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Abhisit has lost lots of face.

He is now a object of ridicule around the world as an "incompetent" leader of a country.

He has no choice now but to stand down and take on an 'inactive position" for some time.

I sure debating politics (vs. playing politics) at the Oxford Union was more fun for this little boy :o

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Good post, bannas and coconuts lol The Chinese are considered to have an excellent business mind and are hard working. how would you describe the manifestation of the Thai and Chinese mix?

Saw the banana, but could see no reference to coconut ????

Well, this is getting tedious as several of you say very little constructive but think that debating and discussion is about dissecting the content of others' ideas instead.

For the record, I am a trained psychologist with a classical education and yes, I went to Cambridge. No big deal for me so don't even bother to comment on that but I tell you only to point out I have spent many years in that field and related subjects like anthropology and sociology. If you don't like proper argument which comes from proper education, no problem but then do not engage me. Thesis, antithesis and then synthesis each time and I do not ramble, you do...

It is fact that certain races, cultures and even genders are different. Smarter, more imaginative or even more malevolent at certain ages. Fact. Look it up and stop being so PC dim. All the girls are taller at 11 than the boys and smarter... In certain South American countries they have a third sex... The male sex is the prominent one at embryonic stage but by death is out-numbered by the female 2:1... Middle Eastern people have lower spacial awareness skills... Do I Need to go on... This is all in 'general'. I knew very smart PhD students from Thailand too. But general makes the population and if you look at the normal distribution, steroetypes are rarely wrong...

So, Thais are gentle. Score highly for EQ but not for IQ... Generally.. And have a low IQ Generally.... fact...

I do not look down on them. I feel sorry for them as this is a result of centuruies of deprivation and abuse by the ruling families from BKK but rather than support the casue of their repression, I want them to get them emancipation and have a working brain to think for themselves. That's so bad....?

My wife is Thai and I love here dearly as she knows her strengths and weaknesses. She is not the smartest tool in the box and she does not try to be but she has other very admirable and worthy traits and is a wonderful mother.

My son is already showing signs of being very bright even at 7 months so I am glad he has a good brain and good looks. A banana as the HK say - yellow on the outside but white on the inside. Yes, shock, horror, that's what they say in HK as they are plainly far more liberated and tolerant and not to be so PC to be stuck up their arse as in going-noand I will ensure he understands morals.

I love many aspects of Thailand but certainly not the inane stupidity of the farang who think they are soooo Thai but are just really unabel to think for themselves.

Grow up some of you and stop getting personal and if you have the guts explain your own beliefs to this level of detail, please do! Otherwise, stop being cynical and petty. We are all here to debate and we all have different views but there is no point being here if you cannot respect others and be honest to your own beliefs.

If you spend your time picking through others' posts looking for weakness, that makes you very, very weak indeed...

:o Did anyone else's jaw drop lower and lower as they read through that, or was it just me?

:o Did anyone else's jaw drop lower and lower as they read through that, or was it just me?

With you on that one, but could not be ar5ed to pen a response.

Good post, bannas and coconuts lol The Chinese are considered to have an excellent business mind and are hard working. how would you describe the manifestation of the Thai and Chinese mix?

That is the interesting thing...

HK has the highest global IQ at 115/6. I do not have info on mainland China.

I always found them very smart but my friends there claim they are all very linear and good at empirical subjects like maths and science.

I guess they are such good business people as a result and when I worked in the UK I found them very efficient and professional.

I think here in LOS the Chinese and the Indians find it very easy to manage to control Thailand. The Anglo-Saxons like me moan a lot whereas they just get on with it and hold all the money.

Sadly for Thailand, the time is rapidly approaching when there will be very little business in the hands of Thais and the average Thai will be unemployable in anything more than a manual job based on a global level of ability.

This is why there is such class distinction in Thailand and so much animosity towards 'foreigners' as it is bad enough that the Chinese/Indian first/second generation have already usurped the locals....

Time bomb...

I come from the UK so I should know!


I lived and worked there for two years,and been there ten times as well.

Everyone has their own opinion,fair enough. Mine is anything goes in Thailand now.

Its like the wild west.

You've got a choice; Abhisit or Chalerm. Seriously, think about Chalerm as a PM. The greediest, most corrupt slimeball father of a murderer. Again, can you seriously imagine him at the helm?

The USA survived 8 years of Bush so I imagine Thailand would survive too. Just can't see Lizzie letting him dine at her pad however...they would sure have to count the goldware afterwards.

Well, this is getting tedious as several of you say very little constructive but think that debating and discussion is about dissecting the content of others' ideas instead.

For the record, I am a trained psychologist with a classical education and yes, I went to Cambridge. No big deal for me so don't even bother to comment on that but I tell you only to point out I have spent many years in that field and related subjects like anthropology and sociology. If you don't like proper argument which comes from proper education, no problem but then do not engage me. Thesis, antithesis and then synthesis each time and I do not ramble, you do...

It is fact that certain races, cultures and even genders are different. Smarter, more imaginative or even more malevolent at certain ages. Fact. Look it up and stop being so PC dim. All the girls are taller at 11 than the boys and smarter... In certain South American countries they have a third sex... The male sex is the prominent one at embryonic stage but by death is out-numbered by the female 2:1... Middle Eastern people have lower spacial awareness skills... Do I Need to go on... This is all in 'general'. I knew very smart PhD students from Thailand too. But general makes the population and if you look at the normal distribution, steroetypes are rarely wrong...

