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Handy Thai Repartee For Odd Moments ?


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You are walking alone down a street in Vientiane, Laos (or it could be Bangkok or Chaing Mai) : it's late at night, you're tired; your mind is pre-occupied with returning to your house, or hotel, with your fresh whatever (food or drink, I mean). In the case of the farang body of orang37 (American made, male, white-skinnned variety, way past its prime), he just wants to drink his soy milk night cap he's walked too far to find, then get in bed to read himself to sleep.

Suddenly, from a dark corner comes a He-She in all His-Her night-finery, asking in a lilting voice : "Where you go ?" Not exactly blocking your way, but coming "into your space" : but you don't want to give offense; on the other hand, you don't want to engage socially.

Since situations like this never arise for wild Orangs in Kalimantan, and other paradises we inhabit, I have to leave my Farang to handle this : here's what the old bag-o-bones recently said in one such recent encounter in Vientiane : (yes, He-She was speaking in broken English) :

He-She : "Where you go ?"

orang37 : "bai suwan, khrup" [i'm going to heaven] ... said while pointing up with right hand index finger to the sky and raising of eyebrows accompanying ...

He-She : "Okay, I go with you."

orang37 : "kortot, Khrup, bai suwan duay mai dai, pom ao bai deo sod" [sorry, I can't go to Heaven with you; I only want to go alone]

He-She : "Okay, I wait you come back."

orang37 : "norn dee, fun dee, Khrup" [good sleep, good dreams]

Please now to share of goodies of your dialogue favorite. And, sure, feel free to correct the Farang's poor Thai :)

regards, ~o:37;

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The last conversation I had with a more recent convert to the female persuasion was about raising kids, schools, etc. (She's a new step-mum; the kid's a similar age as mine)

No broken English, or broken Thai for that matter.


Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Please now to share of goodies of your dialogue favorite. And, sure, feel free to correct the Farang's poor

When I first came to Chiang Mai, and would go out a lot at night, a fellow named Galen insisted on telling groups of ladyboys (in fluent Thai) that he, "likes real girls, not boys." They would chase us for blocks brandishing razors, but it was sort of funny. :)

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When my secretary comes in my office I just give her a big loud American "WHAT" with a smile on my face and after 4 years she still laughs hysterically. My secretary needed to speak with my wife the other day and asked my wife's phone number so I just punched up the memory on my mobile and handed it to her, she proceeded to send the call and when my wife saw it was my mobile calling her she answered "WHAT" and my secretary all most peed herself laughing.

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