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Collapsed Libido


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quote ..... As a friend once said if you have a problem with getting an erection, just get a new woman.

why not two ?

ive been seeing these two for over two years and dont have a problem when they get their kit off and get to work !

they help me to keep ( well feel at least ) young every 3 , 4 or 5 days or whenever i want ?

ok ok it costs ..... but marrying a westoner or any nationality woman will cost WAY bigger bucks than these two will ever cost me in ten years !

p is 21 n is 23 and im nearly 60

im happy !

they are happy seeing me ! ( one at a time or together )

enjoy pic

now wheres n s phone number ? : )

regards .... dave2

Dave....ur a legend.

An inspiration to all of us.

You're only as young as the woman you feel :o

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It's a very interesting topic to discuss! I'm turning 50 and really don't 'crave' for sex. Do I miss it? No, not really. I'm very happy with my own life, language study, volunteer work etc. I'm not married now and the idea of P4P is tediously boring! As for remarriage or a longterm GF, my previous experiences with Thai women has made the option of becoming a monk much more appealing! (That may be due to previous mistakes on my part, not the fault of the ladies...)


PS - I should add that I have an inherited very low testosterone level, so there is a medical reason for my lack of libido.

I've hit the big five 0 and I find my libido has somewhat decreased from say 5 years ago.

Now...if you'd have asked me 5 years ago if this was a good thing I would have told you "hel_l no, too much sex is never enough".

But you know, the ugency has gone now. That feeling of never being able to have enough. I'm married now and my libido is more than enough for a healthy relationship. In other words, there's non left over for me to look elseware to satisfy it.

It's taken away most of the temptations. Maybe it's a getting old thing but I feel much more centred at a sex level than I have ever been before.

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QUOTE (eek @ 2009-04-08 10:47:55)

I get the impression it would make you much better companions for your female partners too, without the excessive pressure for sex..ENDQUOTE

Sabum, I'm wondering why your wife has to continuously remind you that women DO enjoy sex?

"Sorry I took that to mean ANY pressure for sex, meaning women don't want to period, so thought I'd pipe up and let you know women DO enjoy sex, as my partner continuously reminds me."

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QUOTE (eek @ 2009-04-08 10:47:55)

I get the impression it would make you much better companions for your female partners too, without the excessive pressure for sex..ENDQUOTE

Sabum, I'm wondering why your wife has to continuously remind you that women DO enjoy sex?

"Sorry I took that to mean ANY pressure for sex, meaning women don't want to period, so thought I'd pipe up and let you know women DO enjoy sex, as my partner continuously reminds me."

She doesn't HAVE to remind me... it was just an expression for she is always hinting for sex and pursuing it with me. I don't mind, it has just become obvious to me that she has more interest in it than I do, and I already like it plenty.

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quote ..... As a friend once said if you have a problem with getting an erection, just get a new woman.

why not two ?

ive been seeing these two for over two years and dont have a problem when they get their kit off and get to work !

they help me to keep ( well feel at least ) young every 3 , 4 or 5 days or whenever i want ?

ok ok it costs ..... but marrying a westoner or any nationality woman will cost WAY bigger bucks than these two will ever cost me in ten years !

p is 21 n is 23 and im nearly 60

im happy !

they are happy seeing me ! ( one at a time or together )

enjoy pic

now wheres n s phone number ? : )

regards .... dave2

Hats off to you, my

Eek well done for venting against fat western men they seem to vent often enough at western women on here.

Testosterone injections do work I am advised by some older friends who have found a new lease of life recently. so unless you want to share those two thats the route i will go when required

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Sabum, you are making assumptions about my sex life, which is really unnecessary and rather childish.

Most women do not desire sex several times in the one day, every day. For most women who have experienced living with men with very high libidos at one time or other, im sure they find a lower libido in their partners something to be grateful for.

Also (not saying all men here), but many of the western men who come to Thailand marry much younger Thai women. If the men in question dont take care of themselves physically, im sure the woman is grateful to not have a pound of lard slobbering over her body as much anymore. According to this forum, men who stay faithful are lying anyway(Zzz), so a reduced libido may help them to keep things in check.

As for me personally, im in my 30's too, with a mutual healthy sex life. Like most women, i enjoy that aspect of a relationship, but its only one aspect of a whole relationship. It doesnt define it, or define me.


