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Budget Airline Considers 'fat Tax' For Tubby Travellers


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Budget airline considers 'fat tax' for tubby travellers

Budget European airline Ryanair is considering charging overweight passengers a 'fat tax' after a recent survey revealed that 30,000 of their customers would support such a move.

Over 100,000 Ryanair customers responded to the survey about additional fees the airline could levy, with the results as follows:

30,000 feel that 'fat' passengers should pay an excess weight fee

25,000 are amenable to paying one euro for toilet paper

24,000 passengers want the option of paying three euros to smoke in the lavatory

14,000 travellers feel that Ryanair should come with an annual subscription fee

8,000 passengers would opt to pay a two euro BYO 'corkage fee'

The airline is now left to consider how to levy a 'fat tax'. They are considering the following criteria:

Charge males for every kilo they carry over 130kg, and females for every kilo over 100kg

Charge males for every waist inch over 45", and females for every waist inch over 40"

Charge passengers for every BMI point over 40 (30 is considered technically obese)

Automatically apply a two-seat charge if a passenger's waist touches both armrests in a standard economy seat

The public is invited to vote on which method the airline should use on the Ryanair website.

Company spokesman Stephen McNamara says that the fat tax will only apply to "really large passengers who invade the space of the passengers sitting beside them".

Do you think passengers should be charged for their personal 'excess weight'? Do you reckon this is discriminatory, or in the best interests of everyone on-board?

Related link: United insists fat pax buy two seats

Related link: Who are the worst people to sit next to on a plane?


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Company spokesman Stephen McNamara says that the fat tax will only apply to "really large passengers who invade the space of the passengers sitting beside them".

So Ryanair get a few extra Euro, but what does the poor guy sat beside fat man get?

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I remember flying back from Tokyo one time and we were overweight with luggage. Now I argue that I was probably under the average weight and my Asian wife was probably at least 25kg under the average weight so we should get some allowance. They did not charge us.

I think fat people should pay more. I also think you should perhaps have fee per kg for anything as the plane does not distinguish between cargo or humans. It is just weight.

No male or female crap, that is sexist.

Now if you don't fit a seat, you have to buy two which means there must be a seat charge. Perhaps Ryanair will allow a discount for standing ?

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You certainly have to hand it to Ryanair, they know how to get free publicity.

Flights might be free but you will have to fly the plane yourself..............

Actually, I would be willing to pay a surcharge, for the jump-seat in the cockpit, it's just such an amazing experience ! But sadly security-rules now forbid this sort of thing. :o

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100% gree

I sat next to a fat knacker once and he was stinking for hours

tried to sit in my seat and squash me.

Cherge more or double I say.

I moved myself as the stench of the fat man was really bad!!!!

I mean bad.

Just curious, are there any threads whereby fat people slag off skinny runts?

If not, then why are the mods allowing this thread to continue?, or is Thaivisa a skinny only club??? :o

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100% gree

I sat next to a fat knacker once and he was stinking for hours

tried to sit in my seat and squash me.

Cherge more or double I say.

I moved myself as the stench of the fat man was really bad!!!!

I mean bad.

Just curious, are there any threads whereby fat people slag off skinny runts?

If not, then why are the mods allowing this thread to continue?, or is Thaivisa a skinny only club??? :o

In other countries, it might be considered discrimination (plenty of lawsuits in the US over that). But, after all, TiT..... (which brings the thread back to Thailand, maybe?)

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100% gree

I sat next to a fat knacker once and he was stinking for hours

tried to sit in my seat and squash me.

Cherge more or double I say.

I moved myself as the stench of the fat man was really bad!!!!

I mean bad.

Just curious, are there any threads whereby fat people slag off skinny runts?

If not, then why are the mods allowing this thread to continue?, or is Thaivisa a skinny only club??? :o

so i'm assuming what side you are on, and it isn't in favor of it.

fat people make a choice to eat. That is a choice they make in life, and they should bear the consequences of seriously over eating; just like a smoker - if a person smokes, they make the choice to do that, risk their health, knacker their body and now are confined in many countries to smoking only in private places or limited public places - was also long overdue.

