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Collapsed Libido


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Maybe the OP is really using the old Randy Rooster uberstrategy outlined below...very clever indeed!


This farmer has about 200 hens, but no rooster, and he wants chicks. So he goes down the road to the next farmer and asks if he has a rooster which he would sell.

The other farmer says, "Yeah, I've this great rooster, named Randy. He'll service every chicken you got, no problem."

Well, Randy the rooster costs a lot of money, but, farmer decides he'd be worth it. So, he buys Randy and takes the rooster home.

He then sets him down in the barnyard and gives the rooster a pep talk, "Randy, I want you to pace yourself now. You've got a lot of chickens to service here, and you cost me a lot of money. Consequently, I'll need you to do a good job.

"So, take your time and have some fun," the farmer ended with a chuckle.

Randy seemed to understand, so the farmer points toward the hen house, and Randy took off like a shot.

WHAM! Randy nails every hen in the hen house three or four times, and the farmer is really shocked.

After that the farmer hears a commotion in the duck pen, sure enough, Randy is in there.

Later, the farmer sees Randy after the flock of geese down by the lake. Once again, WHAM! He gets all the geese.

By sunset he sees Randy out in the fields chasing quail and pheasants. The farmer is distraught worried that his expensive rooster won't even last 24 hours.

Sure enough, the farmer goes to bed and wakes up the next day to find Randy dead as a doorknob stone cold in the middle of the yard and buzzards are circling overhead.

The farmer, saddened by the loss of such a colorful and expensive animal, shakes his head and says, "Oh, Randy, I told you to pace yourself. I tried to get you to slow down, now look what you've done to yourself."

Randy opens one eye, nods toward the buzzards circling in the sky and says, "SHHHH, you wanna beat the buzzards, you gotta play their game…"

Edited by Utterlyuseful
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I must say on a related note I have always suffered very badly from 'The Coolidge Effect'. This is essentially not a drop off in libido in effect but reflects a massive drop off in desire to have sex with someone you have already had sex with. After about 3 months relationship my desire simply craters with the same partner however much I like her. It is common in all mammals (and also women but to a much lesser extent, which helps.)

Utterlyuseful, the Coolidge Effect 'supposedly' originated from an observation about roosters but the bottom line is that the rooster is happy to shag 50 hens but it only shags each one 'once'.

Edited by Abrak
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Hey desertrat, don’t start waving the white flag just yet! I’m just over 50 and have found over the last 5 years, my sex drive ranges anywhere from a Model T Ford to a Bugatti Veyron. I think it’s a chemical imbalance thing for most people; I tend to go from one to the other with about 3 or 4 week between highs and lows. It doesn’t bother me what frame of mind I’m in. But have to say, my Model T Ford phase is a lot less hectic and I am generally more chilled out.

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That says it all!

Feeling inferior when it comes to sex life being fat? Women will be surprised to know that fat men last longer in bed. A new scientific study has found that fat men could be best during sex.

The study found that the higher levels of the female sex hormone called oestradiol, which disrupts the chemical balance in fat men's body, makes them last longer during sex. The research says, while the slim men leave women less than satisfied in bed with average of just 1.8 minutes, men with excess body fat can last an average of 7.3 minutes during sex.

Average of 1,8 minutes?! 7.3 minutes!!? blink.gif

Pray tell in which country this research was done because there are a lot of sexually frustrated women there . . . . 7.3 minutes average? My GF would dump me after a week laugh.gif

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That says it all!

Feeling inferior when it comes to sex life being fat? Women will be surprised to know that fat men last longer in bed. A new scientific study has found that fat men could be best during sex.

The study found that the higher levels of the female sex hormone called oestradiol, which disrupts the chemical balance in fat men's body, makes them last longer during sex. The research says, while the slim men leave women less than satisfied in bed with average of just 1.8 minutes, men with excess body fat can last an average of 7.3 minutes during sex.