So, Thais are gentle. Score highly for EQ but not for IQ... Generally.. And have a low IQ Generally.... fact...

I do not look down on them. I feel sorry for them as this is a result of centuruies of deprivation and abuse by the ruling families from BKK but rather than support the casue of their repression, I want them to get them emancipation and have a working brain to think for themselves. That's so bad....?

My wife is Thai and I love here dearly as she knows her strengths and weaknesses. She is not the smartest tool in the box and she does not try to be but she has other very admirable and worthy traits and is a wonderful mother.

My son is already showing signs of being very bright even at 7 months so I am glad he has a good brain and good looks. A banana as the HK say - yellow on the outside but white on the inside. Yes, shock, horror, that's what they say in HK as they are plainly far more liberated and tolerant and not to be so PC to be stuck up their arse as in going-noand I will ensure he understands morals.

I love many aspects of Thailand but certainly not the inane stupidity of the farang who think they are soooo Thai but are just really unabel to think for themselves.

Grow up some of you and stop getting personal and if you have the guts explain your own beliefs to this level of detail, please do! Otherwise, stop being cynical and petty. We are all here to debate and we all have different views but there is no point being here if you cannot respect others and be honest to your own beliefs.

If you spend your time picking through others' posts looking for weakness, that makes you very, very weak indeed...

:o Did anyone else's jaw drop lower and lower as they read through that, or was it just me?

"...there were you, the belated seedling of an effete aristocracy!" T. Hardy.

Except you are far from aristocracy in LOS!

Good post, bannas and coconuts lol The Chinese are considered to have an excellent business mind and are hard working. how would you describe the manifestation of the Thai and Chinese mix?

That is the interesting thing...

HK has the highest global IQ at 115/6. I do not have info on mainland China.

I always found them very smart but my friends there claim they are all very linear and good at empirical subjects like maths and science.

I guess they are such good business people as a result and when I worked in the UK I found them very efficient and professional.

I think here in LOS the Chinese and the Indians find it very easy to manage to control Thailand. The Anglo-Saxons like me moan a lot whereas they just get on with it and hold all the money.

Sadly for Thailand, the time is rapidly approaching when there will be very little business in the hands of Thais and the average Thai will be unemployable in anything more than a manual job based on a global level of ability.

This is why there is such class distinction in Thailand and so much animosity towards 'foreigners' as it is bad enough that the Chinese/Indian first/second generation have already usurped the locals....

Time bomb...

I come from the UK so I should know!

know what? that the indians and chinese already occupied the UK? does this show that they are intellectually superior than the UK locals?

by the way, can we please go back to the topic?

Good post, bannas and coconuts lol The Chinese are considered to have an excellent business mind and are hard working. how would you describe the manifestation of the Thai and Chinese mix?

That is the interesting thing...

HK has the highest global IQ at 115/6. I do not have info on mainland China.

I always found them very smart but my friends there claim they are all very linear and good at empirical subjects like maths and science.

I guess they are such good business people as a result and when I worked in the UK I found them very efficient and professional.

I think here in LOS the Chinese and the Indians find it very easy to manage to control Thailand. The Anglo-Saxons like me moan a lot whereas they just get on with it and hold all the money.

Sadly for Thailand, the time is rapidly approaching when there will be very little business in the hands of Thais and the average Thai will be unemployable in anything more than a manual job based on a global level of ability.

This is why there is such class distinction in Thailand and so much animosity towards 'foreigners' as it is bad enough that the Chinese/Indian first/second generation have already usurped the locals....

Time bomb...

I come from the UK so I should know!

yes I agree, the chinese do seem to take a quantative approach or more logical , while the Thais are more qualitative or emotive. This I agree has lead to the differing roles each group plays in Thai society. Some might argue these difference have led to the current situation of the red verses the yellows. or a class struggle between those that control capital and those that dont.

PS: a cocnut is brown on the outside and white in the middle

Well, this is getting tedious as several of you say very little constructive but think that debating and discussion is about dissecting the content of others' ideas instead.

For the record, I am a trained psychologist with a classical education and yes, I went to Cambridge. No big deal for me so don't even bother to comment on that but I tell you only to point out I have spent many years in that field and related subjects like anthropology and sociology. If you don't like proper argument which comes from proper education, no problem but then do not engage me. Thesis, antithesis and then synthesis each time and I do not ramble, you do...

It is fact that certain races, cultures and even genders are different. Smarter, more imaginative or even more malevolent at certain ages. Fact. Look it up and stop being so PC dim. All the girls are taller at 11 than the boys and smarter... In certain South American countries they have a third sex... The male sex is the prominent one at embryonic stage but by death is out-numbered by the female 2:1... Middle Eastern people have lower spacial awareness skills... Do I Need to go on... This is all in 'general'. I knew very smart PhD students from Thailand too. But general makes the population and if you look at the normal distribution, steroetypes are rarely wrong...

So, Thais are gentle. Score highly for EQ but not for IQ... Generally.. And have a low IQ Generally.... fact...

I do not look down on them. I feel sorry for them as this is a result of centuruies of deprivation and abuse by the ruling families from BKK but rather than support the casue of their repression, I want them to get them emancipation and have a working brain to think for themselves. That's so bad....?

My wife is Thai and I love here dearly as she knows her strengths and weaknesses. She is not the smartest tool in the box and she does not try to be but she has other very admirable and worthy traits and is a wonderful mother.

