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Thai Lady Murdered By German?


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You can call it whatever you like "mia luang, mia noi, mia chao" but when when one of these girls screws with (seriously screws with) a man's head she is walking a line where she might just find herself in some sort of deep physical shyt.

You can <deleted> with a persons head, but only for just so long.

I don't advocate murder but I can understand why it happens (in these circumstances)

Many of these girls are no more than mercenaries and if they suffer the same fate as the mercenaries in Angola, Kazakhstan, Aphkazia, Congo, or anywhere else in the world they are still pure and simply mercenries so "som num naa"

I do not like or want to ever see some Thai girl (including a demimondaine) suffer the ultimate fate but if it should happen I will still sleep at night.

The "perps" are the girls themselves and the guys who they try to screw over.

You are obviously in possession of the facts on this tragic case and therefore I will not take issue with your post, except to say it sounds a bit angry.

Personally, my thoughts are with the family of the deceased.


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You can call it whatever you like "mia luang, mia noi, mia chao" but when when one of these girls screws with (seriously screws with) a man's head she is walking a line where she might just find herself in some sort of deep physical shyt.

You can <deleted> with a persons head, but only for just so long.

I don't advocate murder but I can understand why it happens (in these circumstances)

Many of these girls are no more than mercenaries and if they suffer the same fate as the mercenaries in Angola, Kazakhstan, Aphkazia, Congo, or anywhere else in the world they are still pure and simply mercenries so "som num naa"

I do not like or want to ever see some Thai girl (including a demimondaine) suffer the ultimate fate but if it should happen I will still sleep at night.

The "perps" are the girls themselves and the guys who they try to screw over.

Absolutely agree and well said.

It’s all down to money and these girls believe they can gain more by saying what the guy wants to hear and going through the motions of being in love with the guy. It is really pure evil used for gain without a care for their victim.

Human emotions can be strong and over powering, never mess with them otherwise as in this case; they could be hit by a deadly force that will destroy both the perpetrator and the victim.

I too do not lose any sleep when these girls fall victim to the victim.

May sound harsh but if one wishes to play a dangerous game than except the risks that you may get hurt or even killed.

Edited by sassienie
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He actually told the sister of the victim and friends BEFORE the murder that he'll fly back to Germany. The sister he told for a funeral, friends for some business.

The body was found four days after the murder.

Yes, back home he contacted police and is in prison now - a clever move?

Most probably, as German law prohibits extradition. Not only is Thailand no part of Schengen, but murder is punished by death in Thailand.

Not that Thomas P. would be executed in Thailand, but under such circumstances Germany forbids extradition anyway.

Futhermore it has to be seen how "acceptable" the forensic work of the Thai authorities is for a German court.

She was a working girl - maybe the authorities are anyway not too interested in extensive investigations.

She was young and full of life - he an alcoholic, aggressive, depressive.

Go figure.

a german citizen canNOT be extradited from Germany.

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You can call it whatever you like "mia luang, mia noi, mia chao" but when when one of these girls screws with (seriously screws with) a man's head she is walking a line where she might just find herself in some sort of deep physical shyt.

You can <deleted> with a persons head, but only for just so long.

I don't advocate murder but I can understand why it happens (in these circumstances)

Many of these girls are no more than mercenaries and if they suffer the same fate as the mercenaries in Angola, Kazakhstan, Aphkazia, Congo, or anywhere else in the world they are still pure and simply mercenries so "som num naa"

I do not like or want to ever see some Thai girl (including a demimondaine) suffer the ultimate fate but if it should happen I will still sleep at night.

The "perps" are the girls themselves and the guys who they try to screw over.

Why so much bile and hate?

I'm still recovering from your post on another thread when you stated a 12-year old boy drowning was a blessing as he wouldn't now grow up to be a Thai driver!

Honestly, seek help for your anger.

Loaded!, it is very clear that you are unable to accurately read the written word (leastaways not in English anyway) :o

Why don't you refresh your memory on what I actually said in reference to 12-year old boys and taxi drivers.

