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Ayutthaya By Boat?


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Hello all

Anyone been to Ayutthaya from Bangkok by boat?

Whats the best operator?

I've read there are only tourist cruises and no shuttle-type boats?

any advice greatly appreciated

Years ago I went on the tourist cruise by the Oriental Hotel. A disaster. I chose the option of going up by bus and then back by boat. The early morning traffic out of the city was horrendous, delaying us a great deal. Our time at Bang Pa In was cut drastically, as was our time in Ayutthaya, and couldn't be extended because we had to reach the boat by a certain time.

Personally, if I didn't personally drive, I'd do it by train.

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Three or four years ago I took the bus-out, boat-back tour and had no problems, having chosen a company with a good early start. That way you get to the city early in the day, hopefully before it is absolutely heaving with other tours and the light is better. I think it's better, then, to relax on a leisurely cruise afterwards with a good feed on board.

I suppose you could hire a long-tail boat for the day, faster than the cruisers but a long way to go with all the buffeting as well.

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