My son is already showing signs of being very bright even at 7 months so I am glad he has a good brain and good looks. A banana as the HK say - yellow on the outside but white on the inside. Yes, shock, horror, that's what they say in HK as they are plainly far more liberated and tolerant and not to be so PC to be stuck up their arse as in going-noand I will ensure he understands morals.

I love many aspects of Thailand but certainly not the inane stupidity of the farang who think they are soooo Thai but are just really unabel to think for themselves.

Grow up some of you and stop getting personal and if you have the guts explain your own beliefs to this level of detail, please do! Otherwise, stop being cynical and petty. We are all here to debate and we all have different views but there is no point being here if you cannot respect others and be honest to your own beliefs.

If you spend your time picking through others' posts looking for weakness, that makes you very, very weak indeed...

Sincerely pleased to hear your child is developing well. Not wishing to get personal but, as a trained psychologist you apparently support a man whom displays many of the traits of a narcissistic sociopath megalomaniac.

One leading indicator (of many) may hit close to your Thai family home and true heart when Mr Thaksin (aka the victim) pleaded for red protesters to "Bring your children" whilst he was jetting his own safely out in first class comfort ahead of the utter chaos he knowingly was and still is concocting... Not for democracy, rather for demonstrably self-serving purposes, as always.

Really, what more can one say. Sincerely wish you and your family a better future, as well as Thailand, regardless if yet another narcissistic sociopath in a PM Chalerm is your logical bleak 'hope' or all out civil war as your next best (?) alternative. Chok dee.


Thaksin calls, eggs on protesters

Published: 12/04/2009 at 12:23 AM

Fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra called by telephone to around 15,000 supporters still camped out at Government House on Saturday night.

"I thank the Red Shirts in Pattaya who showed strength," he told the crowd.

"In the next few days we will see real change. Red Shirts in Bangkok and elsewhere must now act immediately so that we can change our country."

The next move of the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) is not known, after they clogged Bangkok streets on Thursday and forced cancellation of the Asean summit in Pattaya on Saturday.

Pattaya was reported back to normal on Saturday evening, as the anti-government protesters left for home or the Bangkok demonstration.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, meanwhile, made a surprise return to the summit venue at Jomtien late on Saturday, still protected by dozens of soldiers.

He announced the lifting of a six-hour state of emergency, and also apologised.

"We apologise to the Thai people that this incident happened," he told the media. "Even though the government was not responsible, it is its duty to ensure the meeting runs smoothly.


PM: reds 'public enemies'

By Political Desk

The Nation on Sunday

Published on April 12, 2009

Coup rumoured as police andArmy hang back Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva last night called the red-shirts "public enemies" for declaring a victory over the cancellation of the Asean Summit with dialogue partners in Pattaya.

"In this loss to the country, anyone or any group of people that announces a victory should be regarded as true enemies of Thailand. Whatever status I have, I will never allow these people to become influential," he told a press conference at the summit venue.

Abhisit cancelled the event and postponed it indefinitely after several hundreds of protesters managed to storm past police and military barricades into the venue at the Royal Cliff Beach Resort.

Rumours of a possible coup or House dissolution were spreading last night as it appeared the government had lacked cooperation from police and military in preventing the protesters from entering the summit venue's compound.


"We apologise to the Thai people that this incident happened," he told the media. "Even though the government was not responsible, it is its duty to ensure the meeting runs smoothly.

Apologies for Thai people specifically but not foreigners?

"We apologise to the Thai people that this incident happened," he told the media. "Even though the government was not responsible, it is its duty to ensure the meeting runs smoothly.

Apologies for Thai people specifically but not foreigners?

He never considers us as when he told Thaksin he would be treated fairly under Thai law as all Thai nationals are.... IE and as foreigner are never?

Well, this is getting tedious as several of you say very little constructive but think that debating and discussion is about dissecting the content of others' ideas instead.

For the record, I am a trained psychologist with a classical education and yes, I went to Cambridge. No big deal for me so don't even bother to comment on that but I tell you only to point out I have spent many years in that field and related subjects like anthropology and sociology. If you don't like proper argument which comes from proper education, no problem but then do not engage me. Thesis, antithesis and then synthesis each time and I do not ramble, you do...

It is fact that certain races, cultures and even genders are different. Smarter, more imaginative or even more malevolent at certain ages. Fact. Look it up and stop being so PC dim. All the girls are taller at 11 than the boys and smarter... In certain South American countries they have a third sex... The male sex is the prominent one at embryonic stage but by death is out-numbered by the female 2:1... Middle Eastern people have lower spacial awareness skills... Do I Need to go on... This is all in 'general'. I knew very smart PhD students from Thailand too. But general makes the population and if you look at the normal distribution, steroetypes are rarely wrong...

So, Thais are gentle. Score highly for EQ but not for IQ... Generally.. And have a low IQ Generally.... fact...

I do not look down on them. I feel sorry for them as this is a result of centuruies of deprivation and abuse by the ruling families from BKK but rather than support the casue of their repression, I want them to get them emancipation and have a working brain to think for themselves. That's so bad....?

My wife is Thai and I love here dearly as she knows her strengths and weaknesses. She is not the smartest tool in the box and she does not try to be but she has other very admirable and worthy traits and is a wonderful mother.

My son is already showing signs of being very bright even at 7 months so I am glad he has a good brain and good looks. A banana as the HK say - yellow on the outside but white on the inside. Yes, shock, horror, that's what they say in HK as they are plainly far more liberated and tolerant and not to be so PC to be stuck up their arse as in going-noand I will ensure he understands morals.