What I said was "twelve year olds who will grow up to be "drunk adult drivers" if they don't drown in the klong"

No where did I say that it would be a BLESSING or anything of the like. :D:D

Then I went on to say "I don't get any pleasure from hearing that a kid has drowned in the klong, but who is responsible"

You then went on to say "the bloody police should be patrolling and throwing the kids out of the water. And what about those farang tourist police? If one's reading this, do something useful and patrol somewhere where you may be of benefit"

If you're so bluddy altruistic yourself why don't you walk around the klong yourself and start by saving all these kids at risk of drowning and then maybe go on to save all of these at risk BG's

You need to put your money where your mouth is, but, "talk is cheap" :D

Finally, many on this thread (and other threads) have echoed with and agreed with my comments.

I admit that at time my comments may sometimes err on the harsh, I am however a person who does not suffer fools either willingly, readily or easily. With people like you about there is apparently no shortage whatsoever.....

Edited by john b good
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This is probably the most distasteful conversation I've seen on this forum in a long time.

In regards to men who get 'scammed', let me quote from a Quentin Tarantino script:

"Once upon a time, a woman was picking up firewood. She came upon a poisonous snake frozen in the snow. She took the snake home and nursed it back to health. One day the snake bit her on the cheek. As she lay dying, she asked the snake, "Why have you done this to me?" And the snake answered, "Look, bitch, you knew I was a snake."

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Loaded!, it is very clear that you are unable to accurately read the written word (leastaways not in English anyway) :o

I admit that at time my comments may sometimes err on the harsh, I am however a person who does not suffer fools either willingly, readily or easily. With people like you about there is apparently no shortage whatsoever.....

Not speaking for Loaded but I remember the old thread quite well as I started it.

You did in fact come off as the superior type in the wake of a childs death period.

Now in this thread same old same old.

The common FACT in both is the dead cannot defend themselves against your accusations nor can they against your aSSumtions

You lay many possible claims against this girl based on printed words of others.

Did you know her? If not then why lump her into your

You can call it whatever you like "mia luang, mia noi, mia chao" but when when one of these girls

Perhaps that is what loaded is talking about?

I do agree with your apparent no lack of fools shortage comment though :D

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This arguement boils down to whether or not one believes someone can take a human life if they feel they've been wronged. From this perspective, I cannot understand why anyone would take the murderer's side.

Whatsmore, in this case, it wasn't even fair fight. The German guy is probably at least twice her mass and he even had her tied up! From the article it sounds like it was premeditated too. This guy deserve the death penalty.

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This arguement boils down to whether or not one believes someone can take a human life if they feel they've been wronged. From this perspective, I cannot understand why anyone would take the murderer's side.

Whatsmore, in this case, it wasn't even fair fight. The German guy is probably at least twice her mass and he even had her tied up! From the article it sounds like it was premeditated too. This guy deserve the death penalty.

NOBODY is taking the murderer's side. And, I believe just about everyone here would like to see the German get the death penalty. But, that does not absolve the woman from orchestrating part of her own demise. She had a chance to leave before it happened but didn't. There WERE reports of fighting between her and the man. There WERE some suggestions that she had other lovers. The German guy WAS paying for everything. He just snapped.

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But, that does not absolve the woman from orchestrating part of her own demise. She had a chance to leave before it happened but didn't. There WERE reports of fighting between her and the man. There WERE some suggestions that she had other lovers. The German guy WAS paying for everything. He just snapped.

Speculation in Red does not justify the end. None of them are facts either as far as we know.

Since the dead cannot speak for herself.......I doubt any of us can either.

Only one thing is clear.

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This is probably the most distasteful conversation I've seen on this forum in a long time.

In regards to men who get 'scammed', let me quote from a Quentin Tarantino script:

"Once upon a time, a woman was picking up firewood. She came upon a poisonous snake frozen in the snow. She took the snake home and nursed it back to health. One day the snake bit her on the cheek. As she lay dying, she asked the snake, "Why have you done this to me?" And the snake answered, "Look, bitch, you knew I was a snake."

Another valid point.

There are some very good comments on here and putting them together adds up to a lot of common sense.

As for the German guy, I doubt if he is a bad person but rather that he fell into a black widow trap and became blinded by uncontrollable rage.

Hope the courts view this case as a crime of passion, not as manslaughter or murder.

As I have often quoted, Fools never listen to advice or use common sense, they only learn by experience.

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Valid points?! Really!?

