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Tookay - The Rudest Creature Alive!


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Since we are in the middle of the mating season it's quite a common thing in Chiang Mai, right now, to hear the plaintive cry of the Tookays ..... '<deleted> you - <deleted> you!!'. 


I don't know about you, but I think it is quite rude and unnecessary for any creature to be so vulgar. I often hear them late at night and find myself getting quite upset .... 'And you!' I find myself replying!!

My question is this .. why would a creature have such an offensive call?

If you are a Creationist then you would have to question the motives of a Superior Being creating such a hideous foul-mouthed beast and if you believe in Evolution you would still have difficulty in explaining how such rudeness could increase your odds of survival - quite the opposite, I'd have thought?

Any ideas or theories?

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I always listen to them, especially if in my house...5, 7, 9, 11 calls mean some luck for me, 6, 8, 10, 12 calls means I need to watch my ass! :o

Only if they are strong calls, too. The last one, if weaker at all, means it doesn't count...

A few years ago, I caught a big one in an upstairs bedroom. It's tail came off in my hand, and the dam_n thing shit on my wall- I never was able to get rid of that shit mark. It ended up in some newspaper, being thrown off my balcony into the neighbors yard.

Edited by Ajarn
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I ADORE Tookays, especiaIIy their sound. I Iove they way they sound strong and Ioud and the start then sort of wind down Iike the batteries are running out. :o

They gobble up a lot of insect pests too, biological control. You'll be glad to have a couple aroung when the rains start and the hordes of flying termites invade.

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A few years ago, I caught a big one in an upstairs bedroom

Lucky it didn't bite you, they pack a mean punch.

Personally, I like the creatures; it is a shame that they are caught like crazy here in Vietnam to end up in a jar of rice wine. Incidentally, I have never managed to string their call into a "<deleted> you", their call sounds exactly like their name to me.

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Since we are in the middle of the mating season it's quite a common thing in Chiang Mai, right now, to hear the plaintive cry of the Tookays ..... '<deleted> you - <deleted> you!!'. 


I don't know about you, but I think it is quite rude and unnecessary for any creature to be so vulgar. I often hear them late at night and find myself getting quite upset .... 'And you!' I find myself replying!!

My question is this .. why would a creature have such an offensive call?

If you are a Creationist then you would have to question the motives of a Superior Being creating such a hideous foul-mouthed beast and if you believe in Evolution you would still have difficulty in explaining how such rudeness could increase your odds of survival - quite the opposite, I'd have thought?

Any ideas or theories?

well it has to have something to do with farangs then, not many thais using the phrase f&cuk you so its not going to be terribly offensive to thais, maybe they have evolved to dislike farang....they are trying to tell you something, especialy you ajarn

Edited by tb86
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Evil horrid creatures. When I was younger we had a maid who took great pleasure in catching a tookae by its neck and chasing me as I screamed hysterically around my garden (while my parents - sipping his Singha, and her tea - smiled fondly on). Utterly traumatised for life. Get rid of the lot of them I say.

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At night in the village, a couple of kids riding bicycles and pointing flashlights at the houses, looking for tokays. They usually have a pole, though how they catch the tokays, I don't know. Apparently, someone comes by regularly to buy the tokays to make them into Chinese medicine (or so I'm told).

Can't stand them waking me up in the middle of the night. Can't stand the roosters rousing me at around 3-4am either. At least, I can eat the rooster.

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Since we are in the middle of the mating season it's quite a common thing in Chiang Mai, right now, to hear the plaintive cry of the Tookays ..... '<deleted> you - <deleted> you!!'. 


I don't know about you, but I think it is quite rude and unnecessary for any creature to be so vulgar. I often hear them late at night and find myself getting quite upset .... 'And you!' I find myself replying!!

My question is this .. why would a creature have such an offensive call?

If you are a Creationist then you would have to question the motives of a Superior Being creating such a hideous foul-mouthed beast and if you believe in Evolution you would still have difficulty in explaining how such rudeness could increase your odds of survival - quite the opposite, I'd have thought?

Any ideas or theories?

U obviously havent been to Australia

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I always listen to them, especially if in my house...5, 7, 9, 11 calls mean some luck for me, 6, 8, 10, 12 calls means I need to watch my ass! :o

1 for sorrow

2 for joy

3 for a girl and

4 for a boy

5 for silver

6 for gold

7's a secret never to be told

8's a wish and

9's a kiss

10's a call you must not miss

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We love our Tokays. Last year we had 7 living in the rafters but now it seems the little ones are gone and we only have 3. One is an albino close to 18 inches long and he has a very weak call.... we think his days are numbered. He was named Iggy by the previous tenants, and he will come down to the terrace and show us a scorpian when he catches one, much like a cat. Our property has no rats, no spiders, and a small jinjok population. Last month, one of them finished off a squirrel that had gotten into our house. All in all, they do a lot of good of policing the property, and we seem to have an arrangement where they live up in the attic, and we live down below, and we only pass out on the terrace. When they call at night, sometimes above our heads, we try to determine which one it is, and how many barks there will be. Last year there were always 6 or 7. This year they are down to 5, and always 5. They are part of life in Thailand; A part of the good simple life with no yellows, reds, or blues.