Average of 1,8 minutes?! 7.3 minutes!!? blink.gif

Pray tell in which country this research was done because there are a lot of sexually frustrated women there . . . . 7.3 minutes average? My GF would dump me after a week laugh.gif

Question; Are these times taken sober or off your face, and at what point does the clock start? The guys who could "do the business" that quick with somebody stood over them, stopwatch in hand, possibly calling out minute markers and maybe the odd word of unwelcome encouragement. I think they did bloody well, to get such a fast time! I'd have still been there till next morning!

Edited by Tonto21
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That says it all!

Feeling inferior when it comes to sex life being fat? Women will be surprised to know that fat men last longer in bed. A new scientific study has found that fat men could be best during sex.

The study found that the higher levels of the female sex hormone called oestradiol, which disrupts the chemical balance in fat men's body, makes them last longer during sex. The research says, while the slim men leave women less than satisfied in bed with average of just 1.8 minutes, men with excess body fat can last an average of 7.3 minutes during sex.

The above statement contradicts everything else posted by the world wide medical community. Over weight/fat/obese people suffer from significant blood flow concerns, stress disorders, lost self confidence and host of other issues resulting in a poor sex life or lose of libido. The meds they take to reduce cholesterol, thin blood, lose weight, deal with depression etc have huge impact on impotence and libido.

And like someone else said, If i lasted only what a "Fat" person lasted I think my GF would punt me. I am a thin fit guy. (50Years old). 1.8 minutes must be the time to get clothes off......HAHAHAHAHAHA..... Good Lord.... either that or there are ton of disappointed women out there.

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For about the last five years my sexlife and libido had been non-existant.

Not only did I not want a root,I also didn't want to go out looking for a root.

Then about six months ago a friend advised me to try taking Andriol Testocaps 40 mg capsules..

I started taking them on a Thursday,on Friday morning I woke up with 'that certainly feeling' one gets when things are stirring 'down below'

I thought I'd woken up in someone else's body and after swallowing one of them there nice blue pills I had for the first time in years, sex with someone

other than myself.

I'm in my middle sixties and with the help of the Andriol and a Viagra pill I'm feeling like a young bloke again !!!!!!!

To misquote Carol King.......'if your down and troubled and you need a helping hand'.........try ANDRIOL.

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That says it all!

Feeling inferior when it comes to sex life being fat? Women will be surprised to know that fat men last longer in bed. A new scientific study has found that fat men could be best during sex.

The study found that the higher levels of the female sex hormone called oestradiol, which disrupts the chemical balance in fat men's body, makes them last longer during sex. The research says, while the slim men leave women less than satisfied in bed with average of just 1.8 minutes, men with excess body fat can last an average of 7.3 minutes during sex.

Spoken like a true fatman :lol:

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Grahamhc, 8,000 baht or so sounds a bargain! I remember that I paid about 80,000 baht for some slow-release testosterone implant tablets maybe 8 years ago when I was in the UK.

In any case, (AFAIK and I'm not a doctor), the effects of testosterone 'boosters' will not be immediate. It's a longterm treatment, which is why the implants were the best option at the time. Now I understand that you can buy daily testosterone tablets over the counter here in Thailand.

But, as has been mentioned before, a word of warning! Increased testosterone does also increase the risk of prostate cancer. (Reduced testosterone increases the risk of brittle-bone disease, so you have to take your pick - always best to consult a specialist doctor re any proposed treatment).


The reserch is pointing at excess estrogen in men as the cause of prostate cancer. If you have developed prostate cancer then testosterone can cause it to grow faster. before one starts any kind of HRT they should be checked for testosterone, estrogen, cordisol, and thyroid levels. low testosterone can cause high cholestrol, heart diease, loss of memory,fatigue and a few more things I cannot remember off hand. Check out LEF.org and reserch Male Hormone Modulation Therapy.

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For me, there is nothing wrong with my sex drive. I can still; doooooooooooo ittttttttttttttttt!. And yes, I still wake up every morning with a boner on.