-""but when when one of these girls screws with (seriously screws with) a man's head she is walking a line where she might just find herself in some sort of deep physical shyt.You can <deleted> with a persons head, but only for just so long."

I'm just wondering just how 'seriously screwing with a man's head' these bar girls are really doing? Accepting monthly money and then sleeping with another younger, better looking guy that also is hot & willing to pay her? The truth hurts get over it. It takes an awefully sensitive, immature wimp to overreact to the point of murdering an un-armed, 90 pound female. 'But she 'fcukd' with my head!...wimper wimper...'

-"some of these girls are just mercenaries.." No shyt sherlock! That did'nt register when you lined up to pay your 10 buck bar fine? If the farang sex-buying customer is gullible (read stupid) enough to start feeding a sex worker monthly money or trying to convert his purchase into a g/f/wife,....you should EXPECT a hel_l of alot of head-<deleted> buddy.

-"as for the German guy, I doubt if he is a bad person but rather that he fell into a black widow trap and became blinded by uncontrollable rage."

Not a bad person??! A black widow trap? Was she poisoning him?? What are you talking about??! Yes he probably was blinded by uncontollable rage, but why? What could this girl have done to him? Stole his money? Go to the police. Screw someone else? Hey, get over yourself. Maybe YOU aint good enough for her. Tying up and murdering an un-armed female half your weight??? What kind of an arrogant, immature loser goes to that extreme?? Hey!, Don't <deleted> with my young to middle-aged western, sex-purchasing, male mind!!! Loser.

"this argument all boils down to whether you believe it's right to murder someone who feels they've been wronged"

This was the only sane post on here. Again, it's the 'wronged' thing weighed against the reaction i'm having difficulty with.

Now, if this woman had knowingly given him HIV or seriously physically harmed him or a family member that might be another matter. But telling LIES?

Being unfaithful? Accepting money, then breaking a 'promise'?? Please. Get over yourselves. I think these men are just plain 'fcuked' in the head to begin with.

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No where have I said that I condone murder but people have to understand that everyone has a breaking point. For some it is reahed more quickly than for others.

What I did say AND I will stand behind it....

I do not (and will repeat for the slow learners) which is that I and doubt that I will ever suffer fools gladly, readily or willingly.

And has been agreed by many others there are plenty (of fools) who write on here so that gives me and my ilk plenty of fodder for any such comments that I have already made and might well in the future respond to in the same fashion that I have done here.

One look at his avatar leaves no one in too much doubt just which camp some fall into :D

I do not agree with many of the posts some put on TV but that doesn't mean that I qualify them all as FOOL's

Everyone is entitled to his opinion but when one suggests that the farang tourist police volunteers are responsible for a kid dying in the klong "I will rest my case" :D:o

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This arguement boils down to whether or not one believes someone can take a human life if they feel they've been wronged. From this perspective, I cannot understand why anyone would take the murderer's side.

Whatsmore, in this case, it wasn't even fair fight. The German guy is probably at least twice her mass and he even had her tied up! (that was form a previous post and has no relevance to tis post From the article it sounds like it was premeditated too. This guy deserve the death penalty.

NOBODY is taking the murderer's side. And, I believe just about everyone here would like to see the German get the death penalty. But, that does not absolve the woman from orchestrating part of her own demise. She had a chance to leave before it happened but didn't. There WERE reports of fighting between her and the man. There WERE some suggestions that she had other lovers. The German guy WAS paying for everything. He just snapped.

And yes Ian, everyone has a breaking point. As you say '"this guy just snapped" But in any court in any civilised land that will not be a clear cut reason to apply the death penalty.

And yes again, Ian you write some of the most reasoned posts of recent times on TV.

It's nice to see a person who has a brain and is not blinded by all this "kill the guy" emotive shyt :o

And one can go on infinitim, people who don't wear crash helmets and then die as a result (am I responsible?) people who talk on their mobile phones whilst driving / riding and die as a result of being distracted (am I responsible) the parents who allow thier children to stand on their car seats and die as a result (am I responsible) and the children whose parents allow then to ride motorcycles at 12 years of age and die (am I responsible) and the parents who sell their dauhters into prostitution (am I responsible)

Then some of these "chok wow" who talk about hatred. What have these "chok wow" every done for the people of Thailand.