The fact that I had to pay something like 1500 baht for an extra 1kg of weight on my luggage (it was 21kg) when coming back from Thailand was a joke. The fact that I was only 61kg or so, and combined with my luggage 82kg, and I had to pay an extra 1500baht was a joke. The fact that fat people who are 90kg+, and with their luggage 110kg+ can get on without needing to pay any extra when I have to pay 1500baht for 1 measily extra kg, when my combined weight with bag is at least 30kg less is the biggest joke of all. 30KG is also a very conservative estimate.

To say it's discrimination is laughable. Charging someone extra because their colour of skin is discrimination.

It would be fat people getting penalised for their choice. Bear the consequences because it's not fair on the people who would be considered 'normal' weight. If they don't like it, stop eating so much.

and none of this fat gene genetic stuff either.


Edited by Enjibenji
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I sat next to a fat knacker once and he was stinking for hours

tried to sit in my seat and squash me.

Cherge more or double I say.

I moved myself as the stench of the fat man was really bad!!!!

I mean bad.

I've known many thin people, who also have Body Odour, especially after 24-36 hours travelling long-haul. A ground-staff friend at LHR used to say, they would open the door on a long-haul flight, and step back, holding their breath ! And perhaps being fat is not directly connected with this particular person's B.O. ?

Perhaps a surcharge, to not sit next to a smelly person, would help Ryanair make ever more millions ? :o

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To: Enibenji

How dare you say such things?

Are you really that crass?

Maybe some people make choices as you say. Maybe there are a host of other factors that contribute to their weight.

I've seen some outrageous posts in my time, but your's rates right there in the gutter with the worst of them.

But one thing is clear from your post...they may be fat, but you are clearly fat-headed. If you were charged by the weight of your slanderously heavy-weighted opinions, you'd never be able to afford to fly anywhere.

Shame on you.

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To be fair there could be a height/weight range and applied to each pax. Heavier people for their height would  get less baggage allowance, while those at the lower end could have more baggage and not get penalized for having a few extra kilos of baggage. 

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""I sat next to a fat knacker once and he was stinking for hours

tried to sit in my seat and squash me.""

""fat people make a choice to eat. That is a choice they make in life, and they should bear the consequences of seriously over eating; just like a smoker - if a person smokes, they make the choice to do that, risk their health, knacker their body and now are confined in many countries to smoking only in private places or limited public places - was also long overdue.""

according to what has been said here ,smokers should also be charged more! who want's to sit next to a person who's clothes and breath smell like an old ash tray ,and coughs all the time!

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How about a basic rate plus so much per kilo.

"Just put pour luggage on these scales and stand on those scale please sir"

Anyway the new UK Airport taxes make a mockery of any possible additions that Ryan air can come up with

An increase in autumn 2009 and another massive one in 2010. Time to fly long haul via Amsterdam me thinks.

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100% gree

I sat next to a fat knacker once and he was stinking for hours

tried to sit in my seat and squash me.

Cherge more or double I say.

I moved myself as the stench of the fat man was really bad!!!!

I mean bad.

Just curious, are there any threads whereby fat people slag off skinny runts?

If not, then why are the mods allowing this thread to continue?, or is Thaivisa a skinny only club??? :o

so i'm assuming what side you are on, and it isn't in favor of it.

fat people make a choice to eat. That is a choice they make in life, and they should bear the consequences of seriously over eating; just like a smoker - if a person smokes, they make the choice to do that, risk their health, knacker their body and now are confined in many countries to smoking only in private places or limited public places - was also long overdue.

The fact that I had to pay something like 1500 baht for an extra 1kg of weight on my luggage (it was 21kg) when coming back from Thailand was a joke. The fact that I was only 61kg or so, and combined with my luggage 82kg, and I had to pay an extra 1500baht was a joke. The fact that fat people who are 90kg+, and with their luggage 110kg+ can get on without needing to pay any extra when I have to pay 1500baht for 1 measily extra kg, when my combined weight with bag is at least 30kg less is the biggest joke of all. 30KG is also a very conservative estimate.

