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New rules re: 30 day visas

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So does anyone have any idea what is the new limit of consecutive stamps in your passport for 30-day visas?

What then is the minimim period you then need to stay outside Thailand?

Is there a requirement (as rumoured) that you must return to your Country of Origin, and not just skip over the border?

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D.K.,  I've heard that six consecutive 30-day stamps is the most that immigration will now allow, and you must be OUT of T.L. for a minimum of six months.  

It's all hearsay anyway so what is true ?  Does anyone know ?

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Last month in Mae Sai I asked immigration if there was a limit to how many times I could cross over and cross back for another 30 days. they said that there was no legal limit, but that if they suspected me of drug running, I would be receiving a visit from my embassy. That was right before the new laws went into effect. So maybe they have received some list of new regulations. I will ask in about 10 days when I go back.

I will also ask about this 1000 baht fee for entering on a 30 day no visa stay. I have heard rumours that it is true, but no hard evidence as of yet.

At any rate, soon I will return to my country and try to get a non-im visa at a 'friendly consualte'. I'm feeling a bit iffy with all these new rules, although I think a lot may be blow out of proportion. I don't think we will really know until we are affected by the laws and people can start posting their experiences.

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