If talking about hatred (or at the very least an intense dislike) for these five minute wonders who visit Thailand (or post from afar) many who have never set foot on Thai soil and the expound themselves to be experts on all and everything that ocuurs in the realm, OK put me down for someone who condsiders them to nothing more that their stupid avatars shows them to be.

I said it before my case rests (until some chok wow) comes along and makes me want to puke

Edited by john b good
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I do not (and will repeat for the slow learners) which is that I and doubt that I will ever suffer fools gladly, readily or willingly.

That's clear, but wrong. You are making an observation similar to one you made before, but you are not repeating yourself, whether for slow learners or otherwise.

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Valid points?! Really!?

. . . . . I think these men are just plain 'fcuked' in the head to begin with.

Exactly right. Which is why it was her fault, of course, for having anything to do with someone so fcuked in the head. Same as it is for someone who gets robbed by a fcuked up mugger in the wrong part of the town, or a country like Iraq that gets attacked by a coalition of the fcuked.

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-"some of these girls are just mercenaries.." No shyt sherlock! That did'nt register when you lined up to pay your 10 buck bar fine? If the farang sex-buying customer is gullible (read stupid) enough to start feeding a sex worker monthly money or trying to convert his purchase into a g/f/wife,....you should EXPECT a hel_l of alot of head-<deleted> buddy.

Exactly. These girls are for rent, nothing more. I never understood these guys that think it will amount to anything more. They are fools for becoming emotionally attached to these sex-workers. If they weren't paying them, they wouldn't give them the time of day. If they want a g/f or wife, the bar is not the place to find one.

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-"some of these girls are just mercenaries.." No shyt sherlock! That did'nt register when you lined up to pay your 10 buck bar fine? If the farang sex-buying customer is gullible (read stupid) enough to start feeding a sex worker monthly money or trying to convert his purchase into a g/f/wife,....you should EXPECT a hel_l of alot of head-<deleted> buddy.

Exactly. These girls are for rent, nothing more. I never understood these guys that think it will amount to anything more. They are fools for becoming emotionally attached to these sex-workers. If they weren't paying them, they wouldn't give them the time of day. If they want a g/f or wife, the bar is not the place to find one.

I agree with the general principal of what you are saying, but I have seen a good number of longterm, loving marriages between foreigners and sex workers and many of the men were older fellows who were grateful to finally find love and ready to settle down - It is often the young "handsome" men who can't keep it in their pants.

This is a really sad situation and the man was the violent one, but if she promised him love with no intent to deliver, maybe they were both at blame.

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No where have I said that I condone murder but people have to understand that everyone has a breaking point. For some it is reahed more quickly than for others.

This is a woman that earns her money from sleeping with punters. Most punters know it's her job. The other punters maybe feel they are in a relationship and hence when she sleeps with another punter they feel jealous and possessive.

You are connecting a man's 'breaking point' to a prostitute doing her job by sleeping with different punters. She was doing her job and was murdered because of it. You are trying to validate her murder. What you are suggesting is creepy and scary.

An insecure personality posts "look other people agree with me". I don't care if you, or anyone else, agrees with my posts because I'm different from you.

A psychoanalytical view of your comments clearly shows you are using a defence mechanism to defend your hatred of prostitutes.


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Finally, many on this thread (and other threads) have echoed with and agreed with my comments.

:o well two did and one of those has been posting pictures of his bg 'girlfriends', who are 40 years younger than him, in this forum. LOLs.

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No where have I said that I condone murder but people have to understand that everyone has a breaking point. For some it is reahed more quickly than for others.

This is a woman that earns her money from sleeping with punters. Most punters know it's her job. The other punters maybe feel they are in a relationship and hence when she sleeps with another punter they feel jealous and possessive.

You are connecting a man's 'breaking point' to a prostitute doing her job by sleeping with different punters. She was doing her job and was murdered because of it. You are trying to validate her murder. What you are suggesting is creepy and scary.

An insecure personality posts "look other people agree with me". I don't care if you, or anyone else, agrees with my posts because I'm different from you.

A psychoanalytical view of your comments clearly shows you are using a defence mechanism to defend your hatred of prostitutes.