I love many aspects of Thailand but certainly not the inane stupidity of the farang who think they are soooo Thai but are just really unabel to think for themselves.

Grow up some of you and stop getting personal and if you have the guts explain your own beliefs to this level of detail, please do! Otherwise, stop being cynical and petty. We are all here to debate and we all have different views but there is no point being here if you cannot respect others and be honest to your own beliefs.

If you spend your time picking through others' posts looking for weakness, that makes you very, very weak indeed...

Sincerely pleased to hear your child is developing well. Not wishing to get personal but, as a trained psychologist you apparently support a man whom displays many of the traits of a narcissistic sociopath megalomaniac.

One leading indicator (of many) may hit close to your Thai family home and true heart when Mr Thaksin (aka the victim) pleaded for red protesters to "Bring your children" whilst he was jetting his own safely out in first class comfort ahead of the utter chaos he knowingly was and still is concocting... Not for democracy, rather for demonstrably self-serving purposes, as always.

Really, what more can one say. Sincerely wish you and your family a better future, as well as Thailand, regardless if yet another narcissistic sociopath in a PM Chalerm is your logical bleak 'hope' or all out civil war as your next best (?) alternative. Chok dee.

I am and have never been specifically pro Thaksin as I have said in many posts... I am pro democracy but he is the only person strong enough right now to be the catalyst for change...

Well, this is getting tedious as several of you say very little constructive but think that debating and discussion is about dissecting the content of others' ideas instead.

For the record, I am a trained psychologist with a classical education and yes, I went to Cambridge. No big deal for me so don't even bother to comment on that but I tell you only to point out I have spent many years in that field and related subjects like anthropology and sociology. If you don't like proper argument which comes from proper education, no problem but then do not engage me. Thesis, antithesis and then synthesis each time and I do not ramble, you do...

It is fact that certain races, cultures and even genders are different. Smarter, more imaginative or even more malevolent at certain ages. Fact. Look it up and stop being so PC dim. All the girls are taller at 11 than the boys and smarter... In certain South American countries they have a third sex... The male sex is the prominent one at embryonic stage but by death is out-numbered by the female 2:1... Middle Eastern people have lower spacial awareness skills... Do I Need to go on... This is all in 'general'. I knew very smart PhD students from Thailand too. But general makes the population and if you look at the normal distribution, steroetypes are rarely wrong...

So, Thais are gentle. Score highly for EQ but not for IQ... Generally.. And have a low IQ Generally.... fact...

I do not look down on them. I feel sorry for them as this is a result of centuruies of deprivation and abuse by the ruling families from BKK but rather than support the casue of their repression, I want them to get them emancipation and have a working brain to think for themselves. That's so bad....?

My wife is Thai and I love here dearly as she knows her strengths and weaknesses. She is not the smartest tool in the box and she does not try to be but she has other very admirable and worthy traits and is a wonderful mother.

My son is already showing signs of being very bright even at 7 months so I am glad he has a good brain and good looks. A banana as the HK say - yellow on the outside but white on the inside. Yes, shock, horror, that's what they say in HK as they are plainly far more liberated and tolerant and not to be so PC to be stuck up their arse as in going-noand I will ensure he understands morals.

I love many aspects of Thailand but certainly not the inane stupidity of the farang who think they are soooo Thai but are just really unabel to think for themselves.

Grow up some of you and stop getting personal and if you have the guts explain your own beliefs to this level of detail, please do! Otherwise, stop being cynical and petty. We are all here to debate and we all have different views but there is no point being here if you cannot respect others and be honest to your own beliefs.

If you spend your time picking through others' posts looking for weakness, that makes you very, very weak indeed...

Sincerely pleased to hear your child is developing well. Not wishing to get personal but, as a trained psychologist you apparently support a man whom displays many of the traits of a narcissistic sociopath megalomaniac.

One leading indicator (of many) may hit close to your Thai family home and true heart when Mr Thaksin (aka the victim) pleaded for red protesters to "Bring your children" whilst he was jetting his own safely out in first class comfort ahead of the utter chaos he knowingly was and still is concocting... Not for democracy, rather for demonstrably self-serving purposes, as always.

Really, what more can one say. Sincerely wish you and your family a better future, as well as Thailand, regardless if yet another narcissistic sociopath in a PM Chalerm is your logical bleak 'hope' or all out civil war as your next best (?) alternative. Chok dee.

I am and have never been specifically pro Thaksin as I have said in many posts... I am pro democracy but he is the only person strong enough right now to be the catalyst for change...

Change? For democracy?? For goodness sakes Edward, this is a man who's TOP priority is to exonerate himself from charges of corruption, change the constitution to null 'pesky' vote-fraud rules, free up his TRT banned brethren from banishment for continual vote-fraud, regain his frozen approx 2 Billion USD of mostly ill gotten gains and regain his seat as PM at any costs in order to double up on his diminishing fortune (all via ripping a nation apart, to self-serve and to feed a narcissistic sociopath megalomaniac insatiable ego).

One can understand a Koo or two and appreciate her/his/their myopic albeit sincere/misguided motivation but you (to appeal on 'your' terms, not mine) a highly educated westerner??

One sincerely appreciates your love and care of family but your sense of democracy and change (?) seems a tad misplaced. However, as stated before, sincerely wish you and your family (and all Thailand) a better future.