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Since we are in the middle of the mating season it's quite a common thing in Chiang Mai, right now, to hear the plaintive cry of the Tookays ..... '<deleted> you - <deleted> you!!'. 


I don't know about you, but I think it is quite rude and unnecessary for any creature to be so vulgar. I often hear them late at night and find myself getting quite upset .... 'And you!' I find myself replying!!

My question is this .. why would a creature have such an offensive call?

If you are a Creationist then you would have to question the motives of a Superior Being creating such a hideous foul-mouthed beast and if you believe in Evolution you would still have difficulty in explaining how such rudeness could increase your odds of survival - quite the opposite, I'd have thought?

Any ideas or theories?

U obviously havent been to Australia

I have been to Australia - but I only went to Perth, which doesn't really count.

I see your point though - Tookays are rude but at least they have some usefulness, in that they consume a fair few mosquitoes on a daily basis. Whereas Australians can be equally rude and vulgar but don't appear to have any use whatsoever!?

So, let's re-phrase the original question and replace the word 'Tookay' with 'Australians' .

Why would a Superior Being  or Nature create a creature (Australian)  that spends most of it's life saying '<deleted> you' and that's  not of any use to anyone?

Any ideas or theories?

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At night in the village, a couple of kids riding bicycles and pointing flashlights at the houses, looking for tokays. They usually have a pole, though how they catch the tokays, I don't know. Apparently, someone comes by regularly to buy the tokays to make them into Chinese medicine (or so I'm told).

Can't stand them waking me up in the middle of the night. Can't stand the roosters rousing me at around 3-4am either. At least, I can eat the rooster.

I had one in the upstairs bath a couple days ago. I keep a pole that I made from a length of PVC and has a cord running through the center that loops out the other end. I made it for catching snakes, just in case. Anyway, this was the first I tried it and was quite surprised at how the Tokay seemed to just watch curiously as I slipped the loop over it's neck and pulled it tight.

No, it wasn't happy and let out a somewhat strangled sounding f%$you as it dangled from the pole. I took it outside and walked it down to a field away from the house, released the loop and it scampered away. No harm done :o

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I beat one to a leathery pulp late last year. If I can catch the one currently setting up residence, I'll happily do the same to him.

Ummm anger issues or long term constipation?

When your home is over run with insects nibbling on your flesh as you sleep and you then seek relief from pesticides causing your liver to bleed out and and an extra lump to grow in your scrotum, you may find the time to reflect on your hostility to our little friend of the ecosystem.

Well jeez, what else can one say to such a nasty comment intended to provoke a reaction?

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Com'on guys this s the CM Forum

Almost 25 posts and no one has said ......

" Where in Chiang Mai do they serve the best Tookay? ..... and do you get free water with it ?????

Any truth to the rumor that someone is starting a new "Tookay Used Books" store ????

Thank ?evin for little girl tookay stories..... for without them what would little boy tookays doooo....... Croak

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^ His batteries were running Iow, but then he got a second wind. :o

If you pIayed that on a Ioop with speakers up, I wonder if it wouId attract a Iot of mates (of the Tookay variety of course. I know what you guys can be Iike sometimes, so I think best to cIarify!).

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I've already posted this on a previous thread so my apologies but............

Here it is again.............

Thanks for that, Blinky Bill. I have to save it.

I love those little guys, and their cousin ...


I'm not so sure about their distant relatives though..



And even when you get them as pets when they are little they tend to grow up...


Have you ever tried to FEED on of these guys? I've iust about cleaned the neighbourhood out of stray cats and dogs.

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How to get rid of them? I have them living under the stairs (wooden) of an old building we own. A way to catch and release would be preferred, not terminate.


In confined spaces it is hard. Pin them against a wall with a piece of bamboo, grab them behind the head so they can not bite you, bag them and release far far from your place or they will return. If they are in a confined space, try to draw them out at night with a light on a wall. They often come out to feed on bugs attracted to lights.

You can also get them to move around by prodding with a piece of bamboo to get them to where you can pin them down or try the noose on a pole previously mentioned on this thread. Sometimes folks just grab them.

Some Thai villagers will catch them for you but usually eat rather than release.

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