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Uk Pension In Thailand

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when you come to live in Thailand ,and you achieve the grand old age of 65 does your pension entitelment start at 65 or when you came to live here?ie is the starting rate that at what you were entitled to when you left Britain? or that at 65

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when you come to live in Thailand ,and you achieve the grand old age of 65 does your pension entitelment start at 65 or when you came to live here?ie is the starting rate that at what you were entitled to when you left Britain? or that at 65

I'm just going through the pension thing at the moment, although not the state pension yet, thank God. However, I do believe that wherever you are when you reach 65, that is when the UK state pension starts. The value of that pension is determined by your contributions that you paid before the age of 65 and, if you live in the UK the value is index-linked (however, I don't know if it goes down with deflation!).

I think I know what you are getting at. I think you are asking if the value of your pension 'pot' increases with inflation between when you left the UK and when you reach 65. I think it does - but the starting value at 65 is not index linked, so will not increase after 65 until you return to the UK to live.

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Tyke is right. Under current rules, your state pension starts at age 65 at whatever rate is applicable at that date - subject to your contributions record up to that point (nothing to do with when you left the UK). There being no reciprocal UK/Thailand agreement (unlike UK/Philippines, for example :) ) - the pension remains frozen at that starting rate.

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