ARE you suggesting all western men are a pound of lard,meaning what,they are all very fat.

not a nice thing to say

if by lard he is referring to fat then a pound would be almost nothing. in fact that would be terribly unhealthy to have that little body fat. i'm sure most women prefer their men to have a little bit more lard than just a pound.

oh yeah, and as far as slobbering goes... sex is a lot more messy than just slobber and that is what makes it so fun.

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"She says sometimes she cannot concentrate at work because she needs it so bad..... that never happens to me! I don't find her needs excessive and too much pressure though... Im her partner, it's my pleasure to keep her happy, even if I don't need it all the time like her.

She can masturbate you know..

I think libido goes up and down for most of us. Stress affects things for me. So too does heat and sweat, too much exercise sometimes, or couple of bad experiences can also turn you off for a while. But loss of libido is actually considered a health issue. But I reckon we all know deep down what's the cause. If not, c the doctor.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My nookie days are over

My pilot light is out

What used to be my sex appeal is now my water spout

Long ago, on it's own accord, from my trousers it would spring

But now I've got a full time job to find the f_cking thing

It used to be embarrasing the way it would behave

For every single morning it would stand and watch me shave

Now as I approach old age

It sure makes me blue

To see it hang it's little head

And watch me tie my shoes

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It's a very interesting topic to discuss! I'm turning 50 and really don't 'crave' for sex. Do I miss it? No, not really. I'm very happy with my own life, language study, volunteer work etc. I'm not married now and the idea of P4P is tediously boring! As for remarriage or a longterm GF, my previous experiences with Thai women has made the option of becoming a monk much more appealing! (That may be due to previous mistakes on my part, not the fault of the ladies...)


PS - I should add that I have an inherited very low testosterone level, so there is a medical reason for my lack of libido.

Burned out at 50 already? Sorry you feel this way. If it were me, I would have great concern, since to me good sex is a life esssential. Thai women are certainly a challenge though. You can also do something about the low testosterone, which you probably know already.

Agreed, a life without having the woman is a very stale one indeed.

If you've been unlucky to not have the special ones then perhaps having instead a succession of ordinary or below-par ones this might be reason.

I always look for the ones you can take happy and fun experiences from, avoid the negative and sulky women.

I'm in my 30s now and still expect to be 'thrusting' into my 60s and 70s :)

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My nookie days are over

My pilot light is out

What used to be my sex appeal is now my water spout

Long ago, on it's own accord, from my trousers it would spring

But now I've got a full time job to find the f_cking thing

It used to be embarrasing the way it would behave

For every single morning it would stand and watch me shave

Now as I approach old age

It sure makes me blue

To see it hang it's little head

And watch me tie my shoes

Outstanding........I think I will have it framed. :):D:D:D

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There is a good book called Brain Sex, which I would recommend to people.  It goes into detail an the physiology and cultural aspects of sex, and how the body changes as it ages.  According to the author, most men feel a dropping in the libido fter about 30 or 35.  For some men, it drops completely away around 50 or 60, but for others, the sex drive never fades completely.

Women, on the other hand, tend to have an incresed libido from about 35 trough 55 when menopause occurs, and then  many women lose their sex drive after that.  Other women find it increases, probably due to a feeling of liberation from menses and the possibility of pregnancy.  Sex become more of a recreation.

In my case, I had the typical sex drive of a tennager--that is, sex was pretty much all I could think of.  As I hit my 30's my sex drive stayed as strong, I think, but in a more mellow manner.  I wasn't getting erections when the wind merely blew across my pants, but my libido was far more mentally oriented.  Now, at 51, I still have an extremely strong need for sex, but it isn't the physical need that I had when I was young, I think. It is more of a mental or emotional need for it. My physical pursuit and what I do in bed are how I fufill my emotional and mental needs.  This part is sad, I think:  while I enjoy all sex, it is rare that the fireworks really go off, that I really am overcome with pleasure.  I feel satisfaction (I probably feel more satisfaction if my partner enjoys the interlude), and I enjoy the physical part to the same degree as I might I enjoy a massage, but the fireworks usually aren't there.

While I don't want to lose my libido, as that is part of my mental picture of who I am, I certainly can see the advantages of not having such a strong need for sex.  A nice night reading a book at home after a long days work can be far more relaxing than driving across town to answer the call from an aquaintance living there.

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It's a very interesting topic to discuss! I'm turning 50 and really don't 'crave' for sex. Do I miss it? No, not really. I'm very happy with my own life, language study, volunteer work etc. I'm not married now and the idea of P4P is tediously boring! As for remarriage or a longterm GF, my previous experiences with Thai women has made the option of becoming a monk much more appealing! (That may be due to previous mistakes on my part, not the fault of the ladies...)


