to get good Viet food here.. After all the cuisines are similar in basic ingredients and some things like Popiah (spring rolls) and (yum won sen) Glass noodle salads cross over between the two.. Pho is one of the first things I run to eat when working in Vietnam.. Had many a bowl in Vungtao and HCM.. I walked past the place today but ended up in the kaiten hot pot place everybody has been raving about.. Can't say I was overly impressed.. I can have a tastier meal elsewhere for much the same price.. But I guess it's cheaper than MK if that's your thing..and you can drink unlimited ice tea/soft drinks and beef was only 49baht. Was okay but 'sushi rolls' weren't that fresh and selection of meats/fish/veg was pretty mundane. I'd prefer Mongolian Hotpot or pay more for better quality ingriedients..

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Well I hope you guys can keep it going 'til I get back early May.

Can't understand why they can't get the pho right, maybe I'll give it shot anyhow. They've got a couple of months to get it up to spec.

My theory is (aside from the beef) is that Thais have a rich noodle soup culture and they like their version of noodle soup, so the soup is made to please THAI palates. But real pho tastes completely different than Thai noodle soup, especially in respect to the spices in the broth (which is properly a LONG COOKING broth). Thai cooking is NOT big on LONG cooking broth. Just a theory but I will stick to it unless you have a better one!

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There is a great viet noodle shop on 3rd road,just past the 7-11,near the Pattaya Klang traffic lights.Only noodles but very very tasty,and about 30-40 baht

Good to hear. Can you help a little more with directions?

Say I am heading down the Klang towards Suk, turn right or left on 3rd, and after that, how far, and which side, left or ride of 3rd, and is there an English sign indicated it is Viet food? Thanks.

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There is a great viet noodle shop on 3rd road,just past the 7-11,near the Pattaya Klang traffic lights.Only noodles but very very tasty,and about 30-40 baht

Good to hear. Can you help a little more with directions?

Say I am heading down the Klang towards Suk, turn right or left on 3rd, and after that, how far, and which side, left or ride of 3rd, and is there an English sign indicated it is Viet food? Thanks.

Gimme a mo... I'll google it

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Here it is..

Le Saigon.


Pattaya Hill resort


038 250329

It's only a small place.. nice views from the outside terrace. They do French Colonial style food plus a couple of pages of Viet Specialities.

Not expensive and food was tasty.

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Here's the menu .. lifted from WOW so ignore the prices as prolly cheaper in the resturant..


the resort looks 'well lived in' and is a bit broken down.. but don't be put off as the food and the view make up for it..

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i seriously doubt their bun at Pratumnak Hill (at 290 baht, yes I know a little cheaper onsite) is going to be better than the mall place's bun, 88 baht. Reasonable prices, I think not.

Anyway, still looking for directions to that place on 3rd road.

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I think the Saigon Cafe in the new mall "The Avenue" closed recently.

Or, is the new mall, "Central Festival"

A Viet place closed at the Avenue a good while back. This place is in the new mall, Central Pattaya Beach. I don't know if they are the same restaurant at all. I did try some food at the old Avenue place and did not think much of it. All I am vouching for at the new place is the BUN BOWLS. Hopefully some of their other menu items are also OK, but can't review items I haven't tried. There is another Viet place at the new mall in the Loft Food Court. I don't intend to try that place as I do not like that Loft Food Court at all. Too snooty and high pressure for my taste.

To repeat, I am talking about the Saigon Cafe at the new Central mall, the actual restaurant, directly to the right of the Sushi boat buffet place.

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The pictures of the pho on the menu do NOT look authentic. So suggest trying other dishes.

I am hoping many people try this new place. In my view, they deserve to prosper just based on their bun bowls alone. With rents being so high in the new mall, this place will surely vanish if we don't support it.

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There is a great viet noodle shop on 3rd road,just past the 7-11,near the Pattaya Klang traffic lights.Only noodles but very very tasty,and about 30-40 baht

Good to hear. Can you help a little more with directions?

Say I am heading down the Klang towards Suk, turn right or left on 3rd, and after that, how far, and which side, left or ride of 3rd, and is there an English sign indicated it is Viet food? Thanks.


turn right at 3rd road intersection,and its up there on the left.no english sign but the only noodle shop there

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Just ate there after a movie... which had only 9 viewers.

Great food, and the little one and I will return again soon.

88 baht Bun soup with chicken

68 baht Pho with pork ribs

38 baht Lemon grass juice

38 baht Lemon grass juice

one scoop of ice cream free for each of us.

