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X Box Or Ps2


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Haver been having problems with playing games on the Pc recently. I think it comes down to the fact that my Pc needs upgraded. So i'm thinking instead of upgrading the Pc. How much would a Xbox or PS2 cost. I think i'd prefer to buy an Xbox. So how much?

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Xbox around 10,000baht

PS2 around 8,000baht

Personally i'd suggest going PS2 - theres a far wider selection of games, and i've had extreeme difficulty getting working games for my Xbox.

If i bought the Xbox. Can i use my Pc monitor to play on? is this possible?

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Get a PS. As mentioned, there's tons of games for them. Don't see too much for the xbox.

Also, add on 900-1000baht for memory card to save game positions.

If you haven't got a tv then get a cheap new one for around 4,000b or a used one for next to nothing(you would only need to use the video channel).

Personally I don't bother with pc games anymore. They always seem to cause problems with the pc too.

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The PC's main advantage in the field of gaming is in the numer of online games (much more evident in Thailand). If you're not into interactivity and more into single player action, then a console is the way to go. Personally, I hate playing alone, so I prefer the PC.

There are adapters to get the output of the Xbox/ps2 on a VGA monitor, but they're expensive. You could also get a cheap video-in card for your computer, but that's a bit klunky. I say just get a TV... get one with component inputs if you want really nice output for cheap.

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If you go into Panti, go left towards the coffee shop next to the down escalator and keep heading towards the back of the Pantip, down the stairs and keep heading ahead. There's a game shop there hat sells modded boxes - I believe he also has controllers and extension cords. Any X Box Live people on this forum?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was quoted 7k baht at mbk to mod my xbox - BUT i had to bring the thing there and leave it for a few days.

instead i got a solderless x-bit mod for $40 and done it myself.

Recommend an xbox with upgraded hdd (mine is 120GB) and install the games on that...one reason i did this is because 2 of my original disks failed in the xbox (old thompson drive problem) but making an iso and uploading to the xbox solved that.

also got ab out 40gb of movies played with xbmc.


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