It is not a case of hatred of prostitutes but more of a who cares syndrome.

Of course they are human but the lowest of the low. They contribute nothing of worth to society. Any money they gain is mostly by illegal activities and deception, I doubt if any actually pay taxes. Plus the facts that they can pass on deadly diseases.

Many of these girls are totally wacko, some on drugs and completely incapable of forming permanent relationships with anyone.

These wackos are inclined to attract other wackos, their clients and as I said, I wouldn’t ever lose any sleep over their misfortune.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

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It is not a case of hatred of prostitutes but more of a who cares syndrome.

Of course they are human but the lowest of the low. They contribute nothing of worth to society. Any money they gain is mostly by illegal activities and deception, I doubt if any actually pay taxes. Plus the facts that they can pass on deadly diseases.

Many of these girls are totally wacko, some on drugs and completely incapable of forming permanent relationships with anyone.

These wackos are inclined to attract other wackos, their clients and as I said, I wouldn’t ever lose any sleep over their misfortune.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

As you say, who cares? I don't really care either but there's something creepy about someone (not you) becoming really angry over this case and HE didn't even know these people.

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It is not a case of hatred of prostitutes but more of a who cares syndrome.

Of course they are human but the lowest of the low. They contribute nothing of worth to society. Any money they gain is mostly by illegal activities and deception, I doubt if any actually pay taxes. Plus the facts that they can pass on deadly diseases.

Many of these girls are totally wacko, some on drugs and completely incapable of forming permanent relationships with anyone.

These wackos are inclined to attract other wackos, their clients and as I said, I wouldn’t ever lose any sleep over their misfortune.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

As you say, who cares? I don't really care either but there's something creepy about someone (not you) becoming really angry over this case and HE didn't even know these people.

Maybe he has had some personal experiences.

Edited by sassienie
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-"some of these girls are just mercenaries.." No shyt sherlock! That did'nt register when you lined up to pay your 10 buck bar fine? If the farang sex-buying customer is gullible (read stupid) enough to start feeding a sex worker monthly money or trying to convert his purchase into a g/f/wife,....you should EXPECT a hel_l of alot of head-<deleted> buddy.

Exactly. These girls are for rent, nothing more. I never understood these guys that think it will amount to anything more. They are fools for becoming emotionally attached to these sex-workers. If they weren't paying them, they wouldn't give them the time of day. If they want a g/f or wife, the bar is not the place to find one.

That is not entirely true, elektrified. Most of the women in the trade hope to eventually meet someone who will take care of them and their family. It's just that the younger, more attractive ones (male and female) are mostly having a good time and don't want to give it up. When they've worked the bars for a while and start getting into their mid thirties they can't compete with the younger, prettier gals, and they start looking for a falong to take care of them. Unfortunately, by that time the pickings are slim and they have to settle for some fat old bugger who can't get the younger women. There just aren't that many young, attractive NICE expats to go around. At least not one that wants to settle down with a bar girl... or any woman for that matter. That is why some young women make the wrong choice in picking some screwed up man who might have money but nothing else.

Contrary to what others might believe I've met many nice women who work in bars and restaurants. Not all are for sale or rent. Just like single people everywhere they hope to meet someone nice. The women for rent have the same feelings as everyone else, but they've become jaded and wary of the "I love you BS". The same goes for most of the older falongs who frequent those bars. Most Thai women working in bars got pregnant when they were young by some Thai fellow who took off the moment his girl got pregnant. The girls had limited options in earning a living for herself and child and the bar scene was attractive. Unfortunately, they don't realize the bar scene is a dead end for most of them. Once in it, it is hard to get out. There ARE some smart sexy ones who save their money for a few years and then quit. But, they are the minority.

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It is not a case of hatred of prostitutes but more of a who cares syndrome.

Of course they are human but the lowest of the low. They contribute nothing of worth to society. Any money they gain is mostly by illegal activities and deception, I doubt if any actually pay taxes. Plus the facts that they can pass on deadly diseases.

Many of these girls are totally wacko, some on drugs and completely incapable of forming permanent relationships with anyone.

