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As a newbie to Ubuntu I hadn't realised one important thing.

Where to get support?

Please, before you start with Pantip, Fortunetown etc I do not have the time

or the patience to try to explain what I don't know myself.

I have lived in Thailand since the Vietnam era and I know a lot of people.

Not one of those people knows about Ubuntu. ( No, I didn't learn that dance in Africa )

I am having trouble connecting to wireless with my ASUS F80Q.

I just need to know where to go to a physical Linux/Ubuntu guru.

As I continue my research I will update this post.

I am just about to contact ASUS and I'm sure they will have some ideas but the more info

the more people may find correct quick and up-to- date help.

Any help will be appreciated.



When you're saying that you're having problems with connecting to wireless, does that mean that your WLAN card is working fine for most wireless networks and just not some, or is your WLAN card not working at all? Reason I'm asking is that per this page, Ubuntu 8.10 works out of the box with this laptop, with the possible exception of the 56k modem. If it's not connecting to certain access points, read this link about WEP/WPA using Network Manager, or this link about the problems that Ubuntu 8.10 has with WPA.

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