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Half Of Malaysians Believe Tsunami Was Act Of God


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Tsunami Was God's Judgment

Many Malaysians, Russians and U.S. residents view the South Asian tsunami that has killed an estimated 220,000 people was an act of God.

GMI Inc. polled 20,000 people from 20 nations, from Jan. 8 through Jan. 12, to find the widespread prevalence of a religious interpretation to the Indian Ocean catastrophe, the company said Wednesday.

GMI found that half of Malaysian respondents felt that the tsunami was an act of God; similarly, half of Malaysian respondents indicated they were much closer to God after the tsunami.

In the United States, 10 percent of Catholics and half of southern evangelicals also embraced a religious interpretation of the tsunami's source.

Other nations where the tsunami was seen as an act of God were Russia with 27 percent, the United States with 26 percent, and South Korea with 15 percent, for a global average of 16 percent who thought the devastation was a divine act.

Japanese residents were a striking exception to the overall poll results, with few seeing God behind the tsunami.

--UPI 2005-01-20

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