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Ovulation Kit


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:o I remember somewhere that you are a woman. As for your reasoning, sad innit? :D

I can't say that I have looked for ovulation kits at boots, so no help there. Sorry. But if you dont' have any luck perhaps get your ob/gyn to order one in for you?

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I believe I have seen them there too.

If it is conception you are aiming for rather than contraception, cervical mucus changes is an excellent sign and easy to detect once you start paying attention. Clear and very elastic like uncooked egg white = you're ovulating for sure.

No use for contraceotion of course because you only know once you have already begun to ovulate, altho can be used to keep a diary and work out pattern if you're very regular.

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Your name is kind of funny, but then the whole idea is kind of sad. Why resort to pretending to be something you aren't just so you're taken seriously? If someone doesn't take you seriously for being a female, roll up your sleeves and show them why they SHOULD take you seriously. Always works for me, and sometimes it's fun to make a fool out of a jerk who deserves it!

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Quite a speech coming from someone who has been a member less than a month. While I am also a fairly new poster, I certainly wouldn't take it upon myself to criticise another member for choosing to avoid what is clearly alot of hassle. I have read this forum long enough to realize it is male dominated and that many of the more vocal members clearly have issues with women, and especially western women.

What I find sad about the whole thing, is not that she would choose to avoid the hassle, but that there are enough troublesome men on this forum that cannot accept a woman's opinion as valid, that would make this whole thing necessary.

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Difference of opinion. I was not criticising; merely encouraging a woman to be a woman, proud and unabashed. If you hide from them, it only empowers them.

What does my time posting here have to do with anything? I've been frequenting here far longer than I've been posting anyways, not that it makes one bit of a difference.

I'm only saying that if you find men to be troublesome in a particular area, hiding with your tail between your legs won't do anything to correct the situation. My opinion. Am I allowed to share it?

Edited to add: I just went back and re-read this thread and noticed that SBK noted that the "reasoning" behind the OP's name was "sad"; basically the same thing I was saying, but you choose to confront me on it and not her. Is it because I'm "new"?

Also edited to add: Maybe if people who feel they aren't being taken seriously would speak up and assert themselves more, they would begin to be seen as an equal. I mean, who are YOU more likely to take seriously, a bunny rabbit running away or a Lion growling in your face?

But, some are herders and other sheep. I guess we need both in the world.

Just expect that if you act like a sheep you will probably be regarded as one, and thus treated that way.

Disclaimer: These are only my opinions. I'm not criticising anyone. Please take them with a grain of salt.

Edited by SiamSuzi
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Actually SiamSuzi, I read sbks comment as bemusement that that a female posters finds it easier to not disclose their sex to prevent being given crap for being female, not her calling the op sad.

IMO your post read like a critisism, it may not have been but that is how I read it & obviously lady heather read it that way too. There is no reason for anyone to specify their sex & if they chose not & why is up to them. Doesn't make them sheep or that they are hiding with their tail between their legs.

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And then, of course, there are all those saddos out there who pretend to be women posting when they are, in fact, men. :o

So, which is worse, I wonder? Not immediately identifying oneself as a woman, or identifying oneself as a woman when the poster is actually a man?

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