But I am bored with all the BS chat from these girls, hello handsome man, where you come from, wat your name and especially the money part, how much you pay this, how much you pay that. Everything with a price tag, dullsville. Even with my live in girlfriend I have become bored of the domestic bliss, especially as I am the main breadwinner.

Read the book, got the tee shirt and seen the movie. These days' things turn me off mentally rather than physically. Perhaps this is the crux of the matter, as we get older and hopefully wiser, we become tired of the BS and require equal amounts of mental stimulation as well as physical stimulation. I know I do and the Thai girls are just not doing it for me anymore.

I am having the same problem. Have the physical ability but last week 2 times after the showers and getting ready just lost interest this was with 2 different woman both in their 20s But also last week had great sex with 6 women in their 30s and it was great. I thought about it and put it down to bored with younger women I am talking early 20s here ok, it seems to lack mental contact. Now that I am older I need older lovers or I just donot perform. Maybe it is the same for you. And at my age why waste time with none performance time.

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My tuppence worth......

In 1995 I turned diabetic (type 2) and immediately lost all interest in sex. No masterbating, no making love. I looked after the diabeties by diet-control. I was 48 years old at the time. 8 years later I discovered I had prostate cancer, and I often wonder if the two were connected. However, as I am on a crusade of awareness, all I can say is if you start to get boils (diabeties) or your pee starts to dribble out, or is not coming out in the same force (prostate cancer), go and see a doctor and ask for a PSA test. There must be many men that are not aware they have either of these conditions.

Now (I am a widower), as I come to the end of my working life, and think about the future I really do miss the physical side of things, but it is difficult to interest a lady when you cannot give her what she needs.

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I'm 46.

Last week I went with a woman who's 48.

Man, she was good! Perfect body, too.

I find libido increases with companionship, good conversation and a feeling that there's something genuinely being shared.

I'm so bored of all these tedious little rats in their twenties or thirties who are only in it for the green.

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Im really happy for you guys that feel good about this change, rather than thinking about it as a problem or worrisome. It actually makes me wonder how badly most men have got it, regarding their libidos. Almost like slaves to their testosterone. Maybe, the lower libido (but not meaning low..just lower), is the more comfortable existence (for both you and your partners). I also imagine you guys think clearer! I get the impression it would make you much better companions for your female partners too, without the excessive pressure for sex..or as much of a wandering eye.

Eek you are assuming all women are like you and dont like sex very much. My woman would divorce me if I slacked off in the sex department.... she needs it way more than I do and she gets really grumpy and we have fights if we dont have sex often. Im only in my 30s. She is not Thai. She says sometimes she cannot concentrate at work because she needs it so bad..... that never happens to me! I don't find her needs excessive and too much pressure though... Im her partner, it's my pleasure to keep her happy, even if I don't need it all the time like her.

Completely agree Sabum.

The Thai wife is constantly telling me to "get in here and do your job" ! Her expectations and the pressure to perform are enormous (amongst other things !!).

Eek, women can be so cruel to men....all that unrelenting pressure for sex is unfair. Women shouldn't regard men as just sex objects. now if only she would develop a wandering eye and found a lover. That would take some of the pressure off. :P

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Interesting thread, and some good honest thoughts, some of my friends think 'theres nothing good about old age, I totally disagree, I've never married or had kids, or been under any stress that wasn't self imposed, and ive done and do some really mad shit, at 49 my philosophy is this, theres a time to love a time to work and a time to play, and i'm not talking over a 24hr period, trying to force a change in these timings only causes emotional and physical stress but left avoided, many blokes i meet here i feel have suffered from lives that have forced them to conform to someone elses idea of what a good man is, and have forgotten how to truly love themselves first, and it's not an easy thing to remember, even i forget, but the ol bloke who runs up and down the beach twice a day and entertains 3 or 4 girlfriends a week remembers, where are my runners haha..

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