Edit PS: One senses what you and many like-minded Expats fear most is fear of actual change. 'If only Thailand could remain as we found her' etc. In many ways, I wish so too but reality beckons. This is understandable as this is the very nature of what many escape-artists came to Thailand to escape, change. However, inescapably, change is already upon us in Thailand and despite I have issues with some of it, many fear a belated tar-pit awaits and will put up an impossible fight. Sincerely sorry for that but it needed to be stated.


I don't think democracy is right for Thailand. They are too eager to pull levers behind the scenes or burn the whole house down if the don't like a single room. I don't think Thai culture or perhaps these deep seated differences, be they nature or nurture related and the resultant pervasive disinterest in world affairs and anything beyond their immediate needs, make a majority rule system feasible here. At least in the eyes of foreign observers who see on the news utter passivity and failure to act by the country while special interest mobs rule using increasingly barbaric shenanigans. It is emblematic of a failed state to settle grievances in the form of a wild mob but it is equally emblematic that so many sit idly by and do nothing about that mob. E.g. The army who look so regal with their riot gear as they idly look on at the crowd rummaging through public property.

I think they need something along the lines of a benevolent dictator. Who Thaksin seemed to be before he became nothing more than a thug and a thief. A strong father figure who is truly looking out for the best interest of Thailand while ruling with a very strong hand.

I'm not saying other countries democracies are perfect and that Thailand is doing nothing right. Aside from these ridiculous protests where thousands stop working or doing anything productive for weeks to listen to someone on a megaphone. Thai society is admirably peaceful and chohabits very well but with such a huge uneducated rural population and small urban elite with totally different interests does majority rule seem likely to make everyone happy?

Spoken like a true Thai. You get honorary MTTT status... We should all just stop caring, taking any interest at all and become brainless retards like most Thais....

The former is a foreign educated Thai and the latter a local ie. uneducated Thai as sadly the education system here ranks as amongst the worst in the world because of.... yes, years of lack of interest because the ruling families send their kids abroad anyway to be educated so who cares about the local poor!

Please let's be clear here... I use my words carefully... brainless = brains have been lost because of no use, retard = on the international IQ scale, most Thais are classified as that by their average IQ of 88.

Not my fault, I am the one campaigning here for change to get an education for them as I think carefully where my 6 months old son is going to go to school...

If you are going to refer to national groups as "brainless retards", at least be able to spell "miriad" properly. PS. it's "myriad"

Spoken like a true Thai. You get honorary MTTT status... We should all just stop caring, taking any interest at all and become brainless retards like most Thais....

The former is a foreign educated Thai and the latter a local ie. uneducated Thai as sadly the education system here ranks as amongst the worst in the world because of.... yes, years of lack of interest because the ruling families send their kids abroad anyway to be educated so who cares about the local poor!

Please let's be clear here... I use my words carefully... brainless = brains have been lost because of no use, retard = on the international IQ scale, most Thais are classified as that by their average IQ of 88.

Not my fault, I am the one campaigning here for change to get an education for them as I think carefully where my 6 months old son is going to go to school...

If you are going to refer to national groups as "brainless retards", at least be able to spell "miriad" properly. PS. it's "myriad"


Well, this is getting tedious as several of you say very little constructive but think that debating and discussion is about dissecting the content of others' ideas instead.

For the record, I am a trained psychologist with a classical education and yes, I went to Cambridge. No big deal for me so don't even bother to comment on that but I tell you only to point out I have spent many years in that field and related subjects like anthropology and sociology. If you don't like proper argument which comes from proper education, no problem but then do not engage me. Thesis, antithesis and then synthesis each time and I do not ramble, you do...

It is fact that certain races, cultures and even genders are different. Smarter, more imaginative or even more malevolent at certain ages. Fact. Look it up and stop being so PC dim. All the girls are taller at 11 than the boys and smarter... In certain South American countries they have a third sex... The male sex is the prominent one at embryonic stage but by death is out-numbered by the female 2:1... Middle Eastern people have lower spacial awareness skills... Do I Need to go on... This is all in 'general'. I knew very smart PhD students from Thailand too. But general makes the population and if you look at the normal distribution, steroetypes are rarely wrong...

So, Thais are gentle. Score highly for EQ but not for IQ... Generally.. And have a low IQ Generally.... fact...

I do not look down on them. I feel sorry for them as this is a result of centuruies of deprivation and abuse by the ruling families from BKK but rather than support the casue of their repression, I want them to get them emancipation and have a working brain to think for themselves. That's so bad....?

My wife is Thai and I love here dearly as she knows her strengths and weaknesses. She is not the smartest tool in the box and she does not try to be but she has other very admirable and worthy traits and is a wonderful mother.

My son is already showing signs of being very bright even at 7 months so I am glad he has a good brain and good looks. A banana as the HK say - yellow on the outside but white on the inside. Yes, shock, horror, that's what they say in HK as they are plainly far more liberated and tolerant and not to be so PC to be stuck up their arse as in going-noand I will ensure he understands morals.

I love many aspects of Thailand but certainly not the inane stupidity of the farang who think they are soooo Thai but are just really unabel to think for themselves.

Grow up some of you and stop getting personal and if you have the guts explain your own beliefs to this level of detail, please do! Otherwise, stop being cynical and petty. We are all here to debate and we all have different views but there is no point being here if you cannot respect others and be honest to your own beliefs.

If you spend your time picking through others' posts looking for weakness, that makes you very, very weak indeed...

Sincerely pleased to hear your child is developing well. Not wishing to get personal but, as a trained psychologist you apparently support a man whom displays many of the traits of a narcissistic sociopath megalomaniac.