To say it's discrimination is laughable. Charging someone extra because their colour of skin is discrimination.

It would be fat people getting penalised for their choice. Bear the consequences because it's not fair on the people who would be considered 'normal' weight. If they don't like it, stop eating so much.

and none of this fat gene genetic stuff either.


Perhaps all ticket prices should be partically based on what weight you are planning to move. Then fat travellers would pay slightly more than skinny or regular sized peps. But what is a regular sized pep??? That's why it need to be partically based.

Say a ticket buys you a 120 kgs of space on the plane. If you are 60kgs, then you get 25kg of baggage but no excess charges, but restricting the amount of bags you get too, so peps don't kick the arse out of it.

If you are rotund and you and your luggage go over 120kgs you pay more. As for being so fat that you invade someone seat, that's bang out of order.

Think about it, you pay by weight for UPS/FedEx, and in Hong Kong for luggage in the Taxis.

I am sure there are many other examples where you pay by the weight.

Your size is entered when you buy your ticket. if you lie, then you pay, when they check you in. They weigh you and your bags and charge the extra there. Its not discrimination its economic. It cost more energy (fuel) to move a larger object.

Smelly people should be addressed by the cabin staff or boarding staff. I don't think that it is unreasonable to expect to travel without having to smell someones else sweat/feet etc. passengers should not have to highlight the problem as it is very much under the noses of the cabin staff. They dont have to kick the minger off the flight, just get them to wash or mask the smell. I would pay more if this was guaranteed on all flights.

just my 2 bob

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100% gree

I sat next to a fat knacker once and he was stinking for hours

tried to sit in my seat and squash me.

Cherge more or double I say.

I moved myself as the stench of the fat man was really bad!!!!

I mean bad.

Just curious, are there any threads whereby fat people slag off skinny runts?

If not, then why are the mods allowing this thread to continue?, or is Thaivisa a skinny only club??? :o

so i'm assuming what side you are on, and it isn't in favor of it.

fat people make a choice to eat. That is a choice they make in life, and they should bear the consequences of seriously over eating; just like a smoker - if a person smokes, they make the choice to do that, risk their health, knacker their body and now are confined in many countries to smoking only in private places or limited public places - was also long overdue.

The fact that I had to pay something like 1500 baht for an extra 1kg of weight on my luggage (it was 21kg) when coming back from Thailand was a joke. The fact that I was only 61kg or so, and combined with my luggage 82kg, and I had to pay an extra 1500baht was a joke. The fact that fat people who are 90kg+, and with their luggage 110kg+ can get on without needing to pay any extra when I have to pay 1500baht for 1 measily extra kg, when my combined weight with bag is at least 30kg less is the biggest joke of all. 30KG is also a very conservative estimate.

To say it's discrimination is laughable. Charging someone extra because their colour of skin is discrimination.

It would be fat people getting penalised for their choice. Bear the consequences because it's not fair on the people who would be considered 'normal' weight. If they don't like it, stop eating so much.

and none of this fat gene genetic stuff either.


Well, yep you could say I definitely am on the fat side, no fence sitting for me!! (obviously the fence would be lost up the crack of my ar**!)

As to whether it was "my choice", not too sure!

When i was 19, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, inactive thyroid gland. Being a very lucky chap, the wonder drug, thyroxine, caused me to have an alergic reaction.

The only other option is T4 replacement tablets and they just help it to tick over!

So please do not judge all fatties by same donut! (or a dozen for that matter).

Back to the topic, why the heck should I have to pay extra for being fat under these circumstances?

What about the skinny runts who have colon cancer, brought on by lifestyle as one of the causes, plenty of room sitting next to one, but

get your gas mask out!!!! Especially if the bag overflows, or expands in-flight!