PS - I should add that I have an inherited very low testosterone level, so there is a medical reason for my lack of libido.

I’m 57 and can’t get enough, so I don’t think age has anything to do with it.

Appears that when some guys turn 50, they turn into old spazos.

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  • 1 year later...

Of course there is life without sex. Just ask most of the 50 year old men and women who have been married for 20 years or more. I know some that have started a long time before that. Isn't that why we have most of our discussions on thaivisa?

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My nookie days are over

My pilot light is out

What used to be my sex appeal is now my water spout

Long ago, on it's own accord, from my trousers it would spring

But now I've got a full time job to find the f_cking thing

It used to be embarrasing the way it would behave

For every single morning it would stand and watch me shave

Now as I approach old age

It sure makes me blue

To see it hang it's little head

And watch me tie my shoes

Epic. Just epic

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Burned out at 50 already? Sorry you feel this way. If it were me, I would have great concern, since to me good sex is a life esssential. Thai women are certainly a challenge though. You can also do something about the low testosterone, which you probably know already.

no need to feel sorry , it,s human nature .

if you have enough of anything, you loose your appetite for it .

when you are younger , you want to eat it .

when you are older , you wish you had . :jap:

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For me, there is nothing wrong with my sex drive. I can still; doooooooooooo ittttttttttttttttt!. And yes, I still wake up every morning with a boner on.

But I am bored with all the BS chat from these girls, hello handsome man, where you come from, wat your name and especially the money part, how much you pay this, how much you pay that. Everything with a price tag, dullsville. Even with my live in girlfriend I have become bored of the domestic bliss, especially as I am the main breadwinner.

Read the book, got the tee shirt and seen the movie. These days' things turn me off mentally rather than physically. Perhaps this is the crux of the matter, as we get older and hopefully wiser, we become tired of the BS and require equal amounts of mental stimulation as well as physical stimulation. I know I do and the Thai girls are just not doing it for me anymore.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I'm 30 something and find a good read a far better investment of my time and money. Occasionally I will scratch that itch but I have to push myself out the door and even then it's normal just for a massage.

Don't want to drift off topic but suffice to say, I find Thai women so unatractive that I wouldn't stick mine in one. But if there is some lotion left after the massage and she doesn't have arthritis in her wrist....well :whistling:

Good company over a good <deleted> for me, thanks.

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Interesting topic.

Low libido and low testosterone can actually be a health hazard.

Research has indicated that higher testosterone equates to higher immunity,more resistance to disease, more muscle mass, longer life spans, less chance of depression.

Of course as you get older it is natural for your testosterone to slowly drop but if you exercise regularly, eat well and don't have any underlying health conditions you should still be sexually active.

You can also boost testosterone naturally by lifting weights, eating certain foods like garlic, onions, broccoli and taking supplements like ginseng , tribulus etc

Boosting testosterone does not lead to prostate cancer as some posters have suggested in fact it may well be the opposite that low testosterone can influence getting prostate cancer.

However If you already have prostate cancer then you shouldn't take testosterone supplements because that does cause the cancer to progress rapidly.

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Well if you come to America and plop your butt down on a comfy couch of your liking they have med commercial after med commercial after med commercial to address this "Change of life".

For me, I cannot fathom not being active. It is one of life's wonderful pleasures. Sex is one thing, intimacy is entirely different. it is part of a balanced relationship.

Edited by JPPR2
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Of course there is life without sex. Just ask most of the 50 year old men and women who have been married for 20 years or more. I know some that have started a long time before that. Isn't that why we have most of our discussions on thaivisa?

Sex drive is like Thai Visa, somethimes old threads erect out of the dark and come back to life .... :whistling:

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I think it would be quite liberating if i had no sexdrive. I would certainly have a lot of extra time on my hands. On the other hand i like my sexdrive so im not sure its good to loose it. It would be ok if never knew how it was with a sexdrive (then you cant miss it)

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That says it all!

Feeling inferior when it comes to sex life being fat? Women will be surprised to know that fat men last longer in bed. A new scientific study has found that fat men could be best during sex.

The study found that the higher levels of the female sex hormone called oestradiol, which disrupts the chemical balance in fat men's body, makes them last longer during sex. The research says, while the slim men leave women less than satisfied in bed with average of just 1.8 minutes, men with excess body fat can last an average of 7.3 minutes during sex.

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