One leading indicator (of many) may hit close to your Thai family home and true heart when Mr Thaksin (aka the victim) pleaded for red protesters to "Bring your children" whilst he was jetting his own safely out in first class comfort ahead of the utter chaos he knowingly was and still is concocting... Not for democracy, rather for demonstrably self-serving purposes, as always.

Really, what more can one say. Sincerely wish you and your family a better future, as well as Thailand, regardless if yet another narcissistic sociopath in a PM Chalerm is your logical bleak 'hope' or all out civil war as your next best (?) alternative. Chok dee.

I am and have never been specifically pro Thaksin as I have said in many posts... I am pro democracy but he is the only person strong enough right now to be the catalyst for change...

Change? For democracy?? For goodness sakes Edward, this is a man who's TOP priority is to exonerate himself from charges of corruption, change the constitution to null 'pesky' vote-fraud rules, free up his TRT banned brethren from banishment for continual vote-fraud, regain his frozen approx 2 Billion USD of mostly ill gotten gains and regain his seat as PM at any costs in order to double up on his diminishing fortune (all via ripping a nation apart, to self-serve and to feed a narcissistic sociopath megalomaniac insatiable ego).

One can understand a Koo or two and appreciate her/his/their myopic albeit sincere/misguided motivation but you (to appeal on 'your' terms, not mine) a highly educated westerner??

One sincerely appreciates your love and care of family but your sense of democracy and change (?) seems a tad misplaced. However, as stated before, sincerely wish you and your family (and all Thailand) a better future.

Edit PS: One fears what you and many like-minded Expats fear most is fear of actual change. 'If only Thailand could remain as we found her' etc. This is understandable as this is the very nature of what many came to Thailand to escape, change, progression. However, inescapably, change is already upon us in Thailand and despite even I have issues with some of it, many won't go into the tar-pit without an impossible fight.

Thank you. Well reasoned and well argued. You make good points which I will think over and I think you have some areas of insight I lack on earlier years of Thaksin though I have always said I am NOT pro Thaksin, just pro democracy... PM me.


We all make typos, don't we and since when did correct spelling all the time be a pre-requisite for being on here....?

You are obviously pretty anal so watch your spelling s it does not keep you awake -

He says he's educated to Masters level - etc - that's why it's relevant


He says he's educated to Master's level - etc - that's why it's relevant

Bothered.... Not me...

Spoken like a true Thai. You get honorary MTTT status... We should all just stop caring, taking any interest at all and become brainless retards like most Thais....

The former is a foreign educated Thai and the latter a local ie. uneducated Thai as sadly the education system here ranks as amongst the worst in the world because of.... yes, years of lack of interest because the ruling families send their kids abroad anyway to be educated so who cares about the local poor!

Please let's be clear here... I use my words carefully... brainless = brains have been lost because of no use, retard = on the international IQ scale, most Thais are classified as that by their average IQ of 88.

Not my fault, I am the one campaigning here for change to get an education for them as I think carefully where my 6 months old son is going to go to school...

If you are going to refer to national groups as "brainless retards", at least be able to spell "miriad" properly. PS. it's "myriad"

This is the news forum, specifically regarding the Emergency Laws in Pattaya. If you wish to give spelling lessons feel free to start a thread on English Grammar

I see Abhisit was the first to run off from Pattaya according to the news very unlike a captain and leaving all his invited guests

to comment why they ever accepted an invitation to Thailand under his stewardship.

What a supreme coward and failure... Maybe skipping that military service left him with no backbone...

Abhisit the clown (called so quite often nowadays, like on Thai crisi blog)

also known as Abhisit the Spinner (in best traditions of his mentor Chuan "The Painter" :o )

on Thai Forum Pantip today someone has posted this photo:


caption says : "I lost face so much"

BTW there are also some photos of "Blue shirts"

(see: http://www.pantip.com/cafe/rajdumnern/topi...2/P7732052.html )

and Nevin on motosai

well, what "Blue" ! they are certainly the PADshist guards disguised as "blue".

same thugs, same militant faschist style.

Suthep "Thug" Thaugsuban has to take the full responsibility for employing Blue/Yellow thugs and be sacked !

which I doubt, since one Thug very unlikely to punish other thugs.

(few times even Nation has spelled his last name so: Thugsuban instead of Thaugsuban, like here yesterday:


also here:

http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2008/07/15...cs_30078137.php )

no wonder he was yesterday seen with another well know thug Nevin :


Abhisit/ Suthep were installed by thugs ( aka PADshists) with backing of military and judiciary, and help of Nevin-thug, despite the HUGE "face loss" for Thailand and economic damage.

and now have suffered such a blunder with ASEAN+3 - once again due to their addiction to using thugs.

personally I think Suthep is plainly stupid. Reds' leader Arisman has handled a letter to ASEAN organisers and was leading his crowd outside when they were ambushed by "Blue/ Yellow".

Reds already said that they'll let ASEAN proceed - why then Suthep / Nevin spoiled it all by using thugs to incite typical for Panthaman (as PAD now well known in Thai) violence?


even the Nation, pro-establishment propaganda machine, mentions this :

"The Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD) protesters began their rally in Pattaya on Friday when the Asean leaders and their partners from Asia and the Pacific gathered for the summit.

They retreated on Friday evening but vowed to resume the protest when they were attacked by blue-shirts while leaving the venue.

The presence of the blue-shirts and the brief clash on Friday evening proved a turning point, as the DAAD in Bangkok then mobilised a mass rally in the beach city with the intention of disrupting the summit.