No apology required, as you were not to know! But there's the crux of the matter, no-one knows what the other persons circumstances are!

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Tax the stupid ones. Bringing large bags into the cabin that are not required inflight, talking too loud or worst uncontrolled children.

Some children really should be transported in stasis pods.

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Hmm they explored a lot with that poll, I wonder how many people would pay for the privilege of using the lavatory to join the mile high club. Maybe they could provide lubricant and condoms at an additional fee as well.

Bring your own wine (corkage fee) have a nice dinner (if in Business class or first class), trip to the lavatory for the mile high experience and a cigarette to relax after the experience.

Edited by swain
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100% gree

I sat next to a fat knacker once and he was stinking for hours

tried to sit in my seat and squash me.

Cherge more or double I say.

I moved myself as the stench of the fat man was really bad!!!!

I mean bad.

Just curious, are there any threads whereby fat people slag off skinny runts?

If not, then why are the mods allowing this thread to continue?, or is Thaivisa a skinny only club??? :o

so i'm assuming what side you are on, and it isn't in favor of it.

fat people make a choice to eat. That is a choice they make in life, and they should bear the consequences of seriously over eating; just like a smoker - if a person smokes, they make the choice to do that, risk their health, knacker their body and now are confined in many countries to smoking only in private places or limited public places - was also long overdue.

The fact that I had to pay something like 1500 baht for an extra 1kg of weight on my luggage (it was 21kg) when coming back from Thailand was a joke. The fact that I was only 61kg or so, and combined with my luggage 82kg, and I had to pay an extra 1500baht was a joke. The fact that fat people who are 90kg+, and with their luggage 110kg+ can get on without needing to pay any extra when I have to pay 1500baht for 1 measily extra kg, when my combined weight with bag is at least 30kg less is the biggest joke of all. 30KG is also a very conservative estimate.

To say it's discrimination is laughable. Charging someone extra because their colour of skin is discrimination.

It would be fat people getting penalised for their choice. Bear the consequences because it's not fair on the people who would be considered 'normal' weight. If they don't like it, stop eating so much.

and none of this fat gene genetic stuff either.


Well, yep you could say I definitely am on the fat side, no fence sitting for me!! (obviously the fence would be lost up the crack of my ar**!)

As to whether it was "my choice", not too sure!

When i was 19, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, inactive thyroid gland. Being a very lucky chap, the wonder drug, thyroxine, caused me to have an alergic reaction.

The only other option is T4 replacement tablets and they just help it to tick over!

So please do not judge all fatties by same donut! (or a dozen for that matter).

Back to the topic, why the heck should I have to pay extra for being fat under these circumstances?

What about the skinny runts who have colon cancer, brought on by lifestyle as one of the causes, plenty of room sitting next to one, but

get your gas mask out!!!! Especially if the bag overflows, or expands in-flight!

No apology required, as you were not to know! But there's the crux of the matter, no-one knows what the other persons circumstances are!

If it was down to medical reasons, a letter from the doctor or something when checking in would be a good idea I think.

To the person who said about smoking - you'll find from my post that I responded the same way to that as well. I also hate smoking and was glad/happy when the bans got put in place in UK so they could not smoke in public places.

I would like to see at least a tier system. Buy a ticket with a maximum weight allowance, with the more expensive tickets for the bigger weight allowances. Even something like 100kg, 120kg, 150kg+. Obviously, the less weight - the less you pay.

It's not fair that the skinnier people get penalised even for 1 extra KG in their checked baggage when there are guys and girls 3x heavier walking on the plane without paying a penny. Like I said before, if it was for medical reasons - fine, get a doctor's letter or something - but for the people who just can't stop eating, they should be charged for excess weight.

edit: By the way, the same rule should be applied for everyone. That means even those who are big bodybuilders. If they are over weight - pay more. My opinion is not an agenda against fat people - it's something I want to be done because it is FAIR, and at the moment, the system is definately not.

Edited by Enjibenji
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