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Glad to hear it. But bun bowls are not soup, they are dry. So I guess you had some chicken soup. How were the soups? Another poster said her "Hanoi Pho" tasted just like Thai noodle soup as opposed to real Vietnamese pho. They do also have some nice drink options. Hope to see this place get more crowded!

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It was me that posted about the pho in Saigon JT but I'll see if I can drag the missus back to there to try the Bun but she doesn't even think mucch of the bun or pho in Saigon the city (HCMC).

Le Saigon up in Pratumnak she is OK with but still not the real thing.

I'll be on the lookout for the place on 3rd road.

There did used to be a VN place, owned by VN, on North Road just near the junction with Third Road that was OK but it's long since gone.

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Bun but she doesn't even think mucch of the bun or pho in Saigon the city (HCMC).

Oh well, if you don't like Bun, why bother? It would be great to find real tasting Pho in town but I am not really expecting to.

In Vietnam and the US there are countless specialized pho restaurants, and perhaps there just aren't enough Vietnamese people in Thailand to really support that concept. That old war was tragic but it was a big win for Vietnamese food.

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She does like bun cha JT, as do I, but she likes it to be the real thing.

We went to the opening of a VN restaurant in a 5 star hotel one time and she complained to the F&B Manager that made the misttake of asking 'how's the food'

After assuring her that the chef was really Vietnamese the F&B manager brought him out to be told how to make pho properly.

His name was Kevin from US and had never set foot in VN although his parents were VN refugees.

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OK. Not saying they have the best bun in the world but its better than I have come to expect for basic Viet food in Thailand. If they served it in the US, people would not laugh or curse, although they would think the portion of noodles was small. My portion of meat was larger than any I have ever had anywhere on a bun, so it may have been some kind of fluke to get rid of the meat instead of tossing it!

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Tried this place this afternoon and thought it was pretty half assed Vietnamese food.

Had the set grilled pork over rice as advertised on the banner out front and an order of Goi Cuon "cold style shrimp rolls" that were tiny and did not come with the standard peanut style dipping sauce as served elsewhere.

I did get a free ice cream and asked for coconut but it sure tasted like vanilla, unless it was free lame coconut flavor.

Doubt they will remain open very long.

The best Vietnamese food I have found in this area is in Siracha down one of the small soi's next to Phayatai Hospital - it is fantastic and very cheap.

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I told you to order the bun bowls, dude. The free ice cream is just a grand opening gimmick. I agree with you the fresh rolls need that dipping sauce, that is a very bad omission. It is possible that there is only one thing decent on the menu, the bun bowls, sometimes that happens in restaurants, so thanks for testing this so other don't waste their money. Where exactly is that Sriracha place in relation to Phayatai Hospital? Thanks.

Doubt they will remain open very long.

Frankly, I feel the same way. But I want them to stay open just for the bun bowls.

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We just came from eating there tonight and I was also NOT impressed.

The BUN we ordered was chicken, 2 orders and they looked completely different when served to us, one was almost all noodles and the other had gobs of grated carrots underneath and a few noodles. The first one had no carrots at all. The barbecue chicken was good and a hefty serving of it.

The fresh spring rolls were difficult to chew, a bit like cardboard and not tasty. And of course not the requisite sauce.

But the worst thing of alll was that the bun dishes were swimming in fish sauce. I am not a fan of fish sauce but can tolerate it in small amounts, but this was overwhelming and tasted horrid.

We also ordered soft shell crabs and they were excellent along with the fried garlic.

Not good enough to entice me back there.

And not nearly as good as the Vietnamese food at the Food Loft at Central Chid Lom. I haven't eaten at the Food Loft here yet.

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OK, I didn't see your dishes but some comments:

-- peanut sauce is NOT served with fried Viet egg rolls, only fresh ones

-- I thought the egg roll pieces in the bun were quite good, so different opinion

-- fish sauce is part of the bun bo experience, but it is supposed to be only be served in a side bowl for you to dip items in or pour over the dish to your taste; it is not supposed to be served with any sauce in the main dish, mine was not!

-- yes, the BBQ chicken meat is good there, good to hear you also got a good portion

-- there is no excuse if your bo was served with fish sauce in it already, that is bizarre, and also can't account for the bizarre noodle/carrot discrepancies, no excuse

-- people who love bun bos quite often love the fish sauce with it, but again it should be served on the side

OK, so now we know they are inconsistent.

I still think a lover of bun bos who also likes fish sauce and likes Viet BBQ meat will still like their bun bos.

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