Government supporter Newin Chidchob, a former red-shirt, was accused of setting up the blue-shirts to counter the protesters.

Newin denied the allegation, saying he was in Pattaya to observe the situation and had done nothing.

However, Arisman said that he knew Suthep and Newin had met on Friday night at a Jomtian restaurant to plot the move against the red-shirts.

Reporters saw Suthep and Newin walking together to inspect areas near the meeting venue around 9pm on Friday night. "


by the same reporter yesterday:

Anti-government protesters retreat

By Supalak Ganjanakhundee


The anti-government protesters agreed to retreat from conventional hall of a hotel which is hosting Asean Summit after handing a letter to Asean leaders.

Their leader, Arisman Phongruangrong, handed over "the letter of demand" to Bara Kuma Palaniappan, a senior official from Asean Secretariat.

The protesters said they had no intention to disrupt the meeting but to show thier democratic rights.

Protester leaders later told reporters that they would pave the way for foreign leaders to get in and out of the hotel.


now of course Nation hastily spins a different scenario, laying blame entirely on Reds:

A nation betrayed by its own people again


AMAZING! in this so called "Editorial" there is no ANY mention of "Blue", not even one word "Blue" ! :D

although here it is clearly said, the same Nation, another article:

"The noisy protest by 2,000 people from the Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship (DAAD) ended yesterday evening after their leader, Arisman Phongruangrong, handed a letter of demands to Bara Kuma Palaniappan, a senior official with the Asean Secretariat.

Local residents and men in black shirts were seen throwing sticks and water bottles at them as they were leaving the venue.

The protesters said they had no intention of disrupting the meeting, but rather wanted to exercise their democratic rights in front of foreign leaders."


so, if Suthep & Nevin, both thugs, would have held their "Blue" (= "Yellow") thugs on the tight leash and forbid them to AMBUSH Reds when Arisman was already leading them out of hotel AFTER promising NOT to disrupt the ASEAN - then ASEAN would have proceeded as normal !

PM lifts state of emergency

"On Friday, the red-shirted leaders in Bangkok recruited the protesters to be deployed to Pattaya to fight against the blue-shirted ones.

as the red-shirt supporters were leaving the compound of the Royal Cliff Beach Pataya hotel, where they submitted a letter appealing to the guest countries for boycott, they were "viciously ambushed by people hiding on the sides. At least 10 people were injured when large pieces of stone hit them in the heads and bodies. These ambushers were not a natural but a well-arranged setup."

The statement claimed Suthep Tueksuban, Deputy Prime Minister, and Newin Chidchob, a Thai Rak Thai defect and a major influence of the current coalition, were responsible for organising the blue-shirted activities."


also read from this blog :

Flashpoint Pattaya

"... enraged by attacks by blue-shirted pro-government thugs the previous day,

in which some red shirts were hit by stones, the red shirts had called up greater numbers and scores of taxis from Bangkok overnight.

The blue shirted men – clearly a militia – essentially took shelter behind the army, whose officers made no attempt to disarm them. Three of them displayed superficial wounds they said had come from the bomb which they claimed had been thrown by the red shirts. The wounds were about the diameter of a dollar coin, and some were bleeding.

A senior police officer, asked who they were, told The Straits Times 'They are here to keep the peace.'

The red shirts were further enraged by the clear alignment of the pro-government militia with the army. A woman screaming through a loudhailer in English from on top of a truck, addressing herself to the few foreign journalists at the scene, said 'We love peace and democracy, we came to ask for democracy and justice but we have a group of military behind the government. We did not expect the military to be behind the blue shirts.'

'The blue shirted people are the military under the control of the dictatorial government. We do not accept this government.'

According to two sources, the blue shirts had been organized by the mayor of Pattaya, who is the son of 'Kamnan Poh' – a controversial strongman of the province...

More details are emerging of the events this morning. The blue shirts were apparently provoking the reds by throwing rocks at them ...

One of the organisers says a red shirt was killed by gunfire from the blue shirts at 9am. And two taxi drivers who tried to pick up his body were also shot at.

Bloomberg has a picture of a blue shirt holding a gun.


see photo #3 here:


(or here: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/data?pid=avi...id=iW7ZpaoIgets )

A handgun is held above pro-government blue-shirted protesters armed with sticks

near the venue of the ASEAN +6 summit in Pattaya, Thailand, on April 11, 2009.

Photographer: Udo Weitz/Bloomberg News


so, yes - Abhisit is a joke. always been ! for many Thais it is not a big secret:


(again taken from Pantip here :

http://www.pantip.com/cafe/rajdumnern/topi...2/P7685602.html )


While not following Thai politics as close as many living in Thailand, I do find that many posters seem to constantly paint the Yellow Shirts as the people looking for justice and the Red Shirts only foolish supporter of Taksin. I am going to simplifiy things here by just using the terms Yellow Shirts and Red Shirts and leave the political parties out of it. It seems to me the basic flaw in the Thai government is the Constitution. It appears from what I have read that every time there has been a coup by the military the constitution has been rewritten. Each time this has been done it has been to insure that the new government in power has an advantage. During the recent problems since the coup overthrowing Taksin (and that is what I call it), the military took over the government and then once again played with the constitution so as to suit their needs and put things on track to go a certain way. Then a vote takes place in which the Red Shirts again win a majority. Of course the other side claims vote buying and we have all heard the claims back and forth by the various sides. The Yellow shirts start demonstrations which ultimately lead to the closing of the airport. The members of parliment reach a deal after the court declares some of the elections results void because of "vote buying", etc. A new government forms and this leaves the Red Shirts out in the cold so having learned from the Yellow Shirts they use the same tactics and have brought Thailand to the brink of yet another government failing.