These wackos are inclined to attract other wackos, their clients and as I said, I wouldn’t ever lose any sleep over their misfortune.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Yeah, lowest of low. Much lower than Hitler and Pol Pot. And they contribute nothing of worth to society, other than pleasure and entertainment, and what good is that? Actors, athletes, musicians, writers, artists, geriatric doctors who keep unproductive people alive--all useless. Of course people in the alcohol and tobacco business are worse than useless since their products reduce a person's productivity; wait, does that make them lower than prostitutes? And don't get me started on religion, what tangible benefit does it provide?

Or you can adopt the view that there is worth in providing pleasure, entertainment, mental stimulation, prolonging life, easing pain, providing spiritual comfort, etc., even if these activities don't result in a building or a bridge or gadget or something else tangible. But if you accept that then one could argue that prostitutes are just women doing honest work in the pleasure business (yes, an exchange of money for sex between consenting adults is honest, though not always legal). Then we'd have to get off our moral high horse, and what fun would that be?

By the way, I'm sure many of these women are wackos, and many others are responsibly sending money to family or saving for the day when they no longer have to work as prostitutes. Don't be so quick to judge.

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I'm so shocked reading this thread. It's probably the most disgusting stuff I read for many months. Absolultly no compassion, no sympathy for this poor woman. What kind of woman and thai haters are you?

I seldom read such a contempt of thai women. Why don't you go back to the F*cking Kingdom of Great Britain, where most of you probalbly come from?

Edited by cnxmike
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I'm so shocked reading this thread. It's probably the most disgusting stuff I read for many months. Absolultly no compassion, no sympathy for this poor woman. What kind of woman and thai haters are you?

I seldom read such a contempt of thai women. Why don't you go back to the F*cking Kingdom of Great Britain, where most of you probalbly come from?

That's a very broad brush you've used. I don't think there's anything on this thread that is negative to Thais in general or Thai women in general. Maybe you cannot tell the difference between the general Thai population, Thai women in general and prostitution but I think most normal people can.

I agree with you that there's been little sympathy or compassion for this woman, myself included.

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I have to agree that some of these posts are just....sick and heartless. Sex-work is dirty and dangerous, the workers earn a bit more for that reason, many of them are goodhearted and honest if they see you are not crazy or evil. Respect their humanity.

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It is not a case of hatred of prostitutes but more of a who cares syndrome.

Of course they are human but the lowest of the low. They contribute nothing of worth to society. Any money they gain is mostly by illegal activities and deception, I doubt if any actually pay taxes. Plus the facts that they can pass on deadly diseases.

Many of these girls are totally wacko, some on drugs and completely incapable of forming permanent relationships with anyone.

These wackos are inclined to attract other wackos, their clients and as I said, I wouldn't ever lose any sleep over their misfortune.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Yeah, lowest of low. Much lower than Hitler and Pol Pot. And they contribute nothing of worth to society, other than pleasure and entertainment, and what good is that? Actors, athletes, musicians, writers, artists, geriatric doctors who keep unproductive people alive--all useless. Of course people in the alcohol and tobacco business are worse than useless since their products reduce a person's productivity; wait, does that make them lower than prostitutes? And don't get me started on religion, what tangible benefit does it provide?

Or you can adopt the view that there is worth in providing pleasure, entertainment, mental stimulation, prolonging life, easing pain, providing spiritual comfort, etc., even if these activities don't result in a building or a bridge or gadget or something else tangible. But if you accept that then one could argue that prostitutes are just women doing honest work in the pleasure business (yes, an exchange of money for sex between consenting adults is honest, though not always legal). Then we'd have to get off our moral high horse, and what fun would that be?

By the way, I'm sure many of these women are wackos, and many others are responsibly sending money to family or saving for the day when they no longer have to work as prostitutes. Don't be so quick to judge.

heybruce is right on the money.

Many of these girls are good people who do their best to support their extended families while going out of their way to bring pleasure to other's lives. They are kind and fun to be around and better people than many of our leaders. They are not slaughtering ethnic minorities or stranding fellow human beings out at sea in disabled boats. Sure, some are lazy liars and cheats and not so nice, but that is the human condition. I really have to wonder at some of the hatred exhibited on this thread.

I do feel that looking for love from prostitutes is - while not impossible - mostly a losing proposition, but sometimes love just strikes. Could it be that some of the more bitter posters here have a big mistake in their past?

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