I have oversimplified this greatly but where do we go from here. A logical choice would be to have new elections. The problem with this is that I don't believe that either side wants this, both being afraid of the results. IF the Thai Constitution was a document that guaranteed a sharing of government by the parties concerned then there might be a chance for some kind of reconciliation but it does not seem to do that with the odd way of appointing upper house members. Neither side wants to potentially give up anything by having an election. Obviously this is way oversimplified but hits the basics.

Let me add one other aspect of human nature that seems to go overlooked regarding Thai elections. IF there was no vote buying by either side, the people would still vote for the members of the party that they perceive would give them the most. The rural poor would still vote for the Red Shirts because the perceive they will give them the most. That is not unlike elections anywhere else. People do NOT vote for a person or party based on altruistic reasons. They vote based on their perceptions of what it brings to them and their pocketbook. That maybe health care, education for their kids, loan subsidies and the like but in the end it is what the party and/or candidate can do for ME that counts. That's the way it is. Certainly the Yellow Shirts have to fear an election because they might just see the people vote in the Red Shirts again. Yellow Shirts seem to think that the rural poor are to stupid to vote and thus want something other than a one man/one vote senario.

Both sides simply want power because both sides have vested interests which are not altruistic. It simply amazes me that posters here on Thai Visa can take sides knowing that both the Red Shirts and the Yellow Shirts really do not have the best interests of Thailand at heart. It is simply dirty politics for power and self interest.

Was Taksin a bad guy? Probably! Do the guys in the opposition come with their hands clean and without corruption in their past? Probably NOT!

The Thai Constitution must be a document which makes very clear demands on those entering politics. Full disclosure of financial assets, and well paid independent Judiciary,guaranteed freedom of the press, etc.is a start. Why is it so difficult to write a consititution which works. God knows there are more parlimentary democracies around the world from which to get the best of ideas. There is nothing magic about writing a constitution. First you need people of integrity putting it together and to bring a consensus among political rivals. It can work if you can keep the self interests of the political rivals out of the equation. It seems to me that only after there is a constitution that does not favor the party in power can real change take place and the election process work properly. Their must be a way to guarantee the sharing of power so that one party does not unduly influence the workings of the government in general. Have I oversimplified things, surely. But I do think the Constitution must not work to favor the party in power. This is where I think things need to start.

One should be greatful in this process which has occured since Taksin's ouster that there has not been more violence because surely the potential has been there. Something has to be said for the tolerance of all sides and for that the Thai people should be proud.


Its Bangkok vs the countryside. 2 different countries in one perhaps ?. Why did the PM travel up north after being "Elected" (ie without a national vote). He knew he did'nt have their support,thats why.

People talk about another Election.Democrats w'ont win. Both sides w'ont accept the result. Split it up.


Poor Thailand your decline accelerates as this fiasco is broadcast around the world tonight just when memories of the international airport troubles were fading & we were all thinking of warm sunny beaches again and students and others were getting into vacation mode.

Who is manipulating this situation whereby street protestors can have more power than elected governments, police and army?


I know this is off topic, but why do the Thai Media lie to the Thai People for?

The reds went peacefully to meeting in pattaya, and they got ambushed by the blue's who were the only group carrying weapons.

I'm not a supporter, but as the human rights state, everyone has their right to protest peacefully, and the red's are being prevoked into voilence.

I have a feeling, that there may be a civil war going to kick of soon if this not sorted out soon.

They needs to let the people take vote, and the people need a government that will listen to voices of all thais, not just the rich or the poor, but all thais.

I'm glad to see that at least some here point out the real facts !

also Vindie (post #45)

"the blue shirts were big, masked, and ALL armed"

true !

Post #50 by fft100

Ch 9 are reporting that the Blue Shirts were Police from Buriram. Whose powerbase is there ? The plot thickens.....

the most likely explanation: Nevin's boys.

looks like Kenai (post #56) confimrs that ! :o

edwardmaoulton (post #64) supports that too.

They said via DStation that they sent the letter to Asean Summit Representative that they don't accept Abhisit as PM but they don't attack leaders from countries who attend the Summit.

On their way out, they met the dark blues who attacked them first. Some red hard cores fought back. About 11 reds were injured. Blues ran away after all because there were too many reds. They took off their blue T-shirts and threw away. It says "peaceful, be together...". The reds collected a knife, blue shirts and ping pong bombs to show on the stage.

After hearing news that taxi drivers were injured, the red leader announced that they had to go into the resort to look for Abhisit. Army and Police did not stop the reds because they saw what happened when reds did not attack first. Most police and soldiers are with the reds. They are low level people having to obey the boss's order and will never have a chance to be leaders. They said those who can be at top must please the ruling class.

Police still remember that they used tear gas to clear PAD on 7 Oct last year as PAD had weapons, Police now are accused.

60 policemen were injured by PAD on 7 Oct. The reds said hospitals refused to help injured policemen, as they misunderstood that "Police killed people". The reds told hospitals about the facts. Most police are with the reds now.

Koo82 - thanks for pointing this out !

Nation or ASTV would never post photos like these :

PAD thugs attacking police


stabbing unarmed policeman with sharp end of flag pole, practically a spear.

(taken from Pantip)

or this :


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